See When Your Region Usually Shakes Off The Last Of Winter's Snow

The date of the last snow varies year-to-year, but here's when the season typically ends and the latest it has snowed.
See When Your Region Usually Shakes Off The Last Of Winter's Snowstory-preview

Ditch Your Coat: Spring's Warmth Is Around The Corner

Spring's more lasting warmth is just around the corner, which means the first 70s and 80s typically arrive soon in the northern tier.
Ditch Your Coat: Spring's Warmth Is Around The Cornerstory-preview

Daylight Saving Time: Get Ready To Turn The Clocks Forward

Why do we "fall back" and "spring forward?" Here's some history on the whole debate.
Daylight Saving Time: Get Ready To Turn The Clocks Forwardstory-preview

Widespread Warmup On The Way

Spring is offering us a preview as warm temperatures will start to spread across the Northern Plains and Midwest late this weekend before reaching the East early next week. Above-average temperatures, some 30 degrees higher than normal, will be widespread from Minneapolis to New York and Dallas to Atlanta. Everyone can get out and enjoy the warmth with this forecast.
Widespread Warmup On The Waystory-preview

Lavanado Spins Up In The Air As Kilauea Volcano Erupts

Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano is one of the world’s most active volcanoes and it has been erupting off and on since December with stunning lava flows. Now, a new video is showing something you’ve probably never seen before – a lavanado.
Lavanado Spins Up In The Air As Kilauea Volcano Eruptsstory-preview