Oblivion Script Extender
Authors: Ian Patterson (ianpatt), Stephen Abel (behippo), Paul Connelly
(scruggsywuggsy the ferret)
Contributors: Timeslip, The J, DragoonWraith, SkyRanger-1, shademe, kyoma
Current Stable Version: v0021
Download: http://obse.silverlock.org/download/obse_0021.zip
Latest loader: http://obse.silverlock.org/download/obse_loader.zip -- USE THIS WITH THE GOG VERSION
Current Community Version: A community-maintained update to OBSE can be found at the xOBSE site.
Documentation: http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html
OBSE provides official support
Oblivion & Shivering Isles build
�This is the latest official build of
Oblivion. �It provides fixes for the FormID problems and
Shivering Isles. �All users will need to update to this build in
order to use OBSE v0017 and later.
Steam build (in
GOG build (download the latest loader)
OBSE does not
work with:
Oblivion This was the official downloadable 1.2 patch.
(as of v0017)
Oblivion the Shivering Isles beta patch.
Oblivion the Shivering Isles DVD build.
Oblivion This was the original Oblivion that OBSE supported.
(as of v0017)
Oblivion 1.0: the original DVD build of Oblivion.
The Direct2Drive version of Oblivion
or Shivering Isles.
The Oblivion.exe provided by D2D is encrypted, and we cannot
patch it without breaking the encryption. �We will not do this, as
it is illegal.
The Impulse version of Oblivion or Shivering Isles. The Oblivion.exe provided by Impulse is also encrypted.
The GameSpot version of Oblivion or Shivering Isles. The Oblivion.exe provided by GameSpot is also encrypted.
Probably any digital distribution version other than Steam. This is just going on history with other services.
If you have installed the Shivering Isles beta patch (, don't
worry - download
and follow the instructions in the autopatcher and it will walk
you through getting the original Oblivion.exe off of your DVD.
�Then you can apply the patch. (source code)
v0009 Demo video 15mb: OBSE_v0009_Demo.wmv