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A legal term used by a juvenile court which has entered an order declaring that a child is neglected, abused, or dependent; a minor requiring authoritative intervention; a delinquent minor; or an addicted minor.
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Some federal appellate circuits have taken a "categorical" approach, which looks only at the crime for which the juvenile offender was adjudicated. Other circuits have followed a "noncategorical" approach that looks instead to the underlying facts of the crime.
We calculated the percent of agreement for diagnostic accuracy for MI and used the Kappa index and McNemar tests to assess the concordance between ICD-9-coded MI and adjudicated MI according to the Third Universal Definition of MI.
A quasi-experimental research methodology for known-groups comparison (adjudicated vs.
In the end, thanks to solid teamwork, the team adjudicated more than 2,200 citizenship claim cases and in the process documented 1,400 American citizens for the first time.
With the new amendments, Latvia has implemented an out-of-court LPP, which, despite the name, does not mean that the LPP is not adjudicated by the court.
I suspect these individuals could become lawyers, whereas the individual driving home with a concealed firearm under the seat and who is adjudicated could not.
Because American Samoa does not have a federal court like the CNMI, Guam, or USVI, matters of federal law arising in American Samoa have generally been adjudicated in U.S.
Festival attendees participated in activities such as adjudicated and non-adjudicated recitals, drumming classes, theory games and classes, scale competitions, and a Monster Concert conducted by Robert Vandall.
At the same time he continues his highly personalised attacks on individual councillors who did not receive overpayment and were not adjudicated upon as having received the overpayments 'unreasonably'.
Mr Greenberg said: "The Tenancy Deposit Scheme went live more than two years ago and has adjudicated in over 500 disputes - and that number is rising rapidly.
for adjudicated youth for several decades) and tactfully presents an easy-to-use guide of practical information designed specifically for the unmarried person in their pursuit of a significant other and psychological contentment.
Lo and behold, but that the same organization adjudicated an opinion piece which appeared in the Hamilton Spectator, "Same-sex marriage sanctifies hedonism" (Nov.