Every positive integer occurs exactly twice. a(n) is the parent of n in the tree at A074049. - Clark Kimberling, Dec 24 2010
Apparently, if n=F(m) (a Fibonacci number), one of two circumstances arise:
I. a(n)=F(m-1) and a(n-1)=F(m-2). When this happens, a(n) occurs for the first time and a(n-1) occurs for the second time;
II. a(n)=F(m-2) and a(n-1)=F(m-1). When this happens, a(n) occurs for the second time and a(n-1) occurs for the first time. - Bob Selcoe, Sep 18 2014
These are the numerators when all fractions, j/r and k/r^2, are arranged in increasing order (where r = golden ratio and j,k are positive integers). - Clark Kimberling, Mar 02 2015
Robert G. Wilson v, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 999 terms from M. F. Hasler)
S. Mneimneh, Fibonacci in The Curriculum: Not Just a Bad Recurrence, in Proceeding SIGCSE '15 Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Pages 253-258. See Figure 2.
Jeffrey Shallit, Fibonacci automaton for a(n)
a(n) = a(m) if a(m) has already occurred exactly once and n = a(m) + m; otherwise, a(n) = least positive integer that has not yet occurred.
a(n) = abs(A002251(n) - n).
n = a(n) + a(n-1) unless n = A089910(m); if n = A089910(m), then n = a(n) + a(n-1) - m. - Bob Selcoe, Sep 20 2014
There is a 17-state automaton that accepts the Zeckendorf (Fibonacci) representation of n and a(n), in parallel. See the file a026242.pdf. - Jeffrey Shallit, Dec 21 2023
mx = 100; gr = GoldenRatio; LW[n_] := Floor[n*gr]; UW[n_] := Floor[n*gr^2]; alw = Array[LW, Ceiling[mx/gr]]; auw = Array[UW, Ceiling[mx/gr^2]]; f[n_] := If[ MemberQ[alw, n], Position[alw, n][[1, 1]], Position[auw, n][[1, 1]]]; Array[f, mx] (* Robert G. Wilson v, Sep 17 2014 *)
(PARI) my(A=vector(10^4), i, j=0); while(#A>=i=A000201(j++), A[i]=j; (i=A001950(j))>#A || A[i]=j); A026242=A \\ M. F. Hasler, Sep 16 2014 and Sep 18 2014