Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Ulam Sequence.
Wikipedia, Ulam number.
From Petros Hadjicostas, Nov 20 2019: (Start)
# First we modify Peter Luschny's program from A002858 (with len >= 3):
UlamList := proc(len) local isUlam, nextUlam, behead; behead := u -> u[2 .. numelems(u)]; isUlam := proc(n, h, u, r) local hu, tu, hr, tr; hu := u[1]; hr := r[1]; if h = 2 then return false; end if; if hr <= hu then return evalb(h = 1); end if; if hr + hu = n then tu := behead(u); tr := behead(r); return isUlam(n, h + 1, tu, tr); end if; if hr + hu < n then tu := behead(u); return isUlam(n, h, tu, r); end if; tr := behead(r); isUlam(n, h, u, tr); end proc; nextUlam := proc(n, u, r) if isUlam(n, 0, u, r) then if nops(u) = len - 1 then return [op(u), n]; end if; nextUlam(n + 1, [op(u), n], [n, op(r)]); else nextUlam(n + 1, u, r); end if; end proc; nextUlam(3, [1, 3], [3, 1]); end proc:
# Next we create a function to calculate a(n) for given n >= 3:
a := proc(n) local u, a, i, j: u := 0: if 3 <= n then a := UlamList(n): for i to n - 2 do for j from i + 1 to n - 1 do if a[n] = a[i] + a[j] then u := i+j: end if: end do: end do: end if: u: end proc:
# Finally, we create a list of values for a(n):
seq(a(n), n=3..100); # Petros Hadjicostas, Nov 20 2019
Name edited by and typo in the data corrected by Petros Hadjicostas, Nov 20 2019
More terms from Petros Hadjicostas, Nov 20 2019