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Last Updated: Tuesday, 26 July 2005, 08:18 GMT 09:18 UK
UK victim of Egypt attack named
Keri Davies, Kristina Miller
Mr Davies and Ms Miller were hoping to start a new life in Australia
A Briton who died in the bombing at the Egyptian resort of Sharm al-Sheikh has been named by his family as Keri Davies, 29, from Fareham, Hampshire.

Mr Davies' mother said the Foreign Office had confirmed his death. Concerns are also growing for his American partner, Kristina Miller, 26.

Hospital officials have said the death toll from the attacks could reach 88.

Relatives of missing British tourists have begun arriving in the resort as they await news of their loved ones.

UK officials have said 10 more Britons are missing and "of particular concern", but are not "presumed dead".

Earlier, a hospital manager in the Red Sea resort had said two Britons died in Saturday's attacks.

'Glimmer of hope'

Among the missing are Alan and Mandy Bentley, from Grantham, Lincolnshire, as well as their son David and his friend who they were on holiday with.

Mr Bentley's sister-in-law, Claire, said: "It's an absolute nightmare for us. We just don't know what to do.

"We're just living in hope that somebody might have seen them, or they might have spoken to somebody, they might, they may have gone on a trip anywhere.

"We're just hoping and just holding on to that, a glimmer of hope".

The British ambassador to Egypt, Sir Derek Plumbly, said the families of most of the missing were in touch with the embassy and several had flown to the resort.

Destroyed building in Sharm al-Sheikh
Witnesses described mass hysteria breaking out

Sir Derek, who is working with a 40-strong team to try to establish how many Britons died in the blasts, said: "We have been working through a list of people who we have been told by tour companies or families that they have been out of touch or unaccounted for or whatever."

Among the missing are British couple Jeremy Lakin, 28, and Annalie Vickers, 31, who had been staying at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

The couple's parents, said to be "terribly distressed", flew out to the resort late on Sunday to search for their children.

Mr Lakin, originally from Nottingham, and Ms Vickers, from Northampton, had been out on the last evening of their week-long holiday when the bombers struck.

Another two Britons, who were staying at the Ghazala Gardens hotel, have not been seen since it was devastated by one of the bombs.

Jeremy Lakin
Jeremy Lakin's parents have flown out to search for him

Lesley Ayers, 50, and her mother Valerie Bracci, 70, both from Essex, have not been in touch with family since the bombings, and did not turn up for their flight home on Sunday.

Mrs Ayers' daughter Elizabeth Thein said: "I have been trying my mum's mobile phone constantly, but it just keeps going through to voice mail.

"We are so worried about them both and just need to know what has happened to them."

Mrs Bracci's sons have flown over to Egypt to help in the search for them.

'Tremendous explosion'

Eight Britons were wounded in the attacks, including a girl aged 14 and a 30-year-old man, who were both critically injured.

A seriously injured 16-year-old girl has been flown to the UK by air ambulance from Cairo.

A man in his 20s remains in a Cairo hospital with serious injuries.

On Monday, the Lloyd family, who were staying at the hotel, issued a statement through the Foreign Office, saying: "As a result of one explosion, both our daughters have been hospitalised.

"One is receiving treatment in the UK; the other will be well enough to return to the UK in the next few days."

I've never been so scared
Samantha Hardcastle

One injured UK tourist left a hospital in Sharm al-Sheikh on Sunday, leaving three others still there.

Kristina Miller's father Tony travelled to Egypt after failing to hear from his daughter following the blasts.

He told the Associated Press news agency embassy officials in Cairo had confirmed she had died.

Miss Miller and Mr Davies, who were staying at the Ghazala Gardens hotel, were taking a holiday before starting a new life together in Australia.

Meanwhile, British tourists have continued to speak about the horror of the attacks.

Gary Macleod told the BBC how he and his partner Gillian were woken by a "tremendous explosion" when the car bomb went off at the Ghazala Gardens, about half a mile away from where they were staying.

They ran down to their hotel's courtyard and shortly afterwards heard a smaller explosion "about 100 yards away".

"We felt the blast of the smaller bomb and within minutes we were seeing walking wounded coming back up," he said.

High terror risk

Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said there was no evidence of a link between the Egyptian blasts and those in London, but he said he could not rule it out.

He refused to advise against travelling to the country, saying: "We are already warning about a high risk of terrorism in Egypt."

Egypt Tourism Minister Ahmed El Maghreby told BBC News security procedures in Sharm al-Sheikh were being revised.

  • Concerned relatives of tourists should call the hotline: 020 7008 0000.

    Hear from relatives of Britons missing after the bombings


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