a(0)=1; a(n) = 10^n + 1, n >= 1.
1, 11, 101, 1001, 10001, 100001, 1000001, 10000001, 100000001, 1000000001, 10000000001, 100000000001, 1000000000001, 10000000000001, 100000000000001, 1000000000000001, 10000000000000001
Also, b^n+1 written in base b, for any base b >= 2.
Also, A083318 written in base 2. - Omar E. Pol, Feb 24 2008, Dec 30 2008
Also, palindromes formed from the reflected decimal expansion of the concatenation of 1 and infinite 0's. - Omar E. Pol, Dec 14 2008
a(n) = A178500(n) + 1. - Reinhard Zumkeller, May 28 2010
It seems that the sequence gives 'all' positive integers m such that m^4 is a palindrome. Note that a(0)^4 = 1 is a palindrome and for n > 0, a(n)^4 = (10^n + 1)^4 = 10^(4n) + 4*10^(3n) + 6*10^(2n) + 4*10^(n) + 1 is a palindrome. - Farideh Firoozbakht, Oct 28 2014
a(n)^2 starts with a(n)+1 for n >= 1. - Dhilan Lahoti, Aug 31 2015
From Peter Bala, Sep 25 2015: (Start)
The simple continued fraction expansion of sqrt(a(2*n)) = [10^n; 2*10^n, 2*10^n, ...] has period 1.
The simple continued fraction expansion of sqrt(a(6*n))/a(2*n) = [10^n - 1; 1, 10^n - 1, 10^n - 1, 1, 2*(10^n - 1), ...] has period 5.
The simple continued fraction expansion of sqrt(a(10*n))/a(2*n) = [10^(3*n) - 10^n; 10^n, 10^n, 2*(10^(3*n) - 10^n), ...] has period 3.
As n increases, these expansions have large partial quotients.
A theorem of Kuzmin in the measure theory of continued fractions says that large partial quotients are the exception in continued fraction expansions.
Empirically, we also see exceptionally large partial quotients in the continued fraction expansions of the m-th root of the numbers a(m*n), for m >= 3. For example, it appears that the continued fraction expansion of a(3*n)^(1/3) begins [10^n; 3*10^(2*n), 10^n, 4.5*10^(2*n), 0.8*10^n, ( 9*10^(2*n + 2) - 144 + 24*(2^mod(n,3) - 1) )/168, ...]. As n increases, the expansion begins with 6 large partial quotients. An example is given below. Cf. A002283, A066138 and A168624.
a(1) and a(2) are the only prime terms up to n=100000. - Daniel Arribas, Jun 04 2016
Based on factors from A001271, the first abundant number in this sequence should occur in the first M terms, where M is the double factorial M=7607!!. Is any abundant number known in this sequence? - Sergio Pimentel, Oct 04 2019
The (3^5 * 5^2 * 7^2 * 11^2 * 13^2 * 17 * 19 * 23 * 29 * 31 * 37 * 41 * 43 * 47 * 53 * 59 * 61 * 67 * 71 * 73 * 79 * 83 * 89 * 97 * 101 * 103 * 107 * 109 * 113 * 127 * 131 * 137 * 139 * 157 * 163 * 181 * 191 * 241 * 251 * 263)-th term of this sequence is an abundant number. - Jon E. Schoenfield, Nov 19 2019
a(n) = 10^n + 1 - 0^n. - Reinhard Zumkeller, Jun 10 2003
From Paul Barry, Feb 05 2005: (Start)
G.f.: (1-10*x^2)/((1-x)*(1-10*x));
a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} binomial(n, k)*0^(k(n-k))*10^k. (End)
E.g.f.: exp(x) + exp(10*x) - 1. - Ilya Gutkovskiy, Jun 03 2016
The continued fraction expansion of a(9)^(1/3) begins [1000; 3000000, 1000, 4500000, 800, 5357142, 1, 6, 14, 6, 1, 5999999, 6, 1, 12, 7, 1, ...] with 5 large partial quotients immediately following the integer part of the number. - Peter Bala, Sep 25 2015
Join[{1}, LinearRecurrence[{11, -10}, {11, 101}, 20]] (* Harvey P. Dale, May 01 2014 *)
(Magma) [10^n + 1 - 0^n: n in [0..30]]; // Vincenzo Librandi, Jul 15 2011
(PARI) a(n)=if(n, 10^n+1, 1) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Oct 28 2014