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Mattress Firm Sued for Deceptive Sales Practices

Last summer, a California consumer sued the big mattress chain, Mattress Firm, alleging the company inflated the so-called regular price of mattresses that it sold to give customers the sense that they were getting a better bargain than they really were. [We could not obtain a copy of the amended complaint filed last November.]

The consumer’s lawyer alleged that the company rarely if ever charges the stated crossed out price and therefore customers don’t save the amount of money the company claimed.

For example, this mattress was repeatedly advertised promising a savings of $1,200 because it was supposedly “60% off.”

Mattress Firm sample ad

As you can see, it was advertised month after month at the $799.99 price. When, if ever, was it $1999.99? The consumer’s lawyer contends:


… this reference price is a falsely inflated price because Defendant rarely, if ever, lists or sells items at the reference price. The only purpose of the reference price is to mislead customers into believing that the displayed reference price is a former or regular price at which Defendant usually lists and sells the item in the recent past. As a result, Defendant falsely conveys to customers that they are receiving a substantial markdown or discount.

In fact, Mattress Firm in its legal disclaimer, which is buried deep in its website, says that their strikethrough prices are not ones they have actually charged.


Compare at pricing is determined based on price of comparable merchandise of similar quality and circumstances. As a company, we stand behind our compare at prices, based on our market experience and knowledge. These prices reflect nationally competitive MSRP, list prices and do not reflect interim mark-downs, which may have been taken. We invite you to ask about any individual prices.

Since Mattress Firm’s strikethrough prices are unlabeled, shoppers might reasonably conclude that they are Mattress Firm’s own regular or former prices.

Under FTC rules, and the law of many states, including California, sellers have to offer goods at the undiscounted price for a reasonably substantial time in the recent regular course of business (often 90 days) before they subsequently discount them and compare the sale price to the reference price.

Why does the law require “regular” prices to be bonafide? Because consumers love a bargain and are greatly influenced by savings claims.

“By creating an impression of savings, the presence of a higher reference price enhances subjects’ perceived value and willingness to buy the product.” Thus, “empirical studies indicate that, as discount size increases, consumers’ perceptions of value and their willingness to buy the product increase…”

The consumer is suing Mattress Firm for fraud, misrepresentation, and unfair or deceptive business practices. She is seeking money damages and a court order enjoining the company from continuing these types of deceptive sales.

In late January, however, the plaintiff dismissed the case without explanation.

Mattress Firm is not the only bedding retailer being sued. Also in January 2025, two California consumers sued Sleep Number Corporation, making similar allegations. For example, the lawsuit says:

For example, anyone visiting Defendant’s store or Website on a given day who buys a Sleep Number i8 smart bed “on sale” for $2,999 based on a crossed-out reference price of $3,999 is being misled, because that bed has rarely, if ever, been sold in the recent past in Defendant’s stores, on the Website or through other retailers for $3,999. In other words, Defendant’s advertised “sales” for many of its beds are not really sales at all.

What is it about mattress sales that seem to bring out the worst in retailers’ making exaggerated savings claims?

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Option-Packing Adds Needless Costs to Dell Computers

MrConsumer recently ordered a new Dell desktop computer since his old one was just over 10 years old. Even with discounts and waiting for a good sale, his new pc was still going to cost about a thousand dollars.

Dell lets you customize your computer to a degree by adding, upgrading, or removing certain components such as memory, SSDs, or the video card. They also state the increase or decrease in price as a result of any change.

On the same customization page at the end, Dell includes a section on software. Here, you can see that the computer comes with McAfee antivirus.

McAfee included

Only if you look at the detailed online invoice after you make your purchase, which is not emailed to you, do you see that you actually purchased McAfee.


Dell McAfee

McAfee wasn’t a freebie that Dell threw in with my purchase, they charged me $31.58 plus tax for a year’s subscription to it, that I neither asked for nor wanted. And in fact, I uninstalled it when the computer arrived as Windows 11 comes with Microsoft Defender built in.

My first request to Dell to get a $31.xx refund went unresponded to. My second request took Dell at least two weeks to process, but I just got a phone call saying they would make an exception and give me a $33.55 refund.

The internet is filled with complaints about Dell tacking on charges to computer purchases for what generally would be considered optional add-ons. I can’t believe some class action lawyer has not gone after the company for this practice that has apparently been going on for years.

We asked Dell to comment on their practice of forcing computer buyers into the purchase of McAfee. A spokesperson responded:

McAfee+ Premium protection is included in the price of that system and listed in the specifications on the webpage. We offer this to provide our customers with a security suite that helps protect their device, identity and privacy. It includes antivirus, identity monitoring, VPN and more. The invoice provides a more detailed price breakdown of the system, including all SKUs that make up the system. The invoice price will match the price listed on the webpage, ensuring that, prior to purchase, customers are informed of the total price they’ll pay for the specifications listed.

All that sidesteps the issue we raised that it should be the customer’s option to purchase or not purchase McAfee and the price should be disclosed before purchase. What do you think?

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Skimpflation Hits Imperial Margarine

We told you a couple of years ago how Conagra inconspicuously reformulated Smart Balance margarine by reducing its fat content from 64% to 39%.

Now comes the Flora Food Group (formerly Upfield), the maker of Imperial margarine, tinkering with the recipe for its product.

When it was advertised in the ’70s, Imperial had 80% vegetable oil, tasted like butter they said, and made you “feel like a king.”

Boy how times have changed. (For purposes of this story, we will still refer to the product as “margarine” although it no longer meets the legal definition since it has less than 80% fat.)


Imperial margarine

The most recent previous version had 53% vegetable oil. Clearly there had to have been many interim versions to get from 80% down to just 53%. Now, the current version has only 48%. And the calories dropped from 70 per tablespoon down to 60.

How did they accomplish this? Like Smart Balance, they literally watered down the product. Looking at the nutrition label reveals the change.


Imperial nutrition label

In the previous version of Imperial, vegetable oil was the primary ingredient. In the current version, water predominates. But strangely, the fat content remains seven grams per serving. How is that possible?

We asked Flora for an explanation. All a company spokesperson would say is:

Regarding the nutritional information on the label, the serving size and nutritional values are determined through detailed analytical testing in accordance with FDA guidelines. While the overall fat content of the product has been adjusted, the fat content per serving is declared accurately in accordance with FDA guidelines.

Perhaps it is a rounding issue on the number of grams of fat. Who knows?

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