Google Homepage Size Over Time
This afternoon, I looked at the source of the main Google page with my browser. It spans my whole monitor and takes 15 pushes of the scroll-wheel to see it all. Whither minimalism?
Off to the Wayback Machine. One must be careful to avoid including Wayback Machine Javascript and comments when assessing file size. I think I got it right. File sizes were assessed with `ls -l`, and included only the size of the ‘.html’ file, no images or fanciness. Dates were sampled pseudo-regularly, trying to get about two points/year.
6 points corrected. Thanks ‘qxcv’! Archive, curl, and browser data noted. Thanks ‘zzzwat’!
Time for a log plot. The difference between a browser-acquired page and a simple curl request is an order of magnitude.
I’d be more interested in seeing a chart of the size of the page when gzipped, since the bandwidth delay is so much more than CPU these days.
you mean ‘whither’
Indeed. Fixed. Thanks!
It’s 29 560 bytes gzipped for the html + 112 865 bytes gzipped javascript (look inside, it’s extremely obfuscated).,jsa,sb,hv,wta,cr,cdos,nos,sf,tbpr,tbui,rsn,ob,mb,lc,du,ada,bihu,amcl,lu,m,shb,sfa,tng,hsm,pcc,csi/rt=j/ver=OJVz6ZmMz-4.en_US./d=1/sv=1/rs=AItRSTPJcKSPOJE16u0P6ZHLWvCkP5x-zA
Uncompressed: 103 606 bytes in html, 328 982 bytes in javascript.