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adjective Capable of being bent without breaking; easily bent.Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
Patient discussion about flexible
Q. Can a person be too flexible? I do deep knee bends for the past 3 years. Now a days I get tired soon. Can a person be too flexible?
A. Both a professional aerobic and a normal person can do such deep knee bends. Some evidence exists that an excessive level of flexibility can result in a decreased degree of joint stability. In reality, a trade-off between flexibility and stability appears to exist. This decrease in joint stability is particularly evident when the flexibility increase is the result of lengthening the connective tissue structures that stabilize a particular joint. Deep knee bends, may increase the range of motion (ROM) of the knee joint to the point where the knee becomes more susceptible to chronic or acute instability. As such, an individual's ROM for each joint should be determined by the demands of the individual. It should be noted that an excessive ROM for a given joint could result in decreased stability and a greater potential for injury.
Q. can an Adult be physically more flexible than children? If an adult who is flexible, can he be physically more flexible than children?
A. There are lots of difference in the flexibility of the bones of children and adults. Adults can be physically more flexible than children if they have always been flexible as a result of conditioning, or engaging in sports or exercises.
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