SuperPower: Visualising the internet

The internet has created some of the world's youngest billionaires, possibly in the shortest possible time scale, ever.

The richest are Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the pair who set up Google in the late 1990s. They went from PhD students to (paper) billionaires in about five years.

The youngest is 25-year-old Mark Zuckerberg, founder of social networking site Facebook, who has returned to the billionaire list in 2010 after dropping out in 2009 amid the economic downturn.

As part of SuperPower - a season of programmes exploring the power of the internet - BBC News lists the top 26 richest internet entrepreneurs according to the latest Forbes ranking, released this week.

Name Age Comment Worth (billions of US $) Website Nationality
page portrait PageLarry Page 37 Co-founded Google 17.5 Googlegoogle logo US
brin portrait BrinSergey Brin 36 Co-founded Google 17.5 Googlegoogle logo US
bezos portrait BezosJeff Bezos 46 Founded Amazon in a Seattle garage 12.3 Amazonamazon logo US
schmidt portrait SchmidtEric Schmidt 54 Google's grown-up chief executive 6.3 Googlegoogle logo US
son portrait SonMasayoshi Son 52 Controls Japanese internet and telecom firm SoftBank 5.9 Softbanksoftbank logo Japan
omidyar portrait OmidyarPierre Omidyar 42 French-born immigrant launched online auction site in 1995 5.2 Ebayebay logo US
mikitani portrait MikitaniHiroshi Mikitani 45 Runs Japan's leading online shopping mall 4.8 Rakutenrakuten logo Japan
schwab portrait SchwabCharles Schwab 72 Brought online investing to the masses 4.7 Schwabschwab logo US
zuckerberg portrait ZuckerbergMark Zuckerberg 25 Founded Facebook in early 2004 while at Harvard university 4.0 Facebookfacebook logo US
huateng portrait HuatengMa Huateng 38 Runs China's most popular online chat service 3.6 Tencenttencent logo China
li portrait LiRobin Li 41 Co-founded China's most popular search site Baidu 3.5 Baidubaidu logo China
cuban portrait CubanMark Cuban 51 Former bar tender who sold internet video website to Yahoo for 5.7bn 2.4 logo US
skoll portrait SkollJeffrey Skoll 45 Ebay's first president and full-time employee. Now a film producer 2.4 Ebayebay logo Canada
ding portrait DingWilliam Ding 38 Founded China's no.2 online game company. Once China's richest man 2.2 Neteasenetease logo China
bechtolsheim portrait BechtolsheimAndreas von Bechtolsheim 54 His initial $100,000 stake in Google made him a billionaire 2.0 Googlegoogle logo Germany
cheriton portrait CheritonDavid Cheriton 58 Stanford professor who introduced Google's co founders to each other 1.6 Googlegoogle logo Canada
yuzhu portrait YuzhuShi Yuzhu 47 Founder of Giant Interactive, one of China's most successful online game companies 1.6 Giantgiant interactive logo China
tanaka portrait TanakaYoshikazu Tanaka 33 Founded the second most popular social networking site in Japan - Gree 1.4 Greegree logo Japan
filo portrait FiloDavid Filo 43 Met Yahoo co-founder Yang at Stanford University 1.4 Yahooyahoo logo US
whitman portrait WhitmanMargaret Whitman 53 Former eBay chief, now running for California govenor 1.3 Ebayebay logo US
yang portrait YangJerry Yang 41 Turned internet directory project into Yahoo portal 1.3 Yahooyahoo logo US
benioff portrait BenioffMarc Benioff 45 Held posts at Oracle and Apple before launching 1.3 logo US
wagner portrait WagnerTodd Wagner 49 Co-founded with friend Mark Cuban 1.2 logo US
thiel portrait ThielPeter Thiel 42 The first outside investor in Facebook 2004. He also co-founded paypal 1.2 Paypalpaypal logo US
ma portrait MaJack Ma 45 Founder, chairman and chief executive of internet business Alibaba 1.2 Alibabaalibaba logo China
case portrait CaseStephen Case 51 Former Pizza Hut store manager who co-founded AOL 1.1 Aolaol logo US

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