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Server moved by Nexus
September 28 2011, 6:37 PM����JustHost tried doubling their price to renew, so I've moved this site to better hosting. Everything should still work the same. If anything doesn't, please contact me.
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Hiatus by Nexus
May 27 2011, 11:12 PM����Anyone who knows me will have noticed I haven't been on SL in a very long time. You can thank Minecraft and a life for that (interesting combo, right?). On top of that, the good folks at Linden Labs placed my account on hold for the safety of everyone involved, so I can't even log in. With all that said, I'll be officially putting this site on an indefinite hiatus. It'll still be here, but you can stop waiting for updates. Not gonna happen.
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You know what? by Nexus
February 4 2011, 5:00 PM����I'll make a post here whenever I damn well please!
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More Changes by Nexus
November 3 2010, 7:07 AM����Just a quick update:
I added ReCaptcha to the registration page this morning, due to a certain Canadian spamming registrations. Hopefully that won't be a problem any more.
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User Accounts by Nexus
October 18 2010, 8:01 PM����If you've got an account here, you can now upload a profile picture! I did a lot of work on the Control Panel this weekend, so it now has 3 pages: Main, Posts, and Visitors (soon to be joined by 'Account' and possibly 'Users').
Stay tuned for an upcoming update where user accounts will actually do something useful!
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New location by Nexus
September 28 2010, 5:32 PM����In case you hadn't noticed, this site has moved back to a
real domain, with
real hosting! I'll be buying some more domains, (and possibly even extra hosting) in the near future, in case something like
that GoDaddy thing happens again. You should be seeing
lots of new things popping up here in the next few days, and the official site release should be next ... [
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Internet Explorer by Nexus
September 10 2010, 9:17 AM����Why do you ignore my CSS? I suspect I'll have to add browser detection to this site just so it can be viewed properly in IE.
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Time Zone Change by Nexus
September 9 2010, 7:02 PM����I just set the web server to my timezone (Central). That means if I make this post soon enough, it'll look like I went back in time! :D
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Back on the air! by Nexus
September 9 2010, 7:42 PM����Site back online after an FTP error erased a bunch of critical data. Note to self: Make more backups.