DENVER- Let’s start with the second confrontation. DNC disruption-minded Unconventional Action held Broadway Ave beneath the Capitol building, prompting riot police to close in.
Unconventional Action to RECLAIM THE STREETS
3PM 16th Street Mall
Departing from permitted route
“To locations downtown, particularly near delegates’ hotels, where coordinated direct action and protests may take place after the End the Occupations march.”
First Confrontation:
Unconventional Action moved up from Civic Center Park, unto Lincoln Ave and stayed. Mounted police were the first responders.
Horses were used to advance against the crowd and split it.
Eventually Unconventional Action relinquished their position and moved over one block.
Second Confrontation
Back to Broadway Avenue. After riot troops formed their line, UA marchers stepped up against them.
This lead to some tense moments. Police commanders could be heard instructing each other “if anyone (unintelligible), shot them.” Just as abruptly, Unconventional Action broke off and marched North, beckoning all to follow. “Off the sidewalks, into the streets!” Few takers.
Riot police jumped on SUVs and gave chase.
To be continued…
Thou shalt not protest the Democratic Party Police State!