Long leg of more than one primitive Pythagorean triangle.
420, 572, 780, 840, 924, 1020, 1292, 1596, 1680, 1716, 1848, 1932, 2100, 2145, 2244, 2300, 2484, 2520, 2640, 2652, 2700, 2900, 2964, 3080, 3132, 3315, 3348, 3432, 3465, 3596, 3640, 3828, 3876, 3960, 4060, 4092, 4095, 4340, 4488, 4588, 4620, 4680, 4692
Also, middle side a of more than one primitive integer-sided triangles (a, b, c) where side a is the harmonic mean of the 2 other sides b and c, i.e., 2/a = 1/b + 1/c with b < a < c; hence, terms that appear more than once in A020883. - Bernard Schott, Oct 21 2021
From Bernard Schott, Oct 21 2021: (Start)
-> For primitive Pythagorean triples:
a(1) = 420 because 420 is the smallest long leg that belongs to more than one primitive Pythagorean triples, we have 29^2 + 420^2 = 421^2 and 341^2 + 420^2 = 541^2.
-> For primitive triples with 2/a = 1/b + 1/c:
a(1) = 420 because 420 is the smallest middle side a that belongs to more than one primitive integer-sided triangles (a, b, c) where side a is the harmonic mean of the 2 other sides b and c, i.e., 2/a = 1/b + 1/c with b < a < c, we have 2/420 = 1/310 + 1/651 and 2/420 = 1/406 + 1/435. (End)
bb=1; s=e=""; For[b=1, b<=12^3, For[a=b-1, a>2, c=(a^2+b^2)^0.5; If[c==Round[c]&&GCD[a, b]==1, If[b==bb, e=e<>ToString[b]<>", "; s=s<>ToString[a]<>", "<>ToString[b]<>", "<>ToString[Round[c]]<>"; "]; bb=b]; a-- ]; b++ ]; Print["B = ", e] (* Vladimir Joseph Stephan Orlovsky, Apr 29 2008 *)
Select[Tally[Union[Sort/@({Times@@#, (Last[#]^2-First[#]^2)/2}&/@(Select[ Subsets[Range[1, 121, 2], {2}], GCD@@#==1&]))][[All, 2]]], #[[2]]>1&][[All, 1]] //Sort (* Harvey P. Dale, Mar 07 2020 *)
Cf. A020883.
Sequence in context: A061118 A097822 A069064 * A200521 A380432 A350374