(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 11.1' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 552274, 14667] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 480739, 13349] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 481159, 13366] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 481116, 13363] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Empty Graph", "Title", CellDingbat->None,ExpressionUUID->"64b2c7f8-4184-412a-ae6c-04a04ba8d1d5"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Author", "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"4b8bb754-fa01-474b-a010-6943641e5a3c"], Cell["\<\ Eric W. 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0.09013878188659974]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], TraditionalForm], {975., -586.2857142857142}, { Center, Center}, {360., 359.99999999999994}], InsetBox[ FormBox[ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, {}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.05}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 2], Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 0}, {0, 0}, {1, 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[ GraphicsComplexBox[{{0.5, 2.598076211353316}, {0., 1.7320508075688772`}, 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FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], TraditionalForm], {1755., -586.2857142857142}, { Center, Center}, {360., 359.99999999999994}]}, {InsetBox[ FormBox[ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}, {}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.05}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 2], 2 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-3, 2], 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[ GraphicsComplexBox[{{0.5, 3.4641016151377544`}, {0., 2.598076211353316}, {1., 2.598076211353316}, {-0.5, 1.7320508075688772`}, {0.5, 1.7320508075688772`}, {1.5, 1.7320508075688772`}, {-1., 0.8660254037844386}, {0., 0.8660254037844386}, {1., 0.8660254037844386}, {2., 0.8660254037844386}, {-1.5, 0.}}, {{}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[2, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[3, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[4, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[5, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[6, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[7, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[8, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[9, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[10, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[11, 0.12311072252245131]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], TraditionalForm], {195., -977.1428571428571}, { Center, Center}, {360., 360.}], InsetBox[ FormBox[ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = 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RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 2], 2 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-3, 2], 0}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 2], 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[ GraphicsComplexBox[{{0.5, 3.4641016151377544`}, {0., 2.598076211353316}, {1., 2.598076211353316}, {-0.5, 1.7320508075688772`}, {0.5, 1.7320508075688772`}, {1.5, 1.7320508075688772`}, {-1., 0.8660254037844386}, {0., 0.8660254037844386}, {1., 0.8660254037844386}, {2., 0.8660254037844386}, {-1.5, 0.}, {-0.5, 0.}, {0.5, 0.}}, {{}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[2, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[3, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[4, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[5, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[6, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[7, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[8, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[9, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[10, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[11, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[12, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[13, 0.12311072252245131]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], TraditionalForm], {975., -977.1428571428571}, { Center, Center}, {360., 360.}], InsetBox[ FormBox[ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14}, {}, { EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.05}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 2], 2 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-3, 2], 0}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[3, 2], 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[ GraphicsComplexBox[{{0.5, 3.4641016151377544`}, {0., 2.598076211353316}, {1., 2.598076211353316}, {-0.5, 1.7320508075688772`}, {0.5, 1.7320508075688772`}, {1.5, 1.7320508075688772`}, {-1., 0.8660254037844386}, {0., 0.8660254037844386}, {1., 0.8660254037844386}, {2., 0.8660254037844386}, {-1.5, 0.}, {-0.5, 0.}, {0.5, 0.}, {1.5, 0.}}, {{}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[2, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[3, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[4, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[5, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[6, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[7, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[8, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[9, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[10, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[11, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[12, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[13, 0.12311072252245131], DiskBox[14, 0.12311072252245131]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], TraditionalForm], {1365., -977.1428571428571}, { Center, Center}, {360., 360.}], InsetBox[ FormBox[ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}, {}, { EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.05}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 2], 4}, {0, 3}, {1, 3}, { Rational[-1, 2], 2}, { 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3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-2, 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[ GraphicsComplexBox[{{0.5, 4.330127018922193}, {0., 3.4641016151377544`}, {1., 3.4641016151377544`}, {-0.5, 2.598076211353316}, {0.5, 2.598076211353316}, {1.5, 2.598076211353316}, {-1., 1.7320508075688772`}, {0., 1.7320508075688772`}, {1., 1.7320508075688772`}, {2., 1.7320508075688772`}, {-1.5, 0.8660254037844386}, {-0.5, 0.8660254037844386}, {0.5, 0.8660254037844386}, {1.5, 0.8660254037844386}, {2.5, 0.8660254037844386}, {-2., 0.}}, {{}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[2, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[3, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[4, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[5, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[6, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[7, 0.15612494995995996], 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2]}, {0, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {2, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-3, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-2, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 0}, {1, 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQBmIQDQEP7F/pm1/kCRJ0gIms8ol4UbWNG8r/YI/Kf7C/ wdJJ784JFhjfHpX/A43/YT9E/297VPNhfJj5cHkHVP4PqP7X9jD70fj2qPwf aHwWB1Q+wwEGFPBhPwNe8AHubgBdo1Fl "], {{}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[2, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[3, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[4, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[5, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[6, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[7, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[8, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[9, 0.15612494995995996], DiskBox[10, 0.15612494995995996], 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3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-3, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-2, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 3, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-5, 2], 0}, { Rational[-3, 2], 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQB2IQDQEP7BssnfTunBBxgIm80je/yBMkCOV/sEflP9i/ yifiRdU2bhjfHpX/A43/YT/EfBa4+aj8D/Zo8g6o/B9Q+37bo9oP59uj8n+g 8VkcUPkMByD81/Yw96HyGRjQ5O3R5B1Q+RxofJYDDCjgx34YCwDrX2pP "], {{}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[2, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[3, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[4, 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3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 3, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-5, 2], 0}, { Rational[-3, 2], 0}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGCQAGIQDQEP7BssnfTunBBxgIm80je/yBMkCOV/sEflP9i/ yifiRdU2bhjfHpX/A43/YT/EfBa4+aj8D/Zo8g6o/B9Q+37bo9oP59uj8n+g 8VkcUPkMByD81/Yw96HyGRjQ5O3R5B1Q+RxofJYDDCjgx35U/gM4HwCht2vv "], {{}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[2, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[3, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[4, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[5, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[6, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[7, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[8, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[9, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[10, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[11, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[12, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[13, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[14, 0.18915932438026947], 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{-1, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-3, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-2, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 3, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-5, 2], 0}, { Rational[-3, 2], 0}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[3, 2], 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGCQAmIQDQEP7BssnfTunBBxgIm80je/yBMkCOV/sEflP9i/ yifiRdU2bhjfHpX/A43/YT/EfBa4+aj8D/Zo8g6o/B9Q+37bo9oP59uj8n+g 8VkcUPkMByD81/Yw96HyGRjQ5O3R5B1Q+RxofJYDDCjgx35U/gN0vj0q/wec DwBMh25H "], {{}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], 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Rational[-1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-2, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 3, Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-5, 2], 0}, { Rational[-3, 2], 0}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[3, 2], 0}, { Rational[5, 2], 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGCQBmIQDQEP7BssnfTunBBxgIm80je/yBMkCOV/sEflP9i/ yifiRdU2bhjfHpX/A43/YT/EfBa4+aj8D/Zo8g6o/B9Q+37bo9oP59uj8n+g 8VkcUPkMByD81/Yw96HyGRjQ5O3R5B1Q+RxofJYDDCjgx35U/gN0vj0q/wca HxFuADWAbow= "], {{}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[2, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[3, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[4, 0.18915932438026947], DiskBox[5, 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3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[5, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[5, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 2 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {0, 2 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 1, 2 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {2, 2 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-3, 2], Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], Rational[3, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-2, 3^ Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {3, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-5, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-3, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[7, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {-3, 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGCQBWIQDQEP7EWdfbtX20s4wEQaLJ307pwQgfI/2KPyH+x/ pW9+kSdIEMa3R+X/QON/2L/KJ+JF1TZuuPmo/A/2aPIOqPwf+yH2s8DtR+Pb o/J/oPFZHFD5DAcg5v+2R3UfjA9zH1zeHk3eAZXPgcZngZr/2h7mflT+A3S+ PZp6ND6LAyqfB43PcQDmbgAU6Yf3 "], {{}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[2, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[3, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[4, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[5, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[6, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[7, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[8, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[9, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[10, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[11, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[12, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[13, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[14, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[15, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[16, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[17, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[18, 0.22220486043288973], DiskBox[19, 0.22220486043288973], 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33, 7, 18592088716962775384, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", \ "MSG",ExpressionUUID->"c60839ef-89b1-452a-8b35-ba05ffa63770"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ "CoefficientList", "poly", "\"\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{SqrtBox[\\\"Discrete`FindGeneratingFunctionDump`x\\\"],\ \\\"-\\\", FractionBox[RowBox[{\\\"31\\\", \\\" \\\", \ \\\"Discrete`FindGeneratingFunctionDump`x\\\"}], \\\"2\\\"], \\\"+\\\", \ FractionBox[RowBox[{\\\"2341\\\", \\\" \\\", \ SuperscriptBox[\\\"Discrete`FindGeneratingFunctionDump`x\\\", RowBox[{\\\"3\\\ \", \\\"/\\\", \\\"2\\\"}]]}], \\\"8\\\"], \\\"-\\\", \ FractionBox[RowBox[{\\\"12131\\\", \\\" \\\", SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{\\\"\ \[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \\\"37\\\", \\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\"}], \\\"2\\\"]}], \\\ \"2\\\"], \\\"+\\\", FractionBox[RowBox[{\\\"16926151\\\", \\\" \\\", \ SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{\\\"\[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \\\"37\\\", \\\"\ \[RightSkeleton]\\\"}], RowBox[{\\\"5\\\", \\\"/\\\", \\\"2\\\"}]]}], \\\"128\ \\\"], \\\"-\\\", FractionBox[RowBox[{\\\"147161161\\\", \\\" \\\", \ SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{\\\"\[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \\\"37\\\", \\\"\ \[RightSkeleton]\\\"}], \\\"3\\\"]}], \\\"62\\\"], \\\"+\\\", \ FractionBox[RowBox[{\\\"69664987069\\\", \\\" \\\", SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{\\\ \"\[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \\\"37\\\", \\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\"}], \ RowBox[{\\\"7\\\", \\\"/\\\", \\\"2\\\"}]]}], \\\"1024\\\"], \\\"-\\\", \ FractionBox[RowBox[{\\\"1785212044091\\\", \\\" \\\", SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{\ \\\"\[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \\\"37\\\", \\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\"}], \ \\\"4\\\"]}], \\\"1922\\\"], \\\"+\\\", \ FractionBox[RowBox[{\\\"1207444635955723\\\", \\\" \\\", \ SuperscriptBox[\\\"Discrete`FindGeneratingFunctionDump`x\\\", RowBox[{\\\"9\\\ \", \\\"/\\\", \\\"2\\\"}]]}], \\\"32768\\\"], \\\"-\\\", \ FractionBox[RowBox[{\\\"21656407306867921\\\", \\\" \\\", \ SuperscriptBox[\\\"Discrete`FindGeneratingFunctionDump`x\\\", \\\"5\\\"]}], \ \\\"59582\\\"]}]\\) is not a polynomial.\"", 2, 33, 8, 18592088716962775384, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", \ "MSG",ExpressionUUID->"0997e00b-b944-4813-a7f5-a8d27e737936"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ "PolynomialGCD", "lrgexp", "\"Exponent is out of bounds for function \ \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"PolynomialGCD\\\"}]\\).\"", 2, 33, 9, 18592088716962775384, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", \ "MSG",ExpressionUUID->"af0ea938-7666-4350-82fd-778a5cced43c"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ "CoefficientList", "poly", "\"\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{RowBox[{\\\"-\\\", FractionBox[\\\"31\\\", \ RowBox[{\\\"2\\\", \\\" \\\", RowBox[{\\\"(\\\", \ RowBox[{SqrtBox[\\\"Discrete`FindGeneratingFunctionDump`x\\\"], \\\"+\\\", \ FractionBox[RowBox[{\\\"2341\\\", \\\" \\\", SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{\\\"\ \[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \\\"37\\\", \\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\"}], \ RowBox[{\\\"3\\\", \\\"/\\\", \\\"2\\\"}]]}], \\\"8\\\"], \\\"+\\\", \ FractionBox[RowBox[{\\\"16926151\\\", \\\" \\\", SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{\\\"\ \[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \\\"37\\\", \\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\"}], \ 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2, 33, 11, 18592088716962775384, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", \ "MSG",ExpressionUUID->"d87038f1-c42d-4ef4-90f3-009973d8ca62"] }, Closed]], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"FindLinearRecurrence", "[", "seq", "]"}]], "Input",ExpressionUUID->"569f34b8-532b-4d98-b743-dbf2d5682c20"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Perfect", "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"1937dacf-a4aa-4ec5-ada1-07a9bec7267e"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Table", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"GraphData", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\"\\"", ",", "n"}], "}"}], ",", "\"\\""}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"n", ",", "30"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], "Input",ExpressionUUID->\ "48e50a16-5747-4490-bf6b-eb3094ddafbd"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True", ",", "True"}], 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