Today working as Self Employed DevOps/SRE/Backend Engineer. Certified Kubernetes Administrator and Application Developer, working on Kubernetes since the version 1.1 in Sep 2015. Experienced also with cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform. Putting in place platforms for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts using Kubernetes / Docker and bunch of other DevOps tools. The second important part of my core business today is to deliver multi-tenant application (REST API) that can handle a big number of customers with the same code base, with some Design patterns, and best practices approaches. I'm also a Lazy Contributor on Kubernetes Eco-System wanting more time and effort on Open Source Contribution specifically on Kubernetes World.
Work Experience

Senior Software Reliability Engineer / SRE (Freelance) Current Position
In a few years, Renault AITS will stop its 2 Datacenters. Strategy is changed to public cloud first approach. During this experience i’ve touched all kind of public/private clouds, technologies and programming languages. The context of this experience is:
- Driving migration process to public cloud providers for more than ~1000 applications.
- Proposing and contributing on production ready multitenant Kubernetes architectures.
- Assuring that all applications that will migrate respects Cloud Native approach.
- Design and develop Kubernetes Operators to manage Custom Resource Definitions to provision multi-tenant environments

Kubernetes Specialist (Smile)
During this experience i’ve participated to studies of choosing the right solution for Renault AITS to deliver the same Kubernetes service level as public cloud providers. We have PoCed during this exercice:
- Pivotal Kubernetes Service
- Mesosphere DC OS
- Platform9

Software Reliability Engineer / SRE (Smile)
SUEZ supports city development around the world with through its historical activities, which are water and waste management services. SUEZ Smart Solutions, a subsidiary of the Group, provides intelligent solutions and expertise to support regions in their environmental and digital transformation. During this experience, i’ve the responsability as an SRE of these two Plateforms:
- DigitalCity Saint Etienne: integrates data collection solutions (smart meters, sensors and probes) to provide digital models and real-time applications, thus moving towards rational use of resources and resilience in times of crisis. It consit of OpenAPI Platform that expose public API to end-users to create Apps for Saint Etienne Smart City.
- ON’connect coach: This solution is intended to support users in optimizing their consumption, in particular of domestic hot water

Kubernetes Specialist (Smile)
During this short and ponctual experience, i’ve worked on:
- Deploy an API Management platform on top of an Openshift cluster.
- Create Dockerfiles required for WSO2 compononts.
- Automate the provisioning process to have a new WSO2 environement using Shell scripts.
- Automate integartion of new APIs within Openshift Cluster using Openshift S2I and templates.

Kubernetes Specialist (Smile)
During experience, i’ve worked on:
- Study the possibility to integrate Docker/Container in developpement process.
- Deploy a CICD platform.
- Integrate Docker to developement process using Docker Compose.
- Provision new environements for developers within a Kubernetes cluster.
- Deploy a ChatOps (mattermost) tool to facilitate communication between developers.

Software/DevOps Engineer
Cy-play provides an in-store solution for tablet and smartphones that empower sales teams in offline retail stores. Play Retail is a solution that covers a large spectrum of functionalities such as making out-of-stock products purchasable and delivered in-store/at home, recruiting prospects in CRM database, looking up a client’s CRM data to provide personnalized selling advice, sending to HQ photos of store’s merchandising, etc. Overall, Cy-Play provide a ready-to-use solution, easily integrated to existing information systems, and take care of training the salesforce to perform at best with their digital “tool-box”. During experience, i’ve worked on:
- Worked within the Cloud for integration processes.
- Performed DevOps for Linux and Mac Platforms.
- Focused on automation and integration.
- Monitored developed applications and fixed bugs.
- Wrote code and designed continual updates.
- Completed load and performance testing of extremely complex systems.
- Developed REST API’s for Mobile apps.
- Deployed multi-tenant platforms using on top of Kubernetes in aws.
Go Training
Go Training Repository useful for pepole wanting the discover GoLang. This repository contains my training path to master GoLang in one month.