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Creating Tracked Changes in Open Document Format by Document Comparison

This project Provides an inter-operability demonstration of the proposed new track change format for ODT. There is an urgent need to demonstrate that the proposed tracked-change format for ODF works in practice. Therefore this project will provide a simple on-line demonstration of this. It will not be based specifically on ODF but will rather compare any two XML files and generate a tracked-change result. This will enable evaluators to put in, for example, two versions of an ODT table and see how the changes would be represented.

The work will be done in two phases:

  1. Generate a tracked-change (TC) XML document from two XML input documents neither of which have any tracked change within them. This would be achieved by comparing the files using DeltaXML Core and then converting the DeltaXML delta format into the new TC format.
  2. Provide the above as a web service for access by a limited number of members of relevant technical committees. This would provide the ability to upload XML files and download a tracked-change representation of the changes. The web service will be maintained until January 2011.

DeltaXML Ltd.