COLORADO SPRINGS- If you’re not going to watch the propaganda on CNN/FOX/”24″ they’ll bring it to you! Inserted in this morning’s Gazette was OBSESSION: RADICAL ISLAM’S WAR AGAINST THE WEST, a DVD distributed by The Clarion Fund and promoted by Alan Dershowitz. Why a free copy of a 2006 crockumentary now? This “non-partisan organization devoted to educating the public about national security issues” wants us to check out because “it’s our responsibility to ensure we can all make an informed vote in November.” And the DVD insert went to newspapers in SWING STATES!
The DVD wrapper features a blurb by Michael Medved, the pro-war Zionist cloaked as mild-mannered film critic. Says Medved, “Obsession is one of the most powerful, expertly crafted and undeniably important films I’ve seen this year…” No mention that the year was 2006, and the made-for-a-previous-US-election quasi-documentary has already been widely debunked as racist propaganda. An executive producer of “24” intones: “… required viewing for everyone.”
Oh, and of course Edmund Burke’s helpful nudge: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Bad enough that this insert went to the Gazette’s 100k readership, it also went out with the newspapers below. This is more than the FREEDOM COMMUNICATION chain, it includes the NYT and the WSJ.
Do you detect a Swing-State pattern where Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Virginia predominate?
Paid Advertising Supplement to: Akron Beacon, Altoona Mirror, Ann Arbor News, Blade, Bucks Co. Courier Times, Centennial Citizen, Chronicle of Higher Education, Cincinnati Enquirer, Claremont Review, Clovis News Journal, Columbus Dispatch, Daily Camera, Daily Commercial, Daily Nonpareil, Dayton Daily News, Denver Post, Des Moines Register, Detroit Free Press, Erie Times-News, Examiner, Flint Journal, Florida Times-Union, Fort Collins Coloradoan, Ft. Lauderdale El Sentinel, Ft. Meyers News Press, Gazette, Grand Rapids Press, Greeley Tribune, Green Bay Press-Gazette, Hobbs News-Sun, Iowa City Press Citizen, Janesville Gazette, Journal News, Journal Times, La Crosse Tribune, Lansing State Journal, Las Vegas Review-Journal/Sun, Miami-El Nuevo Herald, Miami Herald, Middletown Journal, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Morning Call, Morning Journal, Nevada Appeal, New Appeal, New Hampshire Union Leader, News-Leader, New York Times, Ocala Star Banner, Orlando Sun Sentinel, Palm Beach Post, Patriot-News, Philadelphia Inquirer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Portsmouth Herald, Quad-City Times, Reading Eagle, Reno Gazette-Journal, Repository, Rio Rancho Observer, Sioux City Journal, South Bend Tribune, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, St. Petersburg Times, Sun-Gazette, Tallahassee Democrat, Tampa Tribune, Toledo Blade, Tribune, Tribune-Review, Vindicator, Virginian-Pilot, Wall Street Journal, World Jewish Digest.
The Blue states of Iowa, New York and Wisconsin seem also to have been targeted…
I’ve got a few documentaries to recommend for everyone. In particular Colorado Springs. First, how about FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO about the means American Fundamentalist Churches sow division and hatred between peoples. Its climax is set in the Springs, but no local commercial movie theater will dare screen the film. It did visit Colorado College, so we’ll have more to report on the film and its director later.
Next, a recent investigation into the forces moving behind the sensationalizing of NINE/ELEVEN. It’s called FABLED ENEMIES and you can view it online.FABLED ENEMIES
Also online is an investigation of the tragedy of the USS Liberty, an American Navy surveillance ship that had the misfortune to witness the Israeli preemptive attack on Egypt in 1967. LOSS OF LIBERTY recounts how Israeli jets were forced to attack the Americans to cover their tracks, killing 34 sailors and wounding 171, and the US administration had to cover-up the incident because it was determined to keep portraying Israel as America’s ally.LOSS OF LIBERTY
The Obsession DVD was also included in every copy of this past Saturday’s Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper. I didn’t receive one because I don’t read the Inquirer. The paper’s writers are so clueless and on many occasions, seem so pro-war. However, our neighbor who does subscribe and who’s brother- n-law is Iranian and now a US citizen and who still has family members residing in Tehran, Iran was very confused and frightened by this pernicious DVD. I tried to explain to her that she must read between the lines and I do intend to have her read your very good article, where you duly note that this 2006 piece of garbage (which includes rantings by Daniel Pipes, I loathe this man) has already been debunked.
How reprehensible that the Philadelphia Inquirer chose to include this vile piece of material in it’s Saturday issue, and so close to this November’s election. Our twenty year old son also received a copy of Obsession in the mail. It seems the game plan is to keep all of America, young and old, confused so they’ll follow in lock step against (this evil) Islam, while the Bush administration continues to foment more conflagrations around the Globe. Perpetual war for perpetual peace, which is the title of the brilliant book by author Gore Vidal. Is it any wonder why America is hated so?
Sadly, this complicit corporate media will continue doing its job, in keeping the (ignorant) American people dumbed down and in a constant state of fear (not everyone though) as they absorb the propaganda being spewed, then credulously agreeing to the illegal, horrid and senseless (oil) wars now being fought. So dam sad.
This is a link to a brief review of this film on dvd
I found the part about the Arabic being spoken on what the film says is Iranian TV especially funny, since they speak Farsi in Iran, not Arabic.
Dear Sir,
The subject a but controversial but am forced to voice my opinion given the criticality of the event and ensuing damage this does to our communities in a time where we need to stand together. I received a DVD in my mailer ‘Obsession’ that is reminiscent of the hate campaign run in the last general election targeted to stoke fear and hatred in the populace at large causing a right-wing shift in voter dynamics. In a vibrant democracy such as ours and a highly evolved media I am appalled at media houses such as yourself being party to an act of hate propaganda when America is reaching out within and trying to answer tough questions posed in front of ou communities in the general election. As people dig deep into age old biases and prejudices to related to Barrack Obama as the presidential candidates, this DVD taints domestic politics and with it draws subliminal parallels where none exist. It is sad to see such rampant manipulation and the mixing up of racial politics international terror throwing the internal healing process of the nation years out.
If you do not live in a swing state then you probably have not received a copy of the DVD, Obsession in the local newspaper. I must admit that I threw it in the trash. I knew what it contained without even breaking open the cover. Scare tactics that breed fear, at least enough to get some of the people, 71,500 in this state, to vote for more war. The reviews on the internet gave me enough of a drift of what was going on. The same message is being drilled into our heads from the McCain Camp. Apparently some were listening to my editorials, emails, and choice words about this low blow. I got a call from the editor Mike Cotton at the Union Leader in New Hampshire.
He tried to defend his company’s action by saying that he saw the video, and ran it by their lawyers. I asked him what kind of message was he trying to give to New Hampshire? I told him that this was not going to work this time and that he was hurting New Hampshire by allowing this propaganda. While I had him on the phone he happened to mention that 50 million dollars was spent nationwide to pass around this kind of nonsense.
I asked him if there was a DVD that promoted a message of hope, would he also include it in next Sunday’s circular. “I would love to see someone come out with a positive video.” So there you have it. For $3,500 they will do it. 71,500 subscribers will be allowed to hear the truth. Now it’s time for you to write to your newspapers and tell them how you feel!