If you’d like to try out these programs without having a Raspberry PI — there is another solution! With a custom server and a plug-in you can run the python programs on your desktop and try out these scripts to get results like this one:
You’ll need:
- A PC (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc) running the Minecraft client from minecraft.net and a paid account
- A CraftBukkit server — installation instructions are available here.
- The Raspberry Juice plugin – details are here, download the 1.2 version from here or get the source here.
Hats off to zhuowei aka HTTP500 for creating the RaspberryJuice plugin. This implements most (not all) of the interfaces as what Minecraft Pi Edition has – so most if not all of the python programs will run!
To get the Juice plugin working:
- Start up Bukkit according to the instructions for your platform
- This is important as it creates all the directories and other files needed
- Shutdown bukkit (as it’s time to install the plugin)
- Copy the raspberryjuice-1.1.1.jar file to the plugins directory
- Restart bukkit
- Just to make sure it’s installed – on the console type “plugins”
You should see something close to:
>plugins 17:18:29 [INFO] Plugins (1): RaspberryJuice
If you get that, you are set!
Now connect your Minecraft client to your bukkit server (e.g. localhost if running on the same machine) and Try out the python/minecraft programs!
Got lost at:
“Now connect your Minecraft client to your bukkit server”. Can you elaborate a bit?
1. Launch Minecraft
2. Type In Username And Password And Click Play
3. Select Multiplayer And Select Add Server
4.Then For The Server Name Name It Whatever You Want
5.For The Ip Type “localhost” No Spaces or Apostrophe’s
6. Click Done
7.Then On The Very Bottom Of Your Server’s List Look For The Server
8. Select And Click Join Server
Thanks. That is what I needed.
This is really pretty amazing. When I demo’ed the Pi version at a Maker Faire, the kids were complaining how limited it was (i.e., a cut-down version of PE with only Creative Mode). With this, you can run a full multi-player world in Survival Mode!
Do I have to install an actual Python? How exactly Do I run the script?
You should need to install python, here are some guides depending on your operating system.
As for running the program you should be able to run them in your favorite Text editor or PyCharm while the server is running if any of these steps do not work please let me know and I will try my best to help.
Ok, the rainbow works. I got it to work when I
1) started it properly, by opening script in Python GUI, not just launching .py file from the folder (the latter writes several input-output lines in Bukkit log which tricks you into thinking that it works)
2) downloaded last Python 2.7.9 unstead of Python 2.5 that I had.
“Analog clock” script also requires some “Python imaging”.
Hi there,
Craftbukkit no longer seems to be available officially. Are there other servers that allow you to get Raspberry juice working?
I have noticed Craftbukkit has been having some kind of development issues, hopefully they will keep developing it. I can’t even imagine public servers without plugins, but I do not know of any servers as described.