MBNMS Working Groups, Adhoc Working Groups, and Subcommittees
Existing Working Groups
These working groups were created prior to the establishment of the Advisory Council: Conservation Working Group (CWG), and Research Activity Panel (RAP). These working groups provide advice to the Advisory Council on priorities and program coordination. Working groups may be composed of members and alternates of the council and persons outside the council. Existing working groups shall make every effort to meet in places that are open and accessible to the public.
Subcommittees are composed solely of members of the Advisory Council and can disband once final advice on a particular matter has been submitted to the council.
Adhoc Working Groups
These working groups are established for specific purposed or topics needing focused attention that cannot be accomplished by a subcommittee. Their work is limited to functional areas and discrete issues relating to individual sanctuaries.
Current Adhoc Working Groups and Sub-Committees
Seabird Entanglement Working Group
The Sanctuary Advisory Council (AC) voted in support of creating a ‘Seabird Entanglement Subcommittee’ at the August 2019 meeting. The aim of this group is to help support our shared goals of:
- Reducing pelican and other seabird injuries and deaths caused by human activities: shoreline, wharf and boat fishing;
- Benchmark current efforts to minimize, educate and mitigate similar problems world-wide
- Enable people to fish without entangling or killing seabirds