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Last Updated: Monday, 2 April 2007, 15:31 GMT 16:31 UK
In pictures: Protests for Alan Johnston

Palestinian journalists hold posters of missing BBC Gaza correspondent Alan Johnston in Gaza City

Hundreds of Palestinian journalists have held demonstrations to mark three weeks since the disappearance of BBC correspondent Alan Johnston in Gaza City.

A man holds a poster of Alan Johnston in the West Bank town of Ramallah

Mr Johnston, a seasoned reporter who has lived and worked in Gaza for the past three years, went missing on 12 March. He is widely believed to have been kidnapped.

Journalists with their mouths covered protest in Gaza City

In Gaza City, about 300 journalists protested outside the offices of Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, some of them with their mouths symbolically covered.

Foreign and Palestinian journalists hold portraits of Alan Johnston at a demonstration in the West Bank town of Ramallah

Other journalists, both Palestinian and international, turned out for a similar event in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

A Palestinian journalist sits in a tent during the protest in Gaza City

Palestinian journalists are staging a three-day boycott of the government and presidency to urge the authorities to do more to secure the safe return of Mr Johnston.

Palestinian journalists at a candle-light vigil for Alan Johnston on 30 March 2007

They have staged a number of protests in recent days to highlight his plight, as have journalists in the UK.

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