M:C:D | Publications

Aday, A. Z. and G. Wang. 2024 “ChuGL: Unified Audiovisual Programming in ChucK.” New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
(download paper [pdf] | ChuGL homepage)

Li, Y. and G. Wang. 2024. “ChAI => Interactive AI Tools in ChucK.” New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
(download paper [pdf] | ChAI homepage)

Van Zyl, M. and G. Wang. 2024. “What’s Up ChucK? ChucK Development Update 2024.” New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
(download paper [pdf] | poster [pdf, png] | ChucK website)

Kim. K. and G. Wang. 2024. “VVRMA: VR Field Trip to a Computer Music Center.” New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
(download paper [pdf] | VVRMA homepage)

Murakami, E., Burnett, J., G. Wang. 2024. “RayTone: A Node-based Audiovisual Sequencing Environment.” New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
(download paper [pdf] | poster [png] | RayTone website)

Shaheed, N. and G. Wang. 2024. “I Am Sitting in a (Latent) Room.” New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
(download paper [pdf])

Kim. K. and G. Wang. 2024. “MIDI.CITI: Designing an Experience-oriented Musical Cityscape.” International Computer Music Conference.
(download paper [pdf])

Cavdir, D. 2023. Felt Design: Inclusive Practices for Movement-based Musical Instruments Ph.D. Thesis. Stanford University. | "Designing movement-based digital musical interfaces melding musical performance and dance performance, with implications for inclusive design."

Mulshine, M. R., G. Wang, J. Atherton, C. Chafe, T. Feng, C. Betancur. 2023. “WebChucK: Computer Music Programming on the Web.” New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
(download paper [pdf] | webchuck | IDE)

Feng, T., C. Betancur, M. R. Mulshine, C. Chafe, G. Wang. 2023. “WebChucK IDE: A Web-Based Programming Sandbox for ChucK." Sound and Music Computing.
(download paper [pdf] | webchuck | IDE)

Chafe, C., Ge Wang, M. R. Mulshine, J. Atherton. 2023. “What Would a Webchuck Chuck?” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 153(3) Supplement A35. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0018058.

Mills, J. 2023. "Temporality Across Three Media: Inner Transmissions." Sound and Music Computing. (download paper [pdf] | project page)

Atherton, J. 2022. Tool-Building for Amateur Creativity in VR. Ph.D. Thesis. Stanford University. | "Implications for the design of virtual reality experiences, authoring tools using interactive machine learning for creativity support, and social connection, communication, and co-creation."

Cavdir, D. and G. Wang. 2022. “Designing Felt Experiences with Movement-based, Wearable Musical Instruments: From Inclusive Practices Toward Participatory Design.” Wearable Technologies, 3, E19. Cambridge University Press.
(download article | pdf | project page)

Cavdir, D. 2022. "Touch, Listen, (Re)Act: Participatory Practices on Developing Sound and Movement Interaction for Deaf and Hard of Hearing." New Interfaces for Musical Expression. (download article)

Wang, G. 2022. "(Keynote) Artful Design: Technology in Search of the Sublime!" Sound and Music Computing. San Etienne, France.

Wang. G. 2022. "(Workshop) Chunity! Interactive Audiovisual Programming with ChucK in Unity" AES International Conference on Audio for Virtual & Augmented Reality (AVAR), Redmond, WA. (project page)

Wang. G. 2022. "(Stanford First Lecture) The Cyberpunk Dilemma." Civil, Liberal, Global Education. | Professor Ge Wang, Associate Professor in the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, offers this year’s First Lecture, on "The Cyberpunk Dilemma". For better and for worse, we live in interesting times. In an age filled with advanced technology and human restlessness and discord, what should we do with ourselves?

Cavdir, D. and G. Wang. 2021. "Borrowed Gestures: The Body as an Extension of the Musical Instrument." Computer Music Journal 45(3):58-80. (download article | pdf)

Cavdir, D. 2021. "Movement-based Music Making: An Aesthetics-based Evaluation." Creativity and Cognitioin (C&C '21). Association for Computer Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 73, 1-5. (article)

Cavdir, D., C. Clark, L. Denoue, P. Chiu, and D. Kimber. "Reactive Video: Movement Sonification for Learning Physical Activity with Adaptive Video Playback." New Interfaces for Musical Expression. (article)

Atherton, J. and G. Wang. 2020. "Doing vs. Being: A Philosophy of Design for Artful VR." Journal of New Music Research. 49(1):35-59.
(download article | pdf | project page)

Atherton, J. 2020. "Artful Design for Positive Design: A Case Study in VR." Design Research Society International Conference.
(paper | presentation video | DRS digital library)

Cavdir, D. and G. Wang. 2020. "Felt Sound: A Shared Musical Experience for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing." New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
(paper | presentation video | project page)
— winner: 2020 Pamela Z Award for Innovation, Inclusion and Diversity —

Atherton, J. and G. Wang. 2020. "Curating Perspectives: Incorporating Virtual Reality into Laptop Orchestra Performance." New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
(paper | presentation video | project page)

Cavdir, D., J. Sierra, G. Wang. 2019. "Taptop, Armtop, Blowtop: Evolving the Physical Laptop Instrument." New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
(download paper | watch performance video)

Wang, G. 2019 "Humans in the Loop: The Design of Interactive AI Systems." Stanford Human Centere Artificial Intelligence.
(HAI article | Medium article)

Wang, G. and Dinkins, S. 2019. " (Keynote) What Do We (Really) Want from AI?" Stanford Human-Centered AI Conference on Ethics, Policy, and Governance.
(watch video)

Wang, G. 2019. "Artful Design." (video) A Micro-Lecture at Stanford Reunion.
(watch video)

Wang, G. Artful Design: Technology in Search of the Sublime (a MusiComic Manifesto). Stanford University Press. 2018. (ISBN: 978-1503600522 | book site | mirror site)

Atherton, J., G. Wang. 2018. “Chunity: Integrated Audiovisual Programming in Unity.” New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Virginia, U.S.A.
(download paper | watch video demo)

Atherton, J. and G. Wang. 2018. "Chunity for Audio-first VR." Audio-first VR Workshop: Imagining the Future of Virtual Environments for Musical Expression; at New Interfaces for Musical Expression. 2018. (See also: video demos.)

Cavdir, D., R. Michon, and G. Wang. 2018. “The BodyHarp: Designing the Intersection Between the Instrument and the Body.” Sound and Music Computing.
(download paper | project page)
— winner: 2018 Best Student Paper Award —

Chandran, Deepak. 2018. “InterFACE: New Faces for Musical Expression.” New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Virginia, U.S.A.

Salazar, Spencer. Sketching Sound: Gestural Interaction in Expressive Music Programming. Ph.D. Thesis. Stanford University.
(SDR | project page)

Michon, R., J. O. Smith, M. Wright, C. Chafe, J. Granzow, and G. Wang. 2017. “Mobile Music, Sensors, Physical Modeling, and Digital Fabrication: Articulating the Augmented Mobile Instrument.” Applied Science. 7(12).
(download article)
— winner: 2017 NIME Best Paper Award —

Wang, G. 2017. “On-the-fly Programming: Using Code as an Expressive Musical Instrument.” The NIME Reader. Springer. pps. 193-210. (Peer-selected article, revised from 2004 publication in New Interfaces for Musical Expression; see NIME Reader)

Fiebrink, R, G. Wang, P. R. Cook. 2017. “Don’t Forget the Laptop: Using Native Input Capabilities for Expressive Musical Control.” The NIME Reader. Springer. pps. 285-298. (Peer-selected article, revised from 2007 publication in New Interfaces for Musical Expression; see NIME Reader)

Wang, G. 2017. “(Keynote) The ME in NIME.” New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Copenhagen, Denmark.

Wang, G. 2016. "Some Principles of Visual Design for Computer Music." Leonardo Music Journal. 26:14-19. (download article)

Wang, G. 2016. "Game Design for Expressive Mobile Music." New Interfaces for Musical Expression. (download paper)

Meacham, A., S. Kannan, and G. Wang. 2016. "The Laptop Accordion." New Interfaces for Musical Expression. (download paper (PDF) | video demo)

Wang, G. 2016. "Thoughts on Virtual Reality Design for Musical Expression." ACM CHI Music and HCI Workshop. San Jose.

Michon, R., J. O. Smith, C. Chafe, M. Wright, and G. Wang, 2016. “Nuance: Adding Multi-Touch Force Detection to the iPad.” Sound and Music Computing. Hamburg, Germany.

Wang, G. and R. Michon, 2016. “FaucK!! Hybridizing the Faust and ChucK Audio Programming Languages.” Sound and Music Computing. Hamburg, Germany.
(download paper | FaucK site)

Wang. G., P. R. Cook, and S. Salazar. 2015. "ChucK: A Strongly-timed Computer Music Language." Computer Music Journal. 39(4):10-29. (download article | chuck site)

Wang, G., S. Salazar, J. Oh, and R. Hamilton. 2015. “World Stage: Crowdsourcing Paradigm for Expressive Social Mobile Music.” Journal of New Music Research. 44(2):112-128. (download article)

Kapur, A., P. R. Cook, S. Salazar, and G. Wang. 2015. Programming for Musicians and Digital Artists: Creating Music with ChucK. Manning Press. (ISBN-13: 978-1617291708 | on Amazon)

Bryan, N. 2014. Interactive Sound Source Separation. Ph.D. Thesis. Stanford University.
(pdf | project page)

Oh. J. 2014. Affective Analysis and Synthesis of Laughter. Ph.D. Thesis. Stanford University. (project page)

Wang, G. 2014. "Ocarina: Designing the iPhone's Magic Flute." Computer Music Journal. 38(2):8-21. (download paper)

Wang, G. 2014. "Principles of Visual Design for Computer Music." In Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference. (download paper)

Wang, G., G. Essl, and H. Pentinnen. 2014. “The Mobile Phone Orchestra”. Oxford Handbook of Mobile Music Studies. S. Gopinath and J. Stanyek Eds. Oxford University Press.

Wang, G. 2014. “The World Is Your Stage: Making Music on the iPhone". Oxford Handbook of Mobile Music Studies. S. Gopinath and J. Stanyek Eds. Oxford University Press.

Salazar, S. and G. Wang. 2014. “miniAudicle for iPad: Touchscreen-based Music Software Programming.” International Computer Music Conference, Athens.

Bryan, N. J., G. J. Mysore, and G. Wang. 2014. “ISSE: An Interactive Source Separation Editor.” ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Toronto.

Salazar, S. and G. Wang. 2014. “Auraglyph: Handwritten Computer Music Composition and Design.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. London.

Bryan, N., G. Mysore, G. Wang. 2013. “Source Separation of Polyphonic Music with Interactive User-Feedback on a Piano-Roll Display.” In International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. Brazil.
(download paper)

Oh., J. and G. Wang. 2013. “LOLOL: Laugh Out Loud On Laptop.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Seoul.

Oh, J. and G. Wang. 2013. “Laughter Modulation: from Speech to Speech-Laugh” (Show & Tell) In Proceedings of Interspeech, ISCA. Lyon, France.

Oh, J., Cho, E., Slaney, M. 2013. “Characteristic Contours of Syllabic-Level Units in Laughter” In Proceedings of Interspeech, ISCA. Lyon, France.

N. J. Bryan, G. J. Mysore, “An Efficient Posterior Regularized Latent Variable Model for Interactive Sound Source Separation.” In International Conference on Machine Learning, Atlanta, GA, May 2013.
(download paper | web | sisec | app/code)

N. J. Bryan, G. J. Mysore, “Interactive Refinement of Supervised and Semi-Supervised Sound Source Separation Estimates.” In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.
(download paper | web | sisec | app/code)

N. J. Bryan, G. J. Mysore, “Interactive User-Feedback for Sound Source Separation.” International Conference on Intelligent User-Interfaces (IUI) Workshop on Interactive Machine Learning (Extended Abstract/Workshop Paper), Santa Monica, CA. March, 2013.
(download paper | web)

Choi, H., J. Berger. 2013. "WAAX: Web Audio API eXtension." International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). Seoul.

Berdahl, E., S. Salazar, and M. Borins. 2013. "Embedded Networking and Hardware-Accelerated Graphics with Satellite CCRMA." In Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference. Daejeon, Korea. (pdf)

Cerqueira, M., S. Salazar, and G. Wang. 2013. “SoundCraft: Transducing Starcraft 2.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Seoul.

Hamilton, R. 2013. "Sonifying Game-Space Choreographies with UDKOSC" In Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference, Daejeon, Korea.

Parson, J., Braga, D., Tjalve, M., Oh, J. 2013. “Evaluating Voice Quality and Speech Synthesis Using Crowdsourcing” In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD). Pilsen, Czech Republic.

Kaneshiro, B., Kim, H., Herrera, J., Oh, J., Berger, J., Slaney, M. 2013. “QBT-Extended: An Annotated Dataset of Melodically Contoured Tapped Queries” In Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR). Curitiba, Brazil.

Wang, G. 2012. “(Keynote) 10 Past and Future Lessons of Laptop Orchestra.” 1st International Symposium on Laptop Ensembles and Orchestras (SLEO). Baton Rouge.

Carlson, C. and G. Wang. 2012. “Borderlands: An Audiovisual Interface for Granular Synthesis.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Pittsburgh.

Oh., J. and G. Wang. 2012. “Evaluating Crowd-sourcing through Amazon Mechanical Turk as a Technique for Conducting Music Perception Experiments.” In Proceedings of the International Conference of Music Perception and Cognition. Thessaloniki.

Bryan, N., J. Herrera, and G. Wang. 2012. “User-guided Variable-rate Time- stretching via Stiffness Control.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects. York, UK.
(download paper)

Bryan, N. J., P. Smaragdis, G. J. Mysore. 2012. “Clustering and Synchronizing Multi-Camera Video via Landmark Cross-Correlation.” In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Kyoto, Japan.
(download paper)

Salazar, S. and G. Wang. 2012. “Chugens, Chubgraphcs, and Chugins: 3 Tiers for Extending ChucK.” In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Slovenia. (download paper)

Choi, H., J. Granzow, J. Sadler. 2012. “The Deckle Project : A Sketch of Three Sensors,” Proceedings of International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

Choi, H. 2012. “An Alternative Implementation of VBAP with Graphical Interface for Sound Motion Design,” Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Auditory Display, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Nam, J., J. Herrera, M. Slaney and J. O. Smith. 2012. "Learning Sparse Feature Representations for Music Annotation and Retrieval". In Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR-12), Porto, Portugal.

Bortz, B., S. Salazar, J. Jaivovich, R. B. Knapp, and G. Wang. 2012. “ShEMP: A Mobile Framework for Shared Emotion, Music, and Physiology.” 3rd International Workshop on Social Behaviour in Music (SBM2012), in framework of the 14th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. Santa Monica.

Rotondo, M., N. Kruge, and G. Wang. 2012. “Many-Person Instruments for Computer Music Performance.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Pittsburgh.

Wang, G. 2011. “(Keynote) Breaking Barriers with Sound.” ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST). Santa Barbara.

Wang, G., J. Oh, S. Salazar, and R. Hamilton. 2011. "World Stage: A Crowdsourcing Paradigm for Social / Mobile Music." In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference.. Huddersfield, UK.
(download paper | homepage)

Oh, J. and Wang, G. 2011 "Audience Participation Techniques Based on Social Mobile Computing." In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Huddersfield, UK.
(download paper | MoPhO homepage)

Bryan, N. and Wang, G. 2011. “Two Turntables and a Mobile Phone.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Oslo, Norway.
(download paper)

Bryan, N. and Wang, G. 2011. “Musical Influence Network Analysis and Rank of Sample-based Music." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR). Miami.
(download paper)

Kruge, N. and Wang, G. 2011. "MadPad: A Crowdsourcing System for Audiovisual Sampling." In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expresssion Oslo, Norway.
(download paper | homepage)

Wang, G., Oh, J., and Lieber, T. 2011. "Designing for the iPad: Magic Fiddle" In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Oslo, Norway.
(download paper | homepage)

Oh, J. and Wang, G. 2011. "Converge: An Omni-Biographical Composition." KEAMS / Computer Music Journal Emille (Vol. 9).
(download paper | homepage)

Dahl, L., Herrera, J., and Wilkerson, C. 2011. "TweetDreams: Making Music with the Audience and the World Using Real-time Twitter Data." In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Oslo, Norway.
(download paper)

Hamilton, R., Smith, J., and Wang, G. 2011. "Social Composition: Musical Data Systems for Expressive Mobile Music." Leonardo Music Journal Vol. 21. pp.57-64.
(download pdf)

Hamilton, R., J. Caceres, C. Nanou, C. Platz. 2011. "Multi-modal musical environments for mixed-reality performance", Journal for Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI), Vol. 4, pp. 147-156, Springer-Verlang.

Oh, J., Herrera, J., Bryan N. J., Dahl, L., and Wang, G. 2010. “Evolving the Mobile Phone Orchestra.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Sydney, 2010.
(download paper | MoPhO)

Bryan, N. J., Herrera, J., Oh, J., and Wang, G. 2010. “MoMu: A Mobile Music Toolkit.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Sydney 2010.
(download paper | toolkit)

Dahl, L. and Wang, G. 2010. “Sound Bounce: Physical Metaphors in Designing Mobile Music Performance.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Sydney 2010.
(download paper)

Choi, H. and Wang, G. 2010. “LUSH: An Organic Eco-Musical System.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Sydney 2010.
(download paper | homepage)

Chang, M. H., Wang, G., Moore, T., and Berger, J. 2010. “Sonification and Visualization of Neural Data.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display. Washington D.C. 2010.

Wang, G., N. Bryan, J. Oh, and R. Hamilton. 2009. “Stanford Laptop Orchestra (SLOrk).” In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Montreal.
(download paper | homepage)

Oh, J. “Resolving conflicting linguistic and musical cues in the perception of metric accentuation in song.” Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC) Conference. Indianapolis, 2009.

Wang, G. 2009. "Designing Smule’s iPhone Ocarina." In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Pittsburgh.
(download paper | homepage)

Wang, G., G. Essl, J. Smith, S. Salazar, P. Cook, R. Hamilton, R. Fiebrink, J. Berger, D. Zhu, M. Ljungstrom, A. Berry, J. Wu, T. Kirk, E. Berger, J. Segal. 2009. “Smule = Sonic Media: An Intersection of the Mobile, Musical, and Social”. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Montreal.

Wang, G. 2008. The ChucK Audio Programming Language: A Strongly-timed and On-the-fly Environ/mentality. Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University.
(goto thesis page to view / download)

Wang, G., G. Essl, and H. Pentinnen. 2008. “Do Mobile Phones Dream of Electric Orchestras?” In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Belfast.
(download paper | MoPhO | MiPhO)

Fiebrink, R., G. Wang, and P. R. Cook. 2008. “Support for MIR Prototyping and Real-time Applications of the ChucK Programming Language". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Philadelphia.
(download paper | smirk)

Fiebrink, R., G. Wang, and P. R. Cook. 2008. "Foundations for On-the-fly Learning in the ChucK Programming Language." In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference." Belfast, Ireland. (download paper [pdf] | smirk)

Smallwood, S., D. Trueman, P. R. Cook, and G. Wang. 2008. “Composing for Laptop Orchestra". Computer Music Journal. 32(1):9-25.

Wang, G., D. Trueman, S. Smallwood, and P. R. Cook. 2008. “The Laptop Orchestra as Classroom”. Computer Music Journal. 32(1):26-37.

Hamilton, R., "q3osc: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Game" In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Association Conference, Belfast, Ireland, 2008. (download paper | q3osc)

Caceres, J., R. Hamilton, D. Iyer, C. Chafe, and G. Wang. 2008. “China on the Edge: Explorations in Network-based Performance”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Arts (ARTECH). Porto, Portugal.
(download paper)

Fiebrink, R., G. Wang, and P. R. Cook. 2007. “Don’t Forget the Laptop: Using Native Input Capabilities for Expressive Musical Control". In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. New York.
(download paper | S.M.E.L.T.)

Misra, A., G. Wang, and P. Cook. 2007. “Musical Tapestry: Re-composing Natural Sounds.” Journal of New Music Research. 36(4):241-250. (tapestrea | JNMR article)
— winner: 2006 ICMA Swets & Zietlinger Distinguished Paper Award —

Wang, G., R., Fiebrink, and P. R. Cook. 2007. “Combining Analysis and Synthesis in the ChucK Programming Language”. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Copenhagen.
(download paper | UAna homepage)

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