Marius Eriksen


[email protected] · @marius ·

c/o Twitter Inc
1355 Market Street, Suite 900
San Francisco CA 94103
United States

I work at CITI Google Mixer Labs Twitter on distributed filesystems, OpenBSD, virtualization, window management, network management, WAN network optimization, cluster scheduling, geospatial database systems, RPC systems, RPC protocols, concurrent programming, systems programming, functional programming, systems profiling, and data systems.

RPC Redux

A preprint of my PLOS’13 paper, “Your Server as a Function”

Some recent talks

Effective Scala(video)
At Scala BASE on effective use of the Scala language through some recent work.
Systems Programming at Twitter
At Facebook about systems programming (mostly about Futures and Finagle) at Twitter.


Not mine (and better for it). These deserve yearly readings:

— Halmos’ essay on mathematical writing applies equally well to any sort of nonfiction.
— Hamming’s classic You and your research might as well have been called “you and your work.” There’s also a video of the actual talk.
Strunk and White. Omit needless words! Omit needless words! Omit needless words!


I make occasional notes: RSS available here.