From Robert A. Russell, Oct 09 2020: (Start)
a(n-1) is the number of achiral colorings of the 5 tetrahedral facets (or vertices) of a regular 4-dimensional simplex using n or fewer colors. An achiral arrangement is identical to its reflection. The 4-dimensional simplex is also called a 5-cell or pentachoron. Its Schläfli symbol is {3,3,3}.
There are 60 elements in the automorphism group of the 4-dimensional simplex that are not in its rotation group. Each is an odd permutation of the vertices and can be associated with a partition of 5 based on the conjugacy class of the permutation. The first formula for a(n-1) is obtained by averaging their cycle indices after replacing x_i^j with n^j according to the Pólya enumeration theorem.
Partition Count Odd Cycle Indices
41 30 x_1x_4^1
32 20 x_2^1x_3^1
2111 10 x_1^3x_2^1 (End)
Nathaniel Johnston, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..5000
Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients, signature (5,-10,10,-5,1).
a(n) = (n^4 + 4*n^3 + 11*n^2 + 14*n + 6)/6.
G.f.: -(x+1)*(x^2+1) / (x-1)^5. - Colin Barker, May 04 2013
From Robert A. Russell, Oct 09 2020: (Start)
a(n-1) = n^2 * (5 + n^2) / 6.
a(n-1) = binomial(n+4,5) - binomial(n,5).
a(n-1) = 1*C(n,1) + 4*C(n,2) + 6*C(n,3) + 4*C(n,4), where the coefficient of C(n,k) is the number of achiral colorings using exactly k colors.
G.f. for a(n-1): x * (x+1) * (x^2+1) / (1-x)^5. (End)
From Amiram Eldar, Feb 14 2023: (Start)
Sum_{n>=0} 1/a(n) = Pi^2/5 + 3/25 - 3*Pi*coth(sqrt(5)*Pi)/(5*sqrt(5)).
Sum_{n>=0} (-1)^n/a(n) = Pi^2/10 - 3/25 + 3*Pi*cosech(sqrt(5)*Pi)/(5*sqrt(5)). (End)
Do[Print[n, " ", (n^4 + 4 n^3 + 11 n^2 + 14 n + 6)/6 ], {n, 0, 10000}]
Accumulate[Table[(2n+1)(n^2+n+3)/3, {n, 0, 40}]] (* or *) LinearRecurrence[ {5, -10, 10, -5, 1}, {1, 6, 21, 56, 125}, 40] (* Harvey P. Dale, Feb 26 2020 *)
Cf. A000292, A005894, A063488, A001845, A063489, A005898, A063490, A057813, A063491, A005902, A063492, A005917, A063493, A063494, A063495, A063496.
Cf. A337895 (oriented), A000389(n+4) (unoriented), A000389 (chiral), A331353 (5-cell edges, faces), A337955 (8-cell vertices, 16-cell facets), A337958 (16-cell vertices, 8-cell facets), A338951 (24-cell), A338967 (120-cell, 600-cell).
a(n-1) = A325001(4,n).
Jonathan Vos Post, Nov 09 2007
Corrected offset, Mathematica program by Tomas J. Bulka (tbulka(AT), Sep 02 2009