--------------------------------------------------------------------- Four Haskell Programs for Binary Digitally Balanced Numbers with Run-Time Comparison --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Paraphrasing the definition ------------------------------ import Data.List (elemIndices) a031443 n = a031443_list !! (n-1) a031443_list = elemIndices True $ zipWith (==) a000120_list a023416_list 2. Applying Reikku Kulon's formula ---------------------------------- Similar to (1), but slightly faster. import Data.List (elemIndices) a031443 n = a031443_list !! (n-1) a031443_list = map (+1) $ elemIndices 0 $ map a145037 [1..] 3. Applying Ulrich Schimke's formula ------------------------------------ The fastest solution! a031443 n = a031443_list !! (n-1) a031443_list = 2 : f 2 2 where f n a = y : f (n+1) y where y = a + bk + bm - 1 + (bk * (2*bm-1) `div` a) * bm * (4*bm+1) where -- a == a031443 (n-1) bk = 2^k bm = 2^(m-1) (m, _) = f (m' + 1) (k, m') = f a f x = f' (0, x) where f' (e, x) | even x = f' (e + 1, x `div` 2) | otherwise = (e, x) -- f n = (A007814(n), A000265(n)) 4. Digitally generated ---------------------- Inserting simultaneously one 0 and one 1 anywhere in the binary representation of a digitally balanced number, gives a new digitally balanced numbers (when the 0 will not be leading). The following program is based on this observation. It is much slower than the others. There might be some tuning potential, but obviously there is too much overhead to administer the containers for new numbers. import Data.List (inits, tails, sort, nub, group) import Data.Set (Set, singleton, deleteFindMin, insert) import Data.Char (digitToInt) newtype BinStr = BinStr String deriving Eq instance Ord BinStr where BinStr xs <= BinStr ys | length xs == length ys = xs <= ys | otherwise = length xs <= length ys a031443 n = a031443_list !! (n-1) a031443_list = f $ singleton $ BinStr "10" where f :: Set BinStr -> [Int] f s = foldl (\n d -> digitToInt d + 2*n) 0 bs : f (foldl (flip insert) s' (map BinStr $ nub $ sort $ concat $ map (iBit '1') $ iBit '0' bs)) where (BinStr bs, s') = deleteFindMin s iBit b bs = zipWith (\xs ys -> xs ++ b : ys) (tail $ inits bs) (tail $ tails bs) --------------------------------------------------------------- Performance Tests: b-files of length n Glasgow Haskell Compiler. Mac OS X, 2.66 GHz --------------------------------------------------------------- n (1) (2) (3) (4) b-file A031443 ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------- -------- 100 0.003s 0.003s 0.002s 0.028s 4KB 684 1000 0.029s 0.019s 0.007s 0.750s 12KB 9829 10000 0.458s 0.279s 0.044s 16.094s 111KB 138924 100000 3.410s 2.075s 0.419s ca. 5m 1279KB 877622 1000000 51.650s 31.006s 4.334s .. 15014KB 11421255 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reinhard Zumkeller, Jun 16 2011 -- [email protected]