(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 11.1' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 8876383, 163398] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 8806210, 162180] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 8806815, 162203] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 8806737, 162198] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Dodecahedral Graph", "Title",ExpressionUUID->"a719feb7-6218-48af-b5e8-21f1220eac5f"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Author", "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"f72a88d6-f7e7-4f57-b144-1a8e1bc4e1bd"], Cell["\<\ Eric W. Weisstein June 21, 2023\ \>", "Text",ExpressionUUID->"fa961551-c271-4c7b-83ef-08279d067795"], Cell[TextData[{ "This notebook downloaded from ", ButtonBox["http://mathworld.wolfram.com/notebooks/GraphTheory/\ DodecahedralGraph.nb", BaseStyle->"Hyperlink", ButtonData:>{ URL["http://mathworld.wolfram.com/notebooks/GraphTheory/DodecahedralGraph.\ nb"], None}], "." }], "Text",ExpressionUUID->"24ffcfd0-f681-421a-a813-4fc79abacb4a"], Cell[TextData[{ "For more information, see Eric's ", StyleBox["MathWorld", FontSlant->"Italic"], " entry ", ButtonBox["http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DodecahedralGraph.html", BaseStyle->"Hyperlink", ButtonData:>{ URL["http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DodecahedralGraph.html"], None}], "." }], "Text",ExpressionUUID->"1dfde49c-c2c1-49b9-842c-06de76e1f4f0"], Cell["\<\ \[Copyright]2023 Wolfram Research, Inc. except for portions noted otherwise\ \>", "Text",ExpressionUUID->"c3418fa4-d105-40ff-98dc-b8aed831e346"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Embeddings", 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",", "20"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"2", ",", "7"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "8"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"4", ",", "9"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "10"}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"VertexCoordinates", "\[Rule]", "v"}], ",", RowBox[{"VertexLabels", "\[Rule]", "Automatic"}]}], "]"}]}]}], "Input", CellLabel->"In[3]:=",ExpressionUUID->"d0e406fd-bdee-4a34-8397-f730a6da77b7"], Cell[BoxData[ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 5}, {5, 1}, {1, 6}, {6, 11}, { 11, 7}, {7, 12}, {12, 8}, {8, 13}, {13, 9}, {9, 14}, {14, 10}, {10, 15}, {15, 6}, {15, 16}, {16, 17}, {17, 18}, {18, 19}, {19, 20}, {20, 16}, {11, 17}, {12, 18}, {13, 19}, {14, 20}, {2, 7}, {3, 8}, {4, 9}, { 5, 10}}}, {VertexLabels -> {Automatic}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]) (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 2] ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^(-1) ( Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[ 1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^(-1) ( Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]) (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {0, Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))}, { Rational[1, 4] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] + Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))}, { Rational[-1, 4] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] + Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))}, { Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))}, { 0, Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {0, Rational[-1, 4]}, { Rational[1, 4] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 16] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 16] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 16] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 16] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[{ {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGCQA2ImKIaAB/aVq4t5VrI+27/iy/TZ5Y9f2vMGL+Q9demC 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3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 8] Root[5 - 5 #^2 + #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 16] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 8] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 8]}, { Rational[-1, 8] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 16] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 8] Root[5 - 5 #^2 + #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 16] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, (Rational[1, 10] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Root[5 - 80 #^2 + 256 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {0, Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 8] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 16] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 8] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 16] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] Root[5 - 5 #^2 + #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 8] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 8]}, {0, Rational[-1, 4]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 8] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 16] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQEP7CtXF/OsZH22Pz6qlEX5/KH9K75Mn13++KQ9 hH65nzd4Ie+pSxfs11+/0y0x/4Y9RN+B/f9DXIT58s/tD/l1+uzuj1fsofrt YfphNjxlduPusHhtD1F/zz7gpb75+2OH7ePA6i9B7bu5H6YenQ9zJ9Q+e5h9 MPsh5m2Gqn+wH9U/l+xh5kH9Y4/mn/0w/6DadwHqv3v7Ye6F2Q+zDwALcY1w "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.033494257641235356`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.033494257641235356], DiskBox[2, 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, 3, 0], Rational[1, 16] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Root[5 - 80 #^2 + 256 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 8] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, (Rational[1, 10] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Rational[-1, 2]}, { Root[5 - 80 #^2 + 256 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] Root[5 - 5 #^2 + #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 8] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {0, Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 8] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 16] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] Root[5 - 5 #^2 + #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {0, Rational[-1, 4]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 8] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 16] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQEP7CtXF/OsZH22Pz6qlEX5/KH9K75Mn13++KT9 /xAXYb78e/YBL/XN3x87DBV/uZ83eCHvqUsX7KHq7WHq48D8S1B1N9H128Ns fMrsxt1h8RrOh7pjP5p+qHsu2cPMQ1MPNf/cfoj5m9HV74eZC/Mf1P32MPej mndhP9S9+2H+hZpvDzMfTd4eAN+njEY= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.033494257641235356`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.033494257641235356], DiskBox[2, 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0]}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[5 - 20 #^2 + 16 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] Root[5 - 5 #^2 + #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 8] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[5 - 80 #^2 + 256 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 8] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 4] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], 0}, {Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[5 - 80 #^2 + 256 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQHfBS3/z9scP2/0NchPny7+2H8vdD+fYMYPABSjMw rPgyfXb545f746JKWZTPP9oP4d+0jwfzL0HVPdiPpt4eph5i/mWo+e/2o9lv DzVvP8w8mPkQ/ZfQ3YduHsx+NPfe3I+q/7I9qv1wvj2a/+zR3A8LD7j/AIYY kNA= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.041401179300458654`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.041401179300458654], DiskBox[2, 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5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2] (2 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2] (2 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], (Rational[3, 4] + Rational[1, 3] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 2], (Rational[3, 4] + Rational[1, 3] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, -(Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, (Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, {Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 36 #^2 + 144 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 36 #^2 + 144 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQTQiE/Dp9dvfHL/vZzFoCda4ds4fy7WH8FV+mzy5/ /HK/ol9Q3t4nd2F8ezT+frG1Mf+Ytn2Ay8P4EFse7L9h3NtxYsLn/VC+PRp/ /3UIH6beHpXPwCAPtu/tfph9EP5dGN8exkdTj+6+/Wju24/m//1o/t8PAKCQ lwg= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05374005336484247]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.05374005336484247], 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Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 44] ( 11^Rational[1, 2] + (110 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 44] (110^Rational[1, 2] - (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] ( 6 + (425 + 181 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[45, 176] + Rational[9, 88] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 8] (Rational[63, 11] + 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 8] (Rational[1, 11] (621 + 245 5^Rational[1, 2] + 12 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 8] (Rational[1, 11] (83 + 19 5^Rational[1, 2] - 12 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 22] (15 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 22] (51 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (-6 + (205 + 71 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 88] ((693 - 121 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + 6 (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 44] (22^Rational[1, 2] - 110^ Rational[1, 2] + (1595 + 682 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[5, 22] (15 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 88] (-110^Rational[1, 2] - 10 (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 11] (121 + 40 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (305 + 131 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] 11^Rational[-1, 2] ( 2 (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (65 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 11] (121 + 40 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (305 + 131 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 11] (77 + 26 5^Rational[1, 2] + 4 (305 + 131 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[5, 22] (15 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[5, 22] (51 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (4 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 3 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 8] ( Rational[1, 11] (403 + 125 5^Rational[1, 2] - 12 (25 + 11 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 88] ( 2 55^Rational[1, 2] - (22 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 88] (-22^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (55 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (-4 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 3 (65 + 29 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 8] ( Rational[1, 11] (83 + 19 5^Rational[1, 2] - 12 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (4 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 3 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 176] (3 22^Rational[1, 2] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) + 4 (935 + 418 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 11] (157 + 58 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (125 + 41 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (-6 + (205 + 71 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] ((63 - 11 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + 6 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 8] (Rational[1, 11] (461 + 181 5^Rational[1, 2] + 12 (425 + 181 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 88] ((-6) (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (693 + 121 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 11] (51 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 44] (-110^Rational[1, 2] + (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbS1v8sLp8cv9pdutJ7vIVe2H8u2hfHsrNP5P5vk6 v/982a+2ze956ver9rJPCjXVn32x/+F4/2iV53X7b4omR5+XF+3X7TAq1vN7 ZF/U6GVm3nHfftfG3z7r9721P/neo11J99X+Up/5egImn+w3/9Ws/Lq0xV72 0JMU//Iv+9f7yXsmz3y5/8nho9t9Mj7B+PZQPkz9fqh6+z8BUxwWWz+wXxfF 8EG27u1+fWWw/fZQ+/dD3bcf6r79UPX710PUw9xjD3XPfqh79++EuHf/D4h/ 7aH+3Y8eXgCx06o/ "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05496546668806487]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[2, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[3, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[4, 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36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 2], (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 2], (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { 0, (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQO8wQt5T126YI/G3x/y6/TZ3R+/7IfJQ/n2MP6K L9Nnlz9+uR+NjyG/NYy789uFj3B5GB9i2wOY/H4o3x6Nvx9NPZp+BgaYejT3 7Edzz3409eju24/mPnT/70fz/34AINyj3g== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05155676257133856]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[2, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[3, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[4, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[5, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[6, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[7, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[8, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[9, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[10, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[11, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[12, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[13, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[14, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[15, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[16, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[17, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[18, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[19, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[20, 0.05155676257133856]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 10] (125 + 47 5^Rational[1, 2] + 4 (30 (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 10] (55 - 20 3^Rational[1, 2] + 13 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 15^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 40] ((50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + 4 (75 + 30 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 40] ((30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (5 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( 2 + (Rational[1, 5] (13 + 4 3^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] (-(30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( 2 + (Rational[1, 5] (13 + 4 3^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] (-(30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {(Rational[5, 32] + Rational[11, 32] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 40] ( 2 (5 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + (750 + 330 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[5, 32] + Rational[11, 32] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 40] ( 2 (5 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + (750 + 330 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 40] (250 + 110 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2] ( 2 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (150 + 66 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 40] (250 + 110 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2] ( 2 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (150 + 66 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 20] ((30 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[5, 2] (25 + 11 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[19, 2] - 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] - 4 3^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[37, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (Rational[17, 2] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + 4 3^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[23, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 40] ( 2 (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - (750 + 330 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (2 + 2 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] ((30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (2 + 2 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] ((30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQHfZIbfUWna/7m3cVKHVU3rWH8u1bIPz9DLX2jwP/ 3N8/y79Yat+GPgz+2zOOIfLLX9m/XeLWclvyJSYfVRyD/0G4jM1PbMn+7b8/ 6gW//2KPzn8A4dtvg/D3o/MlRPdu+rjxi/0+efZLvfYP7dHsweCLQ9Tvh6pH V2ePzof61x7qXww+AB9DsJQ= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.055830735019350215`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[2, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[3, 0.055830735019350215], 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15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[-1, 4] (13 + 19 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (13 + 19 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 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5^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/endnQlHuj/tZ4ACKN8exo9SmCJwW+X+/pBfp8/u /vhlPxrf3mOpx7s6+8f2K75Mn13++OV+NL49RP37/TB5ND5U/2WofQ/2o/Fh 8vvR5GF8e96W29+uWnyDuxdq/34098Dtg6rfj+q/9/Zo7kNz/317NP/D+PYA fV6fmg== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05725601845709524]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], 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14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[-1, 4] (5 + 11 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (5 + 11 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Root[1 - 80 #^2 + 320 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Root[1 - 80 #^2 + 320 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 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hL+fGaLePg6ifn9366fe5WJf7B21vqTMcbpq/xFi/34DiP37ayDu2w91n30n RP1+e4j6/X8g7rG3gbhnfwHEvfYvIO61h/rXHupfWHjYQ8PDHgDiaLNq "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/dRmf+OGsq/7v7V7my5Yf80eyreH8vdLSO2cYnbo 8X6rptpj4QHv9u84baf/9/v1/Tlb1n7hnfbOvirmUuDVhpf2tqlBe0oyPu1/ r5Okcdvvnb3DRLsdFf6z7PNWWCxcevvl/ufLQu7zGXza//v6ilPzeZ/ujxC+ /rvcZIk9w7qZWp/DjuxPiF345L7iQ/sNtk8UQt9s2N/0apNBgdEX+x0Qvn0j hL+fGaLePg6ifn9366fe5WJf7B21vqTMcbpq/xFi/34DiP37ayDu2w91n30n RP1+e4j6/X8g7rG3gbhnfwHEvfYvIO61h/rXHupfWHjYQ8PDHgDiaLNq "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05526026899519224]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 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20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 10] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), 5^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 10] (-5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), -5^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (-2 - (2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2] + 2 (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (-2 + (2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2] - 2 (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 20] (-5 - 3 5^Rational[1, 2] - (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (-5 - 5^ Rational[1, 2] + (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 20] (-5 - 3 5^Rational[1, 2] + (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (-5 - 5^ Rational[1, 2] - (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 20] (5 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2] - (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2] + (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 20] (5 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2] + (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2] - (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])}, {Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), 0}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (2 - (2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2] + 2 (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (2 + (2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2] - 2 (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 8] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2, Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, 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{2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQEP7JsPnFrouu21PZS/H8rfjya/X3fT3PfLjz3e b33fv3d63j97ND5U/Yf9MJP5wAqu7YfR4jfPfQ9+/HO/eadjwtMLn6D2MTjA 1EPl7WHyaOph5h5AM98eZj7Ufpi5DFD32cPci+YeezT79qOZZ4+mHxYesPCx BwB4bZGA "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQEP7JsPnFrouu21PZS/H8rfjya/X3fT3PfLjz3e b33fv3d63j97ND5U/Yf9MJP5wAqu7YfR4jfPfQ9+/HO/eadjwtMLn6D2MTjA 1EPl7WHyaOph5h5AM98eZj7Ufpi5DFD32cPci+YeezT79qOZZ4+mHxYesPCx BwB4bZGA "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, 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TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQfca6Pm3egmf2aPR+GD9Xx1ZWofnNfsZ7Ltp6fHf3 xzzRn6Iy+719afCKdG62I/Ywcag6DHNg6mD60PTvR9MPUw+zB50Pcw+6vTBz 0N2/H009nIaJo9ljj+ZeDHeg6d8PAAaSkEo= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.041904067400022615`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.041904067400022615], DiskBox[2, 0.041904067400022615], DiskBox[3, 0.041904067400022615], DiskBox[4, 0.041904067400022615], DiskBox[5, 0.041904067400022615], DiskBox[6, 0.041904067400022615], DiskBox[7, 0.041904067400022615], DiskBox[8, 0.041904067400022615], DiskBox[9, 0.041904067400022615], DiskBox[10, 0.041904067400022615], DiskBox[11, 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{12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbTs7dP7qtSf231Vha5zqvHu/Ul9poTQv6wEGKPjq Fdlmce2uPZTe353z/PfKj1/2Q2Qf2O+61fU3tZzDAUofgOp3YEADr4u3iv4+ /QZd/3408+3R1MP5v2Nyj/4zYj4AsweNhtnvYHntaK5Jw3l7qH/g7kb3B5p/ 7GH+QbPPAU1+P7q9AMNXjqA= "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbTs7dP7qtSf231Vha5zqvHu/Ul9poTQv6wEGKPjq Fdlmce2uPZTe353z/PfKj1/2Q2Qf2O+61fU3tZzDAUofgOp3YEADr4u3iv4+ /QZd/3408+3R1MP5v2Nyj/4zYj4AsweNhtnvYHntaK5Jw3l7qH/g7kb3B5p/ 7GH+QbPPAU1+P7q9AMNXjqA= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.1297526801341691]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[2, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[3, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[4, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[5, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[6, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[7, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[8, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[9, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[10, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[11, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[12, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[13, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[14, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[15, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[16, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[17, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[18, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[19, 0.1297526801341691], DiskBox[20, 0.1297526801341691]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", 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11529215046068469760000 #^8& , 3, 0]^ Rational[1, 2]}, {-0.9677481949315356, -0.348234973437605}, { 0.843010491122414, -0.11375460257732557`}, { 1, -(1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Root[ 106537612801 + 215161907195 # - 754115575025 #^2 - 633789772815 #^3 + 2139107152645 #^4 - 645501747200 #^5 - 749941555200 #^6 + 215167795200 #^7 + 107374182400 #^8& , 6, 0], Root[ 17598220999335736321 - 540528768140269969925 #^2 + 6269411700808243814485 #^4 - 35627336894415949311925 #^6 + 108386758107061028364825 #^8 - 180110760013281099776000 #^10 + 159827258715871903744000 #^12 - 69535402324740014080000 #^14 + 11529215046068469760000 #^16& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {0.5782373542562063, 0.8505561284601488}, {0.15231751215346578`, -0.8369027262719113}, { Root[ 1 + 5 # - 3835 #^2 - 8965 #^3 + 3927045 #^4 + 4915200 #^5 - 1258291200 #^6 - 419430400 #^7 + 107374182400 #^8& , 2, 0], Root[1199513305477529806561281 - 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2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 0}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQHfBS3/z9scv2/0NchPny3+2H8vdD+fZo8vYrvkyf Xf745f64qFIW5fOP0Pn7GcDggz0DFED0P4bq/wdV/xOq/hNM3QGYeqi8PUwe TT3UfAYHNPP3w8yH2r8f1byX9jD3orlnP5p9+9HM24+mHz189gMA87yREA== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], 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D5PfjyaP7l50++zR7NuP5l97NPfvR3M/zN8OqN7/sB/GAgAqiJEQ "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.08280235860091731]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[2, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[3, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[4, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[5, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[6, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[7, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[8, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[9, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[10, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[11, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[12, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[13, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[14, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[15, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[16, 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2] (-2 - (10 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2] - 2 (1 - 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (-2 + (10 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2] + 2 (1 - 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (5 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (5 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ7f9S3/z9scf2DFAA5e9nQAEP9jt9nSt7zf66PRp/ f4LugomKRSfs46JKWZTPP0Ln27M85ArbKblkv3pY1/bDxx7s/+XZ+CFG6b69 7dRpz8VaTu5X+X1K/1P4A3teK9c/vq/22zcJftumffDq/unhhnMYVt/cD+Xb Q/n2UPX7oer3C3MqyOZuuGh/8+3+o6rz78Ds34/mHhjfHqp+P1S9PdQ9+6Hu sWeFuNce6l6Yf+3R/A/j7wcAdO2SHQ== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.025587335982012044`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[2, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[3, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[4, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[5, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[6, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[7, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[8, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[9, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[10, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[11, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[12, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[13, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[14, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[15, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[16, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[17, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[18, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[19, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[20, 0.025587335982012044]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], 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{15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbTs7dP7qtSf231Vha5zqvHu/Ul9poTQv6wEGKPjq Fdlmce2uPZTe353z/PfKj1/2Q2Qf2O+61fU3tZzDAUofgOp3YEADr4u3iv4+ /QZd/3408+3R1MP5v2Nyj/4zYj4AsweNhtnvYHntaK5Jw3l7qH/g7kb3B5p/ 7GH+QbPPAU1+P7q9AMNXjqA= "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbTs7dP7qtSf231Vha5zqvHu/Ul9poTQv6wEGKPjq Fdlmce2uPZTe353z/PfKj1/2Q2Qf2O+61fU3tZzDAUofgOp3YEADr4u3iv4+ /QZd/3408+3R1MP5v2Nyj/4zYj4AsweNhtnvYHntaK5Jw3l7qH/g7kb3B5p/ 7GH+QbPPAU1+P7q9AMNXjqA= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 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107374182400 #^8& , 6, 0], Root[ 17598220999335736321 - 540528768140269969925 #^2 + 6269411700808243814485 #^4 - 35627336894415949311925 #^6 + 108386758107061028364825 #^8 - 180110760013281099776000 #^10 + 159827258715871903744000 #^12 - 69535402324740014080000 #^14 + 11529215046068469760000 #^16& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {0.5782373542562063, 0.8505561284601488}, {0.15231751215346578`, -0.8369027262719113}, { Root[ 1 + 5 # - 3835 #^2 - 8965 #^3 + 3927045 #^4 + 4915200 #^5 - 1258291200 #^6 - 419430400 #^7 + 107374182400 #^8& , 2, 0], Root[1199513305477529806561281 - 9022732048533325377799665 # + 25962141421217984341452885 #^2 - 36712060727845224685260825 #^3 + 27796592096551279797708825 #^4 - 11496063758699253989376000 #^5 + 2543846604318770724864000 #^6 - 276610913191235420160000 #^7 + 11529215046068469760000 #^8& , 5, 0]^ Rational[ 1, 2]}, {-0.7488730915297469, -0.40347972753616523`}}}]]}, 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{8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.054218794707743795`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[2, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[3, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[4, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[5, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[6, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[7, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[8, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[9, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[10, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[11, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[12, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[13, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[14, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[15, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[16, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[17, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[18, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[19, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[20, 0.054218794707743795]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", 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7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.06025728525421998]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[2, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[3, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[4, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[5, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[6, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[7, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[8, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[9, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[10, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[11, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[12, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[13, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[14, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[15, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[16, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[17, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[18, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[19, 0.06025728525421998], DiskBox[20, 0.06025728525421998]}}]], 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{7, 14}, {10, 15}, {10, 4}, {13, 16}, {13, 4}, {17, 18}, {17, 2}, {17, 19}, {18, 3}, {18, 20}, {15, 16}, {8, 19}, {8, 20}, {19, 11}, {20, 14}}}, { GraphLayout -> "SpringElectricalEmbedding", PlotLabel -> "SpringElectricalEmbedding"}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ7Sv8aEYr/y/7xBeNTgeefbA39ry9pMeCxWHvAtMj 0xJ/21s8Uk7vMHlu38jMJy9t89v+kOXKC3M1f9kzQMG91YeWJjP8ss/ovB78 IOef/TuBcPc31iwObJZ5ycfFvti/nHbbWcHzuf36s2z5Nz59tn/7ueRo6cuf 9mxCP5++WMbu4CR10/gkJ5fD8bM3b0lu+WD/7P6W3B/HWB0WdB1rPfllu/2B bbZmS/9zOly5/u3/1dv/7Bkc5Pearimzf7Q5fpt70Qf7FUuyGiZUPrQX+N6q c1VzK9xdB/ZeMHk1+5/9po0MFjIhjA4NKpFq6gaX7e1C/wUsmfPRPsHqWtTk 25fsXauvHtpvw+jApqLBlOHH6rBL/MCH7Rkf7ZeUR+7OcWZ1EIn11ju9mtWB ee5U95C/bA5+wUEfrNgf2m/T9Hmy/DmbAwB5u5Xq "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 9}, {2, 17}, {3, 12}, {3, 18}, {4, 10}, {4, 13}, {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {5, 8}, {6, 11}, {6, 15}, {7, 14}, {7, 16}, {8, 19}, {8, 20}, {9, 10}, {9, 11}, { 10, 15}, {11, 19}, {12, 13}, {12, 14}, {13, 16}, {14, 20}, { 15, 16}, {17, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.032039153491364866`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[2, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[3, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[4, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[5, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[6, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[7, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[8, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[9, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[10, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[11, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[12, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[13, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[14, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[15, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[16, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[17, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[18, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[19, 0.032039153491364866], DiskBox[20, 0.032039153491364866]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], 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PlotLabel->FormBox["\"LayeredEmbedding\"", TraditionalForm]], TraditionalForm], {972., -222.525}, {Center, Center}, {360., 414.00000000000006}, BaseStyle->{Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {SphericalRegion -> False}}], InsetBox[ FormBox[ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 14, 15, 16, 2, 5, 6, 13, 3, 7, 19, 4, 8, 20, 11, 12, 9, 10, 17, 18}, { Null, {{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {5, 8}, {9, 10}, { 9, 2}, {9, 11}, {12, 13}, {12, 3}, {12, 14}, {6, 15}, {6, 11}, { 7, 16}, {7, 14}, {10, 15}, {10, 4}, {13, 16}, {13, 4}, {17, 18}, {17, 2}, {17, 19}, {18, 3}, {18, 20}, {15, 16}, {8, 19}, {8, 20}, {19, 11}, {20, 14}}}, { GraphLayout -> "LayeredDigraphEmbedding", PlotLabel -> "LayeredDigraphEmbedding"}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxtlgtQVFUYgM/C8n6tLComYWK6icSARYRj/GdEMB0CpkTRitTQFPFR9kBF IwMVNEcFJ2AVEwkfUeFS5AM9KoFCorGVoSihEIrLY1kexjvu69zh6D/L3Pn4 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33xcd2/WY+i86uQIBj25bxnonpHTBTk1z4X+lVFLdjdsXvCvVyccHT+n5lZ8 A3EN8E4pv2cCU8t3U1p6H5IkZWTR7EvtcK4hcGeuvpnoQ4x3F/xmhPFrY0OS fVW4fNK0DV0HrXCxLmyV02oV3pm17MV7U61wQ2X+yux8FQ6IyfMuybPE+0jS 7OndKlyb2P2pVm2JS3fc7K+YMwp/anzTMna9Bd46JWffyiOjsLLw3B3v80p8 QfvAzM7cGSdd9elt6jHHSQ/yInRxzrjHRxetnWKOf7ep2xRd64yXNoNtUJAZ jtWdvK8Zr8bTg501aUSBswpSUyoi1LgtJCW720+B31Umrgv5XI0z2nPXr8lD WPd9aro2T409g5cfeqxCOCv/5H/lZWoc8WX6XE/DILgq6rRV/6ixx/VjDruP D4DmO8+tunY1vhqr3OGyuB8qTqYejutX4zmLTv5cMtQrvp9d8Ao+uqFczJ/O i5w3E3XBFHG8/4G+eMO3HfT5db5Rpg0LTaAVv78gYXXRXy7tINUXZYhNnVjc Bu+I9ecExL02b0ULSPOb1XA7efILBogT5+9nKHq/UNEE0vpsDkN/d5gaQVo/ t5n+yfuX1wMR17ft7syxUa51kCiuf+MHHs+kjLkNZaKf0ISVlT8m/An7RX8a 09d7Xy+7DpLfzcWZoyvTSuG86N/9x/y3bpecBTfx95Ht4O939PJxep45ln1q 198wRHkZ105WD4JCZKEfDdC8/YacIMX2fspC/+mTmWt34b3y/cOnnwljeij7 cu3k6mPKkh+Jj/LDOynz7XFPB61nkgcXJppfascdqOTzmXBeaqVcfI4LA2Xh /POQMn8cs2ukLPT/esr88qyro3zdaVf6F8dqaD1Cv7tJ81w3BC895eP8gec3 yulcu20qoVzXdHP4lXWG8qAnd6I7Ts+XTL8lTL8lTL8lTL8lTL8lTL8lTL8l 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0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{5, 7}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[ BezierCurveBox[{5, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 8}], 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{6, 11}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[ BezierCurveBox[{6, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 15}], 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{7, 14}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[ BezierCurveBox[{7, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 16}], 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{8, 19}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{8, 20}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{9, 10}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{9, 11}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{10, 15}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{11, 19}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{12, 13}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{12, 14}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[ BezierCurveBox[{13, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 16}], 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{14, 20}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{15, 16}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{17, 18}, 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[ BezierCurveBox[{17, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 19}], 0.05783410138248847], ArrowBox[{18, 20}, 0.05783410138248847]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[2, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[3, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[4, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[5, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[6, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[7, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[8, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[9, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[10, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[11, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[12, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[13, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[14, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[15, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[16, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[17, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[18, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[19, 0.05783410138248847], DiskBox[20, 0.05783410138248847]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, PlotLabel->FormBox["\"LayeredDigraphEmbedding\"", TraditionalForm]], TraditionalForm], {1360.8000000000002, -222.525}, {Center, Center}, {359.9999999999998, 414.00000000000006}, BaseStyle->{Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {SphericalRegion -> False}}]}, { InsetBox[ FormBox[ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 14, 15, 16, 2, 5, 6, 13, 3, 7, 19, 4, 8, 20, 11, 12, 9, 10, 17, 18}, { Null, {{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {5, 8}, {9, 10}, { 9, 2}, {9, 11}, {12, 13}, {12, 3}, {12, 14}, {6, 15}, {6, 11}, { 7, 16}, {7, 14}, {10, 15}, {10, 4}, {13, 16}, {13, 4}, {17, 18}, {17, 2}, {17, 19}, {18, 3}, {18, 20}, {15, 16}, {8, 19}, {8, 20}, {19, 11}, {20, 14}}}, { GraphLayout -> "RadialEmbedding", PlotLabel -> "RadialEmbedding"}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQnfBuXpTV1Q/2JzbyfVju9dV+9ZFfJiw1X+2NIvMz 1Wd/sm8U3qPOLPvB/hSrutzuF7+h8k/tTaDydWB5BgcGKMg4d+NEa9dfqPwl +2aw/AP7cJe5YT3vWBzyoPJceY41h9wZHGD28QUk7vCpeGVfD7XPDKz/kf2V Uksn1tu/oO55ZH8dzH9lzw3Vvwas/6q9KdQ9a6HuMwTzmRwuQdXbQd0DcydM /Y9ZYfznlH7ZH4P6vwHqH0Oo/A2o/Seh/hfLiV7XfIYJLg8Ajv+IpQ== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 9}, {2, 17}, {3, 12}, {3, 18}, {4, 10}, {4, 13}, {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {5, 8}, {6, 11}, {6, 15}, {7, 14}, {7, 16}, {8, 19}, {8, 20}, {9, 10}, {9, 11}, { 10, 15}, {11, 19}, {12, 13}, {12, 14}, {13, 16}, {14, 20}, { 15, 16}, {17, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.027424532118482878`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[2, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[3, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[4, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[5, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[6, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[7, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[8, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[9, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[10, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[11, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[12, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[13, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[14, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[15, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[16, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[17, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[18, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[19, 0.027424532118482878], DiskBox[20, 0.027424532118482878]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, PlotLabel->FormBox["\"RadialEmbedding\"", TraditionalForm]], TraditionalForm], {194.4, -667.575}, {Center, Center}, {360.00000000000006, 414.00000000000006}, BaseStyle->{Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {SphericalRegion -> False}}], InsetBox[ FormBox[ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 14, 15, 16, 2, 5, 6, 13, 3, 7, 19, 4, 8, 20, 11, 12, 9, 10, 17, 18}, { Null, {{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {5, 8}, {9, 10}, { 9, 2}, {9, 11}, {12, 13}, {12, 3}, {12, 14}, {6, 15}, {6, 11}, { 7, 16}, {7, 14}, {10, 15}, {10, 4}, {13, 16}, {13, 4}, {17, 18}, {17, 2}, {17, 19}, {18, 3}, {18, 20}, {15, 16}, {8, 19}, {8, 20}, {19, 11}, {20, 14}}}, { GraphLayout -> "HighDimensionalEmbedding", PlotLabel -> "HighDimensionalEmbedding"}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQLeCm6vdz/Wl7aXXGt50TftunnFp+9NvxD/ZzKudd PDTzk73Xpcn3edqf2XcdLeabosvmwAAFHb4zMxs1P9iX6rLN336Tw4Fz73/L DpNP9i69zH8+f2Jx+DBh6sIF87bZL5kjcnG3AZNDR1ZSqL/2b/trjS+Mt0/h cpgzLX3vhNl/7WM2bYgv7P1qH/AvzmxR+y572XgWpxMxz+wb7gtp2oc222sI xiSvc2FxWJGg6cDddNh++yFDJ2WHl/Ycd2rjM1axOjhYTtQ5v/yavbn57JP8 L37aBwQqcPyd/d9eoeosow8fm8PbcAHGtIPf7WHu1soIm1EW8cU+PXfmgkdX 39sf9N37vDqDwaFAd8s1hVt/7fevPpDGkfHXXqioQbjzEZvDuqgwv7372R3e rkmNZbr72Z4/K1259S+Lg1F8+BXj82wOACPUjfg= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 9}, {2, 17}, {3, 12}, {3, 18}, {4, 10}, {4, 13}, {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {5, 8}, {6, 11}, {6, 15}, {7, 14}, {7, 16}, {8, 19}, {8, 20}, {9, 10}, {9, 11}, { 10, 15}, {11, 19}, {12, 13}, {12, 14}, {13, 16}, {14, 20}, { 15, 16}, {17, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03250923883572904]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[2, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[3, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[4, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[5, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[6, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[7, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[8, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[9, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[10, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[11, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[12, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[13, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[14, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[15, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[16, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[17, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[18, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[19, 0.03250923883572904], DiskBox[20, 0.03250923883572904]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, PlotLabel->FormBox["\"HighDimensionalEmbedding\"", TraditionalForm]], TraditionalForm], {583.2, -667.575}, {Center, Center}, {360.00000000000006, 414.00000000000006}, BaseStyle->{Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {SphericalRegion -> False}}], InsetBox[ FormBox[ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 14, 15, 16, 2, 5, 6, 13, 3, 7, 19, 4, 8, 20, 11, 12, 9, 10, 17, 18}, { Null, {{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {5, 8}, {9, 10}, { 9, 2}, {9, 11}, {12, 13}, {12, 3}, {12, 14}, {6, 15}, {6, 11}, { 7, 16}, {7, 14}, {10, 15}, {10, 4}, {13, 16}, {13, 4}, {17, 18}, {17, 2}, {17, 19}, {18, 3}, {18, 20}, {15, 16}, {8, 19}, {8, 20}, {19, 11}, {20, 14}}}, { GraphLayout -> "CircularEmbedding", PlotLabel -> "CircularEmbedding"}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQHfNS3/z9scv7GUNdhPny39nXxt5YszHx5B4GMPhg 7wyRt/8TApFPjiplUT7/aP/aL9Nnlz9+aQ9TxyR+tKcz88qefxB1++2g5v6F 6rOBmrMGqi8Nag4T1N5kqPpIiLj9Iqi6JRB6fxhUPZRvD+Xbr4bKp0L5KVB6 HVQc6r79jd1Jx46YXLKB+nN/ItQ9rlB7of7bX18y19L69FEbmD6oe/ZD3bM/ CqoP6u79AIDMntg= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 9}, {2, 17}, {3, 12}, {3, 18}, {4, 10}, {4, 13}, {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {5, 8}, {6, 11}, {6, 15}, {7, 14}, {7, 16}, {8, 19}, {8, 20}, {9, 10}, {9, 11}, { 10, 15}, {11, 19}, {12, 13}, {12, 14}, {13, 16}, {14, 20}, { 15, 16}, {17, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.02261146496815286]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[2, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[3, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[4, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[5, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[6, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[7, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[8, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[9, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[10, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[11, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[12, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[13, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[14, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[15, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[16, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[17, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[18, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[19, 0.02261146496815286], DiskBox[20, 0.02261146496815286]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, PlotLabel->FormBox["\"CircularEmbedding\"", TraditionalForm]], TraditionalForm], {972., -667.575}, {Center, Center}, {360., 414.00000000000006}, BaseStyle->{Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {SphericalRegion -> False}}], InsetBox[ FormBox[ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 14, 15, 16, 2, 5, 6, 13, 3, 7, 19, 4, 8, 20, 11, 12, 9, 10, 17, 18}, { Null, {{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {5, 6}, {5, 7}, {5, 8}, {9, 10}, { 9, 2}, {9, 11}, {12, 13}, {12, 3}, {12, 14}, {6, 15}, {6, 11}, { 7, 16}, {7, 14}, {10, 15}, {10, 4}, {13, 16}, {13, 4}, {17, 18}, {17, 2}, {17, 19}, {18, 3}, {18, 20}, {15, 16}, {8, 19}, {8, 20}, {19, 11}, {20, 14}}}, { GraphLayout -> "SpiralEmbedding", PlotLabel -> "SpiralEmbedding"}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQLV5plpJv8MaeAQpgfK89+Ytc5/yxj9y44fWSGW/s Xyy5uuWE1G/7rqfW9/77f7FXKFt485z4Dvt3vOd6GBN/2se55/67IvLV/sUh Fa3LQi/s11zmnHBI9p6979UpjE90f9gfjGN/Ezjtm33ayl/aFZLX7GdJWCrf 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{16., 0.}}], 0.08883792048929665]}, {Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[BezierCurveBox[{{20., 0.}, {16.5, 3.5}, {13., 0.}}], 0.08883792048929665]}, {Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[BezierCurveBox[{{6., 0.}, {5.5, 0.5}, {5., 0.}}], 0.08883792048929665]}, {Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[BezierCurveBox[{{6., 0.}, {3.5, 2.5}, {1., 0.}}], 0.08883792048929665]}, {Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[BezierCurveBox[{{5., 0.}, {10., 5.}, {15., 0.}}], 0.08883792048929665]}, {Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[BezierCurveBox[{{1., 0.}, {8.5, 7.5}, {16., 0.}}], 0.08883792048929665]}, {Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[BezierCurveBox[{{3., 0.}, {6.5, 3.5}, {10., 0.}}], 0.08883792048929665]}, {Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[BezierCurveBox[{{3., 0.}, {8.5, 5.5}, {14., 0.}}], 0.08883792048929665]}, {Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[BezierCurveBox[{{10., 0.}, {8.5, 1.5}, {7., 0.}}], 0.08883792048929665]}, {Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[BezierCurveBox[{{14., 0.}, {13.5, 0.5}, {13., 0.}}], 0.08883792048929665]}, {Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[BezierCurveBox[{{15., 0.}, {11., 4.}, 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{6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, {3}, {5}, { 17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQo+2MNYxmBweb+EWjDr4knX9kvPi9M8LXDfvvi6 0CfH84/sxW+e+x78+OX+Lvnkd1FOl/ZfuBr2Rn/39v2o+h9D5R9B5Y/D9O+H 6Yeabw8zH6reHqYeTT+6e2D22+Ow317WIt0lM/+dve6mue+XH7sM4++H8UNK VKb/n3AMav95dPv3Q+X3w+TR3LsfAH2ej9c= "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQo+2MNYxmBweb+EWjDr4knX9kvPi9M8LXDfvvi6 0CfH84/sxW+e+x78+OX+Lvnkd1FOl/ZfuBr2Rn/39v2o+h9D5R9B5Y/D9O+H 6Yeabw8zH6reHqYeTT+6e2D22+Ow317WIt0lM/+dve6mue+XH7sM4++H8UNK VKb/n3AMav95dPv3Q+X3w+TR3LsfAH2ej9c= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, { 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2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]) (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]}, {0, Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {0, Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + 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4] ( Rational[1, 22] (15 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 22] (51 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (-6 + (205 + 71 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 88] ((693 - 121 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + 6 (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 44] (22^Rational[1, 2] - 110^ Rational[1, 2] + (1595 + 682 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[5, 22] (15 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 88] (-110^Rational[1, 2] - 10 (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 11] (121 + 40 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (305 + 131 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] 11^Rational[-1, 2] ( 2 (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (65 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 11] (121 + 40 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (305 + 131 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 11] (77 + 26 5^Rational[1, 2] + 4 (305 + 131 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[5, 22] (15 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[5, 22] (51 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (4 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 3 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 8] ( Rational[1, 11] (403 + 125 5^Rational[1, 2] - 12 (25 + 11 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 88] ( 2 55^Rational[1, 2] - (22 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 88] (-22^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (55 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (-4 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 3 (65 + 29 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 8] ( Rational[1, 11] (83 + 19 5^Rational[1, 2] - 12 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (4 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 3 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 176] (3 22^Rational[1, 2] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) + 4 (935 + 418 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 11] (157 + 58 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (125 + 41 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] (-6 + (205 + 71 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2] ((63 - 11 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + 6 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 8] (Rational[1, 11] (461 + 181 5^Rational[1, 2] + 12 (425 + 181 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 88] ((-6) (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (693 + 121 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 11] (51 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 44] (-110^Rational[1, 2] + (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbS1v8sLp8cv9pdutJ7vIVe2H8u2hfHsrNP5P5vk6 v/982a+2ze956ver9rJPCjXVn32x/+F4/2iV53X7b4omR5+XF+3X7TAq1vN7 ZF/U6GVm3nHfftfG3z7r9721P/neo11J99X+Up/5egImn+w3/9Ws/Lq0xV72 0JMU//Iv+9f7yXsmz3y5/8nho9t9Mj7B+PZQPkz9fqh6+z8BUxwWWz+wXxfF 8EG27u1+fWWw/fZQ+/dD3bcf6r79UPX710PUw9xjD3XPfqh79++EuHf/D4h/ 7aH+3Y8eXgCx06o/ "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05496546668806487]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[2, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[3, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[4, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[5, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[6, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[7, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[8, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[9, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[10, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[11, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[12, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[13, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[14, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[15, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[16, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[17, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[18, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[19, 0.05496546668806487], DiskBox[20, 0.05496546668806487]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", 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Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 2], (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 2], (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { 0, (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQO8wQt5T126YI/G3x/y6/TZ3R+/7IfJQ/n2MP6K L9Nnlz9+uR+NjyG/NYy789uFj3B5GB9i2wOY/H4o3x6Nvx9NPZp+BgaYejT3 7Edzz3409eju24/mPnT/70fz/34AINyj3g== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05155676257133856]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 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20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 10] (125 + 47 5^Rational[1, 2] + 4 (30 (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 10] (55 - 20 3^Rational[1, 2] + 13 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 15^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 40] ((50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + 4 (75 + 30 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 40] ((30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (5 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( 2 + (Rational[1, 5] (13 + 4 3^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] (-(30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( 2 + (Rational[1, 5] (13 + 4 3^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] (-(30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {(Rational[5, 32] + Rational[11, 32] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 40] ( 2 (5 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + (750 + 330 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[5, 32] + Rational[11, 32] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 40] ( 2 (5 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + (750 + 330 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 40] (250 + 110 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2] ( 2 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (150 + 66 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 40] (250 + 110 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2] ( 2 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (150 + 66 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 20] ((30 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[5, 2] (25 + 11 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[19, 2] - 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] - 4 3^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[37, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (Rational[17, 2] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + 4 3^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[23, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 40] ( 2 (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - (750 + 330 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (2 + 2 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] ((30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (2 + 2 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] ((30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQHfZIbfUWna/7m3cVKHVU3rWH8u1bIPz9DLX2jwP/ 3N8/y79Yat+GPgz+2zOOIfLLX9m/XeLWclvyJSYfVRyD/0G4jM1PbMn+7b8/ 6gW//2KPzn8A4dtvg/D3o/MlRPdu+rjxi/0+efZLvfYP7dHsweCLQ9Tvh6pH V2ePzof61x7qXww+AB9DsJQ= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, 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2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {-(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] - 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] - 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQfTEp77+O0cv9DFAA5dvD+DdWfNHvzti7P+TX6bO7 P36xR+Pvj1KYInBb5b39ii/TZ5c/fmmPxt/vsdTjXZ39Y7g8Gn9/veUdZ9+k L1D7H9ij8WHy9mjyMP5+1W/TXHacOg53P9T+/WjugfFh6uH+g7pnP5r74Opv QvxrD/M/Gn8/AODtoHo= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 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5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 8] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] Root[5 - 5 #^2 + #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 8] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[5 - 80 #^2 + 256 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 8] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 4] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], 0}, {Rational[1, 8] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[5 - 80 #^2 + 256 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQHfBS3/z9scP2/0NchPny7+2H8vdD+fYMYPABSjMw rPgyfXb545f746JKWZTPP9oP4d+0jwfzL0HVPdiPpt4eph5i/mWo+e/2o9lv DzVvP8w8mPkQ/ZfQ3YduHsx+NPfe3I+q/7I9qv1wvj2a/+zR3A8LD7j/AIYY kNA= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.041401179300458654`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.041401179300458654], DiskBox[2, 0.041401179300458654], DiskBox[3, 0.041401179300458654], DiskBox[4, 0.041401179300458654], DiskBox[5, 0.041401179300458654], 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{{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 36 #^2 + 144 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 36 #^2 + 144 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2] (2 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2] (2 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], (Rational[3, 4] + Rational[1, 3] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 2], (Rational[3, 4] + Rational[1, 3] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, -(Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, (Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, {Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 36 #^2 + 144 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 36 #^2 + 144 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQTQiE/Dp9dvfHL/vZzFoCda4ds4fy7WH8FV+mzy5/ /HK/ol9Q3t4nd2F8ezT+frG1Mf+Ytn2Ay8P4EFse7L9h3NtxYsLn/VC+PRp/ /3UIH6beHpXPwCAPtu/tfph9EP5dGN8exkdTj+6+/Wju24/m//1o/t8PAKCQ lwg= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05374005336484247]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[2, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[3, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[4, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[5, 0.05374005336484247], 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{5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), 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{8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[-1, 4] (13 + 19 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (13 + 19 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {-(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])}, {-(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] 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2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/endnQlHuj/tZ4ACKN8exo9SmCJwW+X+/pBfp8/u /vhlPxrf3mOpx7s6+8f2K75Mn13++OV+NL49RP37/TB5ND5U/2WofQ/2o/Fh 8vvR5GF8e96W29+uWnyDuxdq/34098Dtg6rfj+q/9/Zo7kNz/317NP/D+PYA fV6fmg== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05725601845709524]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.05725601845709524], DiskBox[2, 0.05725601845709524], DiskBox[3, 0.05725601845709524], DiskBox[4, 0.05725601845709524], DiskBox[5, 0.05725601845709524], DiskBox[6, 0.05725601845709524], DiskBox[7, 0.05725601845709524], DiskBox[8, 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{20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[-1, 4] (5 + 11 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (5 + 11 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Root[1 - 80 #^2 + 320 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Root[1 - 80 #^2 + 320 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] (13 + 29 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (13 + 29 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (13 + 29 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (13 + 29 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, {-(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {-(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] - 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 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{8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQEP7JsPnFrouu21PZS/H8rfjya/X3fT3PfLjz3e b33fv3d63j97ND5U/Yf9MJP5wAqu7YfR4jfPfQ9+/HO/eadjwtMLn6D2MTjA 1EPl7WHyaOph5h5AM98eZj7Ufpi5DFD32cPci+YeezT79qOZZ4+mHxYesPCx BwB4bZGA "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQEP7JsPnFrouu21PZS/H8rfjya/X3fT3PfLjz3e b33fv3d63j97ND5U/Yf9MJP5wAqu7YfR4jfPfQ9+/HO/eadjwtMLn6D2MTjA 1EPl7WHyaOph5h5AM98eZj7Ufpi5DFD32cPci+YeezT79qOZZ4+mHxYesPCx BwB4bZGA "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, 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{12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, {2, 0}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, {-2, 0}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQHfBS3/z9scv2/0NchPny3+2H8vdD+fYMYPABSjMw rPgyfXb545f746JKWZTPP9qPpt8eTR6mzwFV/0+o/Kf9UL49jA8x7zHU/n8w PtT8f/Zo+u3R1MPst0dz335U/8HNQ7cf5t4DaP61R/XPh/0weQDkiJEQ "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.08280235860091731]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[2, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[3, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[4, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[5, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[6, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[7, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[8, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[9, 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{12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, {-2, 0}, {Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, {2, 0}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 0}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 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{2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, {-2, 0}, {Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, {2, 0}, {-1, 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQHfBS3/z9scv2/0NchPny3+2H8vdD+fYMYPABSsPB ARgDov4xVP0/+xVfps8uf/zSPi6qlEX5/KP9UP5+GB+q3h5V/U+o/CcY3x6N D5PfjyaP7l50++zR7NuP5l97NPfvR3M/zN8OqN7/sB/GAgAqiJEQ "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.08280235860091731]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[2, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[3, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[4, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[5, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[6, 0.08280235860091731], 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Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQXf47v/Ck+nP7m2/3H1Wdf8ceyt8P5e9nAIMH9uuv 3+mWmP/DHo2/P/OvUDnvkSf7TVZqH+2d+dD+veSZgFcXT9rvW7s7+Ejhq/0h v06f3f3xi/3/EBdhvvx39mj8/TsW/TAQVn29f5diRPovpw324fPXuU1acmX/ uv9R+zQMXu6H8u2hfHuoenuo+v0rvkyfXf74J9SdDAxQ+/dD7beHus8e6j6Y enuYeqh79qO5D8aH+X8/mv9h/P0Ar1upGg== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.06698851528247071]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[2, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[3, 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11529215046068469760000 #^16& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {0.5782373542562063, 0.8505561284601488}, {0.15231751215346578`, -0.8369027262719113}, { Root[ 1 + 5 # - 3835 #^2 - 8965 #^3 + 3927045 #^4 + 4915200 #^5 - 1258291200 #^6 - 419430400 #^7 + 107374182400 #^8& , 2, 0], Root[1199513305477529806561281 - 9022732048533325377799665 # + 25962141421217984341452885 #^2 - 36712060727845224685260825 #^3 + 27796592096551279797708825 #^4 - 11496063758699253989376000 #^5 + 2543846604318770724864000 #^6 - 276610913191235420160000 #^7 + 11529215046068469760000 #^8& , 5, 0]^ Rational[ 1, 2]}, {-0.7488730915297469, -0.40347972753616523`}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQEf9leuLuZZyfptv987iYNLZly3d7qmPudn+wv7 FV+mzy5//NOeN3gh76lLD+wfhVZ77yhZYP9Uq2XyyqIP+xUrj5/7oPVkv2rt pafWTK/sIx6fOOm+/vH+jFz3BbJnH9nDbHjC7MbdYfHb/tmW/TUcvm/32y5X 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15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQNzjihsKMr4af+uxt40bhe3g2ZM/6GvGn/sr1a8 VDPk+GB/3Nu80zHho30aGHyD0iwO6oYca2SiWB1aXwfukGv9bb/O/WGVyDoO h/qsPSWTJdgcQCRL2Dt7oOET39YwOgAVp1jf/2gPNj6Gy2HZbJDFX+xh7sh9 /nvlx0vf7ZcU2HJdX/zC/ua578GPl/63zxdqPnBqIYvD0wtKt3/WMTokCURY bjnB5QAxl9MhbpcnD5P2c/s/QN2+STfse6fnAXU8sv+w/BjQ5S/tQb7y5Pll P825O+f574tQmsXh7BkQYHIAeg5o9Gr7ffOl9O+qsDj8qgN54JM92Nh2BgeY OSBXuG5jhvqPyQEAhBuTKA== "]}]]}, 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0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, {2, 0}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, {-2, 0}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 0}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQHfBS3/z9scv2/0NchPny3+2H8vdD+fYMYPABSjMw rPgyfXb545f746JKWZTPP9qPpt8eTR6mzwFV/0+o/Kf9UL49jA8x7zHU/n8w PtT8f/Zo+u3R1MPst0dz335U/8HNQ7cf5t4DaP61R/XPh/0weQDkiJEQ "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.08280235860091731]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 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5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, {-2, 0}, {Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, {2, 0}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 0}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQHfBS3/z9scv2/0NchPny3+2H8vdD+fZo8vYrvkyf Xf745f64qFIW5fOP0Pn7GcDggz0DFED0P4bq/wdV/xOq/hNM3QGYeqi8PUwe TT3UfAYHNPP3w8yH2r8f1byX9jD3orlnP5p9+9HM24+mHz189gMA87yREA== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.08280235860091731]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[2, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[3, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[4, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[5, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[6, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[7, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[8, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[9, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[10, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[11, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[12, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[13, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[14, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[15, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[16, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[17, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[18, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[19, 0.08280235860091731], DiskBox[20, 0.08280235860091731]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, {-2, 0}, {Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), -(Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), 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{15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQo+2MNYxmBweb+EWjDr4knX9kvPi9M8LXDfvvi6 0CfH84/sxW+e+x78+OX+Lvnkd1FOl/ZfuBr2Rn/39v2o+h9D5R9B5Y/D9O+H 6Yeabw8zH6reHqYeTT+6e2D22+Ow317WIt0lM/+dve6mue+XH7sM4++H8UNK VKb/n3AMav95dPv3Q+X3w+TR3LsfAH2ej9c= "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQo+2MNYxmBweb+EWjDr4knX9kvPi9M8LXDfvvi6 0CfH84/sxW+e+x78+OX+Lvnkd1FOl/ZfuBr2Rn/39v2o+h9D5R9B5Y/D9O+H 6Yeabw8zH6reHqYeTT+6e2D22+Ow317WIt0lM/+dve6mue+XH7sM4++H8UNK VKb/n3AMav95dPv3Q+X3w+TR3LsfAH2ej9c= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, 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{20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQo+2MNYxmBweb+EWjDr4knX9kvPi9M8LXDfvvi6 0CfH84/sxW+e+x78+OX+Lvnkd1FOl/ZfuBr2Rn/39v2o+h9D5R9B5Y/D9O+H 6Yeabw8zH6reHqYeTT+6e2D22+Ow317WIt0lM/+dve6mue+XH7sM4++H8UNK VKb/n3AMav95dPv3Q+X3w+TR3LsfAH2ej9c= "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQo+2MNYxmBweb+EWjDr4knX9kvPi9M8LXDfvvi6 0CfH84/sxW+e+x78+OX+Lvnkd1FOl/ZfuBr2Rn/39v2o+h9D5R9B5Y/D9O+H 6Yeabw8zH6reHqYeTT+6e2D22+Ow317WIt0lM/+dve6mue+XH7sM4++H8UNK VKb/n3AMav95dPv3Q+X3w+TR3LsfAH2ej9c= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, 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6269411700808243814485 #^4 - 35627336894415949311925 #^6 + 108386758107061028364825 #^8 - 180110760013281099776000 #^10 + 159827258715871903744000 #^12 - 69535402324740014080000 #^14 + 11529215046068469760000 #^16& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {0.5782373542562063, 0.8505561284601488}, {0.15231751215346578`, -0.8369027262719113}, { Root[ 1 + 5 # - 3835 #^2 - 8965 #^3 + 3927045 #^4 + 4915200 #^5 - 1258291200 #^6 - 419430400 #^7 + 107374182400 #^8& , 2, 0], Root[1199513305477529806561281 - 9022732048533325377799665 # + 25962141421217984341452885 #^2 - 36712060727845224685260825 #^3 + 27796592096551279797708825 #^4 - 11496063758699253989376000 #^5 + 2543846604318770724864000 #^6 - 276610913191235420160000 #^7 + 11529215046068469760000 #^8& , 5, 0]^ Rational[ 1, 2]}, {-0.7488730915297469, -0.40347972753616523`}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 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2]), 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 8] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2, Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQXf47v/Ck+nP7m2/3H1Wdf8ceyt8P5e9nAIMH9uuv 3+mWmP/DHo2/P/OvUDnvkSf7TVZqH+2d+dD+veSZgFcXT9rvW7s7+Ejhq/0h v06f3f3xi/3/EBdhvvx39mj8/TsW/TAQVn29f5diRPovpw324fPXuU1acmX/ uv9R+zQMXu6H8u2hfHuoenuo+v0rvkyfXf74J9SdDAxQ+/dD7beHus8e6j6Y enuYeqh79qO5D8aH+X8/mv9h/P0Ar1upGg== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.06698851528247071]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[2, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[3, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[4, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[5, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[6, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[7, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[8, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[9, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[10, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[11, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[12, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[13, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[14, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[15, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[16, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[17, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[18, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[19, 0.06698851528247071], DiskBox[20, 0.06698851528247071]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 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{ Rational[1, 20] (5 - 3 5^Rational[1, 2] + (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (5 - 5^ Rational[1, 2] + (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 20] (5 - 3 5^Rational[1, 2] - (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (5 - 5^ Rational[1, 2] - (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 10] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), -5^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 10] (-5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), 5^ Rational[-1, 2]}, {(Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) (-2 - (10 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2] - 2 (1 - 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) (-2 + (10 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2] + 2 (1 - 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (5 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (5 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ7f9S3/z9scf2DFAA5e9nQAEP9jt9nSt7zf66PRp/ f4LugomKRSfs46JKWZTPP0Ln27M85ArbKblkv3pY1/bDxx7s/+XZ+CFG6b69 7dRpz8VaTu5X+X1K/1P4A3teK9c/vq/22zcJftumffDq/unhhnMYVt/cD+Xb Q/n2UPX7oer3C3MqyOZuuGh/8+3+o6rz78Ds34/mHhjfHqp+P1S9PdQ9+6Hu sWeFuNce6l6Yf+3R/A/j7wcAdO2SHQ== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.025587335982012044`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.025587335982012044], 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5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], (Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (2 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 2], (Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (2 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], (Rational[3, 4] + Rational[1, 3] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 2], (Rational[3, 4] + Rational[1, 3] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, -(Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, (Rational[1, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 6] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, {Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 36 #^2 + 144 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 36 #^2 + 144 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQTQiE/Dp9dvfHL/vZzFoCda4ds4fy7WH8FV+mzy5/ /HK/ol9Q3t4nd2F8ezT+frG1Mf+Ytn2Ay8P4EFse7L9h3NtxYsLn/VC+PRp/ /3UIH6beHpXPwCAPtu/tfph9EP5dGN8exkdTj+6+/Wju24/m//1o/t8PAKCQ lwg= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05374005336484247]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[2, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[3, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[4, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[5, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[6, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[7, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[8, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[9, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[10, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[11, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[12, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[13, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[14, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[15, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[16, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[17, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[18, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[19, 0.05374005336484247], DiskBox[20, 0.05374005336484247]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 11] (51 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 44] (-110^Rational[1, 2] + (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 11] (51 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 44] (110^Rational[1, 2] - (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 44] ( 11^Rational[1, 2] + (110 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 44] (110^Rational[1, 2] - (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2]) ( 6 + (425 + 181 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[45, 176] + Rational[9, 88] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 8] (Rational[63, 11] + 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 8] (Rational[1, 11] (621 + 245 5^Rational[1, 2] + 12 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 8] (Rational[1, 11] (83 + 19 5^Rational[1, 2] - 12 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 22] (15 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 22] (51 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, {(Rational[1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2]) (-6 + (205 + 71 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 88] ((693 - 121 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + 6 (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[-1, 4] 11^Rational[-1, 2]) (1 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 44] (22^Rational[1, 2] - 110^ Rational[1, 2] + (1595 + 682 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[5, 22] (15 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 88] (-110^Rational[1, 2] - 10 (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 11] (121 + 40 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (305 + 131 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], (Rational[-1, 4] 11^Rational[-1, 2]) ( 2 (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (65 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 11] (121 + 40 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (305 + 131 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 11] (77 + 26 5^Rational[1, 2] + 4 (305 + 131 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[5, 22] (15 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[5, 22] (51 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, {(Rational[1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2]) (4 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 3 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 8] ( Rational[1, 11] (403 + 125 5^Rational[1, 2] - 12 (25 + 11 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 88] ( 2 55^Rational[1, 2] - (22 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 88] (-22^Rational[1, 2] - 2 (55 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, {( Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2]) (-4 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 3 (65 + 29 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 8] ( Rational[1, 11] (83 + 19 5^Rational[1, 2] - 12 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, {( Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2]) (4 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 3 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 176] ((3 22^Rational[1, 2]) (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) + 4 (935 + 418 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, {( Rational[1, 4] 11^Rational[-1, 2]) (1 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 11] (157 + 58 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (125 + 41 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, {(Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2]) (-6 + (205 + 71 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[-1, 8] 11^Rational[-1, 2]) ((63 - 11 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + 6 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 8] (Rational[1, 11] (461 + 181 5^Rational[1, 2] + 12 (425 + 181 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 88] ((-6) (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (693 + 121 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 11] (51 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (50 + 20 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 44] (-110^Rational[1, 2] + (55 + 22 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbS1v8sLp8cv9pdutJ7vIVe2H8u2hfHsrNP5P5vk6 v/982a+2ze956ver9rJPCjXVn32x/+F4/2iV53X7b4omR5+XF+3X7TAq1vN7 ZF/U6GVm3nHfftfG3z7r9721P/neo11J99X+Up/5egImn+w3/9Ws/Lq0xV72 0JMU//Iv+9f7yXsmz3y5/8nho9t9Mj7B+PZQPkz9fqh6+z8BUxwWWz+wXxfF 8EG27u1+fWWw/fZQ+/dD3bcf6r79UPX710PUw9xjD3XPfqh79++EuHf/D4h/ 7aH+3Y8eXgCx06o/ "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, 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",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 2], (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 2], (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { 0, (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQO8wQt5T126YI/G3x/y6/TZ3R+/7IfJQ/n2MP6K L9Nnlz9+uR+NjyG/NYy789uFj3B5GB9i2wOY/H4o3x6Nvx9NPZp+BgaYejT3 7Edzz3409eju24/mPnT/70fz/34AINyj3g== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05155676257133856]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[2, 0.05155676257133856], DiskBox[3, 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SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[-1, 4] ( Rational[1, 10] (125 + 47 5^Rational[1, 2] + 4 (30 (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[1, 10] (55 - 20 3^Rational[1, 2] + 13 5^Rational[1, 2] - 4 15^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 40] ((50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + 4 (75 + 30 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 40] ((30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - 4 (5 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( 2 + (Rational[1, 5] (13 + 4 3^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] (-(30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] ( 2 + (Rational[1, 5] (13 + 4 3^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] (-(30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {(Rational[5, 32] + Rational[11, 32] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 40] ( 2 (5 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + (750 + 330 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[5, 32] + Rational[11, 32] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 40] ( 2 (5 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + (750 + 330 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 40] (250 + 110 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], ( Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ( 2 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (150 + 66 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 6 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 40] (250 + 110 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], ( Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ( 2 (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + (150 + 66 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 20] ((30 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[5, 2] (25 + 11 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[19, 2] - 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] - 4 3^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[37, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (Rational[17, 2] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + 4 3^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[23, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 40] ( 2 (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - (750 + 330 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (4 + 3 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[31, 5] + 8 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 4] (8 + 16 5^Rational[-1, 2] - ( Rational[6, 5] (7 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (2 + 2 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] ((30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 1, 4] (2 + 2 Rational[3, 5]^Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 40] ((30 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] - ( 10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQHfZIbfUWna/7m3cVKHVU3rWH8u1bIPz9DLX2jwP/ 3N8/y79Yat+GPgz+2zOOIfLLX9m/XeLWclvyJSYfVRyD/0G4jM1PbMn+7b8/ 6gW//2KPzn8A4dtvg/D3o/MlRPdu+rjxi/0+efZLvfYP7dHsweCLQ9Tvh6pH V2ePzof61x7qXww+AB9DsJQ= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.055830735019350215`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[2, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[3, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[4, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[5, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[6, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[7, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[8, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[9, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[10, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[11, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[12, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[13, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[14, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[15, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[16, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[17, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[18, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[19, 0.055830735019350215], DiskBox[20, 0.055830735019350215]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], 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31 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 4] (17 + 31 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, {(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {(Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/endnQlHuj/tZ4ACKN8exo9SmCJwW+X+/pBfp8/u /vhlPxrf3mOpx7s6+8f2K75Mn13++OV+NL49RP37/TB5ND5U/2WofQ/2o/Fh 8vvR5GF8e96W29+uWnyDuxdq/34098Dtg6rfj+q/9/Zo7kNz/317NP/D+PYA fV6fmg== "], { {GrayLevel[0], 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4] (13 + 29 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, {-(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {-(Rational[1, 2] + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] - 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] - 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQfTEp77+O0cv9DFAA5dvD+DdWfNHvzti7P+TX6bO7 P36xR+Pvj1KYInBb5b39ii/TZ5c/fmmPxt/vsdTjXZ39Y7g8Gn9/veUdZ9+k L1D7H9ij8WHy9mjyMP5+1W/TXHacOg53P9T+/WjugfFh6uH+g7pnP5r74Opv QvxrD/M/Gn8/AODtoHo= "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.05479908867915127]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[2, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[3, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[4, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[5, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[6, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[7, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[8, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[9, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[10, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[11, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[12, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[13, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[14, 0.05479908867915127], DiskBox[15, 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{13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/dRmf+OGsq/7v7V7my5Yf80eyreH8vdLSO2cYnbo 8X6rptpj4QHv9u84baf/9/v1/Tlb1n7hnfbOvirmUuDVhpf2tqlBe0oyPu1/ r5Okcdvvnb3DRLsdFf6z7PNWWCxcevvl/ufLQu7zGXza//v6ilPzeZ/ujxC+ /rvcZIk9w7qZWp/DjuxPiF345L7iQ/sNtk8UQt9s2N/0apNBgdEX+x0Qvn0j hL+fGaLePg6ifn9366fe5WJf7B21vqTMcbpq/xFi/34DiP37ayDu2w91n30n RP1+e4j6/X8g7rG3gbhnfwHEvfYvIO61h/rXHupfWHjYQ8PDHgDiaLNq "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/dRmf+OGsq/7v7V7my5Yf80eyreH8vdLSO2cYnbo 8X6rptpj4QHv9u84baf/9/v1/Tlb1n7hnfbOvirmUuDVhpf2tqlBe0oyPu1/ r5Okcdvvnb3DRLsdFf6z7PNWWCxcevvl/ufLQu7zGXza//v6ilPzeZ/ujxC+ /rvcZIk9w7qZWp/DjuxPiF345L7iQ/sNtk8UQt9s2N/0apNBgdEX+x0Qvn0j hL+fGaLePg6ifn9366fe5WJf7B21vqTMcbpq/xFi/34DiP37ayDu2w91n30n 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RowBox[{"UnitDistanceGraphQ", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"GraphData", "[", "\"\\"", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Debug", "->", "True"}]}], "]"}], "//", "Timing"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[161]:=",ExpressionUUID->"92c48c81-9270-430e-8f93-835df9d7a393"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData["\<\"Skipping computation and checking of blocks\"\>"], "Print", CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ In[161]:=",ExpressionUUID->"2e008220-2f9b-4263-a6aa-0e6ec15fae46"], Cell[BoxData["\<\"Checking presence of unit-distance forbidden \ graphs...\"\>"], "Print", CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ In[161]:=",ExpressionUUID->"74da8381-df03-4c13-bab8-0ccaf4fd7b0c"], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{"\<\"Original graph contains no forbidden subgraph but not all \ forbidden subgraphs are known for size \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "20", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\", so graph UD status is unknown\"\>"}], SequenceForm[ "Original graph contains no forbidden subgraph but not all forbidden \ subgraphs are known for size ", 20, ", so graph UD status is unknown"], Editable->False]], "Print", CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ In[161]:=",ExpressionUUID->"2b51dfd8-e175-4893-9a37-37954461bc99"], Cell[BoxData["\<\"Checking presence of special unit-distance forbidden graph \ classes...\"\>"], "Print", CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ In[161]:=",ExpressionUUID->"390420dc-cd09-4eb1-94d1-3ba6c9401acf"], Cell[BoxData["\<\"Original graph contains no member of a special forbidden \ subgraph class, so UD status is unknown\"\>"], "Print", CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ In[161]:=",ExpressionUUID->"fe3313c0-5bb0-4f9e-a328-cd8c78cb302c"] }, Open ]], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.112119`", ",", "$Failed"}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[161]=",ExpressionUUID->"6da59cd2-99a2-4c20-ab67-5c2bc01b97dd"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"GraphData", "[", RowBox[{ "\"\\"", ",", "\"\\"", ",", "\"\\""}], "]"}], "//", "StyleGraphs"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[162]:=",ExpressionUUID->"e019868d-d4e0-4fb0-b388-b5b72a62503d"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Rational[1, 10] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), 5^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 10] (-5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), -5^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (-2 - (2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2] + 2 (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (-2 + (2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2] - 2 (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 20] (-5 - 3 5^Rational[1, 2] - (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (-5 - 5^ Rational[1, 2] + (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 20] (-5 - 3 5^Rational[1, 2] + (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (-5 - 5^ Rational[1, 2] - (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 20] (5 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2] - (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2] + (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 20] (5 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2] + (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2] - (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])}, {Rational[1, 2] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), 0}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (2 - (2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2] + 2 (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (2 + (2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2] - 2 (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 8] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2, Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (5 + 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQXf47v/Ck+nP7m2/3H1Wdf8ceyt8P5e9nAIMH9uuv 3+mWmP/DHo2/P/OvUDnvkSf7TVZqH+2d+dD+veSZgFcXT9rvW7s7+Ejhq/0h v06f3f3xi/3/EBdhvvx39mj8/TsW/TAQVn29f5diRPovpw324fPXuU1acmX/ uv9R+zQMXu6H8u2hfHuoenuo+v0rvkyfXf74J9SdDAxQ+/dD7beHus8e6j6Y enuYeqh79qO5D8aH+X8/mv9h/P0Ar1upGg== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.06698851528247071]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], 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7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ 2/(1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), 0}, {(-2)/(1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), 0}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (5 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (5 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] ( 5^Rational[-1, 2] - (Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2] - 2 (1 - 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (2 + (10 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[-1, 2] + 2 (1 - 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 20] (-5 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2] + (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (-5 + 5^Rational[1, 2] + (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 20] (-5 + 3 5^Rational[1, 2] - (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (-5 + 5^Rational[1, 2] - (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 20] (5 - 3 5^Rational[1, 2] + (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (5 - 5^ Rational[1, 2] + (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 20] (5 - 3 5^Rational[1, 2] - (10 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 20] (5 - 5^ Rational[1, 2] - (50 - 10 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 10] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), -5^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 10] (-5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), 5^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (-2 - (10 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2] - 2 (1 - 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] 5^Rational[-1, 2] (-2 + (10 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[-1, 2] + 2 (1 - 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] (5 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (5 - 2 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ7f9S3/z9scf2DFAA5e9nQAEP9jt9nSt7zf66PRp/ f4LugomKRSfs46JKWZTPP0Ln27M85ArbKblkv3pY1/bDxx7s/+XZ+CFG6b69 7dRpz8VaTu5X+X1K/1P4A3teK9c/vq/22zcJftumffDq/unhhnMYVt/cD+Xb Q/n2UPX7oer3C3MqyOZuuGh/8+3+o6rz78Ds34/mHhjfHqp+P1S9PdQ9+6Hu sWeFuNce6l6Yf+3R/A/j7wcAdO2SHQ== "], { {GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.025587335982012044`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[2, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[3, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[4, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[5, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[6, 0.025587335982012044], DiskBox[7, 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30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQrc53/sjC9c37PRZstTltfMJe2fwEiG+ftRDM35/L 657bLv93/5QrytG6P+7bT2Uycu65+Mee++EBi1ymB/YmSWpWjG2v9t+xbP+j Xvt8/x5rP4865df26cdawHzfh30abZwf9le9zt710Oij/bkE/zkHW97b95i9 7t5j/9Gef/KpxYcYHuwPOXThQCD3qf2u5penSvy7b/9qrsKHiten9v+dAebv nykI5tuvTQKrtxf3vAhSb6/4ZcrPPrUm+8sxqjKVbJ/3+xuD7d+v9xdsv318 Fth99q+ZwO6zP6Y2AaR+/yqIevtvvmD37A+3ALtn/7JXYPfaJ78Eu3f/s++G IP/uF4D4d7+9BDg87OdCwmM/AIzdqaQ= "]}]]}, 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12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.054218794707743795`]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[2, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[3, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[4, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[5, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[6, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[7, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[8, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[9, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[10, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[11, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[12, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[13, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[14, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[15, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[16, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[17, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[18, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[19, 0.054218794707743795], DiskBox[20, 0.054218794707743795]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", 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{12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAVfUmStmZ+T+yCYyYMeLgP2la0V3V j/W/NGWWYP4T3L/gRY49TAaJv1IhInTGWfs/7+yGaETU7z+bwAfPYw32v+Xf dKJf4/m/UGeiedjE4D992knjTBXwv5vAB89jDfa/OJuo8tA42L9s+Rlawezo PwMMicuUtec/wsqh68pN2r+nsH6mGY/CvxlmYTnIWes/LnI9Ym+t5z9rRhh5 n+TYPzVLYwTz8+q/IAkskIhmu7+cYhUYYsXEv5jEeP0/4+q/WJBeY3KL2L+m ghj9KYnmv8z8APbJ/uk/K2Pn/m1M8j+gtPrkDQP1PzZXFDFBi9u/ID5NWJ0+ 4z94dIgm+ojiP7S6U/eq6Ou/Wrujue+IxT+4zkv894/jP7U3eXurSeO/Fjq8 KtxL67/eS1LZXbDyP4BmLINXlXW/mpm5Roo99r/AkbKO "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAVfUmStmZ+T+yCYyYMeLgP2la0V3V 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{5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, {EdgeStyle -> { GrayLevel[0]}, VertexSize -> {{"Scaled", 0.03}}, VertexStyle -> { RGBColor[1, 0, 0]}, VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQrc53/sjC9c37PRZstTltfMJe2fwEiG+ftRDM35/L 657bLv93/5QrytG6P+7bT2Uycu65+Mee++EBi1ymB/YmSWpWjG2v9t+xbP+j Xvt8/x5rP4865df26cdawHzfh30abZwf9le9zt710Oij/bkE/zkHW97b95i9 7t5j/9Gef/KpxYcYHuwPOXThQCD3qf2u5penSvy7b/9qrsKHiten9v+dAebv nykI5tuvTQKrtxf3vAhSb6/4ZcrPPrUm+8sxqjKVbJ/3+xuD7d+v9xdsv318 Fth99q+ZwO6zP6Y2AaR+/yqIevtvvmD37A+3ALtn/7JXYPfaJ78Eu3f/s++G IP/uF4D4d7+9BDg87OdCwmM/AIzdqaQ= "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 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10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAXeZBQtsI8j8RvT2AnB8JQG5v4lcT cQNAU0OAemgX2j9X+BRk80gDQJLEoT2xTARAJZTe4su+6z9tlIOdgWMAQB7R nrZVSfs/NnAlx8qL8T/IG1XN43b3P8AI0BGdAMI/eBRLOCeZ9j+2PwRRgcYE QOIuMYlPIJg/cUKNP80u+D9EvfOd0ogGQOOJXEYrggZA2KZjQ0r9BEC7t0Ul dFH9P+pTg9zyoe0/rTiLTR+S+z/BEZS4p6vlP09TSvLfJeg/MonqRzU3CUDJ eYEg8JjxP1x9qTDOjABAMn8I3UvRC0BYQUd8/9X8P9bFF4S3OANA1pjhzIlU 2z9Ai6F4TWkDQF6ZKVj2swtAcFjXIvdmAEBpqgngJ1ABQI3L/wAeN+4/hXzn imTBBECpuOFALN/4P7Y3+ia10PI/YL836liP8T94YJa3 "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAXeZBQtsI8j8RvT2AnB8JQG5v4lcT cQNAU0OAemgX2j9X+BRk80gDQJLEoT2xTARAJZTe4su+6z9tlIOdgWMAQB7R nrZVSfs/NnAlx8qL8T/IG1XN43b3P8AI0BGdAMI/eBRLOCeZ9j+2PwRRgcYE QOIuMYlPIJg/cUKNP80u+D9EvfOd0ogGQOOJXEYrggZA2KZjQ0r9BEC7t0Ul dFH9P+pTg9zyoe0/rTiLTR+S+z/BEZS4p6vlP09TSvLfJeg/MonqRzU3CUDJ 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0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[17, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[18, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[19, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[20, 0.03256507176826082]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAA5jFlqlbdpz8H3PnfHmnwvz1LwTCr ouE/HblIHfQm2z95vtRZEUDiPwjPc4Gnhds/mmJWeLGWnz8VpZzFYMHwv3LD 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6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.030419773839202163`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[2, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[3, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[4, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[5, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[6, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[7, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[8, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[9, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[10, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[11, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[12, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[13, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[14, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[15, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[16, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[17, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[18, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[19, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[20, 0.030419773839202163]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAvWwWbzHE7b93wvyQCgDev4I5PWhQ He2/1YdJTFob6b85cIT3+ST8vyo4pM5xqPW/8gNv1nFk+r+tousueq3BP/i+ /pg0nqw/0s8of+W08L/SAiqoyqrMv25irFftHK2/p6Bg+xxQ6L+IXUJRQ0f2 v1wZbrTptO6/HxgGmI6+4r8FnVQdnePqv+ZehQorTN2/6ZhX924Ptj8oxwnI BdW0v7jGLBh3pvK+HAqhmD5XAMCiAAFgz0Oyv6EDeRzsuPC/ZgjxPnww17+Q 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{11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.029950563020255824`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[2, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[3, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[4, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[5, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[6, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[7, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[8, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[9, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[10, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[11, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[12, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[13, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[14, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[15, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[16, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[17, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[18, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[19, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[20, 0.029950563020255824]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAK1d3ZmiLxj+rRKJMXeHQv6zW8d7m kJG/Fo3J5nls1T/pAGltra/4v0SxscOENt8/zxlLIoei/D8cW1tzmhbiPwt7 nvDpEPC/yJEyD3NBxj/B2E1zxQjvP96TMg9zQcY/3AyQ+16f5L8dF6cuuOGo PwHTU6okZOw/5mFFAn02wT+cgS8w5unfvwI5iIOPbfK/CLxhk9un3j+x2nmN syDuv50l+VljC+C/cpNOd+uc8D+ErRjztubfP8DWMDKa5PA/eeIN8ABDtz/r bhbs0xnlv1BI+cQ/T+q/Nd2oj7xOyr83SUarJs7yP/Hx7E+lpMy/axALRUHh tT8VATXhlG3nP8/oDNXOdum/mhOQChk0yb8n7zwCuGHrP6TBSS/ZBo+/O8L7 QjcH/L8kEoi0GWDfv+4i/sR/N/w/eBqr9TLN279Xcqrg "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAK1d3ZmiLxj+rRKJMXeHQv6zW8d7m kJG/Fo3J5nls1T/pAGltra/4v0SxscOENt8/zxlLIoei/D8cW1tzmhbiPwt7 nvDpEPC/yJEyD3NBxj/B2E1zxQjvP96TMg9zQcY/3AyQ+16f5L8dF6cuuOGo PwHTU6okZOw/5mFFAn02wT+cgS8w5unfvwI5iIOPbfK/CLxhk9un3j+x2nmN syDuv50l+VljC+C/cpNOd+uc8D+ErRjztubfP8DWMDKa5PA/eeIN8ABDtz/r bhbs0xnlv1BI+cQ/T+q/Nd2oj7xOyr83SUarJs7yP/Hx7E+lpMy/axALRUHh tT8VATXhlG3nP8/oDNXOdum/mhOQChk0yb8n7zwCuGHrP6TBSS/ZBo+/O8L7 QjcH/L8kEoi0GWDfv+4i/sR/N/w/eBqr9TLN279Xcqrg "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03400041734095223]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[2, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[3, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[4, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[5, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[6, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[7, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[8, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[9, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[10, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[11, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[12, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[13, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[14, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[15, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[16, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[17, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[18, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[19, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[20, 0.03400041734095223]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAA5ckp0HloCkDWSD08xs3+PwB7OPmn KwpAap54wfWZAUBen6EAJf4AQGX7zrvjqgpAjc8WwWFvEEBjvPkxJ3fuP9GS HaKZCgVAB8w4vo3s9j/a1dqdImkFQALm3zjNV/Y/FAVZ4Z9P/j9zK8fHoOEC QBYZt1tH9QhA+r8xosa76T8igCKbJQ8QQMfCuv+1qQdAIGS0Zt3kE0DVtegw SGMFQEXLLu0JGPo/ADuLIhdU9j/0240mFzwBQCjf4xY/ZOE/Mi/DqT6lEECY mYa1iz8FQJFssGnbIwhAetuX8NsSB0D2BiUtNDQRQI0d+t8z7/4/EMy/n6gu A0BNVhb59O/3P4cqJh0/nAlA4s0zOqoCA0ANtfbAJ1kSQHxNRFbBBPw/ddyP zN6dAUBcpJCvILECQLwwXxtntQxAy85U1cDl/D+WiJMN "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAA5ckp0HloCkDWSD08xs3+PwB7OPmn KwpAap54wfWZAUBen6EAJf4AQGX7zrvjqgpAjc8WwWFvEEBjvPkxJ3fuP9GS 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0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[8, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[9, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[10, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[11, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[12, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[13, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[14, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[15, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[16, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[17, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[18, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[19, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[20, 0.03264723421002344]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQLZuY/c5+bbN988aLh7mMT9ivk20A8fezrwfz94u+ jIvoufhn/6LKJsY8pgf2OWkHbtTK/7VvN/3fqvPjvv2nEO+wVOXX+9efWjqN v/b5/k8J18J+t76yX+OwHMzfpsC36VLL+/1uHtsfn7D/aD/n98fPrZwf7Fc/ 9b/xzuij/e+uptni/+7vv7t7Cu+j16f233horneY4YF9dnK4/k3uU/vtSyxA /P3JJ0NBfPvA5EaQevuQ1Gkg9fbzY3S/Bao07a9kEOdNZPu8n98DbP9+k+dg ++1b8sDusw9XAbvPfu4va5B6+2sQ9fYq98Hu2f/nNdg9+yWiwO6153IGu3f/ bFewf/cLm4H9u38SZzwoPOyfQMJjPwBRN6s8 "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQLZuY/c5+bbN988aLh7mMT9ivk20A8fezrwfz94u+ jIvoufhn/6LKJsY8pgf2OWkHbtTK/7VvN/3fqvPjvv2nEO+wVOXX+9efWjqN v/b5/k8J18J+t76yX+OwHMzfpsC36VLL+/1uHtsfn7D/aD/n98fPrZwf7Fc/ 9b/xzuij/e+uptni/+7vv7t7Cu+j16f233horneY4YF9dnK4/k3uU/vtSyxA /P3JJ0NBfPvA5EaQevuQ1Gkg9fbzY3S/Bao07a9kEOdNZPu8n98DbP9+k+dg ++1b8sDusw9XAbvPfu4va5B6+2sQ9fYq98Hu2f/nNdg9+yWiwO6153IGu3f/ bFewf/cLm4H9u38SZzwoPOyfQMJjPwBRN6s8 "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.0346622522350771]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[2, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[3, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[4, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[5, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[6, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[7, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[8, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[9, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[10, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[11, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[12, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[13, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[14, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[15, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[16, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[17, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[18, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[19, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[20, 0.0346622522350771]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAA99URWuIxo78AsH7kAsboP2nvKcr8 YZ+/oBoq1wHWlr913tQFai7uvy4JIp+rxNA/B45TC5u82D+jH97qdo3lv5wv X2TGc++/cGMwgrgd0j+8FZirqs6LvbraYXlrWfC/wux/8xU0qD+0jYV9gsG/ 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20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.024514873793595265`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[2, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[3, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[4, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[5, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[6, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[7, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[8, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[9, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[10, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[11, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[12, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[13, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[14, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[15, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[16, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[17, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[18, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[19, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[20, 0.024514873793595265]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAS78dcypv1z+73wm9ZFj8P9eDloOK UApAMeXUDOZa+D/zxmRl3zn2P17QRFmuKew/pFdXwbOB8T9LwqClGeYCQLtC 7vwZ0QJABvK5L0Pv/T/16aBFrKgIQMJo7h0bAQRAmiufAiuP8j+vJW5X06f9 P08J1BOQEfg/5R6ZVPAxCkBaROhlJozyPwewSC0tQ8A/vDVJkybt/z+Pix49 t53lP8KmT2OU6Ps/zdw+OOZRBUAuL0+4AwcEQL2GD9n9hgpAREnlUVxqBkDT 9OX4rsTkP72TK258R9k/bi/aFjG06D8TR9N2kpb0P0nqWG3iGPY/Znb6RBpo 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0.033118014664531875`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[2, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[3, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[4, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[5, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[6, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[7, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[8, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[9, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[10, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[11, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[12, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[13, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[14, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[15, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[16, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[17, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[18, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[19, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[20, 0.033118014664531875]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQXTmnsGZT4XP767HnGifwvrJvhPD3n4Xw97dA5RdI ZB842f96/4WHJQK1L+/vj/FZLqgT9tc+4Gpkiw/Tg/15XPyV66f92T9T/E/d 4gfH9zuuO/1ysvIMe4M2Dda+ypP7HxgGvk68d39/eizTxKtGH/dviWSO2+H0 wZ5jVsED4T+f7PuuGOVMFZm+/9e7oqU+bh/tX8RNuJAn8d7+P4S//x6Ev58H on7/gatg9fb5Fx8aTLp02l537kzHPP4H+6sh9tu/XAO2f787xH32xRD32XdD 1O83hqi3T4W4x349xD37hSDutX8Lca/9Poh/7UMh/t3fBQ2fNZDwsAcATd6t gQ== "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQXTmnsGZT4XP767HnGifwvrJvhPD3n4Xw97dA5RdI ZB842f96/4WHJQK1L+/vj/FZLqgT9tc+4Gpkiw/Tg/15XPyV66f92T9T/E/d 4gfH9zuuO/1ysvIMe4M2Dda+ypP7HxgGvk68d39/eizTxKtGH/dviWSO2+H0 wZ5jVsED4T+f7PuuGOVMFZm+/9e7oqU+bh/tX8RNuJAn8d7+P4S//x6Ev58H on7/gatg9fb5Fx8aTLp02l537kzHPP4H+6sh9tu/XAO2f787xH32xRD32XdD 1O83hqi3T4W4x349xD37hSDutX8Lca/9Poh/7UMh/t3fBQ2fNZDwsAcATd6t gQ== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03483956815247931]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[2, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[3, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[4, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[5, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[6, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[7, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[8, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[9, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[10, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[11, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[12, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[13, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[14, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[15, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[16, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[17, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[18, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[19, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[20, 0.03483956815247931]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAfdLLSYK3+j80GCCoQrfMP8v4RE0r fPa/UC5ybH55x78kUzmhClrTP1Z6D6WM6/o/jacLRscs5z/K97H6X5r4v94L Se+T5/e/9Ziy91EB6j/8Cs51Ut3zvyD7gJbgt/K/K4vvYx9Izb+vNywvHrrq P2XWBknX4uQ/CWIbQbtJ4b+5Tu+1TAyOPzw0XwDMvOs/8adcAwuQ6T/I6rQM yITPP8yBwiKDH+u/qmKKbORxqT+CmrtHKBnUv0u3yAVceem/rqOrMyY14L+G R6+59eTjvxWd9IUoJPA/+1iweCkx7z++kHf3GWPzPx9G1z8HROW/0BEnVTxT 5j/fO/tC9lvdP8+mxcFTceq/RkcK7mvZ1D8ENNAq6FzfP6O3Py54jua/aiGp Td7047+8qB8NVeH0PzR8OY5JsdC/Bdcef3TY9b+lvqtN "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAfdLLSYK3+j80GCCoQrfMP8v4RE0r fPa/UC5ybH55x78kUzmhClrTP1Z6D6WM6/o/jacLRscs5z/K97H6X5r4v94L Se+T5/e/9Ziy91EB6j/8Cs51Ut3zvyD7gJbgt/K/K4vvYx9Izb+vNywvHrrq P2XWBknX4uQ/CWIbQbtJ4b+5Tu+1TAyOPzw0XwDMvOs/8adcAwuQ6T/I6rQM yITPP8yBwiKDH+u/qmKKbORxqT+CmrtHKBnUv0u3yAVceem/rqOrMyY14L+G R6+59eTjvxWd9IUoJPA/+1iweCkx7z++kHf3GWPzPx9G1z8HROW/0BEnVTxT 5j/fO/tC9lvdP8+mxcFTceq/RkcK7mvZ1D8ENNAq6FzfP6O3Py54jua/aiGp Td7047+8qB8NVeH0PzR8OY5JsdC/Bdcef3TY9b+lvqtN "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03179806210229294]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[2, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[3, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[4, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[5, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[6, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[7, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[8, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[9, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[10, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[11, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[12, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[13, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[14, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[15, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[16, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[17, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[18, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[19, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[20, 0.03179806210229294]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAqEpJDLedp7/IL83IQWrcP1gAhsz0 Xdm/hSE9vMdx3z9x4tcqiyLkv8gSqhP9xd4/MnvIafRo9T/NeXkEtLDfv8zL 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6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03000277645089902]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[2, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[3, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[4, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[5, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[6, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[7, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[8, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[9, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[10, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[11, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[12, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[13, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[14, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[15, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[16, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[17, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[18, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[19, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[20, 0.03000277645089902]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbfpjxbPVBg/2L62vmVq1b5G9LIRvf7AWzN+/fU3F wu8f7u1vjHoflBfxz17I4+odNot7+5enTNlwdeHP/T9eJfZJ12zdn/XufrXK 6hf2NfKrxc97H7A34Vk0m+HUu/03FMWXMzYvs3dVWvel7MAHewkdCD9DZoOU 7u3n+xOvWNy5Yvxhf5CvRnDipfv2Xz7GKvLyv9lvYJcofm7q/f2nIHz7v7Zg vn0aRL19OUT9/p8iLMdnGN/f3x0QMbfR+/D+nRD79/tD7LdXg7jP3g/ivv2n IOrtn0PU2wtA3LO/GOIeewslCN8U4t79v9zB/rXfAPGv/XJIeNgXQcJjPwCH gqnQ "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbfpjxbPVBg/2L62vmVq1b5G9LIRvf7AWzN+/fU3F wu8f7u1vjHoflBfxz17I4+odNot7+5enTNlwdeHP/T9eJfZJ12zdn/XufrXK 6hf2NfKrxc97H7A34Vk0m+HUu/03FMWXMzYvs3dVWvel7MAHewkdCD9DZoOU 7u3n+xOvWNy5Yvxhf5CvRnDipfv2Xz7GKvLyv9lvYJcofm7q/f2nIHz7v7Zg vn0aRL19OUT9/p8iLMdnGN/f3x0QMbfR+/D+nRD79/tD7LdXg7jP3g/ivv2n IOrtn0PU2wtA3LO/GOIeewslCN8U4t79v9zB/rXfAPGv/XJIeNgXQcJjPwCH gqnQ "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.035669724190910856`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[2, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[3, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[4, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[5, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[6, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[7, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[8, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[9, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[10, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[11, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[12, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[13, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[14, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[15, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[16, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[17, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[18, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[19, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[20, 0.035669724190910856]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQndmbx12gcGj/2xvXFQ3fL7IXmvRkEgPbIfsd6t9+ 5MYu3n+f9dt6SY4H+698XHrP2/DP/sYAo8+bb9zff8JdMc0q9q99gAu3t9/x Z/YC3VYiH6te71/vBOHbHJcOdeZ/af+X58SlwrUf929T6Dl69sG7/T5THX78 a/m4n7v12de4jg/2PhuVt9muPm/P+WASzyX+B/st3Odly7qcsb/+t7h24q37 9mu8T3MmOpzZb5A3xyns1v39cWHXOffsOL/f5j5Yvb1kXnzIbodP9kcNfWus Ly/c3+EMtn//t9WHd+yTerk/EMq3Wv7vzpKK1/bfzu0o43L5tP+UwO9DLbMW 2gc/69yu1/TRnuFh3DStrg/7Nd/Ecp1a99H+aE3uihl339lzGHYsvHD4vv1c iH/3izjH37L5ed/+HvtJsQCtP/YAjqOrag== "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQndmbx12gcGj/2xvXFQ3fL7IXmvRkEgPbIfsd6t9+ 5MYu3n+f9dt6SY4H+698XHrP2/DP/sYAo8+bb9zff8JdMc0q9q99gAu3t9/x 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0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[8, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[9, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[10, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[11, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[12, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[13, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[14, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[15, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[16, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[17, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[18, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[19, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[20, 0.034862409283267545]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAd/7lS3tg9L9GnIQGsXffv0Ev8ROc jPQ/Qa0LdlqW3T/XIeaXVXDHvxR3ketYGiG9NrDmG1Lp6b8wx+SoOGpqv4bm tuewhtg/ykGfyDCr7D/okft5+hjxP2PVrhztc+C/YPM5GGn28L8o5QNZEL/e v8MDgMn9xNG/Onx/1q/96j+VWYxcOAHgv0ZfjDYRGta/QyyF4mzy3z/Io20v /nXYv59n3U4e+Ni/8kEmd4/D0D+Y7TaRzlLjP/mphoRQw9c/3dNn7Hd49D9K lDtquTThv6By3VSZ7PC/wyxuxUoG3z9om/z8c/fWvwTIxKh5quy/6oaekzSC 8793PTNKFTjgP8s8aOw63tU/Xh7FtoFS7L/1jPt5+hjxP4fWbBlYJtw/SlXI a84j6j8seHcw7jt1v7wEFj3ZR8g/4+LDfwgGo79uKbLk "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAd/7lS3tg9L9GnIQGsXffv0Ev8ROc jPQ/Qa0LdlqW3T/XIeaXVXDHvxR3ketYGiG9NrDmG1Lp6b8wx+SoOGpqv4bm tuewhtg/ykGfyDCr7D/okft5+hjxP2PVrhztc+C/YPM5GGn28L8o5QNZEL/e v8MDgMn9xNG/Onx/1q/96j+VWYxcOAHgv0ZfjDYRGta/QyyF4mzy3z/Io20v /nXYv59n3U4e+Ni/8kEmd4/D0D+Y7TaRzlLjP/mphoRQw9c/3dNn7Hd49D9K 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0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[13, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[14, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[15, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[16, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[17, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[18, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[19, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[20, 0.026982758224417175]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/bBlWmmEwwP7S/l9Ji7FN/fzC643XSz2YH9JNphv r1z9f+qv66/sb/VrRH+KjNrLXqgd07Vto71raMz1N8237RP9Vk/Zeem+fY4T RD3P8g2yX1g223N/sGafdfHW/nvRy9aGZv+1j/631fqP36T9R//ZeQbk37W/ kLf52bLU+/tF0o5MDbhxe7/+4auVN2If7OdUWSryasPX/VMZ4jfNuvNmP6fs O76PfN/sO/VeWMpff21/0UkreX7XHfvSAz12CT4P7DfdnOUyRfXbfks1iPza T5z3CtZu3F++QdE3/PIt+71pd0T86+/v97aE+O/lqaZinY9f7bftaI14BjQ/ gsEe5J798zMVdzrY37cvrwiVnxn6d//adLuNy35M33/v9ZTNQvEb9rsc6Q+a 1np7f/l8r08Fa1/tZxLeH7xQLsYWAHbtq0I= "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/bBlWmmEwwP7S/l9Ji7FN/fzC643XSz2YH9JNphv r1z9f+qv66/sb/VrRH+KjNrLXqgd07Vto71raMz1N8237RP9Vk/Zeem+fY4T RD3P8g2yX1g223N/sGafdfHW/nvRy9aGZv+1j/631fqP36T9R//ZeQbk37W/ kLf52bLU+/tF0o5MDbhxe7/+4auVN2If7OdUWSryasPX/VMZ4jfNuvNmP6fs O76PfN/sO/VeWMpff21/0UkreX7XHfvSAz12CT4P7DfdnOUyRfXbfks1iPza T5z3CtZu3F++QdE3/PIt+71pd0T86+/v97aE+O/lqaZinY9f7bftaI14BjQ/ gsEe5J798zMVdzrY37cvrwiVnxn6d//adLuNy35M33/v9ZTNQvEb9rsc6Q+a 1np7f/l8r08Fa1/tZxLeH7xQLsYWAHbtq0I= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.034872889013465455`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[2, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[3, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[4, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[5, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[6, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[7, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[8, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[9, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[10, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[11, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[12, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[13, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[14, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[15, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[16, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[17, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[18, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[19, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[20, 0.034872889013465455]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/XHClYtyy77brwlTfO7188x+f9cPbz9c+bQ/ZDuY b/8HKn+mEsJfM2FD8Vu+S/s3zTnEEtn+dL/4+5cHTky/uX85q0qSUdJr+9Um ad48v07uL0j8PiWoPdR24aTHFccVHtp/undBW/jlQ/uT3VNvXPE7vP+uicKc 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16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.027713568895903762`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[2, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[3, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[4, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[5, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[6, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[7, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[8, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[9, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[10, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[11, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[12, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[13, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[14, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[15, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[16, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[17, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[18, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[19, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[20, 0.027713568895903762]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAHUIwEYkz7r8fmvaU1MbgPyudheQB 1/Y/nPogZZvo3r8MLGj/e0Hiv6sbhmyHdN8/v7gEoK4Mwb8lqV66LY7cvxRy UkSujeI/DpmQJwA38L8qy3FYrIniP1FPw5zLM/C/9pfnXQ/Sjz9rBgo0PWfU v91ktMxDreC/JZBz+b7i9b8Sa6E3+knNPwqGRO19wf4/TkW6cEMp4r9ILZU1 HxT1PzmzcR7eX9m/Y5dcVP6t87/3//3nvebRP/scFwOmd/+/Sni0kcQU9D92 jo21ARHgP0rbzraEeuW/bYAYe07I9z+6hNnD0r6sPy1YV9C5JOE/tvUPCL4b 77+MERF/wWvev4jNsGYEedY/rXW5+37A7T/uzNcsEX7UP6iB3Hn2bOs/jqgC PiWe0D/qU3nbNemwv4EqXI+33ug/bRM9cEWZoL/tjawq "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAHUIwEYkz7r8fmvaU1MbgPyudheQB 1/Y/nPogZZvo3r8MLGj/e0Hiv6sbhmyHdN8/v7gEoK4Mwb8lqV66LY7cvxRy UkSujeI/DpmQJwA38L8qy3FYrIniP1FPw5zLM/C/9pfnXQ/Sjz9rBgo0PWfU v91ktMxDreC/JZBz+b7i9b8Sa6E3+knNPwqGRO19wf4/TkW6cEMp4r9ILZU1 HxT1PzmzcR7eX9m/Y5dcVP6t87/3//3nvebRP/scFwOmd/+/Sni0kcQU9D92 jo21ARHgP0rbzraEeuW/bYAYe07I9z+6hNnD0r6sPy1YV9C5JOE/tvUPCL4b 77+MERF/wWvev4jNsGYEedY/rXW5+37A7T/uzNcsEX7UP6iB3Hn2bOs/jqgC PiWe0D/qU3nbNemwv4EqXI+33ug/bRM9cEWZoL/tjawq "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03629224785635807]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[2, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[3, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[4, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[5, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[6, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[7, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[8, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[9, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[10, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[11, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[12, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[13, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[14, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[15, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[16, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[17, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[18, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[19, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[20, 0.03629224785635807]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbVD34M2mzrf71x+bekCh+pS9HYRvL78PzN9/8CL3 m1dnntjf8pjHMcnhyf4knRVmuoy/9mfqJjKbxdyyj8pas8u9/4f95fSbbDkb Htkr+rQeP5B0zf68+FO29JmP7eVf5seHnn9u3/to7Qw7s+v27rP1bu97+GH/ Xl5zCZY9n+1lchxd7zHssP/YstDskPKP/St3cz59NPPN/sLP55cnz/+6//Uu MN9+2ycw3547D6x+/7FWsHr7P9uDygN+HLTPbnN9eqbz1X4Hf7D9+8+Ige3f n5kJdt9+SYj79otvAqvffwSi3n4OxD32NXxg9+zf+ALs3v2XnoLduz9eG+xf +1U6YP/uj70MDo/9Ge7g8LAHAEHxsQo= "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbVD34M2mzrf71x+bekCh+pS9HYRvL78PzN9/8CL3 m1dnntjf8pjHMcnhyf4knRVmuoy/9mfqJjKbxdyyj8pas8u9/4f95fSbbDkb Htkr+rQeP5B0zf68+FO29JmP7eVf5seHnn9u3/to7Qw7s+v27rP1bu97+GH/ Xl5zCZY9n+1lchxd7zHssP/YstDskPKP/St3cz59NPPN/sLP55cnz/+6//Uu MN9+2ycw3547D6x+/7FWsHr7P9uDygN+HLTPbnN9eqbz1X4Hf7D9+8+Ige3f n5kJdt9+SYj79otvAqvffwSi3n4OxD32NXxg9+zf+ALs3v2XnoLduz9eG+xf +1U6YP/uj70MDo/9Ge7g8LAHAEHxsQo= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03200989897193118]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[2, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[3, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[4, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[5, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[6, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[7, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[8, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[9, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[10, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[11, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[12, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[13, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[14, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[15, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[16, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[17, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[18, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[19, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[20, 0.03200989897193118]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[155]=",ExpressionUUID->"5cc8663b-e7b6-43c9-9cc2-4cdb8db5d864"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Select", "[", RowBox[{"%", ",", "UnitDistanceGraphEmbeddingQ"}], "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[156]:=",ExpressionUUID->"5cc40b95-385f-4b9b-a4e6-69543c88a179"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAHO/iMTsT+r9h2XkM8mjiP0udjIdZ N/s/elN5/9ryzr/sqcPlgGTiv8kv5uqooKi/1QVmOaiAyb+WOA7u59bxP4RU yNd+7/E/07fC5ebm8L+3L4oUvo/nP9BVckaYKeC/xc86EMFB5r9TF8vBC6fw vxGEMhjbMui/+JpeKys00j/3K7T+R63QP95ZIAvvU+U/mQ3yJytDw78zAddo 6D/5Pz1uygLTxMo/ObwktIF497+KK7T+R63Qv3DGF6jvsOK/XS4OZqfo+D8A F9kSp+3nP9+3yhKYZ+a/jtQpG1E17j8xiFY3xEXyv+iOfstpLPc/pGw7zzCT 97+rxPL02GTavyt9Wb/Eme4/eLd7Bg2Lqr9vkheZK+fqPzkielvnIfc/68r5 XgI3yD+ICSsWKjDmv86pw+WAZOI/x0jlQajV3j80H7H5 "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAHO/iMTsT+r9h2XkM8mjiP0udjIdZ 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0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[6, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[7, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[8, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[9, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[10, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[11, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[12, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[13, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[14, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[15, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[16, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[17, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[18, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[19, 0.03256507176826082], DiskBox[20, 0.03256507176826082]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAA5jFlqlbdpz8H3PnfHmnwvz1LwTCr ouE/HblIHfQm2z95vtRZEUDiPwjPc4Gnhds/mmJWeLGWnz8VpZzFYMHwv3LD OisPi9y/DTcT9X4D4D+u8SU5lGnbv2Zeaqc2ecw/a7oCaDfe2r9qUper143S P6mNZTU1kem/vfxD1gyv+b8ewSh1LbD5P19D8fahvck/FQydeBiA8T+TQnn+ rA7lv9gmGpzutva/MDy7yFBw0T+szv8Py/fuv9eVBUyd0+O/V+pd1FW18D/G vMLBFIbcv79CxOZH9Ow/GFL7Xkhl4L8GNepQdRDrP+icdi9dB/q/Qs6y8mqS 67+dIvcZMW7jvyNMdTENjuQ/Vdv8WUEU3j8JBV6xDde5P885D7mF4ei/TOdX Ix0jvz+KiLZ09C31P6fRSiV7j+y/5ju7UJ455b/Up6sL "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAA5jFlqlbdpz8H3PnfHmnwvz1LwTCr ouE/HblIHfQm2z95vtRZEUDiPwjPc4Gnhds/mmJWeLGWnz8VpZzFYMHwv3LD OisPi9y/DTcT9X4D4D+u8SU5lGnbv2Zeaqc2ecw/a7oCaDfe2r9qUper143S P6mNZTU1kem/vfxD1gyv+b8ewSh1LbD5P19D8fahvck/FQydeBiA8T+TQnn+ 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DiskBox[11, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[12, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[13, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[14, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[15, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[16, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[17, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[18, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[19, 0.030419773839202163], DiskBox[20, 0.030419773839202163]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAvWwWbzHE7b93wvyQCgDev4I5PWhQ He2/1YdJTFob6b85cIT3+ST8vyo4pM5xqPW/8gNv1nFk+r+tousueq3BP/i+ /pg0nqw/0s8of+W08L/SAiqoyqrMv25irFftHK2/p6Bg+xxQ6L+IXUJRQ0f2 v1wZbrTptO6/HxgGmI6+4r8FnVQdnePqv+ZehQorTN2/6ZhX924Ptj8oxwnI BdW0v7jGLBh3pvK+HAqhmD5XAMCiAAFgz0Oyv6EDeRzsuPC/ZgjxPnww17+Q uU7HqLyqP0QHjtsMdOi/qDAEmihH97++uIWDfhHnv0Y5BLCDSuA/5S+W/nPI lz/0dAvo+abovxwklTRCFLU/5+7hCLj96r8wcnb4D9rBP5mDD+q6We0/h5sl Kt9Z7b8qEcgLBQvqvy+WUCDG9uq/HKQKe0xS5z+5pKr5 "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAvWwWbzHE7b93wvyQCgDev4I5PWhQ He2/1YdJTFob6b85cIT3+ST8vyo4pM5xqPW/8gNv1nFk+r+tousueq3BP/i+ /pg0nqw/0s8of+W08L/SAiqoyqrMv25irFftHK2/p6Bg+xxQ6L+IXUJRQ0f2 v1wZbrTptO6/HxgGmI6+4r8FnVQdnePqv+ZehQorTN2/6ZhX924Ptj8oxwnI BdW0v7jGLBh3pvK+HAqhmD5XAMCiAAFgz0Oyv6EDeRzsuPC/ZgjxPnww17+Q uU7HqLyqP0QHjtsMdOi/qDAEmihH97++uIWDfhHnv0Y5BLCDSuA/5S+W/nPI lz/0dAvo+abovxwklTRCFLU/5+7hCLj96r8wcnb4D9rBP5mDD+q6We0/h5sl Kt9Z7b8qEcgLBQvqvy+WUCDG9uq/HKQKe0xS5z+5pKr5 "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.029950563020255824`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[2, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[3, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[4, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[5, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[6, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[7, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[8, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[9, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[10, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[11, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[12, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[13, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[14, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[15, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[16, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[17, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[18, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[19, 0.029950563020255824], DiskBox[20, 0.029950563020255824]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAK1d3ZmiLxj+rRKJMXeHQv6zW8d7m kJG/Fo3J5nls1T/pAGltra/4v0SxscOENt8/zxlLIoei/D8cW1tzmhbiPwt7 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6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03400041734095223]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[2, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[3, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[4, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[5, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[6, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[7, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[8, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[9, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[10, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[11, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[12, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[13, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[14, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[15, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[16, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[17, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[18, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[19, 0.03400041734095223], DiskBox[20, 0.03400041734095223]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAA5ckp0HloCkDWSD08xs3+PwB7OPmn KwpAap54wfWZAUBen6EAJf4AQGX7zrvjqgpAjc8WwWFvEEBjvPkxJ3fuP9GS HaKZCgVAB8w4vo3s9j/a1dqdImkFQALm3zjNV/Y/FAVZ4Z9P/j9zK8fHoOEC QBYZt1tH9QhA+r8xosa76T8igCKbJQ8QQMfCuv+1qQdAIGS0Zt3kE0DVtegw SGMFQEXLLu0JGPo/ADuLIhdU9j/0240mFzwBQCjf4xY/ZOE/Mi/DqT6lEECY 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{11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03264723421002344]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[2, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[3, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[4, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[5, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[6, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[7, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[8, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[9, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[10, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[11, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[12, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[13, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[14, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[15, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[16, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[17, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[18, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[19, 0.03264723421002344], DiskBox[20, 0.03264723421002344]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ 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1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQLZuY/c5+bbN988aLh7mMT9ivk20A8fezrwfz94u+ jIvoufhn/6LKJsY8pgf2OWkHbtTK/7VvN/3fqvPjvv2nEO+wVOXX+9efWjqN v/b5/k8J18J+t76yX+OwHMzfpsC36VLL+/1uHtsfn7D/aD/n98fPrZwf7Fc/ 9b/xzuij/e+uptni/+7vv7t7Cu+j16f233horneY4YF9dnK4/k3uU/vtSyxA /P3JJ0NBfPvA5EaQevuQ1Gkg9fbzY3S/Bao07a9kEOdNZPu8n98DbP9+k+dg ++1b8sDusw9XAbvPfu4va5B6+2sQ9fYq98Hu2f/nNdg9+yWiwO6153IGu3f/ bFewf/cLm4H9u38SZzwoPOyfQMJjPwBRN6s8 "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.0346622522350771]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[2, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[3, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[4, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[5, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[6, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[7, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[8, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[9, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[10, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[11, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[12, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[13, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[14, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[15, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[16, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[17, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[18, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[19, 0.0346622522350771], DiskBox[20, 0.0346622522350771]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAA99URWuIxo78AsH7kAsboP2nvKcr8 YZ+/oBoq1wHWlr913tQFai7uvy4JIp+rxNA/B45TC5u82D+jH97qdo3lv5wv X2TGc++/cGMwgrgd0j+8FZirqs6LvbraYXlrWfC/wux/8xU0qD+0jYV9gsG/ P1DXBDctluO/inkzDSnb47/FAr40abPpPyhc2Er0yNA/OqytqqTnyL9tr6hp ZO7IPxNC1ZLYIuO/lcQ05RV65L/u5xIGpiTKP9Tk/zBq+KW/Yevb9sJC7T+P OSaMIH/TP6V8/9c657G/Fl2BIbTWzL8nF44AgL/pP7AL08pmEM4/HGalME/S 7b+EbXoYDe3UP75cGBSjHOA/FxuagwR28z8BkGMcDEbcP+hIcV/Ac+K/64ec srCo37/p8CTkHH7yP/Mq7a44AN2/htMRE6awwL/izqw2 "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAA99URWuIxo78AsH7kAsboP2nvKcr8 YZ+/oBoq1wHWlr913tQFai7uvy4JIp+rxNA/B45TC5u82D+jH97qdo3lv5wv X2TGc++/cGMwgrgd0j+8FZirqs6LvbraYXlrWfC/wux/8xU0qD+0jYV9gsG/ P1DXBDctluO/inkzDSnb47/FAr40abPpPyhc2Er0yNA/OqytqqTnyL9tr6hp ZO7IPxNC1ZLYIuO/lcQ05RV65L/u5xIGpiTKP9Tk/zBq+KW/Yevb9sJC7T+P OSaMIH/TP6V8/9c657G/Fl2BIbTWzL8nF44AgL/pP7AL08pmEM4/HGalME/S 7b+EbXoYDe3UP75cGBSjHOA/FxuagwR28z8BkGMcDEbcP+hIcV/Ac+K/64ec srCo37/p8CTkHH7yP/Mq7a44AN2/htMRE6awwL/izqw2 "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.024514873793595265`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[2, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[3, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[4, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[5, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[6, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[7, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[8, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[9, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[10, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[11, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[12, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[13, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[14, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[15, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[16, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[17, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[18, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[19, 0.024514873793595265], DiskBox[20, 0.024514873793595265]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAS78dcypv1z+73wm9ZFj8P9eDloOK UApAMeXUDOZa+D/zxmRl3zn2P17QRFmuKew/pFdXwbOB8T9LwqClGeYCQLtC 7vwZ0QJABvK5L0Pv/T/16aBFrKgIQMJo7h0bAQRAmiufAiuP8j+vJW5X06f9 P08J1BOQEfg/5R6ZVPAxCkBaROhlJozyPwewSC0tQ8A/vDVJkybt/z+Pix49 t53lP8KmT2OU6Ps/zdw+OOZRBUAuL0+4AwcEQL2GD9n9hgpAREnlUVxqBkDT 9OX4rsTkP72TK258R9k/bi/aFjG06D8TR9N2kpb0P0nqWG3iGPY/Znb6RBpo 5T9KL5+SDcwFQL15AB/HEgFA8GNbALRpuL8XgTcY/W0DQCISas5cOvk/AKqK zdwcA0DZY9XLIeTrP6EZrUjiqABA3OjulYAeBEDtmJd2 "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAS78dcypv1z+73wm9ZFj8P9eDloOK UApAMeXUDOZa+D/zxmRl3zn2P17QRFmuKew/pFdXwbOB8T9LwqClGeYCQLtC 7vwZ0QJABvK5L0Pv/T/16aBFrKgIQMJo7h0bAQRAmiufAiuP8j+vJW5X06f9 P08J1BOQEfg/5R6ZVPAxCkBaROhlJozyPwewSC0tQ8A/vDVJkybt/z+Pix49 t53lP8KmT2OU6Ps/zdw+OOZRBUAuL0+4AwcEQL2GD9n9hgpAREnlUVxqBkDT 9OX4rsTkP72TK258R9k/bi/aFjG06D8TR9N2kpb0P0nqWG3iGPY/Znb6RBpo 5T9KL5+SDcwFQL15AB/HEgFA8GNbALRpuL8XgTcY/W0DQCISas5cOvk/AKqK zdwcA0DZY9XLIeTrP6EZrUjiqABA3OjulYAeBEDtmJd2 "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.033118014664531875`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[2, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[3, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[4, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[5, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[6, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[7, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[8, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[9, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[10, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[11, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[12, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[13, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[14, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[15, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[16, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[17, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[18, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[19, 0.033118014664531875], DiskBox[20, 0.033118014664531875]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQXTmnsGZT4XP767HnGifwvrJvhPD3n4Xw97dA5RdI ZB842f96/4WHJQK1L+/vj/FZLqgT9tc+4Gpkiw/Tg/15XPyV66f92T9T/E/d 4gfH9zuuO/1ysvIMe4M2Dda+ypP7HxgGvk68d39/eizTxKtGH/dviWSO2+H0 wZ5jVsED4T+f7PuuGOVMFZm+/9e7oqU+bh/tX8RNuJAn8d7+P4S//x6Ev58H on7/gatg9fb5Fx8aTLp02l537kzHPP4H+6sh9tu/XAO2f787xH32xRD32XdD 1O83hqi3T4W4x349xD37hSDutX8Lca/9Poh/7UMh/t3fBQ2fNZDwsAcATd6t gQ== "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQXTmnsGZT4XP767HnGifwvrJvhPD3n4Xw97dA5RdI ZB842f96/4WHJQK1L+/vj/FZLqgT9tc+4Gpkiw/Tg/15XPyV66f92T9T/E/d 4gfH9zuuO/1ysvIMe4M2Dda+ypP7HxgGvk68d39/eizTxKtGH/dviWSO2+H0 wZ5jVsED4T+f7PuuGOVMFZm+/9e7oqU+bh/tX8RNuJAn8d7+P4S//x6Ev58H on7/gatg9fb5Fx8aTLp02l537kzHPP4H+6sh9tu/XAO2f787xH32xRD32XdD 1O83hqi3T4W4x349xD37hSDutX8Lca/9Poh/7UMh/t3fBQ2fNZDwsAcATd6t gQ== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03483956815247931]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[2, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[3, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[4, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[5, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[6, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[7, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[8, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[9, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[10, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[11, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[12, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[13, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[14, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[15, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[16, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[17, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[18, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[19, 0.03483956815247931], DiskBox[20, 0.03483956815247931]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAfdLLSYK3+j80GCCoQrfMP8v4RE0r fPa/UC5ybH55x78kUzmhClrTP1Z6D6WM6/o/jacLRscs5z/K97H6X5r4v94L Se+T5/e/9Ziy91EB6j/8Cs51Ut3zvyD7gJbgt/K/K4vvYx9Izb+vNywvHrrq P2XWBknX4uQ/CWIbQbtJ4b+5Tu+1TAyOPzw0XwDMvOs/8adcAwuQ6T/I6rQM yITPP8yBwiKDH+u/qmKKbORxqT+CmrtHKBnUv0u3yAVceem/rqOrMyY14L+G R6+59eTjvxWd9IUoJPA/+1iweCkx7z++kHf3GWPzPx9G1z8HROW/0BEnVTxT 5j/fO/tC9lvdP8+mxcFTceq/RkcK7mvZ1D8ENNAq6FzfP6O3Py54jua/aiGp Td7047+8qB8NVeH0PzR8OY5JsdC/Bdcef3TY9b+lvqtN "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAfdLLSYK3+j80GCCoQrfMP8v4RE0r fPa/UC5ybH55x78kUzmhClrTP1Z6D6WM6/o/jacLRscs5z/K97H6X5r4v94L Se+T5/e/9Ziy91EB6j/8Cs51Ut3zvyD7gJbgt/K/K4vvYx9Izb+vNywvHrrq P2XWBknX4uQ/CWIbQbtJ4b+5Tu+1TAyOPzw0XwDMvOs/8adcAwuQ6T/I6rQM yITPP8yBwiKDH+u/qmKKbORxqT+CmrtHKBnUv0u3yAVceem/rqOrMyY14L+G R6+59eTjvxWd9IUoJPA/+1iweCkx7z++kHf3GWPzPx9G1z8HROW/0BEnVTxT 5j/fO/tC9lvdP8+mxcFTceq/RkcK7mvZ1D8ENNAq6FzfP6O3Py54jua/aiGp Td7047+8qB8NVeH0PzR8OY5JsdC/Bdcef3TY9b+lvqtN "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03179806210229294]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[2, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[3, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[4, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[5, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[6, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[7, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[8, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[9, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[10, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[11, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[12, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[13, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[14, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[15, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[16, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[17, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[18, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[19, 0.03179806210229294], DiskBox[20, 0.03179806210229294]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAqEpJDLedp7/IL83IQWrcP1gAhsz0 Xdm/hSE9vMdx3z9x4tcqiyLkv8gSqhP9xd4/MnvIafRo9T/NeXkEtLDfv8zL YippEPC/B4dxpYSR9D94nx/5eNamv8vS38And9y/9Z551c691T9xEdy64OLN P3T8u7iWZvU/KV4ypKUn4D+Wtc9PgC3wv9mTpTZNg/S/2hEv0Jbm5L9ykcZU 3UrWv/K9WKlT6uS/eVe8R9RU1j+4Zqi7vp/VP7RVx/4Qq94/Sl+5BvEa5L9/ I+XdeM/ev7oZAIqpeNm/P097cwB+37/8fH976KXVPxZWx/4Qq96/c+bhzP6l 4z9/khUmQB/zP5k9B24VDfq/VAgelrOw37999Od8/sLVPxIHmk7Cp82/8LKr aRcQ+r9hXjKkpSfgPx+k7tbX2uM/PEwuQZsQ879K57XL "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAqEpJDLedp7/IL83IQWrcP1gAhsz0 Xdm/hSE9vMdx3z9x4tcqiyLkv8gSqhP9xd4/MnvIafRo9T/NeXkEtLDfv8zL 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0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[8, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[9, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[10, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[11, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[12, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[13, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[14, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[15, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[16, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[17, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[18, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[19, 0.03000277645089902], DiskBox[20, 0.03000277645089902]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbfpjxbPVBg/2L62vmVq1b5G9LIRvf7AWzN+/fU3F wu8f7u1vjHoflBfxz17I4+odNot7+5enTNlwdeHP/T9eJfZJ12zdn/XufrXK 6hf2NfKrxc97H7A34Vk0m+HUu/03FMWXMzYvs3dVWvel7MAHewkdCD9DZoOU 7u3n+xOvWNy5Yvxhf5CvRnDipfv2Xz7GKvLyv9lvYJcofm7q/f2nIHz7v7Zg vn0aRL19OUT9/p8iLMdnGN/f3x0QMbfR+/D+nRD79/tD7LdXg7jP3g/ivv2n IOrtn0PU2wtA3LO/GOIeewslCN8U4t79v9zB/rXfAPGv/XJIeNgXQcJjPwCH gqnQ "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbfpjxbPVBg/2L62vmVq1b5G9LIRvf7AWzN+/fU3F wu8f7u1vjHoflBfxz17I4+odNot7+5enTNlwdeHP/T9eJfZJ12zdn/XufrXK 6hf2NfKrxc97H7A34Vk0m+HUu/03FMWXMzYvs3dVWvel7MAHewkdCD9DZoOU 7u3n+xOvWNy5Yvxhf5CvRnDipfv2Xz7GKvLyv9lvYJcofm7q/f2nIHz7v7Zg vn0aRL19OUT9/p8iLMdnGN/f3x0QMbfR+/D+nRD79/tD7LdXg7jP3g/ivv2n IOrtn0PU2wtA3LO/GOIeewslCN8U4t79v9zB/rXfAPGv/XJIeNgXQcJjPwCH gqnQ "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.035669724190910856`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[2, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[3, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[4, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[5, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[6, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[7, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[8, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[9, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[10, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[11, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[12, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[13, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[14, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[15, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[16, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[17, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[18, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[19, 0.035669724190910856], DiskBox[20, 0.035669724190910856]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQndmbx12gcGj/2xvXFQ3fL7IXmvRkEgPbIfsd6t9+ 5MYu3n+f9dt6SY4H+698XHrP2/DP/sYAo8+bb9zff8JdMc0q9q99gAu3t9/x Z/YC3VYiH6te71/vBOHbHJcOdeZ/af+X58SlwrUf929T6Dl69sG7/T5THX78 a/m4n7v12de4jg/2PhuVt9muPm/P+WASzyX+B/st3Odly7qcsb/+t7h24q37 9mu8T3MmOpzZb5A3xyns1v39cWHXOffsOL/f5j5Yvb1kXnzIbodP9kcNfWus Ly/c3+EMtn//t9WHd+yTerk/EMq3Wv7vzpKK1/bfzu0o43L5tP+UwO9DLbMW 2gc/69yu1/TRnuFh3DStrg/7Nd/Ecp1a99H+aE3uihl339lzGHYsvHD4vv1c iH/3izjH37L5ed/+HvtJsQCtP/YAjqOrag== "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQndmbx12gcGj/2xvXFQ3fL7IXmvRkEgPbIfsd6t9+ 5MYu3n+f9dt6SY4H+698XHrP2/DP/sYAo8+bb9zff8JdMc0q9q99gAu3t9/x Z/YC3VYiH6te71/vBOHbHJcOdeZ/af+X58SlwrUf929T6Dl69sG7/T5THX78 a/m4n7v12de4jg/2PhuVt9muPm/P+WASzyX+B/st3Odly7qcsb/+t7h24q37 9mu8T3MmOpzZb5A3xyns1v39cWHXOffsOL/f5j5Yvb1kXnzIbodP9kcNfWus Ly/c3+EMtn//t9WHd+yTerk/EMq3Wv7vzpKK1/bfzu0o43L5tP+UwO9DLbMW 2gc/69yu1/TRnuFh3DStrg/7Nd/Ecp1a99H+aE3uihl339lzGHYsvHD4vv1c iH/3izjH37L5ed/+HvtJsQCtP/YAjqOrag== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.034862409283267545`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[2, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[3, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[4, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[5, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[6, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[7, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[8, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[9, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[10, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[11, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[12, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[13, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[14, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[15, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[16, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[17, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[18, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[19, 0.034862409283267545], DiskBox[20, 0.034862409283267545]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAd/7lS3tg9L9GnIQGsXffv0Ev8ROc jPQ/Qa0LdlqW3T/XIeaXVXDHvxR3ketYGiG9NrDmG1Lp6b8wx+SoOGpqv4bm tuewhtg/ykGfyDCr7D/okft5+hjxP2PVrhztc+C/YPM5GGn28L8o5QNZEL/e v8MDgMn9xNG/Onx/1q/96j+VWYxcOAHgv0ZfjDYRGta/QyyF4mzy3z/Io20v /nXYv59n3U4e+Ni/8kEmd4/D0D+Y7TaRzlLjP/mphoRQw9c/3dNn7Hd49D9K lDtquTThv6By3VSZ7PC/wyxuxUoG3z9om/z8c/fWvwTIxKh5quy/6oaekzSC 8793PTNKFTjgP8s8aOw63tU/Xh7FtoFS7L/1jPt5+hjxP4fWbBlYJtw/SlXI a84j6j8seHcw7jt1v7wEFj3ZR8g/4+LDfwgGo79uKbLk "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAd/7lS3tg9L9GnIQGsXffv0Ev8ROc jPQ/Qa0LdlqW3T/XIeaXVXDHvxR3ketYGiG9NrDmG1Lp6b8wx+SoOGpqv4bm tuewhtg/ykGfyDCr7D/okft5+hjxP2PVrhztc+C/YPM5GGn28L8o5QNZEL/e v8MDgMn9xNG/Onx/1q/96j+VWYxcOAHgv0ZfjDYRGta/QyyF4mzy3z/Io20v /nXYv59n3U4e+Ni/8kEmd4/D0D+Y7TaRzlLjP/mphoRQw9c/3dNn7Hd49D9K lDtquTThv6By3VSZ7PC/wyxuxUoG3z9om/z8c/fWvwTIxKh5quy/6oaekzSC 8793PTNKFTjgP8s8aOw63tU/Xh7FtoFS7L/1jPt5+hjxP4fWbBlYJtw/SlXI a84j6j8seHcw7jt1v7wEFj3ZR8g/4+LDfwgGo79uKbLk "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.026982758224417175`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[2, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[3, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[4, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[5, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[6, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[7, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[8, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[9, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[10, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[11, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[12, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[13, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[14, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[15, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[16, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[17, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[18, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[19, 0.026982758224417175], DiskBox[20, 0.026982758224417175]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/bBlWmmEwwP7S/l9Ji7FN/fzC643XSz2YH9JNphv r1z9f+qv66/sb/VrRH+KjNrLXqgd07Vto71raMz1N8237RP9Vk/Zeem+fY4T RD3P8g2yX1g223N/sGafdfHW/nvRy9aGZv+1j/631fqP36T9R//ZeQbk37W/ kLf52bLU+/tF0o5MDbhxe7/+4auVN2If7OdUWSryasPX/VMZ4jfNuvNmP6fs O76PfN/sO/VeWMpff21/0UkreX7XHfvSAz12CT4P7DfdnOUyRfXbfks1iPza T5z3CtZu3F++QdE3/PIt+71pd0T86+/v97aE+O/lqaZinY9f7bftaI14BjQ/ gsEe5J798zMVdzrY37cvrwiVnxn6d//adLuNy35M33/v9ZTNQvEb9rsc6Q+a 1np7f/l8r08Fa1/tZxLeH7xQLsYWAHbtq0I= "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/bBlWmmEwwP7S/l9Ji7FN/fzC643XSz2YH9JNphv r1z9f+qv66/sb/VrRH+KjNrLXqgd07Vto71raMz1N8237RP9Vk/Zeem+fY4T RD3P8g2yX1g223N/sGafdfHW/nvRy9aGZv+1j/631fqP36T9R//ZeQbk37W/ kLf52bLU+/tF0o5MDbhxe7/+4auVN2If7OdUWSryasPX/VMZ4jfNuvNmP6fs O76PfN/sO/VeWMpff21/0UkreX7XHfvSAz12CT4P7DfdnOUyRfXbfks1iPza T5z3CtZu3F++QdE3/PIt+71pd0T86+/v97aE+O/lqaZinY9f7bftaI14BjQ/ gsEe5J798zMVdzrY37cvrwiVnxn6d//adLuNy35M33/v9ZTNQvEb9rsc6Q+a 1np7f/l8r08Fa1/tZxLeH7xQLsYWAHbtq0I= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.034872889013465455`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[2, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[3, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[4, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[5, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[6, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[7, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[8, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[9, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[10, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[11, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[12, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[13, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[14, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[15, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[16, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[17, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[18, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[19, 0.034872889013465455], DiskBox[20, 0.034872889013465455]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/XHClYtyy77brwlTfO7188x+f9cPbz9c+bQ/ZDuY b/8HKn+mEsJfM2FD8Vu+S/s3zTnEEtn+dL/4+5cHTky/uX85q0qSUdJr+9Um ad48v07uL0j8PiWoPdR24aTHFccVHtp/undBW/jlQ/uT3VNvXPE7vP+uicKc nOQr9ja7d3s57bu//7bOAdPJXXp7J63TSRU/et/e7eZxjg0t++0FRcxX72c4 uf9aMJi//2qR2tuaxpf2oXc5HCLWuewVqv5cxzHr5P7CkvOVHip37JOVFt26 p/DAflbx244rgU62rpNtNRzyntn//6QMct/+gMrW53c5HtjLJ4HV7w/7ffu3 4ps79jZKYPfsr3+afWTdz7P7910Fu3d/+KMFjZdWPrKXWgb2r70qNHwupEHC CwD11bPG "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ/XHClYtyy77brwlTfO7188x+f9cPbz9c+bQ/ZDuY b/8HKn+mEsJfM2FD8Vu+S/s3zTnEEtn+dL/4+5cHTky/uX85q0qSUdJr+9Um ad48v07uL0j8PiWoPdR24aTHFccVHtp/undBW/jlQ/uT3VNvXPE7vP+uicKc nOQr9ja7d3s57bu//7bOAdPJXXp7J63TSRU/et/e7eZxjg0t++0FRcxX72c4 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DiskBox[12, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[13, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[14, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[15, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[16, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[17, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[18, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[19, 0.027713568895903762], DiskBox[20, 0.027713568895903762]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAHUIwEYkz7r8fmvaU1MbgPyudheQB 1/Y/nPogZZvo3r8MLGj/e0Hiv6sbhmyHdN8/v7gEoK4Mwb8lqV66LY7cvxRy UkSujeI/DpmQJwA38L8qy3FYrIniP1FPw5zLM/C/9pfnXQ/Sjz9rBgo0PWfU v91ktMxDreC/JZBz+b7i9b8Sa6E3+knNPwqGRO19wf4/TkW6cEMp4r9ILZU1 HxT1PzmzcR7eX9m/Y5dcVP6t87/3//3nvebRP/scFwOmd/+/Sni0kcQU9D92 jo21ARHgP0rbzraEeuW/bYAYe07I9z+6hNnD0r6sPy1YV9C5JOE/tvUPCL4b 77+MERF/wWvev4jNsGYEedY/rXW5+37A7T/uzNcsEX7UP6iB3Hn2bOs/jqgC PiWe0D/qU3nbNemwv4EqXI+33ug/bRM9cEWZoL/tjawq "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAAHUIwEYkz7r8fmvaU1MbgPyudheQB 1/Y/nPogZZvo3r8MLGj/e0Hiv6sbhmyHdN8/v7gEoK4Mwb8lqV66LY7cvxRy UkSujeI/DpmQJwA38L8qy3FYrIniP1FPw5zLM/C/9pfnXQ/Sjz9rBgo0PWfU v91ktMxDreC/JZBz+b7i9b8Sa6E3+knNPwqGRO19wf4/TkW6cEMp4r9ILZU1 HxT1PzmzcR7eX9m/Y5dcVP6t87/3//3nvebRP/scFwOmd/+/Sni0kcQU9D92 jo21ARHgP0rbzraEeuW/bYAYe07I9z+6hNnD0r6sPy1YV9C5JOE/tvUPCL4b 77+MERF/wWvev4jNsGYEedY/rXW5+37A7T/uzNcsEX7UP6iB3Hn2bOs/jqgC PiWe0D/qU3nbNemwv4EqXI+33ug/bRM9cEWZoL/tjawq "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03629224785635807]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[2, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[3, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[4, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[5, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[6, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[7, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[8, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[9, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[10, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[11, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[12, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[13, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[14, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[15, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[16, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[17, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[18, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[19, 0.03629224785635807], DiskBox[20, 0.03629224785635807]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbVD34M2mzrf71x+bekCh+pS9HYRvL78PzN9/8CL3 m1dnntjf8pjHMcnhyf4knRVmuoy/9mfqJjKbxdyyj8pas8u9/4f95fSbbDkb 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{9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03200989897193118]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[2, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[3, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[4, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[5, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[6, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[7, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[8, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[9, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[10, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[11, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[12, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[13, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[14, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[15, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[16, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[17, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[18, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[19, 0.03200989897193118], DiskBox[20, 0.03200989897193118]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[156]=",ExpressionUUID->"18805099-ebc7-40ec-9b5a-690973fc6ab9"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["UnitDistance by FindUnitDistanceEmbedding", "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"4849a62c-2d86-457d-9c8d-ac5a3d7164b1"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"FindUnitDistanceEmbedding", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"GraphData", "[", "\"\\"", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"MaxIterations", "->", "5000"}], ",", RowBox[{"\"\\"", "->", "True"}]}], "]"}], "//", "Timing"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[157]:=",ExpressionUUID->"ebbf0780-56ad-487b-a8b3-14db11c991aa"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.011013`", ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAADxKPgDBH8j+un4SXmayQP/ccHoG/ cPk/IEsMgBAG6T+RU1LhXJDmP7Xp7JnNJ9Q/kp7GtYPioz+I2SW9dHHZP53K 5Nf0t+Y/z5lJ/U6o0z8ne3Bq09foP84syn0W0PU/ZrmEiBsXt78tvOdp0nnt P9xFB8oTn/A/FLKFeoVk2T88Wsf9iSvqP9k+ZC4o1ck/spxoLFmVtb+0Kz54 7kPkP4onYVb0vOo/1EfKsaLJ9D8MY3y6WICyP/XNtqbT5uQ/ruDBNDqA6T/N N1C3jiLGP0QdkPNle/c/qBRVRP3H7j9mdWyrPWLrP0npZCqmLe8/wYbHxJSD wj9rsajBZBGqv0y8OtO82GS/Vq4rRt7B6D8JqwImHULoP7HiJvI6wfI/gKHf UO0qwr+FyjBPobjLv55q2IavoMy/PaZsM7zM9T8TMqzI "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAADxKPgDBH8j+un4SXmayQP/ccHoG/ cPk/IEsMgBAG6T+RU1LhXJDmP7Xp7JnNJ9Q/kp7GtYPioz+I2SW9dHHZP53K 5Nf0t+Y/z5lJ/U6o0z8ne3Bq09foP84syn0W0PU/ZrmEiBsXt78tvOdp0nnt P9xFB8oTn/A/FLKFeoVk2T88Wsf9iSvqP9k+ZC4o1ck/spxoLFmVtb+0Kz54 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0.02108152388300011], DiskBox[12, 0.02108152388300011], DiskBox[13, 0.02108152388300011], DiskBox[14, 0.02108152388300011], DiskBox[15, 0.02108152388300011], DiskBox[16, 0.02108152388300011], DiskBox[17, 0.02108152388300011], DiskBox[18, 0.02108152388300011], DiskBox[19, 0.02108152388300011], DiskBox[20, 0.02108152388300011]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[157]=",ExpressionUUID->"eb3092d6-f261-493d-8046-d6c1ff847a4b"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"FindUnitDistanceEmbedding", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"GraphData", "[", "\"\\"", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"MaxIterations", "->", "5000"}], ",", RowBox[{"\"\\"", "\[Rule]", "False"}]}], "]"}], "//", "Quiet"}], "//", "Timing"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[158]:=",ExpressionUUID->"06d84af0-d50d-449b-8345-6fb843b8b308"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.013184`", ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, { Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, { 6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexCoordinates -> CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAA3qmA3CDz8z+lcX9eYGHPPwz6f9J/ xLo/i0MOlt4J9j8HmTgtfUvwP/X2xOT0quc/2CfCLg9u4b9gvV/Ve1nxP+SK hDKYMoK/H4hUR0CR2D9gefiDYyG2P8tom4AqKtg/4VBVHdKxlD/brjVNeZPp P1JK20b8nc8/THMVI6dM3j8WFaXN9ZTwP500jTaR+uY/9D3oHNVY4z+6jjBt 4YnHv5b5GnJHZ+8/FjpL/zK+4D9cmGNiparlP6k0Od67etu/yDRQvVzg7j8L 1NgN7sPrPxkMz8HildA/LFgCeE2/tj8nVvaXE3TaP1IYL11Nhuk/h463N0AE 7j/Eh0/X7yPzP/Cnh+E/+bk/NMBpOJo+1z/y1vqnqeZbv7Dc6p8fkOM/Uq4W gEh0zT+tRDG5nK31P9X6dCgAWuy/hoi03HV7wj9i0ajy "]}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJwBUQGu/iFib1JlAgAAABQAAAACAAAA3qmA3CDz8z+lcX9eYGHPPwz6f9J/ xLo/i0MOlt4J9j8HmTgtfUvwP/X2xOT0quc/2CfCLg9u4b9gvV/Ve1nxP+SK hDKYMoK/H4hUR0CR2D9gefiDYyG2P8tom4AqKtg/4VBVHdKxlD/brjVNeZPp P1JK20b8nc8/THMVI6dM3j8WFaXN9ZTwP500jTaR+uY/9D3oHNVY4z+6jjBt 4YnHv5b5GnJHZ+8/FjpL/zK+4D9cmGNiparlP6k0Od67etu/yDRQvVzg7j8L 1NgN7sPrPxkMz8HildA/LFgCeE2/tj8nVvaXE3TaP1IYL11Nhuk/h463N0AE 7j/Eh0/X7yPzP/Cnh+E/+bk/NMBpOJo+1z/y1vqnqeZbv7Dc6p8fkOM/Uq4W gEh0zT+tRDG5nK31P9X6dCgAWuy/hoi03HV7wj9i0ajy "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.023680305899773962`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[2, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[3, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[4, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[5, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[6, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[7, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[8, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[9, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[10, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[11, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[12, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[13, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[14, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[15, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[16, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[17, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[18, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[19, 0.023680305899773962], DiskBox[20, 0.023680305899773962]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[158]=",ExpressionUUID->"246c8a06-f822-481b-8633-9af6f47bf599"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["UnitDistance by FindSubgraphUnitDistanceEmbedding", "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"7dd8109a-647f-426d-a3a5-d68ecf6d8363"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\"\\"", ",", RowBox[{"l", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"FindSubgraphUnitDistanceEmbedding", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"GraphData", "[", "\"\\"", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"TimeConstraint", "->", "300"}], ",", RowBox[{"\"\\"", "->", "All"}]}], "]"}], "//", "Timing"}]}]}], "}"}]], "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5ef270fe-df9a-4c09-984c-\ 149aa5af5ab5"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"DodecahedralGraph\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"19589.109375`", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"DeGreyGraph\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"157.796875`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 275, 3, 216, 327, 273, 7, 329, 4, 41, 218, 331, 205, 2, 6, 5, 212, 96, 386, 209}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{2 + Rational[-3, 4] 7^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4]}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 57 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (19 + 15 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 16] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 7^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-3, 16] (-1 + 21^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 48] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 30 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 48] (10 + 9 21^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 75 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (25 - 3 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 87 7^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (29 + 15 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] - 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 16] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 15 7^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 16] (5 - 3 21^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 48] ((-39) 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 48] (13 + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 16] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 7^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[3, 16] (1 + 21^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 8] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 6 7^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 8] (2 + 3 21^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 105 7^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (35 - 3 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] - 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 69 7^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (23 - 3 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] - 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] - 57 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2] + 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (19 + 21 21^Rational[1, 2] - 33^ Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[-3, 8] 7^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8]}, { 2 + Rational[1, 16] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 15 7^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 16] (5 + 3 21^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[-9, 8] 7^Rational[1, 2], Rational[3, 8]}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 39 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2] + 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (13 + 3 21^Rational[1, 2] - 33^ Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] - 87 7^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2] + 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (29 + 21 21^Rational[1, 2] - 33^ Rational[1, 2] - 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 39 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (13 - 3 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 48] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 48 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 48] (16 + 9 21^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ7bDiUYCCwAR7BjC4YH9g08evVw232B/YYHjj/PfP 9jt6tpxUunzT/sTa+aLX6p7uf7HzwoGZhx7Ya00TKFS5/dP+De/q2JILD/YX pbebTn54xz5l/r3Edyqv9n959PCxzo6X9gz6jyT1rj3aD9H/cP+DoCN3Vi3Y sr+3rvFMkfkr+47ID3IG1x/bP7l2nit7/wf7DQtLPtXtOAu177/9jY/K+8/t /bafYZqUYvrqGvsJd8T+7y6/vX9B2LteT9N9+7vzGicc5/xo77tn3eL9i77Z Bxxd6KCg8AHqnwP2G8xn7Je7eH0/xPxP9jIJpjV29u/3Q+Rv2Euwrz7ob/fd fsXU6uSg3vv2CbIzGGcsPGrP9+t2FQ/fe/sH55Scpt27aw/x3xX7D2XXq71/ 3d0P8f9vewCLw6q1 "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.029329452065384246`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[2, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[3, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[4, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[5, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[6, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[7, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[8, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[9, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[10, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[11, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[12, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[13, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[14, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[15, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[16, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[17, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[18, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[19, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[20, 0.029329452065384246]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"ExooIsmailescuGraph49\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.078125`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 37, 2, 32, 15, 24, 4, 28, 7, 6, 14, 36, 29, 3, 20, 12, 25, 19, 17, 22}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-9 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (9 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (9 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-9 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 36] (6 3^Rational[1, 2] + 18 11^Rational[1, 2]), 0}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (9 + 9 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[1, 36] (18 + 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { 3^Rational[-1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 36] (9 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-9 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (6 3^Rational[1, 2] - 18 11^Rational[1, 2]), 0}, { Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (9 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-9 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] 11^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (9 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-9 + 9 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5ykmYe4nj1dP+CB45i8wOf74eJOxxs1rFb/M/+ V3Vi6h219/YNTeyRNW5n9++duMg+K+rmfijfXtZ4guvyykv2EF0P9sP4EP3v oPr/28PMhZq3/8OFpIV5v37BxSH2f4ea9wgufuSUCMsNwy/2MPdB3PsV7k6o ffth9kH9A1OP7n57k/y/k4s6fqGrh/kfzoe47xO6/+wBTJ+FIQ== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03442846938951541]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[2, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[3, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[4, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[5, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[6, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[7, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[8, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[9, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[10, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[11, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[12, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[13, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[14, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[15, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[16, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[17, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[18, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[19, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[20, 0.03442846938951541]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"ExooIsmailescuGraph51\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1.546875`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 30, 7, 20, 25, 5, 10, 41, 29, 39, 48, 42, 2, 4, 38, 21, 24, 6, 11, 3}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, Rational[1, 3]}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (3 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 6]}, {Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[5, 6]}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-9) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (3 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[1, 36] (-6 - 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, {-3^ Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 36] (-6 - 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (21 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-15 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-15 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-15) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (3 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-15 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 6]}, {0, Rational[-2, 3]}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (21 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 36] (12 - 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-9) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-15 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[1, 36] (-6 + 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, {-3^ Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 36] (-6 + 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 6]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQOhYHDVPidp5iGOV0/tX2XrXX/he3P/Kp+IF1Xb Xu+HyB/dL2s8wXV55SX71atA4JX93omL7LOibtp7db854PnnoT3MPAj/I1T9 o/0w/q/qxNQ7au/tQwPcFsec2GUP5e//ajo9+8uyN/uh9u9fteUE35wj6+3b qzxfcDfvhrsHph+mHuoeuPtQ/fMUbt5S17IHKv8+2MPcP1XsZuPkH4/3Hzkl wnLD8AvcPph+iH0v7WHuR+VfsofZBwDgV59d "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.024495335266347784`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[2, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[3, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[4, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[5, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[6, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[7, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[8, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[9, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[10, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[11, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[12, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[13, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[14, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[15, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[16, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[17, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[18, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[19, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[20, 0.024495335266347784]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"Hamming\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0.0625`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 18, 3, 25, 27, 17, 6, 7, 11, 10, 9, 8, 15, 2, 19, 4, 12, 13, 21, 16}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Root[3 - 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 6 # + 8 #^3& , 2, 0], Root[-1 + 60 #^2 - 288 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 5, 0]}, { Root[1 - 6 # + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 60 #^2 - 288 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 6, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2], Root[-1 + 132 #^2 - 432 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 1, 0]}, {0, Root[-1 + 6 #^2 - 9 #^4 + 3 #^6& , 3, 0]}, { Root[-1 + 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 2, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 2, 0]}, {0, Root[-1 + 6 #^2 - 9 #^4 + 3 #^6& , 5, 0]}, { Root[1 - 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Root[-1 + 132 #^2 - 432 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 5, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2], Root[-1 + 132 #^2 - 432 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 5, 0]}, { Root[-1 - 6 # + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 60 #^2 - 288 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 4, 0]}, { Root[-3 + 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 1, 0]}, { Root[-1 - 6 # + 8 #^3& , 3, 0], Root[-1 + 60 #^2 - 288 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 6, 0]}, { Root[-1 + 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 2, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2], Root[-1 + 132 #^2 - 432 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 3, 0]}, {0, Root[-1 + 6 #^2 - 9 #^4 + 3 #^6& , 6, 0]}, { Root[1 - 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 3, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 4, 0]}, { Root[-1 - 6 # + 8 #^3& , 2, 0], Root[-1 + 60 #^2 - 288 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 5, 0]}, { Root[3 - 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 2, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbRG1pOWN8p39bDNn/NS3v2DfWcxdJ2V1zF6J7aLq 9o579jK6QU7fBN/tn+YzqYjz9Ud7BjB4YH+j6EfB1V9f9zNAAUT/g/3Wbr8O fHp0Zb/J5Pur7J7cgMsbgvkv7IsWzHO9z3Zx/5TzW/o/Jz+Hyj/YXxckaJ4j +BhuPoxvGXB+UX7zi/2RX3qTZL0O2suuSL+43fELXD/UffYw9/WJaSr+5vgO 9w/UPfao7nlgv+f00dcPJ26Duw9i3neYfnuY/i5IeOyHhcfjO03z2/qews0D AG+ClCc= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.029368265417639275`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[2, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[3, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[4, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[5, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[6, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[7, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[8, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[9, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[10, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[11, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[12, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[13, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[14, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[15, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[16, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[17, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[18, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[19, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[20, 0.029368265417639275]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"HeuleGraph510\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"72.75`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 301, 6, 305, 133, 275, 4, 354, 7, 55, 102, 247, 241, 2, 35, 5, 271, 223, 77, 99}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[2, 3], Rational[1, 6] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (5 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 3], Rational[1, 6] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (-6 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (5 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-7 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[7, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, {Rational[1, 12] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {-1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 3], Rational[-1, 3] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5CweCp/Z4FDUuTN3/bDxF9YL/KJ+JF1bbX+wM+ KHSfX/F5/5/qxNQ7au/3r9pygm/OkfX7ue6nd+yreb4fov/qfjT9+2H6Fzxw FJsf+H+/rPEE1+WVl9DNtz9gV3P5YMxF+7Yqzxfczbv3e3W/OeD55+H+um0H 6z8+O2C/1LXsgcq/D3D7Vq8CgU/2Z7+sSPLZ8BBq3gd7mH8amtgja9zO7v8F dS9Ufj9M/tes06ZVwd/so/gKWRXe3rKHuh9q3sf9WS/V6nLY79jD7H+VrXf9 he/N/VD1+wH1OpaI "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03271725813257968]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[2, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[3, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[4, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[5, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[6, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[7, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[8, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[9, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[10, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[11, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[12, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[13, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[14, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[15, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[16, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[17, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[18, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[19, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[20, 0.03271725813257968]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"HeuleGraph529\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"149.75`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 312, 6, 384, 142, 200, 4, 3, 7, 78, 209, 177, 124, 2, 30, 5, 212, 87, 183, 346}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[7, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (7 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (9 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 3], Rational[-1, 3] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, {Rational[1, 12] (3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {-1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (5 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5WrwKBT/Znv6xI8tnwcD9E9IH9Kp+IF1XbXu9v aGKPrHE7a/99xe9pJwyP22e9VKvLYb9jX7ftYP3HZwfsQ8HgKLr+/TD9aHx7 NPPtAz4odJ9f8dn+K9R8r+43Bzz/PNwPM/9Vtt71F7437aP4ClkV3t6C2ncV at9HqPkf7GH+WfDAUWx+4HP73KSZhzhePYXJ74fJQ82HuX//AbuaywdjLtp3 VXm+4G7evR9q336offuh5u1vg8oDAA4sk5I= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.024440582208030248`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[2, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[3, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[4, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[5, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[6, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[7, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[8, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[9, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[10, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[11, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[12, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[13, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[14, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[15, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[16, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[17, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[18, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[19, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[20, 0.024440582208030248]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"HeuleGraph553\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"180.359375`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 16, 6, 179, 419, 15, 4, 110, 7, 55, 111, 382, 117, 2, 10, 5, 90, 166, 535, 89}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (5 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-5) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-2, 3], Rational[1, 6] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (5 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[5, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 3], Rational[1, 6] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { 1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {-1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (3 - 33^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (-3 - 33^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 3], Rational[1, 6] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5WbTnBN+fI+v2euzw8zD+83w8RfWC/yifiRdW2 1/tDweDp/l3r47hjea7YfzWdnv1l2Rv7N5kdpa3TvuxfvQoEXtmf/bIiyWfD Q5j+/aj6j+5Hk4eZb9/QxB5Z43Z2/9cVv6edMDxu/ypb7/oL35v2UXyFrApv b0H1X7Xfs6BhafLmb/u9ut8c8PzzcH/dtoP1H58dgJr3wR7mnwUPHMXmBz7f n5s08xDHq6cw+f0w+ayXanU57Hfs66H6D9jVXD4Yc9Eepv7XrNOmVcHf7GPQ 7If5HwDoHZPX "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.0257407422132772]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[2, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[3, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[4, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[5, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[6, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[7, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[8, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[9, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[10, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[11, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[12, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[13, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[14, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[15, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[16, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[17, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[18, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[19, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[20, 0.0257407422132772]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"HeuleGraph610\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"215.921875`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 55, 6, 125, 8, 270, 4, 3, 7, 60, 53, 108, 110, 2, 11, 5, 330, 106, 121, 412}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (-5 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (21 - 33^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), 3^ Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (3 - 33^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), 3^ Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (-3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), -3^ Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { 1, 0}, { Rational[-1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, {-1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (3 + 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6] (3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), -3^ Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (-3 - 33^ Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5WbTnBN+fIenvu++kd+2qe20NEH9iv8ol4UbXt 9f4FDxzF5gd+3y9rPMF1eeUje4eDzTp2i9/ZQ/iX7LNeqtXlsN/ZX7/tYP3H Zwf2Q/Xvh+lH46Obb9/QxB5Z43YXbj6UDzX/0f5X2XrXX/jetI/iK2RVeHvL 3qv7zQHPPw/t61Ds+2AP8w/UfVDzLsHk98Pkf806bVoV/M0+Bmoe1Pz9UPNh /oXbD1W/H6p+PwBOrYhf "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.02962578701818075]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[2, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[3, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[4, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[5, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[6, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[7, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[8, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[9, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[10, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[11, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[12, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[13, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[14, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[15, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[16, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[17, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[18, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[19, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[20, 0.02962578701818075]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"HeuleGraph803\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"241.828125`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 259, 4, 82, 273, 136, 3, 5, 6, 83, 144, 295, 211, 2, 11, 7, 128, 43, 103, 42}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[-2, 3], Rational[1, 3] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-5) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), -3^ Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 3], Rational[1, 3] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, {Rational[1, 12] (5 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, {-1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[7, 6], Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6], Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5CweDp/rNfViT5bPhoDxF9YL/KJ+JF1bbX9q+y 9a6/8L1pH8VXyKrw9tb+X7NOm1YFf9sP5dsveOAoNj/w+f6uKs8X3M27Yfr3 w/Sj8fejmQ8zD26+V/ebA55/Hu6v23aw/uOzA/sh5n/fL2s8wXV55aP9EPde tUd17wd7mH++mk7P/rLsjf2PLvvTV+vvwOT3w+Sh5ttDzbdfvQoEPkHNewjz L9x/EPuOwuUBXS+QXw== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.0291745738150109]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[2, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[3, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[4, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[5, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[6, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[7, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[8, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[9, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[10, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[11, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[12, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[13, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[14, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[15, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[16, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[17, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[18, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[19, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[20, 0.0291745738150109]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"HeuleGraph826\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"120.046875`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 322, 4, 82, 25, 154, 5, 240, 6, 23, 170, 241, 321, 2, 166, 3, 298, 79, 13, 152}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 6], 3^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (7 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (13 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (-6 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (13 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] + 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), 2 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[7, 6], 3^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {-1, 0}, {2, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[2, 3], Rational[1, 6] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {1, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (5 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5CweCofUfytZ4AdyYHiOgD+1U+ES+qtr22dzjY rGO3+N1+WeMJrssrL9mHBrgtjjmxy/5NZkdp67Qv9l7dbw54/nm4/5Zowo45 M3/aQ/Xvh+lf8MBRbH7gf7h+iPwPuPlcpzKmcEc+to/iK2RVeHsLqv75/qAn d5atzvsL5X+H6v9kv3oVCHxCc+8He5h/GprYI2vczu7/VZ2YekftPVT8w340 bztA7P9tD/H/U/s9CxqWJm/+BlNvD5NfteUE35wj6/dz3U/v2Ffz3B4ApZSC Dg== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03673321499249091]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[2, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[3, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[4, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[5, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[6, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[7, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[8, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[9, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[10, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[11, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[12, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[13, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[14, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[15, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[16, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[17, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[18, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[19, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[20, 0.03673321499249091]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"HeuleGraph874\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"206.015625`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 30, 6, 135, 87, 26, 4, 355, 7, 69, 349, 122, 149, 2, 114, 5, 189, 73, 90, 108}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (7 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), 3^ Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[7, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, {Rational[-1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, {-1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5CweCo/dkvK5J8NjzcDxF9YL/KJ+JF1bbX+xua 2CNr3M7u/1WdmHpH7f1+r+43Bzz/PNxft+1g/cdnB+xDA9wWx5zYZf+jy/70 1fo79lD9+2H6Az4odJ9f8RmuH818e4j5d/fLGk9wXV75yP7XrNOmVcHf9kfx FbIqvL21/1W23vUXvjfh/NWrQOATmns/2MP843CwWcdu8TuoeZdg8vth8lDz 7aHm2R+wq7l8MOaifVeV5wvu5t37s16q1eWw37GH+W/BA0ex+YHP98PkAZE/ kmQ= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.02871996521054035]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[2, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[3, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[4, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[5, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[6, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[7, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[8, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[9, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[10, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[11, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[12, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[13, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[14, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[15, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[16, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[17, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[18, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[19, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[20, 0.02871996521054035]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"MixonGraph1577\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"155.796875`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 1082, 27, 850, 1290, 1074, 35, 1298, 31, 154, 866, 1282, 830, 23, 39, 43, 842, 370, 1534, 822}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{2, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (29 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 12] (86 + 10 33^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 7, 3], (Rational[-1, 6] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (9 + 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (23 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (19 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-5) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[11, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, -3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (13 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (25 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (29 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, {3, 0}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, {Rational[1, 12] (35 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[-1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (3 + 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (19 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (35 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 4, 3], (Rational[-1, 6] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (9 + 33^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQUOMEbUrk7524z/7b12eXiYf3i/HyLK4rDKJ+JF 1bbX9qtXgQCTw54FDUuTN3/bD1H/3b5u28H6j88O7GdNNTnVuuaj/Y8u+9NX 6+9A9f+wh+kPBYO/9me/rEjy2fAQ3fz9MPdA+L/3c53KmMId+dg+iq+QVeHt LXuI+T/h/NqzT6X2arI7vMnsKG2d9gWqnwPuHzT7ofIf7GEyEP3cDjEQ8/Zf UrIuEKpncOC6n96xr+b5ft27R/rfNjA7wPwHcf9Xe5j/AWPzgpg= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.02871996521054035]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[2, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[3, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[4, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[5, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[6, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[7, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[8, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[9, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[10, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[11, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[12, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[13, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[14, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[15, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[16, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[17, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[18, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[19, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[20, 0.02871996521054035]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"MixonGraph1585\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"155.265625`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 1090, 31, 854, 1298, 1082, 39, 1306, 35, 158, 870, 1290, 834, 27, 43, 47, 846, 374, 1542, 826}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{2, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (29 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 12] (86 + 10 33^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 7, 3], (Rational[-1, 6] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (9 + 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (23 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (19 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-5) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[11, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, -3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (13 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (25 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (29 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2])}, {3, 0}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, {Rational[1, 12] (35 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[-1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (3 + 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (19 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (35 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 4, 3], (Rational[-1, 6] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (9 + 33^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQUOMEbUrk7524z/7b12eXiYf3i/HyLK4rDKJ+JF 1bbX9qtXgQCTw54FDUuTN3/bD1H/3b5u28H6j88O7GdNNTnVuuaj/Y8u+9NX 6+9A9f+wh+kPBYO/9me/rEjy2fAQ3fz9MPdA+L/3c53KmMId+dg+iq+QVeHt LXuI+T/h/NqzT6X2arI7vMnsKG2d9gWqnwPuHzT7ofIf7GEyEP3cDjEQ8/Zf UrIuEKpncOC6n96xr+b5ft27R/rfNjA7wPwHcf9Xe5j/AWPzgpg= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.02871996521054035]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[2, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[3, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[4, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[5, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[6, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[7, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[8, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[9, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[10, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[11, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[12, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[13, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[14, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[15, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[16, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[17, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[18, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[19, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[20, 0.02871996521054035]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"TriangularHoneycombObtuseKnight\"\>", ",", "13"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"220.734375`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{2, 72, 18, 22, 63, 82, 27, 32, 26, 31, 41, 48, 52, 10, 12, 13, 40, 60, 34, 47}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ 0, Rational[11, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[1, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[1, 2] 21^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-5, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 3 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[3, 7]^ Rational[1, 2]}, {Rational[-5, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 0}, { Rational[5, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 3 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[5, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 3 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, {-7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[5, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 2 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, {(-2) 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[3, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[3, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[9, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 4 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 4 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 2 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[3, 7]^ Rational[1, 2]}, { 2 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[5, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, {(-3) 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[3, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQNSlZtvspzjcYDxtbbaOL75dMUexm+VE93ZF8Lk 8OBrYMI2m3f79/PfTkzK+W8P5dtD1D+B8ffD9MHkYeph4iWPugOX6/+yf/Pz b06uyiO4/LPvy59NNLixHyYP4Z+Amv8Fyn8Btf89jG+Pzj/vnXLScyK7A1T/ foh+FgdU81jQ5GHmw/hP4OahuvcT3H4Az6iiGA== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.0343970407859782]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[2, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[3, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[4, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[5, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[6, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[7, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[8, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[9, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[10, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[11, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[12, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[13, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[14, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[15, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[16, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[17, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[18, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[19, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[20, 0.0343970407859782]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\<\"UnitDistance\"\>", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"118", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"12.3125`", ",", RowBox[{"{", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 117, 3, 4, 8, 45, 118, 114, 7, 6, 9, 78, 26, 2, 5, 113, 62, 22, 38, 59}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, { 6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, {19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, { 19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, {11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, { 10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, {5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, { 8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, {1}, {4}, { 10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (13 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, {Rational[1, 12] (1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (7 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (-15 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[4, 3], Rational[1, 6] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[11, 6], Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 0}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (17 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-5) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 6], Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-9 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 87 #^2 + 36 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 3], (Rational[1, 6] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (9 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ6WupY9UPn3w75u28H6j88O7IeIPrBf5RPxomrb a3sI/4M9TL1X95sDnn8ewtVD9H+w99rl4WH+4f3+UDD4ar9nQcPS5M3f7CH8 v/Znv6xI8tnwEGbeflRXPNgPtW//r1mnTauCv9lH8RWyKry9ZQ/h/7P/0WV/ +mr9nf0LHjiKzQ98bp+bNPMQx6un+9H026O5f//qVSDwCm7/AbuaywdjLu7P g+pvaGKPrHE7a999veKq44UfUPdf3b9rfRx3LM8VqPuPwvTvBwCLgpGg "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, { 5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.030021405881908034`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[2, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[3, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[4, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[5, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[6, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[7, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[8, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[9, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[10, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[11, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[12, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[13, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[14, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[15, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[16, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[17, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[18, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[19, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[20, 0.030021405881908034]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellTags->"ewwwin (4)", CellLabel-> "(ewwwin (4)) \ Out[22]=",ExpressionUUID->"0777ed95-e3f8-4be5-9bce-302121604dd5"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"gs", "=", RowBox[{"SortBy", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"UniqueEmbeddings", "[", "l", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Replace", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"RectilinearCrossingCount", "[", "#", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Infinity", "->", "0"}]}], "]"}], "&"}]}], "]"}]}]], "Input",Ex\ pressionUUID->"1400e62e-a2ef-4a51-8822-369a7deb2916"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 275, 3, 216, 327, 273, 7, 329, 4, 41, 218, 331, 205, 2, 6, 5, 212, 96, 386, 209}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{2 + Rational[-3, 4] 7^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4]}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 57 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (19 + 15 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 16] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 7^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-3, 16] (-1 + 21^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 48] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 30 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 48] (10 + 9 21^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 75 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (25 - 3 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 87 7^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (29 + 15 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] - 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 16] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 15 7^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 16] (5 - 3 21^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 48] ((-39) 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 48] (13 + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 16] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 7^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[3, 16] (1 + 21^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 8] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 6 7^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 8] (2 + 3 21^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 105 7^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (35 - 3 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] - 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 69 7^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (23 - 3 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] - 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] - 57 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2] + 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (19 + 21 21^Rational[1, 2] - 33^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, {2 + Rational[-3, 8] 7^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 8]}, { 2 + Rational[1, 16] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 15 7^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 16] (5 + 3 21^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[-9, 8] 7^Rational[1, 2], Rational[3, 8]}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 39 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2] + 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (13 + 3 21^Rational[1, 2] - 33^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] - 87 7^Rational[1, 2] - 11^ Rational[1, 2] + 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (29 + 21 21^Rational[1, 2] - 33^Rational[1, 2] - 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 96] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 39 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2] - 3 231^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 96] (13 - 3 21^Rational[1, 2] + 33^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2 + Rational[1, 48] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 48 7^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 48] (16 + 9 21^Rational[1, 2] + 3 77^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQ7bDiUYCCwAR7BjC4YH9g08evVw232B/YYHjj/PfP 9jt6tpxUunzT/sTa+aLX6p7uf7HzwoGZhx7Ya00TKFS5/dP+De/q2JILD/YX pbebTn54xz5l/r3Edyqv9n959PCxzo6X9gz6jyT1rj3aD9H/cP+DoCN3Vi3Y sr+3rvFMkfkr+47ID3IG1x/bP7l2nit7/wf7DQtLPtXtOAu177/9jY/K+8/t /bafYZqUYvrqGvsJd8T+7y6/vX9B2LteT9N9+7vzGicc5/xo77tn3eL9i77Z Bxxd6KCg8AHqnwP2G8xn7Je7eH0/xPxP9jIJpjV29u/3Q+Rv2Euwrz7ob/fd fsXU6uSg3vv2CbIzGGcsPGrP9+t2FQ/fe/sH55Scpt27aw/x3xX7D2XXq71/ 3d0P8f9vewCLw6q1 "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.029329452065384246`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[2, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[3, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[4, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[5, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[6, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[7, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[8, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[9, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[10, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[11, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[12, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[13, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[14, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[15, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[16, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[17, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[18, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[19, 0.029329452065384246], DiskBox[20, 0.029329452065384246]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, ImageSize->Tiny], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 37, 2, 32, 15, 24, 4, 28, 7, 6, 14, 36, 29, 3, 20, 12, 25, 19, 17, 22}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-9 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (9 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (9 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-9 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 36] (6 3^Rational[1, 2] + 18 11^Rational[1, 2]), 0}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (9 + 9 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[1, 36] (18 + 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { 3^Rational[-1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 36] (9 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-9 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (6 3^Rational[1, 2] - 18 11^Rational[1, 2]), 0}, { Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (9 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-9 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] 11^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (9 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-9 + 9 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5ykmYe4nj1dP+CB45i8wOf74eJOxxs1rFb/M/+ V3Vi6h219/YNTeyRNW5n9++duMg+K+rmfijfXtZ4guvyykv2EF0P9sP4EP3v oPr/28PMhZq3/8OFpIV5v37BxSH2f4ea9wgufuSUCMsNwy/2MPdB3PsV7k6o ffth9kH9A1OP7n57k/y/k4s6fqGrh/kfzoe47xO6/+wBTJ+FIQ== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03442846938951541]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[2, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[3, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[4, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[5, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[6, 0.03442846938951541], DiskBox[7, 0.03442846938951541], 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{15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, Rational[1, 3]}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (3 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 6]}, {Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[5, 6]}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-9) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (3 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[1, 36] (-6 - 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, {-3^ Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 36] (-6 - 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (21 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-15 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-15 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-15) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (3 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-15 - 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 6]}, {0, Rational[-2, 3]}, { Rational[1, 36] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (21 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 36] (12 - 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 36] ((-9) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 9 11^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 36] (-15 + 3 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[1, 36] (-6 + 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, {-3^ Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 36] (-6 + 6 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 6]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQOhYHDVPidp5iGOV0/tX2XrXX/he3P/Kp+IF1Xb Xu+HyB/dL2s8wXV55SX71atA4JX93omL7LOibtp7db854PnnoT3MPAj/I1T9 o/0w/q/qxNQ7au/tQwPcFsec2GUP5e//ajo9+8uyN/uh9u9fteUE35wj6+3b qzxfcDfvhrsHph+mHuoeuPtQ/fMUbt5S17IHKv8+2MPcP1XsZuPkH4/3Hzkl wnLD8AvcPph+iH0v7WHuR+VfsofZBwDgV59d "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.024495335266347784`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[2, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[3, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[4, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[5, 0.024495335266347784], DiskBox[6, 0.024495335266347784], 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36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Root[3 - 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 6 # + 8 #^3& , 2, 0], Root[-1 + 60 #^2 - 288 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 5, 0]}, { Root[1 - 6 # + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 60 #^2 - 288 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 6, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2], Root[-1 + 132 #^2 - 432 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 1, 0]}, {0, Root[-1 + 6 #^2 - 9 #^4 + 3 #^6& , 3, 0]}, { Root[-1 + 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 2, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 2, 0]}, {0, Root[-1 + 6 #^2 - 9 #^4 + 3 #^6& , 5, 0]}, { Root[1 - 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Root[-1 + 132 #^2 - 432 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 5, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2], Root[-1 + 132 #^2 - 432 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 5, 0]}, { Root[-1 - 6 # + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 60 #^2 - 288 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 4, 0]}, { Root[-3 + 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 1, 0]}, { Root[-1 - 6 # + 8 #^3& , 3, 0], Root[-1 + 60 #^2 - 288 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 6, 0]}, { Root[-1 + 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 1, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 2, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2], Root[-1 + 132 #^2 - 432 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 3, 0]}, {0, Root[-1 + 6 #^2 - 9 #^4 + 3 #^6& , 6, 0]}, { Root[1 - 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 3, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 4, 0]}, { Root[-1 - 6 # + 8 #^3& , 2, 0], Root[-1 + 60 #^2 - 288 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 5, 0]}, { Root[3 - 12 #^2 + 8 #^3& , 2, 0], Root[-1 + 24 #^2 - 144 #^4 + 192 #^6& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQbRG1pOWN8p39bDNn/NS3v2DfWcxdJ2V1zF6J7aLq 9o579jK6QU7fBN/tn+4zqYjz9Ud7BjB4YH+j6EfB1V9f9zNAAUT/g/3Wbr8O fHp0Zb/x5Pur7J7cgMtD+C/sixbMc73PdnH/lPNb+j8nP4fKP9hfFyRoniP4 GG4+jG8ZcH5RfvOL/ZFfepNkvQ7ay65Iv7jd8QtcP9R99jD39YlpKv7m+A73 D9Q99qjueWC/5/TR1w8nboO7D2Led5h+e5j+Lkh47IeFx+M7TfPb+p7CzQMA cXqUKA== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.029368265417639275`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[2, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[3, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[4, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[5, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[6, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[7, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[8, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[9, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[10, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[11, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[12, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[13, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[14, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[15, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[16, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[17, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[18, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[19, 0.029368265417639275], DiskBox[20, 0.029368265417639275]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, ImageSize->Tiny], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 301, 6, 305, 133, 275, 4, 354, 7, 55, 102, 247, 241, 2, 35, 5, 271, 223, 77, 99}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[2, 3], Rational[1, 6] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (5 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 3], Rational[1, 6] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (-6 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (5 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-7 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[7, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {-1, 0}, {Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 3], Rational[-1, 3] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5CweCp/Z4FDUuTN3/bDxF9YL/KJ+JF1bbX+wM+ KHSfX/F5/5/qxNQ7au/3r9pygm/OkfX7ue6nd+yreb4fov/qfjT9+2H6Fzxw FJsf+H+/rPEE1+WVl9DNtz9gV3P5YMxF+7Yqzxfczbv3e3W/OeD55+H+um0H 6z8+O2C/1LXsgcq/D3D7Vq8CgU/2Z7+sSPLZ8BBq3gd7mH8amtgja9zO7v8F dS9Ufj9M/tes06ZVwd/so/gKWRXe3rKHuh9q3sf9WS/V6nLY79jD7H+VrXf9 he/N/VD1+wH1OpaI "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03271725813257968]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[2, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[3, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[4, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[5, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[6, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[7, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[8, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[9, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[10, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[11, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[12, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[13, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[14, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[15, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[16, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[17, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[18, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[19, 0.03271725813257968], DiskBox[20, 0.03271725813257968]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, ImageSize->Tiny], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 312, 6, 384, 142, 200, 4, 3, 7, 78, 209, 177, 124, 2, 30, 5, 212, 87, 183, 346}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[7, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (7 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (9 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 3], Rational[-1, 3] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {-1, 0}, {Rational[1, 12] (1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (5 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5WrwKBT/Znv6xI8tnwcD9E9IH9Kp+IF1XbXu9v aGKPrHE7a/99xe9pJwyP22e9VKvLYb9jX7ftYP3HZwfsQ8HgKLr+/TD9aHx7 NPPtAz4odJ9f8dn+K9R8r+43Bzz/PNwPM/9Vtt71F7437aP4ClkV3t6C2ncV at9HqPkf7GH+WfDAUWx+4HP73KSZhzhePYXJ74fJQ82HuX//AbuaywdjLtp3 VXm+4G7evR9q336offuh5u1vg8oDAA4sk5I= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.024440582208030248`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[2, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[3, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[4, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[5, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[6, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[7, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[8, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[9, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[10, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[11, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[12, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[13, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[14, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[15, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[16, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[17, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[18, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[19, 0.024440582208030248], DiskBox[20, 0.024440582208030248]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, ImageSize->Tiny], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 16, 6, 179, 419, 15, 4, 110, 7, 55, 111, 382, 117, 2, 10, 5, 90, 166, 535, 89}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (5 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-5) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-2, 3], Rational[1, 6] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (5 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[5, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 3], Rational[1, 6] ((-3) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {-1, 0}, {Rational[1, 12] (11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 3], Rational[1, 6] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5WbTnBN+fI+v2euzw8zD+83w8RfWC/yifiRdW2 1/tDweDp/l3r47hjea7YfzWdnv1l2Rv7N5kdpa3TvuxfvQoEXtmf/bIiyWfD Q5j+/aj6j+5Hk4eZb9/QxB5Z43Z2/9cVv6edMDxu/ypb7/oL35v2UXyFrApv b0H1X7Xfs6BhafLmb/u9ut8c8PzzcH/dtoP1H58dgJr3wR7mnwUPHMXmBz7f n5s08xDHq6cw+f0w+ayXanU57Hfs66H6D9jVXD4Yc9Eepv7XrNOmVcHf7GPQ 7If5HwDoHZPX "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.0257407422132772]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[2, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[3, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[4, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[5, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[6, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[7, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[8, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[9, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[10, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[11, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[12, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[13, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[14, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[15, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[16, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[17, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[18, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[19, 0.0257407422132772], DiskBox[20, 0.0257407422132772]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, ImageSize->Tiny], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 55, 6, 125, 8, 270, 4, 3, 7, 60, 53, 108, 110, 2, 11, 5, 330, 106, 121, 412}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (-5 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (21 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (-3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), -3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {1, 0}, { Rational[-1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, {-1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (3 + 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6] (3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), -3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5WbTnBN+fIenvu++kd+2qe20NEH9iv8ol4UbXt 9f4FDxzF5gd+3y9rPMF1eeUje4eDzTp2i9/ZQ/iX7LNeqtXlsN/ZX7/tYP3H Zwf2Q/Xvh+lH46Obb9/QxB5Z43YXbj6UDzX/0f5X2XrXX/jetI/iK2RVeHvL 3qv7zQHPPw/t61Ds+2AP8w/UfVDzLsHk98Pkf806bVoV/M0+Bmoe1Pz9UPNh /oXbD1W/H6p+PwBOrYhf "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.02962578701818075]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[2, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[3, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[4, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[5, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[6, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[7, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[8, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[9, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[10, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[11, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[12, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[13, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[14, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[15, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[16, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[17, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[18, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[19, 0.02962578701818075], DiskBox[20, 0.02962578701818075]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, ImageSize->Tiny], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 259, 4, 82, 273, 136, 3, 5, 6, 83, 144, 295, 211, 2, 11, 7, 128, 43, 103, 42}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[-2, 3], Rational[1, 3] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-5) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), -3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 3], Rational[1, 3] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (5 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {-1, 0}, {Rational[1, 12] (1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[7, 6], Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6], Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5CweDp/rNfViT5bPhoDxF9YL/KJ+JF1bbX9q+y 9a6/8L1pH8VXyKrw9tb+X7NOm1YFf9sP5dsveOAoNj/w+f6uKs8X3M27Yfr3 w/Sj8fejmQ8zD26+V/ebA55/Hu6v23aw/uOzA/sh5n/fL2s8wXV55aP9EPde tUd17wd7mH++mk7P/rLsjf2PLvvTV+vvwOT3w+Sh5ttDzbdfvQoEPkHNewjz L9x/EPuOwuUBXS+QXw== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.0291745738150109]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[2, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[3, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[4, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[5, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[6, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[7, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[8, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[9, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[10, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[11, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[12, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[13, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[14, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[15, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[16, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[17, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[18, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[19, 0.0291745738150109], DiskBox[20, 0.0291745738150109]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, ImageSize->Tiny], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 322, 4, 82, 25, 154, 5, 240, 6, 23, 170, 241, 321, 2, 166, 3, 298, 79, 13, 152}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 6], 3^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (7 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (13 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (-6 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (13 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] + 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), 2 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[7, 6], 3^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {-1, 0}, {2, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[2, 3], Rational[1, 6] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { 1, 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (5 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (7 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5CweCofUfytZ4AdyYHiOgD+1U+ES+qtr22dzjY rGO3+N1+WeMJrssrL9mHBrgtjjmxy/5NZkdp67Qv9l7dbw54/nm4/5Zowo45 M3/aQ/Xvh+lf8MBRbH7gf7h+iPwPuPlcpzKmcEc+to/iK2RVeHsLqv75/qAn d5atzvsL5X+H6v9kv3oVCHxCc+8He5h/GprYI2vczu7/VZ2YekftPVT8w340 bztA7P9tD/H/U/s9CxqWJm/+BlNvD5NfteUE35wj6/dz3U/v2Ffz3B4ApZSC Dg== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.03673321499249091]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[2, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[3, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[4, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[5, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[6, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[7, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[8, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[9, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[10, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[11, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[12, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[13, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[14, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[15, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[16, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[17, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[18, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[19, 0.03673321499249091], DiskBox[20, 0.03673321499249091]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, ImageSize->Tiny], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 30, 6, 135, 87, 26, 4, 355, 7, 69, 349, 122, 149, 2, 114, 5, 189, 73, 90, 108}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (7 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 6] (3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[7, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[-1, 2] Rational[11, 3]^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[-1, 2]}, {-1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (9 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (-3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (5 3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ5CweCo/dkvK5J8NjzcDxF9YL/KJ+JF1bbX+xua 2CNr3M7u/1WdmHpH7f1+r+43Bzz/PNxft+1g/cdnB+xDA9wWx5zYZf+jy/70 1fo79lD9+2H6Az4odJ9f8RmuH818e4j5d/fLGk9wXV75yP7XrNOmVcHf9kfx FbIqvL21/1W23vUXvjfh/NWrQOATmns/2MP843CwWcdu8TuoeZdg8vth8lDz 7aHm2R+wq7l8MOaifVeV5wvu5t37s16q1eWw37GH+W/BA0ex+YHP98PkAZE/ kmQ= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.02871996521054035]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[2, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[3, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[4, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[5, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[6, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[7, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[8, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[9, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[10, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[11, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[12, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[13, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[14, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[15, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[16, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[17, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[18, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[19, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[20, 0.02871996521054035]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, ImageSize->Tiny], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 1082, 27, 850, 1290, 1074, 35, 1298, 31, 154, 866, 1282, 830, 23, 39, 43, 842, 370, 1534, 822}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{2, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (29 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 12] (86 + 10 33^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 7, 3], (Rational[-1, 6] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (9 + 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (23 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (19 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-5) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[11, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2, -3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (13 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (25 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (29 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, {3, 0}, { Rational[3, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (35 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[-1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (3 + 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (19 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-7) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (35 - 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[ 4, 3], (Rational[-1, 6] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (9 + 33^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQUOMEbUrk7524z/7b12eXiYf3i/HyLK4rDKJ+JF 1bbX9qtXgQCTw54FDUuTN3/bD1H/3b5u28H6j88O7GdNNTnVuuaj/Y8u+9NX 6+9A9f+wh+kPBYO/9me/rEjy2fAQ3fz9MPdA+L/3c53KmMId+dg+iq+QVeHt LXuI+T/h/NqzT6X2arI7vMnsKG2d9gWqnwPuHzT7ofIf7GEyEP3cDjEQ8/Zf UrIuEKpncOC6n96xr+b5ft27R/rfNjA7wPwHcf9Xe5j/AWPzgpg= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.02871996521054035]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[2, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[3, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[4, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[5, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[6, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[7, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[8, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[9, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[10, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[11, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[12, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[13, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[14, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[15, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[16, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[17, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[18, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[19, 0.02871996521054035], DiskBox[20, 0.02871996521054035]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], DefaultBaseStyle->{ "NetworkGraphics", FrontEnd`GraphicsHighlightColor -> Hue[0.8, 1., 0.6]}, FormatType->TraditionalForm, FrameTicks->None, ImageSize->Tiny], ",", GraphicsBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{2, 72, 18, 22, 63, 82, 27, 32, 26, 31, 41, 48, 52, 10, 12, 13, 40, 60, 34, 47}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{ 0, Rational[11, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[1, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[1, 2] 21^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-5, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 3 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-5, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 0}, { Rational[5, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 3 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { 0, Rational[5, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[3, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 3 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, {-7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[5, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 2 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, {(-2) 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[3, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[3, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { 2 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[9, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 4 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 4 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], 2 Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[3, 7]^ Rational[1, 2]}, { 2 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[5, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}, {(-3) 7^Rational[-1, 2], Rational[3, 2] Rational[3, 7]^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQNSlZtvspzjcYDxtbbaOL75dMUexm+VE93ZF8Lk 8OBrYMI2m3f79/PfTkzK+W8P5dtD1D+B8ffD9MHkYeph4iWPugOX6/+yf/Pz b06uyiO4/LPvy59NNLixHyYP4Z+Amv8Fyn8Btf89jG+Pzj/vnXLScyK7A1T/ foh+FgdU81jQ5GHmw/hP4OahuvcT3H4Az6iiGA== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.0343970407859782]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[2, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[3, 0.0343970407859782], DiskBox[4, 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20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { FormatType -> TraditionalForm, GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 2}, ImageSize -> Tiny, VertexCoordinates -> {{0, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (13 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, {1, 0}, { Rational[1, 12] (1 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (7 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 12] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (-15 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[4, 3], Rational[1, 6] (3 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[11, 6], Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, {-1, 0}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (11 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (17 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] ((-5) 3^Rational[1, 2] + 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 12] (3^Rational[1, 2] - 3 11^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[5, 6], Rational[1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 12] (-9 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[1, 4] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (1 - 33^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 12] (-3 + 33^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 87 #^2 + 36 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 3], (Rational[1, 6] 3^Rational[-1, 2]) (9 - 33^ Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 6], Rational[-1, 6] 11^Rational[1, 2]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQjQ6WupY9UPn3w75u28H6j88O7IeIPrBf5RPxomrb a3sI/4M9TL1X95sDnn8ewtVD9H+w99rl4WH+4f3+UDD4ar9nQcPS5M3f7CH8 v/Znv6xI8tnwEGbeflRXPNgPtW//r1mnTauCv9lH8RWyKry9ZQ/h/7P/0WV/ +mr9nf0LHjiKzQ98bp+bNPMQx6un+9H026O5f//qVSDwCm7/AbuaywdjLu7P g+pvaGKPrHE7a999veKq44UfUPdf3b9rfRx3LM8VqPuPwvTvBwCLgpGg "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, { 13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}, 0.030021405881908034`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[0.7]}], DiskBox[1, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[2, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[3, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[4, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[5, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[6, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[7, 0.030021405881908034], DiskBox[8, 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"\"\\""}], "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[134]:=",ExpressionUUID->"ec4589ff-c1a9-4c9a-8b6c-3f50068a8bde"], Cell[BoxData["False"], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[134]=",ExpressionUUID->"b4e2c91f-33e5-48e8-ab24-da71e927c16e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"GraphData", "[", RowBox[{ "\"\\"", ",", "\"\\"", ",", "\"\\""}], "]"}], "//", "StyleGraphs"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[135]:=",ExpressionUUID->"4cf46922-ed30-40b0-969a-60c2b6725144"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[135]=",ExpressionUUID->"f052d6c3-6323-43f0-870c-8c16b39c299f"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["3D default", "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"2fe9222b-fe63-463a-8d45-7d27ed22b1af"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Graph3D", "[", RowBox[{"GraphData", "[", RowBox[{"\"\\"", ",", "\"\\""}], "]"}], "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[136]:=",ExpressionUUID->"75395905-d1a4-437a-9f59-78f66595df99"], Cell[BoxData[ Graphics3DBox[ 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2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[16 - 40 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 0, Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[16 - 40 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], 0, Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], -1, Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 1, Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIOYNXsh76tKH/QxQcL3jk73BlpP2UHF7mPgNiPj+ 9Ymev6tPX4Gq/7Afph5N3B4m/oTZjbvD4rV9wEt98/fHHu/HIQ5XD7MHph6m Dk0crh/izgf7E3QXTFQsurH/KUR8P5q4PZq4PUw9mjkwcbj5EH89gYcDzBwY DXMnzH1o4vao4fYEHs4w82H+hpkD048mDnc/NJztYeGPFi8wcbi9ADa044U= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], Arrowheads[0.], Arrow3DBox[TubeBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}], 0.04688229301851682]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.6, 1], SphereBox[1, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[2, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[3, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[4, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[5, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[6, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[7, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[8, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[9, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[10, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[11, 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45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 3}, VertexCoordinates -> {{-(1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], 0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2], Root[ 1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {(Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2], (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {(Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 2], (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {(Rational[1, 10] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], 0, Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], 0, (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[ 1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {(Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {(Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIK5cXcyzkvXbfgYo4A1eyHvq0gV7qLg9mvj+p8xu 3B0Wt/eH/Dp9dvfHL/th6tHE7WHiW8O4O79d+Gi/4sv02eWPX+7HIQ5XD7MH ph6mDk0crh/izmdQ9z+Aqd+PJm6PJm6Ppt4eTRxuPsRfr+HhADMHRqP5C13c HjXcXu9HMwfubzT/7kcTh7v/CSSc7dHCH10cbi8AXNXxiw== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], Arrowheads[0.], Arrow3DBox[TubeBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}], 0.05687975353745206]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.6, 1], SphereBox[1, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[2, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[3, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[4, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[5, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[6, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[7, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[8, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[9, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[10, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[11, 0.05687975353745206], 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60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 3}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], 0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], 0, Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 0, Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIF6f6Pm7+vSV/QxQ8ITZjbvD4rY9VNweJv4UIr6f N3gh76lLF+wTdBdMVCw6sR+mHk3cHiZ+o+OTvcGWnfsDXuqbvz92GZc43ByY PTD1MHVo4vth4hB3HoG6/8H+6xBxezRxezRxe5h6NHNg4nB7If56AA8fmDkw GuZOmPvQxPejhtsDeHjCzIf5G2YOTD+aONxcaDjvh4U/WrzAxOHuAQDRkeAF "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], Arrowheads[0.], Arrow3DBox[TubeBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, 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5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2], 0}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2]}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIA54qW/+/thlewYweLCfAQqg4lD+A3sGFIDgo+lH F9+/4sv02eWPX8JoezQaXRyXOlw0QfeiiaOrx+VueHjg0k+ku+H+x2Ufujpc +lH9i9MfGOEBANi4z38= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], Arrowheads[0.], Arrow3DBox[TubeBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, 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+ 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2], Root[ 1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {(Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2], 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Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {(Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIK5cXcyzkvXbfgYo4A1eyHvq0gV7qLg9mvj+p8xu 3B0Wt/eH/Dp9dvfHL/th6tHE7WHiW8O4O79d+Gi/4sv02eWPX+7HIQ5XD7MH ph6mDk0crh/izmdQ9z+Aqd+PJm6PJm6Ppt4eTRxuPsRfr+HhADMHRqP5C13c HjXcXu9HMwfubzT/7kcTh7v/CSSc7dHCH10cbi8AXNXxiw== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], Arrowheads[0.], Arrow3DBox[TubeBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}], 0.05687975353745206]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.6, 1], SphereBox[1, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[2, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[3, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[4, 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0], Rational[1, 4] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], 0, Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 0, Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIF6f6Pm7+vSV/QxQ8ITZjbvD4rY9VNweJv4UIr6f N3gh76lLF+wTdBdMVCw6sR+mHk3cHiZ+o+OTvcGWnfsDXuqbvz92GZc43ByY PTD1MHVo4vth4hB3HoG6/8H+6xBxezRxezRxe5h6NHNg4nB7If56AA8fmDkw GuZOmPvQxPejhtsDeHjCzIf5G2YOTD+aONxcaDjvh4U/WrzAxOHuAQDRkeAF "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], Arrowheads[0.], Arrow3DBox[TubeBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}], 0.028840440412235047`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.6, 1], SphereBox[1, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[2, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[3, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[4, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[5, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[6, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[7, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[8, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[9, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[10, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[11, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[12, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[13, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[14, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[15, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[16, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[17, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[18, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[19, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[20, 0.028840440412235047`]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], BaseStyle->{Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}}}, Boxed->False, DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, Lighting->{{"Directional", GrayLevel[0.7], ImageScaled[{1, 1, 0}]}, {"Point", GrayLevel[0.9], ImageScaled[{0, 0, 0}], {0, 0, 0.07}}}], ",", Graphics3DBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 3}, VertexCoordinates -> {{Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2], 0}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2]}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIA54qW/+/thlewYweLCfAQqg4lD+A3sGFIDgo+lH F9+/4sv02eWPX8JoezQaXRyXOlw0QfeiiaOrx+VueHjg0k+ku+H+x2Ufujpc +lH9i9MfGOEBANi4z38= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], Arrowheads[0.], Arrow3DBox[TubeBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}], 0.038869883502168634`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.6, 1], SphereBox[1, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[2, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[3, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[4, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[5, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[6, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[7, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[8, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[9, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[10, 0.038869883502168634`], 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{2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 3}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ Root[16 - 20 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], 0, Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[16 - 20 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 0, Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], -1, Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], 1, Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0], Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 2] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[16 - 40 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 0, Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[16 - 40 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], 0, Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], -1, Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 1, Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIOYNXsh76tKH/QxQcL3jk73BlpP2UHF7mPgNiPj+ 9Ymev6tPX4Gq/7Afph5N3B4m/oTZjbvD4rV9wEt98/fHHu/HIQ5XD7MHph6m Dk0crh/izgf7E3QXTFQsurH/KUR8P5q4PZq4PUw9mjkwcbj5EH89gYcDzBwY DXMnzH1o4vao4fYEHs4w82H+hpkD048mDnc/NJztYeGPFi8wcbi9ADa044U= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], Arrowheads[0.], Arrow3DBox[TubeBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}], 0.04688229301851682]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.6, 1], SphereBox[1, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[2, 0.04688229301851682], 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0.07}}}], ",", Graphics3DBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 3}, VertexCoordinates -> {{-(1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], 0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2], 0, Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 2], Root[ 1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {(Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2], (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {(Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[ 1, 2], (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, {(Rational[1, 10] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], 0, Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], 0, (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[ 1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {(Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {(Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIK5cXcyzkvXbfgYo4A1eyHvq0gV7qLg9mvj+p8xu 3B0Wt/eH/Dp9dvfHL/th6tHE7WHiW8O4O79d+Gi/4sv02eWPX+7HIQ5XD7MH ph6mDk0crh/izmdQ9z+Aqd+PJm6PJm6Ppt4eTRxuPsRfr+HhADMHRqP5C13c HjXcXu9HMwfubzT/7kcTh7v/CSSc7dHCH10cbi8AXNXxiw== "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], Arrowheads[0.], Arrow3DBox[TubeBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}], 0.05687975353745206]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.6, 1], SphereBox[1, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[2, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[3, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[4, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[5, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[6, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[7, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[8, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[9, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[10, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[11, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[12, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[13, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[14, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[15, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[16, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[17, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[18, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[19, 0.05687975353745206], SphereBox[20, 0.05687975353745206]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], BaseStyle->{Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}}}, Boxed->False, DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, Lighting->{{"Directional", GrayLevel[0.7], ImageScaled[{1, 1, 0}]}, {"Point", GrayLevel[0.9], ImageScaled[{0, 0, 0}], {0, 0, 0.07}}}], ",", 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80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[-1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 40 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2], Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], 0, Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 0, Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 4, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIF6f6Pm7+vSV/QxQ8ITZjbvD4rY9VNweJv4UIr6f N3gh76lLF+wTdBdMVCw6sR+mHk3cHiZ+o+OTvcGWnfsDXuqbvz92GZc43ByY PTD1MHVo4vth4hB3HoG6/8H+6xBxezRxezRxe5h6NHNg4nB7If56AA8fmDkw 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0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[16, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[17, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[18, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[19, 0.028840440412235047`], SphereBox[20, 0.028840440412235047`]}}]], MouseAppearanceTag["NetworkGraphics"]], AllowKernelInitialization->False]], BaseStyle->{Graphics3DBoxOptions -> {Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}}}, Boxed->False, DefaultBaseStyle->"NetworkGraphics", FormatType->TraditionalForm, Lighting->{{"Directional", GrayLevel[0.7], ImageScaled[{1, 1, 0}]}, {"Point", GrayLevel[0.9], ImageScaled[{0, 0, 0}], {0, 0, 0.07}}}], ",", Graphics3DBox[ NamespaceBox["NetworkGraphics", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`graph = HoldComplete[ Graph[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, SparseArray[ Automatic, {20, 20}, 0, { 1, {{0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60}, {{14}, {15}, {16}, {5}, {6}, {13}, {7}, {14}, { 19}, {8}, {15}, {20}, {2}, {11}, {19}, {2}, {12}, {20}, {3}, { 11}, {16}, {4}, {12}, {16}, {10}, {14}, {17}, {9}, {15}, {18}, { 5}, {7}, {12}, {6}, {8}, {11}, {2}, {17}, {18}, {1}, {3}, {9}, { 1}, {4}, {10}, {1}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {13}, {19}, {10}, {13}, {20}, { 3}, {5}, {17}, {4}, {6}, {18}}}, Pattern}]}, { GraphLayout -> {"Dimension" -> 3}, VertexCoordinates -> {{Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2], 0}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2]}, {0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2]}, {Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[-1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 2], 0}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { Rational[-1, 2], 0, Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIA54qW/+/thlewYweLCfAQqg4lD+A3sGFIDgo+lH F9+/4sv02eWPX8JoezQaXRyXOlw0QfeiiaOrx+VueHjg0k+ku+H+x2Ufujpc +lH9i9MfGOEBANi4z38= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], Arrowheads[0.], Arrow3DBox[TubeBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}], 0.038869883502168634`]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.6, 1], SphereBox[1, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[2, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[3, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[4, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[5, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[6, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[7, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[8, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[9, 0.038869883502168634`], SphereBox[10, 0.038869883502168634`], 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- 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 2] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[16 - 40 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 0, Root[ 1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[16 - 40 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], 0, Root[ 1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[ 1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], -1, Root[ 1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 1, Root[ 1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}}, {{-1.0514622242382672`, 0, 0.20081141588622728`}, { 1.0514622242382672`, 0, -0.2008114158862273}, {-0.32491969623290634`, -1, 0.20081141588622728`}, {-0.32491969623290634`, 1, 0.20081141588622728`}, {0.8506508083520399, -0.6180339887498949, 0.20081141588622728`}, {0.8506508083520399, 0.6180339887498949, 0.20081141588622728`}, {-0.2008114158862273, -0.6180339887498949, 0.8506508083520399}, {-0.2008114158862273, 0.6180339887498949, 0.8506508083520399}, {-0.5257311121191336, -0.3819660112501051, \ -0.85065080835204}, {-0.5257311121191336, 0.3819660112501051, -0.85065080835204}, { 0.5257311121191336, -0.3819660112501051, 0.8506508083520399}, { 0.5257311121191336, 0.3819660112501051, 0.8506508083520399}, { 0.6498393924658127, 0, -0.85065080835204}, {-0.85065080835204, -0.6180339887498949, \ -0.2008114158862273}, {-0.85065080835204, 0.6180339887498949, -0.2008114158862273}, {-0.6498393924658127, 0, 0.8506508083520399}, { 0.20081141588622728`, -0.6180339887498949, -0.85065080835204}, { 0.20081141588622728`, 0.6180339887498949, -0.85065080835204}, { 0.32491969623290634`, -1, -0.2008114158862273}, { 0.32491969623290634`, 1, -0.2008114158862273}}], {{1, 14, 3, 7, 16}, { 15, 10, 9, 14, 1}, {16, 8, 4, 15, 1}, {6, 12, 11, 5, 2}, {2, 5, 19, 17, 13}, {13, 18, 20, 6, 2}, {19, 5, 11, 7, 3}, {3, 14, 9, 17, 19}, {4, 8, 12, 6, 20}, {20, 18, 10, 15, 4}, {7, 11, 12, 8, 16}, {9, 10, 18, 13, 17}}]}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[141]=",ExpressionUUID->"f656b054-9f22-4f97-a235-3cbba1b0f1a0"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["3D Canonical", "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"d0b1f09b-c8ad-48d7-bfd5-e87bb21a5f99"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"GraphData", "[", RowBox[{"\"\\"", ",", "\"\\"", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\"\<3D\>\"", ",", "\"\\""}], "}"}]}], "]"}]], 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4, 0]}, { Root[16 - 40 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 0, Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[16 - 40 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0], 0, Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 4, 0]}, { Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], -1, Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Root[1 - 10 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0], 1, Root[1 - 25 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroup3DBox[GraphicsComplex3DBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWJmIOYNXsh76tKH/QxQcL3jk73BlpP2UHF7mPgNiPj+ 9Ymev6tPX4Gq/7Afph5N3B4m/oTZjbvD4rV9wEt98/fHHu/HIQ5XD7MHph6m Dk0crh/izgf7E3QXTFQsurH/KUR8P5q4PZq4PUw9mjkwcbj5EH89gYcDzBwY DXMnzH1o4vao4fYEHs4w82H+hpkD048mDnc/NJztYeGPFi8wcbi9ADa044U= "], { {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], Arrowheads[0.], Arrow3DBox[TubeBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, { 5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}], 0.04688229301851682]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.6, 1], SphereBox[1, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[2, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[3, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[4, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[5, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[6, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[7, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[8, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[9, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[10, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[11, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[12, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[13, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[14, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[15, 0.04688229301851682], SphereBox[16, 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Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { 0, ((1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1))) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {(((Rational[-1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) ( 1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(((Rational[-1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(((Rational[-1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) ( 1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1))) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(((Rational[-1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1))) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {(((Rational[-1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) ( 1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (((-(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]) $CellContext`z)/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] + (( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {((( Rational[-1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (((-(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]) $CellContext`z)/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] + (( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {(( Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) (Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (( Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]) ( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1))) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {(( Rational[-1, 2] $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) (Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (( Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]) ( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1))) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {(( Rational[1, 2] $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) (Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (((-(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]) $CellContext`z)/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1))) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]}, {(( Rational[-1, 2] $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) (Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (((-(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]) $CellContext`z)/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1))) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]}, { 0, ((Rational[1, 10] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] ( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1))) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {(((Rational[-1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) ( 1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {(((Rational[-1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { 0, (((-(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]) $CellContext`z)/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] + (( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {((( Rational[-1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (((-$CellContext`z)/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + (( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {((( Rational[-1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], (((-$CellContext`z)/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + (( 1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {((( Rational[-1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], ((Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1))) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {(((Rational[-1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) $CellContext`z) (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2], ((Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1))) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - (($CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)) ( Abs[$CellContext`z/(1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)]^2 + Abs[1 - (1 + Abs[$CellContext`z]^2)^(-1)]^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]}, InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox["Graph", "SummaryHead"], "[", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`open$$ = False, Typeset`embedState$$ = "Ready"}, TemplateBox[{ PaneSelectorBox[{False -> GridBox[{{ PaneBox[ ButtonBox[ DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEBitmaps", "SummaryBoxOpener"]], ButtonFunction :> (Typeset`open$$ = True), Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], 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#^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]), Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[{ {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGCQA2ImKIYB3uCFvKcuXbBf8WX67PLHL/dD+ftxyNvjkofx t4Zxd3678NEeTX4/mvm45O1xycP42yDm7w/5dfrs7o9f9qO7H2Y/LnmYeejy aHyYvD26/9HMx5DHpR+NjyM8HsDdjy6P7j7s4fXAHk0/QftR4wvTfvT4RDcf TT+G/bj0w+yDxSdMPxofLo89fWLK4zIPe/rFlEe3H5f/0NMjdvsx5NHt248j PWOoR48/AD3g6EE= "], 0.02743621557726529]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], {DiskBox[{0., 0.2628655560595668}, 0.02743621557726529], InsetBox["1", Offset[{2, 2}, {0.02743621557726529, 0.2903017716368321}], ImageScaled[{0, 0}], BaseStyle->"Graphics"]}, { DiskBox[{0., -0.2628655560595668}, 0.02743621557726529], InsetBox["2", Offset[{2, 2}, {0.02743621557726529, -0.23542934048230152}], ImageScaled[{0, 0}], BaseStyle->"Graphics"]}, { 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"NumericalApproximation"], Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[151]=",ExpressionUUID->"e768b64f-6462-4925-92a6-76b8a884f384"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"v", "=", RowBox[{"FullSimplify", "[", RowBox[{"%", "/", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{"1", "+", FractionBox["2", SqrtBox["5"]]}]]}], "]"}]}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[152]:=",ExpressionUUID->"da1123b5-8b76-4357-95ae-d667bc5b4f5c"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",", "0", ",", RowBox[{ FractionBox["1", "4"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"3", "-", SqrtBox["5"]}], ")"}]}]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[152]=",ExpressionUUID->"cac3f34c-6b34-4ef7-b2e2-4397e3ab419d"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"N", "[", "%", "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[153]:=",ExpressionUUID->"0f7f8886-efbb-4406-8359-566c093d1b19"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1.`"}], ",", "0.`", ",", "0.19098300562505255`"}], "}"}]], "Output", 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10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, {Null, {{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, {3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, {9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, {18, 20}}}, {VertexLabels -> {"Name"}, VertexCoordinates -> {{ 0, ((-(1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]) ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - ((( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { 0, ((1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - ((( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] - (((1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] - (((1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - ((( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( 1 - ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - ((( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), (((-(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])/( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio) + (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), (((-(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])/( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio) + (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), (( Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]) ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - ((( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[-1, 4] ( 5 ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/(( 1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), (( Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]) ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - ((( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ((Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( 1 - ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - (((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]/( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)}, { Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[-1, 4] ( 5 ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/(( 1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ((Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - (((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]/( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)}, { 0, (1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1)) ( Rational[ 1, 10] ((5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])/(( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)))^ Rational[ 1, 2] - ((( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] - (((1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] - (((1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { 0, (((-(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2])/( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio) + (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ((((-1)/( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ((((-1)/( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1)) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ((Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - ((( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {( Rational[-1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 4] (5 (( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1)/((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-3, 4] ((1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2) ((1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2 ( 1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-2) + ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^2)^(-1))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ((Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^ Rational[-1, 2] - ((( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1) (( 1 - (1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-1))^2 + ( 1 + (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^(-2) (1 + Rational[-1, 2] GoldenRatio)^2)^Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + Rational[1, 2] GoldenRatio)) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[{ {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], 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80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] - ((1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ((Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] - ((1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + (( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) ((((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ((Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[ 1, 2])) ((((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + (( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) ((( Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[ 1, 2])) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[ 1, 2])) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[ 1, 2])) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[ 1, 2])) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[ 1, 2])) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[-1, 640] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + (( Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]) (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) ((Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) ((( Rational[-1, 640] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + (( Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]) (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) ((Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 640] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + (( Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]) (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) ((Rational[1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 640] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + (( Rational[-1, 2] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]) (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) ((Rational[1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[-1, 640] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) ((Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) ((( Rational[-1, 640] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) ((Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 640] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) ((Rational[1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 640] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) ((Rational[1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) ((1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2))) ( Rational[ 1, 10] ((5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2]) + ((Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) ((1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2))) ( Rational[ 1, 10] ((5 + 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2]) + (( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[ 1, 2])) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[ 1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[ 1, 2])) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + (( Rational[ 1, 4] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2]) (1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[ 1, 2] ((Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])) (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[ 1, 2])) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[ 1, 2])) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) ((( Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])^2)/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[ 1, 2]) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 4] (1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])) (((Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2])), ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 + 5^Rational[ 1, 2])) ((((Rational[1, 1280] (-3 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))/(Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + (((Rational[1, 40] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)) ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[ 1, 2] + ((Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] (1 + Rational[-1, 1600] ((650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)^ Rational[-1, 2]) + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 2] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]) (((Rational[1, 4] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]) (( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2] + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0] ( Rational[ 1, 8] (5 ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-1)/((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2)))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[ 3, 8] ((Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ((( Rational[1, 102400] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2) (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (( Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2])) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2) ( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)^(-2) + (1 + Rational[1, 1600] ((-650 - 290 5^Rational[1, 2])/( Rational[1, 64] (3 + 5^Rational[1, 2])^2 + Rational[1, 1600] (650 + 290 5^Rational[1, 2]) + Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]^2)))^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]))}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[{ {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGCQA2ImKLaWN3nh9Pjl/gXbrSe7yFXtV1A2Ofq8vMhet8Oo WM/v0X50edknhZrqz77s/+F4/2iV53UM+d8BUxwWWz/Yvy6K4YNs3Vt7qLw9 VN4eqt8eqh9DfgHE/v1Q+zHkoebbb4CYv98GKt8AlS9o9DIz77hvv2Pjb5/1 +97ao8uj+w9d/gfzfJ3ff77Yq23ze576/ep+KH8/lG9/4r1Hu5Luq/1lPvP1 BEw+2aPLo4cPujzUvv0NqOEJD491fvKeyTNf2j85fHS7T8YnjPBCdx96eCn8 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2]))^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + ( Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 4] (3 (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 2 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2] + ( Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[ 1, 2] (3 (Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 2] ( 3 (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[ 1, 2] (3 (Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 2] ( 3 (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[3, 10] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 10] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0]}, {(Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + (Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, {(Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + (Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], Rational[-1, 2] ( 3 (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + (Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], (Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + (Rational[1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], (Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0]}, { Rational[ 1, 2] (3 (Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}, { Rational[ 1, 2] (3 (Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[1, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2])^ Rational[1, 2] + (Rational[-1, 2] 3^Rational[1, 2]) Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0]}}}]]}, TagBox[GraphicsGroupBox[{ {Hue[0.6, 0.7, 0.5], Opacity[0.7], Arrowheads[0.], ArrowBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmVmYGCQA2ImKA57pLZ6i87X/c27CpQ6Ku/avzvjGCK//NX+d0vc Wm5LvrQnVV5MdO+mjxu/7N8nz36p1/7hfqi8PVR+/1uIfvs3EP0ky0tAzLeH mm//r8b+ceCf+/sX+BdL7dvQtx+mD2rOfnR5dPejy0P59lA+zc1H9+8H4TI2 P7El9tt+f9QLfv8FIzyorR/dP+j60eXR45dS/Q8g6vdvh6i3J8RHD18Meag4 VB3F+tH9g85HT4/o+gnJo/PR44eQPADVaRqN "], 0.02765211202054159]}, {Hue[0.6, 0.2, 0.8], EdgeForm[{GrayLevel[0], Opacity[ 0.7]}], { DiskBox[{-1.3234144864674326, 0.46054271090807947}, 0.02765211202054159], InsetBox["1", Offset[{2, 2}, {-1.2957623744468911, 0.48819482292862104}], ImageScaled[{0, 0}], 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1, 2]}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 4] + Rational[1, 2] 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2], Rational[-1, 2]}, { Rational[1, 2] (Rational[1, 5] (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2] + 2^Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0], 0}, { 2^Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + 2^Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2^Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + 2^Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 2, 0], Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^ Rational[1, 2])}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[11, 8] 5^Rational[-1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + 2^Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0], 0}, { 2^Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + 2^Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 20 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 3, 0], Rational[1, 4] (1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 2^Rational[-1, 2] Root[1 - 100 #^2 + 80 #^4& , 1, 0] + 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16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, { 9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, { 18, 20}}]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], AbsolutePointSize[5], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[1], "1"], Annotation[#, 1, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[2], "2"], Annotation[#, 2, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[3], "3"], Annotation[#, 3, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[4], "4"], Annotation[#, 4, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[5], "5"], Annotation[#, 5, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[6], "6"], Annotation[#, 6, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[7], "7"], Annotation[#, 7, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[8], "8"], Annotation[#, 8, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[9], "9"], Annotation[#, 9, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[10], "10"], Annotation[#, 10, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[11], "11"], Annotation[#, 11, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[12], "12"], Annotation[#, 12, 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1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQTQh4L44MuXjtnH29XWb4PI8/+9H49v7Tv0YffnXJ PsxNdOuXxAf70fj2p3tdtJUmfrPXkzt57FPVx/1ofHvTQ+dD/2T/2r/IwUEx fPbT/Wh8+/LlB9qXC763T3sy09Y04+Z+ND7U/kf7Ye5tP9WedfXsx/1zhdKd 067924/Gt4fwGR1g6u/uVIux7ny1n2/2nRPMfU/2o/HtU7elr9ugeGj/gmNX jPkXftiPxrcHANSlmAk= "]]& ], AspectRatio->Automatic, FrameTicks->None, PlotRange->All, PlotRangePadding->Scaled[0.1]], ",", GraphicsBox[ TagBox[GraphicsComplexBox[CompressedData[" 1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQTQjkXHK/f8P9nH35HqVDdUd/70fj27M59gYaeV22 t2J41zlry4P9aHx78y0Jgc0a3+yNp7fee6H5cT8a3751nWdu3cef+zu8rI5r mz/dj8a3V5Vq3Hoj4739LsfY9U3rb+5H40Ptf7wf5l4xp41Hd8z4sP/9xWcN DPv/7Efj20P4DA4w9XJx+m82X361f9a7eYqbjz/Zj8a3l/7gpjo55ND+3ceX 2ew6/2E/Gt8eAFphlns= "], { {GrayLevel[0], LineBox[{{1, 14}, {1, 15}, {1, 16}, {2, 5}, {2, 6}, {2, 13}, {3, 7}, { 3, 14}, {3, 19}, {4, 8}, {4, 15}, {4, 20}, {5, 11}, {5, 19}, {6, 12}, {6, 20}, {7, 11}, {7, 16}, {8, 12}, {8, 16}, {9, 10}, {9, 14}, { 9, 17}, {10, 15}, {10, 18}, {11, 12}, {13, 17}, {13, 18}, {17, 19}, { 18, 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11}, { 11, 19}, {11, 20}, {12, 17}, {12, 18}, {13, 15}, {14, 16}, {15, 17}, {16, 18}}]}, {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], AbsolutePointSize[5], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[1], "1"], Annotation[#, 1, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[2], "2"], Annotation[#, 2, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[3], "3"], Annotation[#, 3, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[4], "4"], Annotation[#, 4, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[5], "5"], Annotation[#, 5, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[6], "6"], Annotation[#, 6, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[7], "7"], Annotation[#, 7, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[8], "8"], Annotation[#, 8, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[9], "9"], Annotation[#, 9, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[10], "10"], Annotation[#, 10, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[11], "11"], Annotation[#, 11, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ TooltipBox[PointBox[12], "12"], Annotation[#, 12, "Tooltip"]& ], TagBox[ 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\\\"]\\\"}]}]}], \ \\\")\\\"}], \\\"2\\\"]}]]}]\\).\"", 2, 102, 27, 19400777345032151489, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG", CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ In[102]:=",ExpressionUUID->"f1ac6358-a2c6-4a74-be49-d9e41da912f6"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ "N", "meprec", "\"Internal precision limit $MaxExtraPrecision = \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"50.`\ \\\"}]\\) reached while evaluating \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"2\\\", \\\"-\\\", \ SqrtBox[RowBox[{FractionBox[RowBox[{FractionBox[\\\"5\\\", \\\"8\\\"], \ \\\"+\\\", RowBox[{FractionBox[\\\"1\\\", \\\"8\\\"], \\\" \\\", \ RowBox[{\\\"Power\\\", \\\"[\\\", RowBox[{\\\"\[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \\\"2\\\", \ \\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\"}], \\\"]\\\"}]}]}], RowBox[{FractionBox[\\\"5\\\", \ \\\"8\\\"], \\\"+\\\", RowBox[{\\\"Times\\\", \\\"[\\\", RowBox[{\\\"\ \[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \\\"2\\\", \\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\"}], \\\"]\\\"}]}]], \ \\\"+\\\", SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{\\\"(\\\", RowBox[{FractionBox[\\\"1\\\", \ SqrtBox[RowBox[{\\\"Plus\\\", \\\"[\\\", RowBox[{\\\"\[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \ \\\"2\\\", \\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\"}], \\\"]\\\"}]]], \\\"-\\\", \ RowBox[{FractionBox[\\\"1\\\", \\\"4\\\"], \\\" \\\", RowBox[{\\\"Power\\\", \ \\\"[\\\", RowBox[{\\\"\[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \\\"2\\\", \\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\ \"}], \\\"]\\\"}], \\\" \\\", RowBox[{\\\"Plus\\\", \\\"[\\\", RowBox[{\\\"\ \[LeftSkeleton]\\\", \\\"2\\\", \\\"\[RightSkeleton]\\\"}], \\\"]\\\"}]}]}], \ \\\")\\\"}], \\\"2\\\"]}]]}]\\).\"", 2, 102, 28, 19400777345032151489, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG", CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ In[102]:=",ExpressionUUID->"149114e2-0109-409c-9d3d-306e7ee4b12a"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ "General", "stop", "\"Further output of \\!\\(\\*StyleBox[RowBox[{\\\"N\\\", \\\"::\\\", \ \\\"meprec\\\"}], \\\"MessageName\\\"]\\) will be suppressed during this \ calculation.\"", 2, 102, 29, 19400777345032151489, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG", CellLabel-> "During evaluation of \ 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26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + ((((4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + (( 4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - (((1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + ((((2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + (((12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - 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#^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + (((8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + (((524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - (((196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + (((524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + (((4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + ((4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + (((50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - (((201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - (((805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "}"}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[238]=",ExpressionUUID->"0fc3edf8-20ad-45f1-b09a-f26a05bdbede"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"N", "[", "%238", "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[247]:=",ExpressionUUID->"3996824c-935e-4e40-a40b-ceb16506b1e2"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"r", "\[Rule]", "1.209069643694874`"}], "}"}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[247]=",ExpressionUUID->"d8590b29-22b8-4fa1-b5ab-68cd4d34196f"] }, Open ]], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"gbv", "=", RowBox[{"GroebnerBasis", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["r", "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "+", SuperscriptBox["v", "2"]}], ")"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.916\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.91641594853224639383171279405360110104`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4294967296", "+", RowBox[{"77493960704", " ", "#1"}], "+", RowBox[{"486106071040", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1316531731456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1807078258689", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1316021862656", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"485599805440", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"77326188544", 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " 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#2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + ((((8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + (((262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + ((((16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + (((4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - (((((2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - ((((512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, { 5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]]}], "}"}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[241]=",ExpressionUUID->"170ead83-c62c-45a6-8704-55963308d474"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"Solve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["r", "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "+", SuperscriptBox["u", "2"]}], ")"}], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "+", SuperscriptBox["v", "2"]}], ")"}]}], "\[Equal]", SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "3"}], "+", SqrtBox["5"], "+", RowBox[{"2", " ", "r", " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"r", "-", RowBox[{"2", " ", "u", " ", "v"}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}], "2"]}], "/.", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"r", "\[Rule]", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ 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#3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + (( 4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - (((1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + (((12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - (((512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + (((524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - (((805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], ",", RowBox[{"v", "\[Rule]", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", 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"#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", 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"-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + ((((16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]]}]}], "}"}]}], ",", "u"}], "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[243]:=",ExpressionUUID->"ad18968b-347a-46ad-a7e6-5e62df535007"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"u", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", FractionBox["1", RowBox[{"32", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}]]}], RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"24", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( (512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "-", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", 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RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) 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(((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], 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"#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((((16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[Sqrt]", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ 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"#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", 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4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", 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8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", 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"#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - 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#5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - 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#2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", 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RowBox[{"65536", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"262144", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", 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SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - 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32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}]}], ")"}], "2"], "+", RowBox[{"64", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " 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SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "14"}], "+", RowBox[{"6", " ", SqrtBox["5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"28", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ 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SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], 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"4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", 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"8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", 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SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", 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731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " 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4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) 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2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "4"]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"u", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{ FractionBox["1", RowBox[{"32", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " 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57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}]], RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", 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"4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", 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SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) 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90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) 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((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) 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(((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4294967296", "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "7", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#3"}], "+", RowBox[{"32768", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"131072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"65536", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"262144", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", 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8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, 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SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", 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77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[Sqrt]", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ 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"#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", 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"2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " 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RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " 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12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", 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SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}]}], ")"}], "2"], "+", RowBox[{"64", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " 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"NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "14"}], "+", RowBox[{"6", " ", SqrtBox["5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"28", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) 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(((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - 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14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", 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"-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((((24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) 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#^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", 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"#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "4"]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[243]=",ExpressionUUID->"cdb70db9-485a-4b07-baad-ad08673046ee"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"N", "[", "%", "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[244]:=",ExpressionUUID->"6842c3e4-09ff-48b9-8467-92095b72860b"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"u", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", "0.8723547586153321`"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"u", "\[Rule]", "0.13372655555095744`"}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[244]=",ExpressionUUID->"d23fd462-c374-4928-9057-ef8ac7777fd8"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ 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SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}]]}], RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", 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86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + ((((16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + (((524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", 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#^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + ((((16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " 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57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + (((524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], 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"+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + ((((16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], 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6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[Sqrt]", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], 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SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " 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+ 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ 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RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", 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"-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) 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#2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - 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#2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + 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262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", 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"4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " 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866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - 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#2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}]}], ")"}], "2"], "+", RowBox[{"64", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", 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"+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", 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1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) 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#2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "14"}], "+", RowBox[{"6", " ", SqrtBox["5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"28", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " 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SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", 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"3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> 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"#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], 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"4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", 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"8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "4"]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], "}"}], "}"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[245]:=",ExpressionUUID->"062a2a6f-51ef-49a4-9a55-80e8ba62293f"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"u", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", FractionBox["1", RowBox[{"32", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", 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"2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - 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#^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - 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#^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}]]}], RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", 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RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#3"}], "+", RowBox[{"32768", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"131072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"65536", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"262144", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " 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"#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + ((((16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], 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"#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " 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70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + (((524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ 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SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + ((((16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ 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SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + (((524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], 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SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + ((((16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", 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+ 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[Sqrt]", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", 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RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4294967296", "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "7", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#3"}], "+", RowBox[{"32768", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"131072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"65536", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], 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"#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", 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SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - 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(((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}]}], ")"}], "2"], "+", RowBox[{"64", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " 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57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "14"}], "+", RowBox[{"6", " ", SqrtBox["5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"28", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) 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+ (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " 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SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", 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"#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", 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731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " 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4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "4"]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], "}"}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[245]=",ExpressionUUID->"332a853b-9618-4ed4-bbe2-12a413efbbc8"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"FullSimplify", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", FractionBox["1", RowBox[{"32", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", 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SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + (( 4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - (((1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + (((12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - (((512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + (((524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - (((805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}]]}], RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], 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RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + ((((8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + ((((16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - ((((512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " 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+ 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + ((((4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + (( 4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - (((1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + ((((2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + (((12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - (((512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + (((524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + (((524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - (((805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", 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#4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + ((((8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + ((((16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - ((((512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + ((((4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + (( 4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - (((1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + ((((2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + (((12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - (((512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + (((524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + (((524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - (((805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", 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"4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " 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866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + ((131072 #^3) #3) #4 + (( 65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + (( 128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + ((4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - (( 2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + ((((8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + ((((16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - ((((512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ 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2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + (( 4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - (((1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + (((12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - (((512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + (((524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - (((805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[Sqrt]", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4294967296", "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "7", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#3"}], "+", RowBox[{"32768", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"131072", " ", 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " 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#2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - 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32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) 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#2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) 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#2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", 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"#3"}], "+", RowBox[{"32768", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"131072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"65536", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"262144", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " 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"#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", 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"+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#3"}], "+", RowBox[{"32768", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"131072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"65536", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"262144", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", 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" ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - 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#4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}]}], ")"}], "2"], "+", RowBox[{"64", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", 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SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) 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(((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "14"}], "+", RowBox[{"6", " ", SqrtBox["5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"28", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", 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1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - (((8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + ((((5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((((24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4294967296", "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "7", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#3"}], "+", RowBox[{"32768", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"131072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"65536", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"262144", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "4"]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[248]:=",ExpressionUUID->"3cc0f64e-74d2-432d-b8f3-e1a22f506ae9"], Cell[BoxData["$Aborted"], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[248]=",ExpressionUUID->"d2cb65ba-8d9c-4339-bb61-b2739b1ed697"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"N", "[", "%", "]"}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[246]:=",ExpressionUUID->"fe67e0b4-5b26-45e7-a2fe-496d85728169"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"u", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", "0.13372655555095744`"}]}], "}"}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[246]=",ExpressionUUID->"1ed473e9-de7f-488c-a2b1-4a97522a8173"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"soln", "=", RowBox[{"NSolve", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Join", "[", RowBox[{"eqn3", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"v", ">", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"u", "<", "0"}], ",", RowBox[{"r", ">", "1.2"}]}], "}"}]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"u", ",", "v", ",", "r"}], "}"}], ",", "Reals"}], "]"}]}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[215]:=",ExpressionUUID->"ba1ee72e-0f2f-4d78-bca8-1ead61561590"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"v", "\[Rule]", "0.8269901591903855`"}], ",", RowBox[{"r", "\[Rule]", "1.209069643695151`"}], ",", RowBox[{"u", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", "0.13372655555068666`"}]}]}], "}"}], "}"}]], "Output", CellLabel-> "Out[215]=",ExpressionUUID->"e83a74fb-ae6d-445d-88b6-a806a98bad46"] }, Open ]], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"vc", "=", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"vv", "/.", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", RowBox[{"ArcCos", "[", "u", "]"}]}]}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Psi]", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", RowBox[{"ArcCos", "[", "v", "]"}]}]}]}], "}"}]}], "/.", RowBox[{"soln", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ")"}], "/.", RowBox[{"R", "->", RowBox[{ FractionBox["1", "128"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SqrtBox["1023"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "+", SqrtBox["5"]}], ")"}]}], "-", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{"2", " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"5", "+", SqrtBox["5"]}], ")"}]}]], "+", RowBox[{"2", " ", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{"7681", "-", RowBox[{"2559", " ", SqrtBox["5"]}], "-", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{"2046", " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"5", "-", SqrtBox["5"]}], ")"}]}]]}]]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}], "//", "RootReduce"}], "//", "FullSimplify"}]}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[220]:=",ExpressionUUID->"16b43fc7-da2e-43e0-9899-104e47dfd51a"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"vc", "=", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",", RowBox[{"-", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{"1", "+", FractionBox["2", SqrtBox["5"]]}]]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1", ",", RowBox[{"-", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{"1", "+", FractionBox["2", SqrtBox["5"]]}]]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ FractionBox["1", "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"1", "+", SqrtBox["5"]}], ")"}]}], ",", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"0.526\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 0.52573111211913359230862852200516499579`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1", "-", RowBox[{"5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}]}], "&"}], ",", "3"}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 0.5257311121191336}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0]]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{"2", "+", FractionBox["2", SqrtBox["5"]]}]]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ FractionBox["1", "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "-", SqrtBox["5"]}], ")"}]}], ",", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"0.526\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 0.52573111211913359230862852200516499579`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1", "-", RowBox[{"5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}]}], "&"}], ",", "3"}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 0.5257311121191336}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[1 - 5 #^2 + 5 #^4& , 3, 0]]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.916\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 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"NumericalApproximation"], Root[ 17598220999335736321 - 539111626071872353265 #^2 + 6269521563436040371285 #^4 - 35734932813943308364825 #^6 + 108820923885449897484825 #^8 - 180651487477897355264000 #^10 + 159824446714883866624000 #^12 - 69355434261505638400000 #^14 + 11529215046068469760000 #^16& , 2, 0]]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"0.998\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 0.99800369375022601747815542694297619164`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"106537612801", "+", RowBox[{"215161907195", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"754115575025", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"633789772815", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2139107152645", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"645501747200", " ", 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2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + ((((1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + (((1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + (((524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + ((67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + ((3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}]}], "/.", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", RowBox[{"ArcCos", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", FractionBox["1", RowBox[{"32", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}]]}], RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", 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RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ 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RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + ((262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " 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+ 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[Sqrt]", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", 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"#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"8", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4294967296", "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "7", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#3"}], "+", RowBox[{"32768", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"131072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"65536", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"262144", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", 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"4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) 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#^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - 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(((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "3"]}]}], ")"}], "2"], "+", RowBox[{"64", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " 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" ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((((24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "14"}], "+", RowBox[{"6", " ", SqrtBox["5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"28", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SqrtBox["5"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " 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SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", 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"#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox[ 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731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " 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4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "4"]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}]}], ")"}]}], "]"}]}]}], ",", RowBox[{"\[Psi]", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"-", RowBox[{"ArcCos", "[", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1361354882", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12758020", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "-", RowBox[{"26632", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "11", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "1", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4294967296", "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "7", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " 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#2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], "]"}]}]}]}], "}"}]}], "/.", RowBox[{"soln", "[", RowBox[{"[", RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ")"}], "/.", RowBox[{"R", "->", RowBox[{ FractionBox["1", "128"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ SqrtBox["1023"], " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "+", SqrtBox["5"]}], ")"}]}], "-", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{"2", " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"5", "+", SqrtBox["5"]}], ")"}]}]], "+", RowBox[{"2", " ", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{"7681", "-", RowBox[{"2559", " ", SqrtBox["5"]}], "-", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{"2046", " ", RowBox[{"(", RowBox[{"5", "-", SqrtBox["5"]}], ")"}]}]]}]]}]}], ")"}]}]}]}]}]], "Input", CellLabel-> "In[250]:=",ExpressionUUID->"051fd746-f402-42dd-b359-5426a7186c9d"], Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[ TagBox[ FrameBox[GridBox[{ { ItemBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",", FractionBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "-", SqrtBox["5"]}], RowBox[{"4", " ", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox["5", "8"], "-", FractionBox[ SqrtBox["5"], "8"]}]]}]]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1", ",", FractionBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "-", SqrtBox["5"]}], RowBox[{"4", " ", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox["5", "8"], "-", FractionBox[ SqrtBox["5"], "8"]}]]}]]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ SqrtBox[ FractionBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox["5", "8"], "+", FractionBox[ SqrtBox["5"], "8"]}], RowBox[{ FractionBox["5", "8"], "-", FractionBox[ SqrtBox["5"], "8"]}]]], ",", FractionBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "1"}], "+", SqrtBox["5"]}], RowBox[{"4", " ", SqrtBox[ TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"]]}]]}], "}"}], ",", TemplateBox[{"14"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"Cos", "[", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], "]"}], RowBox[{"2", " ", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"]}]], ",", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ FractionBox["1", RowBox[{"2", " ", SqrtBox[ FractionBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox["5", "8"], "-", FractionBox[ SqrtBox["5"], "8"]}], RowBox[{"1", "-", FractionBox[ TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"]]}]]]}]], ",", RowBox[{"-", FractionBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ 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, 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], "+", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], "+", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], ")"}], "2"], "+", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"]}]]}], 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3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - ((((32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + (((8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) 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(((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) 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#5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}]]}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", FractionBox[ RowBox[{"Cos", "[", RowBox[{ FractionBox["\[Pi]", "10"], "+", RowBox[{"ArcCos", "[", RowBox[{"-", FractionBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"16", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " 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" ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], "+", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], "+", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ RowBox[{"(", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], ")"}], "2"], "+", RowBox[{"64", " ", SuperscriptBox[ TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], "2"], " ", RowBox[{"(", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], ")"}]}]}]]}], RowBox[{"32", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", 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SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}]]}], "]"}]}], "]"}], RowBox[{"2", " ", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox["5", "8"], "-", FractionBox[ SqrtBox["5"], "8"]}]]}]]}], ",", FractionBox[ RowBox[{"Sin", "[", RowBox[{ FractionBox["\[Pi]", "10"], "+", RowBox[{"ArcCos", "[", RowBox[{"-", FractionBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"-", "24"}], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"-0.827\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], \ -0.8269901591903416893103440088452771306`15.954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"6019223819124736", "-", RowBox[{"710189636845568", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"13865811276800", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"2376618535232", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12972975489", " ", 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"#3"}], "+", RowBox[{"32768", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"131072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4"}], "+", RowBox[{"65536", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"262144", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#2", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{"2048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5"}], "+", RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "39", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"16384", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#6", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4", " 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"#3", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"128", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "+", RowBox[{"512", " ", "#1", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", "#5", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "4"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3", ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "3", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", "6", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], -0.8269901591903417}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]], " ", InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ RowBox[{"Root", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"70380813052542976", "-", RowBox[{"6706695785938944", " ", "#1"}], "-", RowBox[{"57086057619456", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"11464396046272", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"]}], "+", RowBox[{"86904077569", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"]}], "-", RowBox[{"2812789776", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3215264", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"]}], "+", RowBox[{"98048", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "7"]}], "+", RowBox[{"256", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "8"]}]}], "&"}], ",", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "5", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], ",", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "6"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"8192", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3072", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"4096", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "4"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"1024", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4096", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "5"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#5", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#6", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"\[LeftSkeleton]", "522", "\[RightSkeleton]"}], "+", RowBox[{"1610612736", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"6442450944", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "3"], " ", "#3", " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"805306368", " ", "#1", " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#3", "2"], " ", "#4", " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "4"], " ", "#2", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "+", RowBox[{"12884901888", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#2", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"3221225472", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "2"], " ", "#2", " ", "#3", " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "2"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}], "-", RowBox[{"4294967296", " ", SuperscriptBox["#1", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#4", "3"], " ", SuperscriptBox["#7", "8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]]}], "+", TemplateBox[{"2"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], "+", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ SuperscriptBox[ TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"], "2"], "+", TemplateBox[{"1"}, "OutputSizeLimit`Skeleton"]}]]}], RowBox[{"32", " ", SuperscriptBox[ InterpretationBox[ TemplateBox[{"Root", InterpretationBox[ StyleBox[ TemplateBox[{"\"1.21\"", DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEExpressions", "NumericalApproximationElider"]]}, "RowDefault"], ShowStringCharacters -> False], 1.20906964369487401889102784480201080441`15.\ 954589770191003, Editable -> False], TagBox[ 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"8"]}]}], "&"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "5", ",", "4", ",", "6", ",", "4", ",", "5", ",", "6"}], "}"}]}], "]"}], Short[#, 7]& ], 1.209069643694874}, "NumericalApproximation"], Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) 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#^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]], "2"]}]]}], "]"}]}], "]"}], RowBox[{"2", " ", SqrtBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox["5", "8"], "-", FractionBox[ SqrtBox["5"], "8"]}]]}]]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], Short[#, 5]& ], BaseStyle->{Deployed -> False}, StripOnInput->False]}, 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{18, 19}, {19, 20}}}, {VertexLabels -> {"Name"}, VertexCoordinates -> {{-1, ( Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]}, { 1, (Rational[1, 4] (-1 - 5^Rational[1, 2])) (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]}, {((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^(-1) (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], ( Rational[1, 4] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, { 0, (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]}, {-((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^(-1) ( Rational[5, 8] + Rational[1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2], ( Rational[1, 4] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2])}, {(( Rational[-1, 128] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) ( 1023^Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) - ( 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (7681 - 2559 5^Rational[1, 2] - (2046 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])) Sin[Rational[1, 5] Pi - ArcSin[ Rational[1, 32]]], (( Rational[-1, 128] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) ( 1023^Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) - ( 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (7681 - 2559 5^Rational[1, 2] - (2046 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])) Cos[Rational[1, 5] Pi - ArcSin[ Rational[1, 32]]]}, {(( Rational[ 1, 128] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) ( 1023^Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) - ( 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (7681 - 2559 5^Rational[1, 2] - (2046 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])) Sin[Rational[1, 5] Pi + ArcSin[ Rational[1, 32]]], (( Rational[-1, 128] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) ( 1023^Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) - ( 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (7681 - 2559 5^Rational[1, 2] - (2046 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])) Cos[Rational[1, 5] Pi + ArcSin[ Rational[1, 32]]]}, {(( Rational[ 1, 128] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) ( 1023^Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) - ( 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (7681 - 2559 5^Rational[1, 2] - (2046 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])) Cos[Rational[1, 10] Pi + ArcSin[ Rational[1, 32]]], (( Rational[ 1, 128] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) ( 1023^Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) - ( 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (7681 - 2559 5^Rational[1, 2] - (2046 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])) Sin[Rational[1, 10] Pi + ArcSin[ Rational[1, 32]]]}, {( Rational[-1, 4096] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) ( 1023^Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) - ( 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (7681 - 2559 5^Rational[1, 2] - (2046 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2]), ( Rational[ 1, 4096] (1023/(Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2]) ( 1023^Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) - ( 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (7681 - 2559 5^Rational[1, 2] - (2046 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])}, {(( Rational[-1, 128] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) ( 1023^Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) - ( 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (7681 - 2559 5^Rational[1, 2] - (2046 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])) Cos[Rational[1, 10] Pi - ArcSin[ Rational[1, 32]]], (( Rational[ 1, 128] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) ( 1023^Rational[1, 2] (-1 + 5^Rational[1, 2]) - ( 2 (5 + 5^Rational[1, 2]))^Rational[1, 2] + 2 (7681 - 2559 5^Rational[1, 2] - (2046 (5 - 5^Rational[1, 2]))^ Rational[1, 2])^Rational[1, 2])) Sin[Rational[1, 10] Pi - ArcSin[ Rational[1, 32]]]}, {(( Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) 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#2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) 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9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]) Sin[Rational[1, 5] Pi + ArcCos[ Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]]], (( Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) Cos[Rational[1, 5] Pi + ArcCos[ Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]]]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + 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#4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]}, {(( Rational[ 1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]) Sin[Rational[1, 5] Pi - ArcCos[ Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]]], (( Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) Cos[Rational[1, 5] Pi - ArcCos[ Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]]]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]}, {(( Rational[ 1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) Cos[Rational[1, 10] Pi - ArcCos[ Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]]]) Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}], (( Rational[ 1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]) Sin[Rational[1, 10] Pi - ArcCos[ Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]]]}, {( Rational[ 1, 2] ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])/(1 - Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]^2))^ Rational[-1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) 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70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - (((6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}], (( Rational[ 1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]}, {(( Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) Cos[Rational[1, 10] Pi + ArcCos[ Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]]]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - ((((512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - (((4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}], (( Rational[ 1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) 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4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) 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(((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - 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14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + ((((131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - ((((32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]) Sin[Rational[1, 10] Pi + ArcCos[ Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]]]}, {( Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) Sin[Rational[1, 5] Pi + ArcCos[(Rational[-1, 32] Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^(-2)) (((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - (((((512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + (((4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) 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#^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) 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#6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3 + ((((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) 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#5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) 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#^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) 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8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) 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#6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - (((50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - (((201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - (((196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - (((1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3)^2 + (64 Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + 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#5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) 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#5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((((268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 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8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (4 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (16 Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]^2) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) 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2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) 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#^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - 4 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^4))^ Rational[1, 2])]], ( Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) Cos[Rational[1, 5] Pi + ArcCos[(Rational[-1, 32] Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) 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#6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^(-2)) (((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - 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#5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3 + ((((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - (((50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - (((201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - (((196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - (((1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3)^2 + (64 Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + 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#2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((((268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2) (-14 + 6 5^Rational[1, 2] + 28 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) 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#2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) 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#4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (4 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) 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3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) 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#7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (16 Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]^2) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + 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#^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - 4 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) 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3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) 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256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^4))^ Rational[1, 2])]]}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) Sin[Rational[1, 5] Pi - ArcCos[(Rational[-1, 32] Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^(-2)) (((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3 + ((((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - (((50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - (((201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - (((196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - (((1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3)^2 + (64 Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((((268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2) (-14 + 6 5^Rational[1, 2] + 28 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - 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#3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) 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#7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (4 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (16 Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]^2) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - 4 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) 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3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) 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(((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^4))^ Rational[1, 2])]], ( Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) Cos[Rational[1, 5] Pi - ArcCos[(Rational[-1, 32] Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) 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#3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^(-2)) (((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3 + ((((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& 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#5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) 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#^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - (((50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - (((201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) 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37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - (((196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - (((1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3)^2 + (64 Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) 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3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) 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256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((((268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2) (-14 + 6 5^Rational[1, 2] + 28 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) 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65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 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2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) 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#7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (4 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 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(((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + 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#^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (16 Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]^2) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - 4 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - 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#5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^4))^ Rational[1, 2])]]}, {( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) Cos[Rational[1, 10] Pi - ArcCos[(Rational[-1, 32] Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^(-2)) (((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3 + ((((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - (((50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - (((201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) 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((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) 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(( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) 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3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) 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196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) 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#3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((((268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2) (-14 + 6 5^Rational[1, 2] + 28 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (4 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (16 Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]^2) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 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#2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) 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86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - 4 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^4))^ Rational[1, 2])]], ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) Sin[Rational[1, 10] Pi - ArcCos[(Rational[-1, 32] Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 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14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^(-2)) (((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3 + ((((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) 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#^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - (((50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - (((201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - (((196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - (((1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3)^2 + (64 Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - 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#5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) 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#6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2) (-14 + 6 5^Rational[1, 2] + 28 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (4 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) 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#3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (16 Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]^2) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - 4 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) 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#6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^4))^ Rational[1, 2])]]}, { Rational[ 1, 2] ((Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])/( 1 + (Rational[-1, 1024] Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^(-4)) (((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - 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#4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) 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201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3 + ((((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - (((50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - (((201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - (((196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - (((1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3)^2 + (64 Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((((268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2) (-14 + 6 5^Rational[1, 2] + 28 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (4 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) 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#^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (16 Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]^2) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& 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#5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) 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#^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) 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#6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - 4 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) 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#5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^4))^ Rational[1, 2])^2))^ Rational[-1, 2], (( Rational[-1, 64] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^(-2)) (((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + ((((131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - ((((32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ((8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - (((2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - (((1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + ((((1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + ((((256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((((268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (16 Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + (((262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + ((805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3 + ((((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - (((196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - (((1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3)^2 + (64 Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2) (-14 + 6 5^Rational[1, 2] + 28 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) 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134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (4 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (16 Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]^2) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((((8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) 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#6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - 4 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^4))^ Rational[1, 2])}, {( Rational[-1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^Rational[-1, 2]) Cos[Rational[1, 10] Pi + ArcCos[(Rational[-1, 32] Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^(-2)) (((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3 + ((((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - (((196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - (((1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3)^2 + (64 Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - 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#5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2) (-14 + 6 5^Rational[1, 2] + 28 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) 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9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (4 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 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4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) 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#^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - 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(((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (16 Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]^2) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) 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#6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - 4 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^4))^ Rational[1, 2])]], ( Rational[1, 2] (Rational[5, 8] + Rational[-1, 8] 5^Rational[1, 2])^ Rational[-1, 2]) Sin[Rational[1, 10] Pi + ArcCos[(Rational[-1, 32] Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^(-2)) (((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) 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201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3 + ((((-24) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + (( 8 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - (((50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - (((201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}] + ( 16 Root[{ 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - (((196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - (((1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^3)^2 + (64 Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((((268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2) (-14 + 6 5^Rational[1, 2] + 28 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (4 5^Rational[1, 2]) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) 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#^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - (16 Root[{6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 # - 13865811276800 #^2 + 2376618535232 #^3 + 12972975489 #^4 - 1361354882 #^5 + 12758020 #^6 - 26632 #^7 + 16 #^8& , 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 #2 - 57086057619456 #2^2 + 11464396046272 #2^3 + 86904077569 #2^4 - 2812789776 #2^5 - 3215264 #2^6 + 98048 #2^7 + 256 #2^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #3 - 492783949380096 #3^2 - 13087004217408 #3^3 + 1371707537409 #3^4 - 12876492816 #3^5 - 469565184 #3^6 + 4190208 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #4 - 866613204800 #4^2 - 594154633808 #4^3 + 12972975489 #4^4 + 5445419528 #4^5 + 204128320 #4^6 + 1704448 #4^7 + 4096 #4^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #5 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #5^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #5^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #5^4 + 8775149549656432576 #5^5 + 379805682501120 #5^6 + 8071921664 #5^7 + 65536 #5^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #6 + 486106071040 #6^2 + 1316531731456 #6^3 + 1807078258689 #6^4 + 1316021862656 #6^5 + 485599805440 #6^6 + 77326188544 #6^7 + 4294967296 #6^8& , (4096 #^4) #2 + ( 16384 #^4) #3 + ((32768 #^3) #2) #4 + (( 131072 #^3) #3) #4 + ((65536 #^2) #2) #4^2 + (( 262144 #^2) #3) #4^2 + ((128 #^3) #2) #5 + (( 512 #^3) #3) #5 + (((512 #^2) #2) #4) #5 + ((( 2048 #^2) #3) #4) #5 + (#^2 #2) #5^2 + (( 4 #^2) #3) #5^2 - ((2048 #^3) #2) #6 - (( 8192 #^3) #3) #6 - (((8192 #^2) #2) #4) #6 - ((( 32768 #^2) #3) #4) #6 - (((32 #^2) #2) #5) #6 - ((( 128 #^2) #3) #5) #6 + ((256 #^2) #2) #6^2 + (( 1024 #^2) #3) #6^2 - (( 256 #^3) #2^3) #7^2 - (((2048 #^3) #2) #3^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #7^2 + ((( 32768 #^2) #3^3) #4) #7^2 + (((( 32768 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^2 - (((( 98304 #) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4^2) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #2) #3^2) #4^3) #7^2 + (( 524288 #3^3) #4^3) #7^2 + (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^2 - ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^2 + ((( 64 #^2) #2^3) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^2 + (( 4 #^2) #2^5) #7^4 + (((16 #^2) #2^4) #3) #7^4 - (((( 128 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 4096 #2^2) #3^3) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 4 #^2) #2^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 16 #^2) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 128 #) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 512 #) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1024 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((( 4096 #3^3) #4^2) #5) #7^4& }, {5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 6, 1}]^2) Root[{70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& 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#5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) 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#^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) 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#6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 4294967296 #^3) #4^3) #7^8& }, {3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6}]^2 - 4 Root[{ 70380813052542976 - 6706695785938944 # - 57086057619456 #^2 + 11464396046272 #^3 + 86904077569 #^4 - 2812789776 #^5 - 3215264 #^6 + 98048 #^7 + 256 #^8& , 71776531109707776 + 4486033194356736 #2 - 492783949380096 #2^2 - 13087004217408 #2^3 + 1371707537409 #2^4 - 12876492816 #2^5 - 469565184 #2^6 + 4190208 #2^7 + 65536 #2^8& , 3194814997072315910768797521339744256 + 4695788797132717630576692857667584 #3 + 2643725544601800570663830814720 #3^2 + 731760025692743188537716736 #3^3 + 108432958666577573375489 #3^4 + 8775149549656432576 #3^5 + 379805682501120 #3^6 + 8071921664 #3^7 + 65536 #3^8& , 4294967296 + 77493960704 #4 + 486106071040 #4^2 + 1316531731456 #4^3 + 1807078258689 #4^4 + 1316021862656 #4^5 + 485599805440 #4^6 + 77326188544 #4^7 + 4294967296 #4^8& , 23512593043456 + 11096713075712 #5 - 866613204800 #5^2 - 594154633808 #5^3 + 12972975489 #5^4 + 5445419528 #5^5 + 204128320 #5^6 + 1704448 #5^7 + 4096 #5^8& , 6019223819124736 - 710189636845568 #6 - 13865811276800 #6^2 + 2376618535232 #6^3 + 12972975489 #6^4 - 1361354882 #6^5 + 12758020 #6^6 - 26632 #6^7 + 16 #6^8& , (((1024 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 8192 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 + (((( 4096 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6^2 - (((( 4096 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6^2 - ((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^3 - ((( 8192 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^3 + (((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^3 + (((( 8192 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^3 - (((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^3 + (((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^3 + (((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 - ((((( 16384 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^3 - (((( 8192 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^3 + (( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #6^4 + ((4096 #^3) #2^6) #6^4 - ((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^4 - ((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^4 - ((( 12288 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^4 + (((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^4 + ((( 1024 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^4 + ((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^4 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^4 - (( 4096 #^3) #4^3) #6^4 + (((( 1024 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^2 - (((( 3072 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 3072 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 1024 #2^3) #3^4) #5^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 12288 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 + ((((( 12288 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^2 - ((( 65536 #^7) #2^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^3) #7^2 + (((( 65536 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^3) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 16384 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 4096 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 8192 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 2048 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 16384 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 458752 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + ((((( 327680 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - ((((( 131072 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 - (((((( 131072 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #6) #7^2 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 1024 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 4096 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 2048 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 4096 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 2048 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 8192 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 1024 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 8192 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 1024 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 4096 #^5) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 4096 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 327680 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 262144 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 49152 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 589824 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 49152 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 655360 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - (((( 65536 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 - ((((( 262144 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((((( 65536 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + (((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6^2) #7^2 + ((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 196608 #^4) #2^5) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 262144 #^3) #2^6) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 196608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 393216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - (((( 786432 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + ((((( 393216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 196608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 + (((( 786432 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((((( 196608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^3) #7^2 - ((( 262144 #^3) #4^3) #6^3) #7^2 + ((( 256 #^4) #2^5) #3^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^3) #2^6) #3^2) #7^4 - ((( 512 #^2) #2^5) #3^3) #7^4 - ((( 1024 #) #2^6) #3^3) #7^4 + (( 256 #2^5) #3^4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^5) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #4) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #) #2^4) #3^3) #4) #7^4 - (( 70380813052542976 #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 6706695785938944 #) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 57086057619456 #^2) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 11464396046272 #^3) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 86904077569 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 2812789776 #^5) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 3215264 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^4 - ((( 98048 #^7) #2) #4^2) #7^4 + ((( 1024 #^7) #2^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 512 #^6) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 1024 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^4 + (((( 256 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (((( 2048 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^4 - (( 1024 #^7) #4^3) #7^4 + (((1024 #^5) #3) #4^3) #7^4 - (((( 8192 #^6) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^5) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^4 + (((( 24576 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 65536 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 24576 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #) #2^4) #3^3) #5) #7^4 + ((( 8192 #2^3) #3^4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 2252186017681375232 #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 214614265150046208 #) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 1826753843822592 #^2) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 366860673480704 #^3) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 2780930482208 #^4) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 90009272832 #^5) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 102888448 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 + (((( 3137536 #^7) #2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 98304 #^7) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 24576 #^6) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 294912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 24576 #^4) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 294912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 262144 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 8192 #^2) #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 98304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #5) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #^7) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (((( 65536 #^5) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - ((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^3) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #7^4 - (( 18017488141451001856 #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1716914121200369664 #) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 14614030750580736 #^2) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 2934885387845632 #^3) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 22247443857664 #^4) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 720074182656 #^5) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 823107584 #^6) #2) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 25100288 #^7) #2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 1310720 #^7) #2^2) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 5242880 #^6) #2^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^6) #2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 3932160 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 11534336 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 393216 #^4) #2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 3932160 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 7340032 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^2) #2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 1310720 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 1048576 #2^3) #3^3) #5^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #2) #3^4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((( 262144 #^7) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^6) #2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 786432 #^5) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - (((( 786432 #^3) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 262144 #) #3^3) #4) #5^2) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #^5) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 98304 #^4) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^3) #2^6) #3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #) #2^6) #3^2) #6) #7^4 + (((( 16384 #) #2^4) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + ((( 32768 #2^5) #3^3) #6) #7^4 + (((( 32768 #^6) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^4 + (((( 131072 #^5) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 229376 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 32768 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 229376 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 262144 #) #2^4) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 16384 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #2^3) #3^3) #4) #6) #7^4 - (((( 32768 #^6) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - (((( 262144 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 131072 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 393216 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 98304 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 131072 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4^2) #6) #7^4 + ((( 131072 #^5) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 131072 #^3) #3) #4^3) #6) #7^4 - (((( 1572864 #^6) #2^3) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^5) #2^4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 8388608 #^4) #2^5) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 8388608 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 2621440 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 4194304 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((( 524288 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 10485760 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 16777216 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 16777216 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((((( 524288 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 2097152 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 524288 #2) #3^3) #4) #5) #6) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #^5) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 - ((((( 8388608 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + (((((( 8388608 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((((( 2097152 #) #3^2) #4^2) #5) #6) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1835008 #^5) #2^4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 9437184 #^4) #2^5) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 12582912 #^3) #2^6) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 3670016 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 10485760 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 4194304 #) #2^6) #3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1835008 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 1048576 #2^5) #3^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 65536 #2^3) #3^3) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 1835008 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 18874368 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 3670016 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 20971520 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + ((((( 12582912 #) #2^4) #3) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 1835008 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 - (((( 2097152 #2^3) #3^2) #4) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 9437184 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 37748736 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 10485760 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((((( 12582912 #) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 1048576 #2) #3^2) #4^2) #6^2) #7^4 - ((( 12582912 #^3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + (((( 4194304 #) #3) #4^3) #6^2) #7^4 + ((( 65536 #^6) #2^3) #3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #^5) #2^4) #3) #7^6 + ((( 1048576 #^4) #2^5) #3) #7^6 - ((( 196608 #^4) #2^3) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^3) #2^4) #3^2) #7^6 - ((( 1048576 #^2) #2^5) #3^2) #7^6 + ((( 196608 #^2) #2^3) #3^3) #7^6 + ((( 524288 #) #2^4) #3^3) #7^6 - (( 65536 #2^3) #3^4) #7^6 + ((( 262144 #^7) #2^2) #4) #7^6 + ((( 2097152 #^6) #2^3) #4) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^5) #2^4) #4) #7^6 - (((( 1310720 #^5) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 6291456 #^4) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^6 - (((( 4194304 #^3) #2^4) #3) #4) #7^6 + (((( 1835008 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #4) #7^6 - (((( 786432 #) #2^2) #3^3) #4) #7^6 - ((( 2097152 #^6) #2) #4^2) #7^6 - ((( 8388608 #^5) #2^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 5242880 #^4) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 + (((( 8388608 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4^2) #7^6 - (((( 3145728 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4^2) #7^6 + (( 4194304 #^5) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^3) #3) #4^3) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #^7) #2^2) #5) #7^6 - ((( 50331648 #^6) #2^3) #5) #7^6 - ((( 201326592 #^5) #2^4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^4) #2^5) #5) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^5) #2^2) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 117440512 #^4) #2^3) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 335544320 #^3) #2^4) #3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^2) #2^5) #3) #5) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^3) #2^2) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 83886080 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 134217728 #) #2^4) #3^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 4194304 #) #2^2) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + ((( 16777216 #2^3) #3^3) #5) #7^6 + (((( 33554432 #^6) #2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 268435456 #^5) #2^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + (((( 536870912 #^4) #2^3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 67108864 #^4) #2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 402653184 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((((( 536870912 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 33554432 #^2) #2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 134217728 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #5) #7^6 - ((( 67108864 #^5) #4^2) #5) #7^6 - (((( 268435456 #^4) #2) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + (((( 67108864 #^3) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((((( 268435456 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #5) #7^6 + ((( 4194304 #^6) #2^3) #6) #7^6 + ((( 50331648 #^5) #2^4) #6) #7^6 + ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^5) #6) #7^6 + ((( 268435456 #^3) #2^6) #6) #7^6 - (((( 12582912 #^4) #2^3) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 100663296 #^3) #2^4) #3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 201326592 #^2) #2^5) #3) #6) #7^6 + (((( 12582912 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 50331648 #) #2^4) #3^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 4194304 #2^3) #3^3) #6) #7^6 - (((( 50331648 #^5) #2^2) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 402653184 #^4) #2^3) #4) #6) #7^6 - (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^4) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 100663296 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 + ((((( 402653184 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 50331648 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #6) #7^6 + (((( 201326592 #^4) #2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 + (((( 805306368 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((((( 201326592 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #6) #7^6 - ((( 268435456 #^3) #4^3) #6) #7^6 + (( 67108864 #^6) #2^3) #7^8 + (( 805306368 #^5) #2^4) #7^8 + (( 3221225472 #^4) #2^5) #7^8 + (( 4294967296 #^3) #2^6) #7^8 - ((( 201326592 #^4) #2^3) #3) #7^8 - ((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^4) #3) #7^8 - ((( 3221225472 #^2) #2^5) #3) #7^8 + ((( 201326592 #^2) #2^3) #3^2) #7^8 + ((( 805306368 #) #2^4) #3^2) #7^8 - (( 67108864 #2^3) #3^3) #7^8 - ((( 805306368 #^5) #2^2) #4) #7^8 - ((( 6442450944 #^4) #2^3) #4) #7^8 - ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^4) #4) #7^8 + (((( 1610612736 #^3) #2^2) #3) #4) #7^8 + (((( 6442450944 #^2) #2^3) #3) #4) #7^8 - (((( 805306368 #) #2^2) #3^2) #4) #7^8 + ((( 3221225472 #^4) #2) #4^2) #7^8 + ((( 12884901888 #^3) #2^2) #4^2) #7^8 - (((( 3221225472 #^2) #2) #3) #4^2) #7^8 - (( 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RowBox[{"5", ",", "4"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"2", ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"4", ",", "3"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1", ",", "4"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"6", ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1", ",", "0"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "3"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"2", ",", "3"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"5", ",", "1"}], "}"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}]], "Output",ExpressionUU\ ID->"e11e0f55-c161-4ea1-9cf2-62dfbdaccd5a"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["GraphData", "Section",ExpressionUUID->"fdf185ec-6996-4ebc-b834-e09a59240e23"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["GraphClassString", "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"be7b8408-b3af-4123-831d-d51a72d40479"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"GraphClassString", "[", "\"\\"", "]"}]], "Input",\ ExpressionUUID->"73eacaae-f18c-4dfe-af0e-c5d4b3a7e569"], Cell[BoxData["\<\"\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph \ Theory:Simple Graphs:Biconnected Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete \ Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple Graphs:Bridgeless \ Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple \ Graphs:Class 1 Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph \ Theory:Simple Graphs:Completely Regular \ Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple \ Graphs:Connected Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph \ Theory:Simple Graphs:Cubic Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete \ Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple Graphs:Cyclic \ Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple \ Graphs:Determined by Spectrum Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete \ Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple Graphs:Distance-Regular \ Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple \ Graphs:Edge-Transitive Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete \ Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple Graphs:Generalized Petersen \ Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple \ Graphs:Hamiltonian Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph \ Theory:Simple Graphs:LCF Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete \ Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple Graphs:Noneulerian \ Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple \ Graphs:Planar Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph \ Theory:Simple Graphs:Platonic Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete \ Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple Graphs:Polyhedral \ Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple \ Graphs:Regular Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph \ Theory:Simple Graphs:Square-Free Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete \ Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple Graphs:Symmetric \ Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple \ Graphs:Traceable Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph \ Theory:Simple Graphs:Triangle-Free Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete \ Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple Graphs:Unitransitive \ Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple \ Graphs:Vertex-Transitive Graphs}\\n\\\\subj{Mathematics:Discrete \ Mathematics:Graph Theory:Simple Graphs:Weakly Regular Graphs}\"\>"], "Output",\ ExpressionUUID->"8d280a76-c4f9-420b-8da7-15c217afba5e"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]] }, Open ]] }, WindowSize->{1143, 819}, WindowMargins->{{Automatic, 107}, {Automatic, 57}}, ShowSelection->True, FrontEndVersion->"13.4 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) (June 20, 2023)", StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb", ExpressionUUID->"5cf10c05-ae21-4ede-bde3-1850f4026aa6" ] (* End of Notebook Content *) (* Internal cache information *) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{ "ewwwin (4)"->{ Cell[1008007, 18494, 90276, 1601, 1967, 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"Input",ExpressionUUID->"6829a3f3-589f-4628-a602-7ee3267aef9c", InitializationCell->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2080, 72, 85, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"6485c1e4-179b-4603-9511-2debe3310c9a"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2190, 76, 214, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3846e362-6f7f-476d-b901-8ef8f4f026a5"], Cell[2407, 83, 135, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e1514d7b-c035-4b90-b0f4-437a572a6e75"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2579, 90, 210, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c14a0012-a7bf-4d66-8056-562b63b5b5ad"], Cell[2792, 96, 1644, 44, 77, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1694eadc-a4ab-4d53-a8fa-e0abfde9c8b0"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4485, 146, 87, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"fcf7cb8b-a55e-4b17-aeb5-698c2bb792b7"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4597, 150, 314, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1aede9d9-f9f7-4bd1-ae12-82d78b0f7984"], Cell[4914, 160, 3242, 58, 189, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"9702c973-6331-4ccd-ba39-1987c8b1c2dd"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8205, 224, 113, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"33041918-817b-423b-81bb-81828335e9a4"], Cell[8321, 226, 126410, 2076, 360, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"35a42c58-aba7-4263-80f5-0316ba66e920"], Cell[134734, 2304, 65715, 1081, 203, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6a55b2ac-cfff-4a65-a5f9-b8486e87b5c9"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[200474, 3389, 2168, 62, 136, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d0e406fd-bdee-4a34-8397-f730a6da77b7"], Cell[202645, 3453, 9945, 201, 367, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"512a5081-3e74-433a-9dc1-d0df3860c10a"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[212627, 3659, 141, 2, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"77ca0b0f-6250-48b9-9b0a-b1b50158c6a0"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[212793, 3665, 214, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"bc120d34-edbc-4c3b-b951-73b91c97a3ea"], Cell[213010, 3671, 224, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"737d2373-8ab9-450b-ba84-d5f8032574e8"], Cell[213237, 3677, 374, 8, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"8b2f3ba9-f045-4cf4-a6ec-f1c52ca2f47d"] }, Open 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Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[375236, 6564, 257, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9845f8e1-6b8c-4095-b4bc-3455ea219da2"], Cell[375496, 6572, 40859, 770, 701, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"73e77f01-9592-4c45-a3d0-5df8f2006dcb"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[416404, 7348, 97, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"ce415c54-1933-47fa-bd4d-310fe8d96dae"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[416526, 7352, 240, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"faf94607-dcf0-4929-8292-8493117db0a9"], Cell[416769, 7360, 1905, 31, 345, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b03b9712-39b8-4b3b-9e83-91b23617dd06"] }, Open ]], Cell[418689, 7394, 499, 13, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"549ab679-60f0-4eaa-be2d-b62e39876ae2"], Cell[419191, 7409, 150, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"622071e2-8b9f-4aed-82c1-dde3957bf88a"], Cell[419344, 7414, 3011, 52, 356, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"15d45042-c1bf-4a9e-a80e-002135bb4d19"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[422380, 7470, 1976, 57, 115, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9612ae56-7004-42c1-855f-894dc93883c5"], Cell[424359, 7529, 9344, 188, 367, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"dcaecd19-f03f-4f5b-b8df-2da51347baa3"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[433740, 7722, 146, 2, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"853ee9d2-2e8f-4295-a778-451de8f984e7"], Cell[433889, 7726, 131, 1, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"db918082-ec36-4ef1-885b-34a30adb2c3f"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[434069, 7733, 90, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"05a4b6fc-bbcc-4f97-9c21-efa80de85f9f"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[434184, 7737, 271, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"69a228bf-34f5-4594-b28e-d855859d6967"], Cell[434458, 7745, 33201, 621, 204, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"273334b7-a07d-4ae8-8a90-d144f6774965"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[467708, 8372, 89, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"11f68b86-6819-4502-ac72-73629a85d1e5"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[467822, 8376, 269, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2b2cc173-03d3-4a4a-9ea7-f28632aabea8"], Cell[468094, 8384, 46450, 820, 420, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"2bac46a8-e2ff-4f28-b046-42ed914e146b"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[514593, 9210, 99, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"5ba8f7d4-b117-478b-b597-31ecbe308535"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[514717, 9214, 255, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"88054afc-1d53-4388-8d6e-5214c8f6255b"], Cell[514975, 9222, 157, 4, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"bee96356-f190-47e9-b8bf-bf43d0b60856"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[515169, 9231, 279, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fd954b66-6b6f-480a-b4b1-0dffd74e9b41"], Cell[515451, 9239, 123, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"84bc0978-5a6b-465c-8149-eecaa03d3202"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[515623, 9247, 98, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"2994d932-2236-42a5-bd96-339becf954fa"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[515746, 9251, 279, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"eed3e15e-9f4f-40c6-9be3-8778de8b3d9a"], Cell[516028, 9259, 2957, 49, 144, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0491aaa8-2131-40b5-9970-081a8d1eda59"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[519034, 9314, 88, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"5829c57d-da56-4119-8132-31b11beec275"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[519147, 9318, 269, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"be3f2e8b-86c0-486a-a8c1-27fbf42699c5"], Cell[519419, 9326, 19130, 339, 192, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ba70ecbc-2c32-46dd-b3f8-06ed3db46184"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[538586, 9670, 311, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"98f8815a-8964-42ae-a81a-1cf37783b792"], Cell[538900, 9679, 78222, 1438, 192, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b0c537ec-50c0-4f49-8ce2-aa7e25d11e9a"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[617171, 11123, 86, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"1e04846a-ca31-4c7f-aedb-c57ba4f8c70b"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[617282, 11127, 242, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3803e134-dd2d-47a4-8431-b7d92a7a5f7a"], Cell[617527, 11135, 167, 4, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"66a3c90f-7ac6-4a4e-b216-44b24a949017"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[617731, 11144, 266, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3a3b45b0-a78a-4504-ba33-04c5cc86e6f2"], Cell[618000, 11152, 18620, 330, 194, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e41a355d-19f5-4e8f-a877-608715087e43"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[636669, 11488, 88, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"6a198bb2-a69f-4490-8f66-a524a74f29bc"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[636782, 11492, 269, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d5794f9b-5a18-4c50-887c-b90030af168e"], Cell[637054, 11500, 4141, 76, 200, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a1bbe989-425c-4b1e-855d-93cd58129174"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[641244, 11582, 86, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"787cdfd2-064b-48d3-b032-1eb5d86bb9e4"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[641355, 11586, 208, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"737a7248-2894-47c0-ae6c-d728eca79c2a"], Cell[641566, 11593, 114, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4c4a204b-a2c0-477d-9ac7-744793136e19"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[641717, 11600, 270, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"79e9a92e-e973-406c-b2f7-43c8ab65322f"], Cell[641990, 11609, 13299, 230, 192, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"fa7f5635-527b-42e1-9715-b285f1729971"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[655338, 11845, 96, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"a1dc7eff-6a41-46b8-843e-0877d9ace473"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[655459, 11849, 290, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8c20b6ec-46ee-4fcc-bee9-ade6f3d5877a"], Cell[655752, 11858, 216, 6, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"2d43832e-2d15-48da-bd3b-8be9f75519ec"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[656005, 11869, 213, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3d3faf88-f6b4-45e9-aaf6-d417c9211c25"], Cell[656221, 11876, 180, 5, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b1a91e56-0e3f-4a0d-aed5-54b0c4d908bd"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[656438, 11886, 330, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"11912f5a-bfa6-4dcb-8a39-82ffafe003a8"], Cell[656771, 11897, 3287, 61, 190, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"31b4492e-2d7d-46b6-8e89-4a98b485a65d"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[660095, 11963, 398, 12, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"920e6827-848d-4e71-b342-73d65792670e"], Cell[660496, 11977, 128, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e76b0052-c200-4377-af06-0be33ab05bf9"] }, Open ]], Cell[660639, 11983, 119, 1, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"84346213-9d36-416e-b47f-386e63e1d99c"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[660795, 11989, 95, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"74fd435e-2046-4023-b2ec-04d2d3a4954c"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[660915, 11993, 256, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9699808a-8b75-4e9b-bc81-05f95871883e"], Cell[661174, 12000, 152, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a898329d-0681-4cd1-b17f-f831454d083c"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[661363, 12008, 276, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"bd7f5768-1b6c-49ca-9c0b-d5b859a7099b"], Cell[661642, 12016, 13295, 229, 192, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"bf43147e-773f-44c1-a979-333fcf9c925a"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[674986, 12251, 95, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"5525967c-2e88-47dc-8007-b1a2db96a83e"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[675106, 12255, 276, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d821c3f0-dd8b-4f1e-a5b7-ecedf6e9ad8c"], Cell[675385, 12263, 12172, 222, 192, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8f950747-9dce-4eb4-901d-e15eba5188ff"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[687594, 12490, 318, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"81c30224-37e7-4a46-9382-efd774429692"], Cell[687915, 12499, 50798, 940, 192, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b7cf392b-5178-4191-a0fe-7b5d8960eaee"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[738762, 13445, 101, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"ac93d627-0451-4c27-908a-785f50630a27"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[738888, 13449, 327, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a0c5ff72-2f86-4402-82d2-566215e717e6"], Cell[739218, 13459, 27001, 495, 192, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8dabffce-229c-4f7c-a6fb-a9584d50f537"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[766268, 13960, 89, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"451f4e4b-88c7-4117-a304-c05606209c00"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[766382, 13964, 206, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9a4c91e2-ba13-449b-974f-cfdad45bdcfb"], Cell[766591, 13970, 110, 1, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7e05193a-49eb-4ee4-8966-966edc62fd88"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[766738, 13976, 269, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0217e9bd-dbd8-4f12-9ab3-68e2b7f13305"], Cell[767010, 13984, 123, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"62665c00-aa61-4bfa-bf31-7b0100c22594"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[767182, 13992, 85, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"c61aca9c-f6a0-481d-801a-24b5c30742c0"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[767292, 13996, 201, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a3f731b7-fea3-43d3-9f47-dc037a7eca9a"], Cell[767496, 14002, 110, 1, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3ff1636f-5f81-4c4f-957d-5d486bd11728"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[767643, 14008, 265, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"79143728-c29b-4ca6-b1f1-e7a9c60e5a23"], Cell[767911, 14016, 124, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"75af72d6-4da8-4e9b-8637-b5f2014c08b9"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[768084, 14024, 83, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"94a8e40c-195c-4d28-bd2c-d7b8bce59cd1"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[768192, 14028, 198, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"46089590-a5dd-45a0-9497-bcf21c76c02a"], Cell[768393, 14033, 110, 1, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6b7e4cdf-1964-492a-89d5-9fa7fa8da618"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[768540, 14039, 219, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e9ade6fb-032d-4c22-a9ef-5f9a1aa0ca29"], Cell[768762, 14045, 108, 1, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"333da5e2-1c10-4a0c-ae5d-107941880283"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[768907, 14051, 210, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"867bf96c-1bee-4e28-96cc-92e3abdf7540"], Cell[769120, 14057, 176, 4, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"13e8d7aa-371c-4aeb-a1bf-536ab3b2cd0e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[769333, 14066, 263, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"31a6ad5b-7397-4db0-b337-b9f8b1d8ff56"], Cell[769599, 14074, 4141, 76, 200, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"749f138f-7c3d-434b-8800-e6fed358da32"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[773777, 14155, 282, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"bd0a5c4d-13bd-4b9a-a767-b95e06878eb0"], Cell[774062, 14164, 176, 4, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"64f48760-4974-46a4-8714-aefd8fa45ee3"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[774287, 14174, 91, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"0f59d380-1dc6-4198-b941-a401158b595e"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[774403, 14178, 411, 11, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"de92e3d0-310a-4c4f-9e71-017d45b50089"], Cell[774817, 14191, 161, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3916dbc6-b2b6-4019-ab83-7a429adf9e1b"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[775015, 14199, 442, 13, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c1f97f9a-1f88-4d92-b3c0-6898d0cce313"], Cell[775460, 14214, 234, 6, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ccdd64ee-f450-4168-8188-59760475a9cf"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[775731, 14225, 172, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"63905200-494a-4826-880b-92cffa70b78c"], Cell[775906, 14230, 3884, 70, 200, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"485cc936-f57f-418b-bf4b-56995d91f40a"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[779827, 14305, 2319, 65, 136, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4ced435d-99b4-485e-ad67-f57134cd1885"], Cell[782149, 14372, 3689, 63, 200, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3716d496-ad91-4c66-8fa2-d850251cac25"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[785887, 14441, 91, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"d44c7d2f-a5f3-4262-9181-b7d3e1d9096b"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[786003, 14445, 271, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a8a9f883-78ca-4cef-927a-3f6394caebc3"], Cell[786277, 14453, 45247, 822, 420, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6e09960d-9813-43a5-9b97-eaacf9b7f1cb"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[831573, 15281, 92, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"76e1f70f-a12a-4637-88f7-190cd792c722"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[831690, 15285, 214, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5de9c8f4-df04-4a60-9dcd-188c7f456afd"], Cell[831907, 15292, 114, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1fd2bd9c-d999-47ef-ae17-bd8b52bdeedc"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[832058, 15299, 302, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"92c48c81-9270-430e-8f93-835df9d7a393"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[832385, 15310, 183, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2e008220-2f9b-4263-a6aa-0e6ec15fae46"], Cell[832571, 15315, 196, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"74da8381-df03-4c13-bab8-0ccaf4fd7b0c"], Cell[832770, 15321, 548, 11, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2b51dfd8-e175-4893-9a37-37954461bc99"], Cell[833321, 15334, 211, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"390420dc-cd09-4eb1-94d1-3ba6c9401acf"], Cell[833535, 15340, 238, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"fe3313c0-5bb0-4f9e-a328-cd8c78cb302c"] }, Open ]], Cell[833788, 15347, 170, 4, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6da59cd2-99a2-4c20-ab67-5c2bc01b97dd"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[833995, 15356, 277, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e019868d-d4e0-4fb0-b388-b5b72a62503d"], Cell[834275, 15365, 29416, 515, 400, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"076b5209-b4bc-4974-b540-74de99e80bfe"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[863728, 15885, 356, 11, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"104b91d1-3f3b-4862-b3a5-8cb0392c7ce6"], Cell[864087, 15898, 17556, 301, 194, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"c170660f-0740-4391-9ab6-4d4c8740a56e"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[881692, 16205, 106, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"b6649de6-e28f-41cb-ab19-46f3c4aa6322"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[881823, 16209, 436, 11, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"59465ab2-7193-42ec-a7b1-f20950059c2f"], Cell[882262, 16222, 3144, 53, 366, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"585ed9a2-2683-4631-8518-ee4051eae404"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[885443, 16280, 163, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a2ff7ddc-05a1-4b98-b90e-507ac06feb6e"], Cell[885609, 16285, 114, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"c10d05b3-8cfe-465c-906c-bcc38990573f"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[885760, 16292, 715, 21, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"dad7bc69-939d-4305-97d3-7e8af13a5b32"], Cell[886478, 16315, 56461, 994, 978, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5cc8663b-e7b6-43c9-9cc2-4cdb8db5d864"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[942976, 17314, 191, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5cc40b95-385f-4b9b-a4e6-69543c88a179"], Cell[943170, 17320, 56461, 994, 978, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"18805099-ebc7-40ec-9b5a-690973fc6ab9"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[999680, 18320, 121, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"4849a62c-2d86-457d-9c8d-ac5a3d7164b1"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[999826, 18324, 383, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ebbf0780-56ad-487b-a8b3-14db11c991aa"], Cell[1000212, 18335, 3288, 57, 178, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"eb3092d6-f261-493d-8046-d6c1ff847a4b"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1003537, 18397, 423, 10, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"06d84af0-d50d-449b-8345-6fb843b8b308"], Cell[1003963, 18409, 3370, 62, 174, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"246c8a06-f822-481b-8633-9af6f47bf599"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1007382, 18477, 129, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"7dd8109a-647f-426d-a3a5-d68ecf6d8363"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1007536, 18481, 468, 11, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5ef270fe-df9a-4c09-984c-149aa5af5ab5"], Cell[1008007, 18494, 90276, 1601, 1967, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0777ed95-e3f8-4be5-9bce-302121604dd5", CellTags->"ewwwin (4)"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1098320, 20100, 385, 10, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1400e62e-a2ef-4a51-8822-369a7deb2916"], Cell[1098708, 20112, 68140, 1185, 245, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5be09209-cd4a-4c69-8ecd-a22d5d5dbefc"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1166897, 21303, 90, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"2b5e045b-b9ac-438b-a83f-469092230192"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1167012, 21307, 212, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ec4589ff-c1a9-4c9a-8b6c-3f50068a8bde"], Cell[1167227, 21314, 115, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b4e2c91f-33e5-48e8-ab24-da71e927c16e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1167379, 21321, 275, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4cf46922-ed30-40b0-969a-60c2b6725144"], Cell[1167657, 21330, 128, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f052d6c3-6323-43f0-870c-8c16b39c299f"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1167834, 21339, 90, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"2fe9222b-fe63-463a-8d45-7d27ed22b1af"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1167949, 21343, 242, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"75395905-d1a4-437a-9f59-78f66595df99"], Cell[1168194, 21351, 3157, 59, 410, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"fc61cbab-6965-4e6c-bc56-91ee9f5b2e54"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1171400, 21416, 86, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"62dbb921-cc4c-40c6-b11f-8c92dd50d1f2"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1171511, 21420, 282, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6a2d026d-0f8d-4e70-861b-1aba37e84c58"], Cell[1171796, 21428, 23021, 450, 216, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"909e5147-b1e3-4b51-8a8c-a6a5412cdf43"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1194866, 21884, 95, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"6dc555d2-6057-47a8-b561-239a9bf6c23d"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1194986, 21888, 294, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"af5395e5-e01a-4884-acdf-f975b09dfe3a"], Cell[1195283, 21897, 17428, 339, 216, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"9d3a01df-5eed-4bc4-89f1-5894b0745160"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1212760, 22242, 93, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"95c1d4f7-fa4d-410f-b298-c8888353e44b"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1212878, 22246, 212, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"76206053-d8b3-48ac-b4c6-388db81195cd"], Cell[1213093, 22253, 114, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a0cd78d3-4ee9-46d7-88f2-916a316c3df3"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1213244, 22260, 292, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"44f5e6c6-5c35-4a06-9cd4-7611975801eb"], Cell[1213539, 22269, 23021, 450, 216, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8bc08d98-4990-4354-8382-38ccbee68a95"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1236597, 22724, 373, 10, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"220e9a0a-47d3-4c75-8611-5a899d089108"], Cell[1236973, 22736, 3958, 73, 378, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f656b054-9f22-4f97-a235-3cbba1b0f1a0"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1240980, 22815, 92, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"d0b1f09b-c8ad-48d7-bfd5-e87bb21a5f99"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1241097, 22819, 290, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a1fa4da1-e161-40b7-83a3-09a6c6ce8f46"], Cell[1241390, 22828, 5610, 114, 204, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"67188992-8845-4ec2-89d3-42f11839e135"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1247037, 22947, 441, 11, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"85b970bd-4370-442b-8820-fdb87e448f98"], Cell[1247481, 22960, 3985, 73, 400, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"bee9a666-bd4c-49d4-b9ec-7967b13505ab"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1251515, 23039, 105, 0, 37, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"22115181-0253-4838-a9c0-1233f52ee399"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1251645, 23043, 450, 12, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1df6e35b-48a6-4bc4-acf9-45f09f834136"], Cell[1252098, 23057, 1168, 21, 389, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3c76a681-4ea7-4a8c-8c4b-310743c2a2de"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1253303, 23083, 702, 17, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e9b04051-436c-42a7-ba5a-9751d4417478"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1254030, 23104, 817, 18, 39, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"770699f0-640d-4c6f-9146-65117752c57c"], Cell[1254850, 23124, 841, 22, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"41192d31-f3c8-4059-80e3-3a2f8cc333c5"], Cell[1255694, 23148, 821, 21, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"63e315c8-dfa3-4939-99d4-3e05bb93c453"], Cell[1256518, 23171, 804, 20, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7bcadedd-ee5b-47ba-8e59-0ba43f7cb122"] }, Open ]], Cell[1257337, 23194, 21075, 411, 61, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5856ab11-f1ab-4081-8601-4e342d3ee7e7"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1278449, 23610, 304, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"78f5799d-496a-4fb2-99dc-390a9afef4fa"], Cell[1278756, 23620, 1001, 18, 402, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e8631154-9a7d-4613-8fd9-cf8c5f887ee2"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1279794, 23643, 501, 15, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8911d37f-34df-40a4-afd3-ca8e63226e43"], Cell[1280298, 23660, 151, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a28c3e3d-053f-467c-ae04-8bf33cb6f27f"] }, Open ]], Cell[1280464, 23666, 201, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5944530c-cf90-4dd2-a5fd-7c0219fb6320"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1280690, 23675, 499, 15, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"318f6c4f-7708-4a9f-a3ac-7bd48d6b3c42"], Cell[1281192, 23692, 196, 5, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e9c3d6a5-e82f-4632-ac9a-07a7f8cb9e8d"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1281425, 23702, 766, 21, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"accccc50-a1dd-49dd-a406-9b973c85ab5d"], Cell[1282194, 23725, 5859, 122, 380, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"98f06e3b-fbd7-4d80-8fed-24afa478718e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1288090, 23852, 176, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"83c5fa11-ddeb-4787-a7dc-a8ac56a4f58d"], Cell[1288269, 23858, 8479, 162, 382, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"207e38cc-c5f8-44a4-ac82-fe0d9c25a9b9"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1296809, 24027, 85, 0, 67, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"188557dc-2d4c-4abe-9380-3f4444f88a9c"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1296919, 24031, 677, 19, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6d921bf1-a537-41f3-b7d2-f2014d783862"], Cell[1297599, 24052, 1929, 42, 665, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8130b679-29eb-4af1-ab0a-988ca2c7d189"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1299565, 24099, 86, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"acebe07c-4761-4d7a-ad97-a47939132b4e"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1299676, 24103, 483, 11, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"cbbef6d3-ebf8-48c4-b55f-5da1b70a19c2"], Cell[1300162, 24116, 6609, 145, 329, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8232163e-8eb0-4cba-900e-5a6a7a02ba60"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1306808, 24266, 444, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"bbcf51e0-9d6b-4930-b57c-4d8d9e5d8be4"], Cell[1307255, 24277, 25116, 478, 64, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"61c0f29b-e278-4177-bad6-dec70e9273b0"] }, Open ]], Cell[1332386, 24758, 261, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"320bd543-282e-4207-b1f6-de43095fc926"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1332672, 24769, 295, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"523e6aa8-3e7c-492f-956d-394d6bb853cf"], Cell[1332970, 24778, 16860, 491, 211, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"385ea12a-a94a-404d-826b-9660996492b8"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1349867, 25274, 214, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8969a307-6b74-4b5d-89c4-ca84067de464"], Cell[1350084, 25280, 8185, 176, 329, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d95d02aa-e9df-4cce-a753-e5e96ab7421b"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1358318, 25462, 277, 6, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"969aad1f-1120-4550-a0c5-5d570009f6ad"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1358620, 25472, 271, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c493e9e1-9518-4614-a05c-582bc8c73392"], Cell[1358894, 25481, 1092, 32, 60, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e768b64f-6462-4925-92a6-76b8a884f384"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1360023, 25518, 277, 9, 63, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"da1123b5-8b76-4357-95ae-d667bc5b4f5c"], Cell[1360303, 25529, 299, 10, 49, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"cac3f34c-6b34-4ef7-b2e2-4397e3ab419d"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1360639, 25544, 137, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0f7f8886-efbb-4406-8359-566c093d1b19"], Cell[1360779, 25549, 211, 6, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"931e897a-a4fe-4edb-9ef5-ee3d1cba931e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1361027, 25560, 163, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"77b693f1-debc-4f34-88a4-9fac90a76dde"], Cell[1361193, 25566, 130, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e83266bf-789c-46fd-9ff3-2a1b33eced24"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1361360, 25573, 506, 11, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"31b5bcb9-72a9-408f-8f1f-904e3616ec87"], Cell[1361869, 25586, 34808, 652, 357, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e9015a6c-0815-467f-9ce5-5eb88b3f2877"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1396726, 26244, 82, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"3024dc8c-b30d-416d-b860-e23fec438550"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1396833, 26248, 443, 13, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3dbe8aef-d531-44eb-bd78-c8de0ead7c0b"], Cell[1397279, 26263, 1284, 40, 50, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"82aa19b4-0194-4065-a0e9-e73948e9b8cc"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1398600, 26308, 1635, 45, 88, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"48563c9c-ed47-45df-88d6-5643d4d2c343"], Cell[1400238, 26355, 288963, 4750, 370, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7d39f62e-c7f8-41d4-b5b0-f0c2ca1ef90e"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1689250, 31111, 86, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"cf3eb0c3-a1f4-4dda-bcb4-878347f2955a"], Cell[1689339, 31113, 144, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"bbcbaad9-4f9f-46d9-9225-f93f89cd5013"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1689508, 31120, 470, 11, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7d521d82-7847-41c2-856d-9f83cfa62171"], Cell[1689981, 31133, 13626, 278, 379, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1f7fb817-acb5-4f3b-8beb-da6307532064"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1703656, 31417, 86, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"953ec095-87c6-46f2-99b4-7f2cd7dea229"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1703767, 31421, 408, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c4e333e2-2a54-4639-8900-ff19220c622c"], Cell[1704178, 31432, 8358, 178, 367, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"de3f19cf-a75b-431e-b269-2583eb97f58a"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1712585, 31616, 86, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"3fd9f6cf-6ab4-4d21-a2fa-65e0d970cb66"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1712696, 31620, 408, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d74853fe-7fcc-49be-aeea-c54071215886"], Cell[1713107, 31631, 10525, 221, 360, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3ef5dd85-16d4-4e93-82b4-baa763202dfa"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1723681, 31858, 87, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"bc8f9aef-6c65-471c-a5d8-611edbb0b949"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1723793, 31862, 429, 10, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"63e8e1ec-b968-4463-a427-c424c368edcf"], Cell[1724225, 31874, 10513, 222, 388, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4c23f1fc-b918-4f6a-8472-6d6f36b0e1d8"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1734787, 32102, 98, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"8e7630aa-33de-41f7-89e5-67211777b543"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1734910, 32106, 519, 12, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"96d0d904-4944-4e45-b9b5-c2196ef40be3"], Cell[1735432, 32120, 7173, 158, 364, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"fcf387ae-b103-4296-87f1-14351fa49c16"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1742666, 32285, 98, 0, 53, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"16039d06-ccd4-4310-a720-aafa21f8cb02"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1742789, 32289, 186, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"927f151d-e8eb-4ffe-9e2e-079776adaa6d"], Cell[1742978, 32294, 168, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"84e2db5a-415b-48ff-b410-af29b8fd7b3e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1743183, 32302, 631, 17, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4111de57-9857-4f1e-bda9-3e9b8c6c0e82"], Cell[1743817, 32321, 43632, 1381, 733, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"def94d1d-b8e4-4da4-8937-b41b86308424"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1787486, 33707, 596, 17, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"95edaba2-bd35-4c29-b487-ebd3f62e713d"], Cell[1788085, 33726, 64295, 2017, 950, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"16c0681c-8337-46a6-ba11-f4b5f86ecfc9"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1852417, 35748, 631, 17, 26, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"78a751de-431d-4448-89fc-af1caef794f0"], Cell[1853051, 35767, 48352, 1487, 652, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"944adf27-c5f6-4100-875d-1d0e26b59c6c"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1901452, 37260, 84, 0, 53, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"83b5fe29-9f96-4dcf-a9fb-36e65102afcd"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1901561, 37264, 84, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"8b730682-5e81-41e1-a487-581abd20811f"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1901670, 37268, 181, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8dfb3551-9dd3-44ae-bab3-d2f91bd24059"], Cell[1901854, 37273, 823, 13, 77, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e7cc43e7-bc53-4b61-9daa-80e9fe10d3a6"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1902726, 37292, 85, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"fc440145-9aa5-44c8-a3e8-b8efcd991d3d"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1902836, 37296, 253, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b7326196-fac2-42d1-a7ea-61dcc1e428c3"], Cell[1903092, 37304, 5489, 114, 208, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b4385df9-37bc-40ad-8288-fd0c2db99ff0"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1908630, 37424, 87, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"e77a0d4d-7216-4d05-8893-611d3947da39"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1908742, 37428, 317, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5db89822-e1cb-4c40-9ea9-4bd3852d4ee8"], Cell[1909062, 37438, 244, 5, 21, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"36ae7f36-2ce6-4a1f-9d13-48632ef85e3e"], Cell[1909309, 37445, 7425, 201, 750, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8ad34215-0530-433d-b2de-78839e4786e6"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1916795, 37653, 92, 0, 67, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"7e6802a5-1c3c-42c3-9b80-595f5898e3b7"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1916912, 37657, 210, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d7480361-7534-4df3-a485-240d88ccfe47"], Cell[1917125, 37664, 114, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b10900cb-510c-46ed-baa1-fbb284f2f7ed"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1917276, 37671, 214, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3e7fb1c9-9f23-444c-94a7-12f2c13edeac"], Cell[1917493, 37677, 438, 9, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0b78b421-80ad-45ea-a688-ad31fc657e8b"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1917968, 37691, 181, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0f964443-e679-498e-a856-12eca09d8673"], Cell[1918152, 37697, 357, 7, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b0f97601-0f57-4ba2-819a-961d15389e97"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1918546, 37709, 376, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7ea3f009-dfc5-4034-89b4-a502517626fd"], Cell[1918925, 37720, 6678, 141, 362, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0634ede0-3202-43d4-a9e1-d152a80128d0"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1925640, 37866, 155, 2, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"91133d85-4205-465e-887d-bda94012de9f"], Cell[1925798, 37870, 110, 1, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"355d5388-c9c8-408b-9ea7-407c99074eb9"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1925945, 37876, 95, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"2a897ff8-6b5f-4c86-b9c8-94e10e8d1152"], Cell[1926043, 37878, 98, 0, 35, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"404aea2f-6f88-4db8-87c8-e93fed9d091c"], Cell[1926144, 37880, 212, 3, 35, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"f50ff6d5-2d1f-4972-b0f4-65532c9f0e60"], Cell[1926359, 37885, 1740, 48, 73, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"87918fa1-9ee8-474f-9d5e-e50cfb87f191"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1928124, 37937, 272, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"942c5efd-f6a1-4390-858d-dd8490085201"], Cell[1928399, 37946, 135, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a6cbc13c-bd80-4522-8893-caa862c5dbe9"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1928571, 37953, 302, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9a957ae8-67c4-4e4c-aed4-d819de287701"], Cell[1928876, 37963, 993, 24, 56, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4753f43a-c89c-411a-9799-581c6ce2f69a"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1929906, 37992, 252, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"600b8144-165e-4469-9b80-7ab84bbb31ee"], Cell[1930161, 38001, 361, 8, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"681ba0ee-cf39-43b6-91ce-4b8f0ea33f15"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1930559, 38014, 454, 11, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8fa186f2-09ac-41e4-a73f-b57b654851d1"], Cell[1931016, 38027, 362, 8, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"93d2c122-a462-480c-9d6b-0a254dbfb52a"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1931415, 38040, 391, 11, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"dcae9c4f-3022-4b4e-8021-95816da05133"], Cell[1931809, 38053, 6683, 142, 362, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"95af7c10-d189-40a0-a8ce-450652f4e937"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1938529, 38200, 162, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2cbbc6fe-8f61-454d-82eb-38d8e66e3f71"], Cell[1938694, 38205, 114, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"23378912-f4bc-4056-9210-02ffae610868"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1938845, 38212, 96, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"105591d8-e1a7-4797-96ad-debb455290c1"], Cell[1938944, 38214, 416, 10, 173, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"4fdbf445-4269-4121-a87c-1dcc4b4691bb"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1939385, 38228, 239, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"82656cf4-5dfd-4ad8-be89-ddad69d29e32"], Cell[1939627, 38236, 113, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5ffb2a7b-ee2e-468a-81c8-c284e745fa19"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1939813, 38246, 86, 0, 53, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"0b2d5c90-e928-4e33-abd5-88e2eebbbab8"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1939924, 38250, 96, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"82b341c1-e7a1-49cf-91f8-6c8eaeff028f"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1940045, 38254, 253, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"deacf966-44c3-43ea-b661-4414e3a3dc01"], Cell[1940301, 38263, 2890, 50, 363, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"18fa493d-646c-41f7-a4f4-c761a25d015d"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1943228, 38318, 144, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a346918b-79dd-4d71-9de3-21679b99dbe8"], Cell[1943375, 38323, 327, 7, 43, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"166cb3ab-0bd1-4ff0-b4ca-9ebf53e4f20b"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1943739, 38335, 147, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8b8ae36d-252c-4be9-aad4-bb129949a6c6"], Cell[1943889, 38340, 112, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"deae0efb-f102-4e68-87f7-091f8fbfacfe"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1944038, 38347, 178, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"72fe1085-33a6-40ef-a820-578bd2cf6a95"], Cell[1944219, 38353, 164, 4, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e99e24f4-0801-488c-bb3a-bc0b1223110f"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1944420, 38362, 182, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8e9d4fe8-1597-4406-b2b2-b3d52378b7ae"], Cell[1944605, 38368, 339, 10, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0dd0d847-0683-40a3-8093-9360e69b4597"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1944981, 38383, 188, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"474c91b2-0b9d-4784-8d85-2a3b37609c2b"], Cell[1945172, 38390, 167, 4, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"77a94d54-ed3d-4579-a5f5-e354367b87f4"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1945376, 38399, 182, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2badbb65-2bae-4481-b877-09da698b9695"], Cell[1945561, 38405, 382, 11, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"84daac03-a3f7-4d54-b30b-7bc13f27e985"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1945980, 38421, 188, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ea1be9a2-ee95-4b80-8a22-be209f7b61b4"], Cell[1946171, 38428, 636, 29, 39, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4aa48be7-b355-449f-8eee-f09970cb5988"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1946844, 38462, 195, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"989f74d1-bd67-4d6d-b96d-5c57147c0fb0"], Cell[1947042, 38468, 113, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"654e9ef8-f250-4986-8b27-3d9adaf9eb48"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1947192, 38475, 153, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0f0b755b-637e-4064-842e-601558288657"], Cell[1947348, 38480, 114, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f13fe61f-9fb5-4b12-8a3c-effb9bced661"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1947511, 38488, 104, 0, 38, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"dc779de8-88c6-4d15-9d85-c74ea57b5a5b"], Cell[1947618, 38490, 62860, 1035, 417, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8a3d5009-a17f-4bd2-9989-425a678bce0b"], Cell[2010481, 39527, 1691, 45, 94, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f8c5089c-ecc5-45de-8b8f-4b6401f27fc7"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2012197, 39576, 114, 1, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"54a57b54-94ef-4d1b-8c2d-6a075f91d152"], Cell[2012314, 39579, 84, 0, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"2ea8716b-d48b-4aa2-9a07-7b4e4c0ec32e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2012435, 39584, 2381, 64, 136, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7ef39f4e-390f-4663-9519-dfe311d3a8d1"], Cell[2014819, 39650, 11032, 300, 369, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"cd361cb8-a5b6-45c1-b155-8f773a3d9625"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2025888, 39955, 115, 1, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a11f76b2-9054-4b0a-8ceb-19cbbb58d0e9"], Cell[2026006, 39958, 321, 6, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"db7e9fbe-1704-4fc5-be68-4566046ed945"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2026364, 39969, 122, 1, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"464089d0-4dc5-4f44-a689-a3f3891afee0"], Cell[2026489, 39972, 107, 0, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"bcaead3b-601f-4c74-88d6-677cfc5e6608"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2026633, 39977, 285, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"851835b0-64e5-472d-8938-b462d45a236b"], Cell[2026921, 39987, 102, 0, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b12b5334-8145-4131-bcaa-aa7b59b2de20"] }, Open ]], Cell[2027038, 39990, 160, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3d62074a-e44d-4f21-94cb-f0f8e3e93ee8"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2027223, 39998, 280, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"46945d60-3755-4f1c-ade0-074b4a12db41"], Cell[2027506, 40008, 100, 0, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"62b45bde-b1c8-4062-a0ed-fe0753fafdf1"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2027643, 40013, 495, 17, 48, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f92bb9d4-0508-437c-b925-40dd2ffa3ae9"], Cell[2028141, 40032, 2005, 50, 98, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"06407023-c123-41bd-be20-388f1553b56e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2030183, 40087, 195, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"076410a5-30d4-46ec-a82d-522b28306ee4"], Cell[2030381, 40094, 167, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"bd7adf36-d332-4163-bf79-a6735c66d175"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2030585, 40102, 202, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"dde58f36-0fca-420d-930a-e80c9a1c8906"], Cell[2030790, 40110, 2439, 67, 98, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5a9219fa-39b0-4c66-a7c5-913ed0d5a449"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2033266, 40182, 321, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c266b839-359d-42ab-93e1-415eb3b29cab"], Cell[2033590, 40192, 3761, 117, 360, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"9d09ad05-da6d-4e5f-8293-853ecef463f6"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2037388, 40314, 4073, 106, 315, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1194a67c-adde-4d57-9665-d4ccaea24efc"], Cell[2041464, 40422, 11167, 303, 360, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0907969b-a907-4da3-bd68-fc3b72eaf1cf"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2052668, 40730, 114, 1, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c086a8bf-a17f-4a1f-a3ca-235944ab5b13"], Cell[2052785, 40733, 1486, 30, 286, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"97ec1daf-cbb8-4156-984a-09eedaef9760"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2054308, 40768, 429, 12, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"22931139-6d0c-4a31-8f1a-39abb8d43033"], Cell[2054740, 40782, 893, 16, 56, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7eda413c-acb9-4ebd-bfe6-aa438bc058b0"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2055670, 40803, 3079, 90, 217, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5bcfd697-b47c-47f0-8b49-b1b480ca78a1"], Cell[2058752, 40895, 11532, 427, 338, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3a0be067-98ed-4500-a6f6-69dbb2e46758"] }, Open ]], Cell[2070299, 41325, 397, 13, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3dbcd2c6-484b-4078-b89c-06dcc878ee8a"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2070721, 41342, 88, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"0664bf38-cd2c-4f4d-b135-f196827d448e"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2070834, 41346, 1576, 44, 178, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5c2e3880-40f4-4950-b21c-9c30153793df"], Cell[2072413, 41392, 686, 19, 56, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"51c5010f-f0d3-48e6-93af-9ef722ee2f79"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2073136, 41416, 393, 11, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c1bfc502-f84b-425e-8537-5eafdaaf5455"], Cell[2073532, 41429, 411, 13, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"76365702-29a9-4a33-b128-f6d36db11e6e"] }, Open ]], Cell[2073958, 41445, 156, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6e59d20a-ca98-46b4-a77e-450060db1ed9"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2074139, 41453, 322, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"32dab07f-2a8a-46cb-a4b3-0bcefc22b8c1"], Cell[2074464, 41463, 11177, 305, 360, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"935c5bd5-0322-4251-9764-9a2d8853bce6"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2085678, 41773, 355, 10, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8a74711c-fefd-4ae4-bd21-ce6b4166e25b"], Cell[2086036, 41785, 2951, 54, 287, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"95ece37e-6420-4a18-aded-d37fa5090a11"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2089024, 41844, 197, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"bc036703-687d-4946-8a51-55e5a77ff86d"], Cell[2089224, 41850, 2383, 67, 98, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"27426b80-e854-4681-9ab4-fc3fd387847a"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2091656, 41923, 89, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"4c0675a8-f3e7-4e7a-8740-437ee0d8ebc5"], Cell[2091748, 41925, 784, 21, 115, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a9814760-64f0-4641-b5b8-e7918f15b290"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2092557, 41950, 327, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a94495ba-d4f4-4f10-a47f-bb30189c919c"], Cell[2092887, 41960, 394, 9, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7c96b766-9095-4290-a755-22cb3914def7"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2093318, 41974, 326, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"23199edc-4f65-4e37-9c4c-d72a5bd74a41"], Cell[2093647, 41984, 375, 8, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"94fa755a-ffcf-44e0-9ac6-afb207a69167"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2094059, 41997, 1447, 42, 152, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b71b5d26-0feb-4fde-8446-212db02ecbb5"], Cell[2095509, 42041, 2265, 74, 90, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"104ad5c4-3fbd-4f7a-9ad3-9f03ba721982"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2097823, 42121, 96, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"d3f518c6-0465-4748-80c1-b20e9774163a"], Cell[2097922, 42123, 283, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d72ee1d1-bc82-4a60-b181-39276c92e1ee"], Cell[2098208, 42133, 1783, 43, 115, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"582f63d8-850a-4457-a96b-d1a361542276"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2100016, 42180, 182, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fd258edf-579f-4566-9d6a-2983e35bd1cb"], Cell[2100201, 42187, 388, 9, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a575383c-442d-4d19-8ee5-6518f2e38282"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2100626, 42201, 401, 12, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4c23cf13-127b-41f8-901d-61d6fd7db98e"], Cell[2101030, 42215, 264, 6, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"35e78e4a-f466-4d62-a6e8-eb492f5160c9"] }, Open ]], Cell[2101309, 42224, 128, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9cdef98d-cf72-470b-968d-5a138e1af207"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2101462, 42231, 408, 11, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3668651c-d780-4d71-875b-7940cce5e50c"], Cell[2101873, 42244, 3837, 131, 154, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"cdb2730d-ac77-4bb7-96ee-f19ea0b4ac08"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2105747, 42380, 1172, 33, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d0543d39-c043-4299-b4b9-7cefccc9d4c6"], Cell[2106922, 42415, 1410, 23, 46, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"8e7d2ed6-550c-4b35-8799-aeed9db953a6"], Cell[2108335, 42440, 314, 8, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"36a58c22-9d0a-4e79-acf3-5f5160214ae6"], Cell[2108652, 42450, 314, 8, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"9742aa88-97b6-4725-8687-f569828d76b4"], Cell[2108969, 42460, 314, 8, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"0b13745c-1ebe-4cf4-9e85-dd23eb9e24ea"], Cell[2109286, 42470, 408, 9, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"1250e417-5959-40aa-b5fb-c2d047671ddd"], Cell[2109697, 42481, 1410, 23, 46, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"f1ac6358-a2c6-4a74-be49-d9e41da912f6"], Cell[2111110, 42506, 1415, 23, 68, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"149114e2-0109-409c-9d3d-306e7ee4b12a"], Cell[2112528, 42531, 408, 9, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"07249812-f9d5-47dd-9ac0-51026a574348"], Cell[2112939, 42542, 1632, 54, 56, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e0ded6e3-6212-4e89-bf74-c8d385c80fd6"] }, Open ]], Cell[2114586, 42599, 2103, 66, 73, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2327551b-c16a-4f50-8ea7-b4c2a1937165"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2116714, 42669, 550, 17, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3c070c64-e6ed-4325-a4c2-310b1aa606f0"], Cell[2117267, 42688, 3830, 132, 154, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"abb35988-2720-4dd8-a530-fe892328dbb5"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2121134, 42825, 385, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d05e7261-6065-4b37-afe6-df1da2ff08ff"], Cell[2121522, 42836, 8453, 177, 367, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"88ed1993-d82f-4945-b9db-a426a533a971"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2130012, 43018, 150, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3077224a-8846-4774-8df3-f5a2301fa0b8"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2130187, 43025, 215, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e893ed52-8fe8-4eea-81cb-87a80a8605cd"], Cell[2130405, 43031, 225, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"b1734736-54ed-432a-90a2-25288281fe68"], Cell[2130633, 43037, 375, 8, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ef181d1b-6ba0-4ebe-9c06-e394eddab374"] }, Open ]], Cell[2131023, 43048, 135, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"c10f98c0-a1f4-4694-b099-9b4d5443691f"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2131195, 43055, 182, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"beef2994-3d5a-45d1-b955-0545c369d264"], Cell[2131380, 43061, 833, 15, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6083cabf-4eb6-4d27-b073-e1ea3fd73481"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2132262, 43082, 99, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"73a88d8f-41f3-4035-8525-fb4b798b0e54"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2132386, 43086, 139, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"52db371c-ea47-4206-a851-bd8cfb56737b"], Cell[2132528, 43091, 131, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5fb09c79-f5e4-4c9a-ae9f-f6d5ba7fe845"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2132696, 43098, 230, 6, 45, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"785d2cab-0215-4868-b8ab-0172fbe20853"], Cell[2132929, 43106, 282, 8, 51, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"98706335-102e-4993-a14f-963e625d1434"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2133248, 43119, 3110, 91, 217, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e7a2bc47-32ac-4d30-8a90-25327c7875a1"], Cell[2136361, 43212, 11994, 440, 403, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"dc4f5eb3-26c7-4c56-8320-d655479c56ab"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2148392, 43657, 1447, 42, 152, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2cce6c55-5384-4c8f-8bc1-0a588d8e86d0"], Cell[2149842, 43701, 2923, 102, 100, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8e499586-5d18-4df8-9f92-36c56920c839"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2152802, 43808, 283, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c3f0ceb1-94ea-4348-b3ca-d5f9ccb19b59"], Cell[2153088, 43818, 1663, 40, 77, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"02c1ca94-dcfa-48e5-917b-c133c71da961"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2154788, 43863, 550, 17, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c38ee6b7-9e88-49b4-b2ba-20724b5f20c1"], Cell[2155341, 43882, 3831, 132, 154, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"c0652752-e9be-452d-ae54-910b51b91cf5"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2159209, 44019, 385, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"47ee53f1-442a-4136-82f3-b3fc0756e9c0"], Cell[2159597, 44030, 8476, 178, 367, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"aed4f17a-0cb1-472e-9b69-5b45488a5c0b"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2168110, 44213, 150, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"02a5ae6a-c62c-4938-86da-9453073855b2"], Cell[2168263, 44218, 135, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d62b09e0-6522-4e74-942b-947b875e0346"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2168435, 44225, 182, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4c77aa71-05ba-49ed-af8d-9b38f4c57cdb"], Cell[2168620, 44231, 729, 13, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8c564fdd-ab26-4ea2-ae20-d6a34f1e7d75"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2169398, 44250, 85, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"31c33c49-79d4-4cc3-9514-c68dee7142ca"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2169508, 44254, 140, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f3013e0e-f940-4e02-a621-f92167e490c9"], Cell[2169651, 44259, 3278, 109, 125, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d381de93-d87c-4f23-bd27-530578a6ad15"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2172966, 44373, 345, 10, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"dcefabd4-7c56-49ce-b95a-d2b6a37270c3"], Cell[2173314, 44385, 118, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e317a47d-16a1-4671-b8da-ae8061813f5d"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2173469, 44392, 810, 28, 44, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c31068e6-56c4-45e3-b4a2-514412dc388a"], Cell[2174282, 44422, 1691, 59, 90, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"50d05d44-2823-453a-8c78-0af77ab94660"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2176010, 44486, 137, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1e301c4c-039f-4d56-8bd9-dad771073be6"], Cell[2176150, 44491, 326, 10, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"837362fe-18d3-4dae-91af-e0590a8b0064"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2176513, 44506, 1004, 34, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"20ec89ef-73e2-4ff5-b420-f1e1cd59eafb"], Cell[2177520, 44542, 817, 21, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"778da5cb-4f77-4623-9844-8e97718d36ce"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2178374, 44568, 1092, 37, 83, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"71224ffa-dd98-4c75-9d8a-a3a4f989d123"], Cell[2179469, 44607, 360, 10, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"2e121f52-c7c7-4ae1-8874-bbb7d894a325"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2179866, 44622, 1091, 37, 83, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3543dda5-bd43-482c-8377-b07a03708d80"], Cell[2180960, 44661, 118, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"2e3aa18a-7b12-4311-ae66-0cdcae603f1c"], Cell[2181081, 44665, 3278, 109, 125, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6dbf01d8-0b0e-4fd2-b7f7-9b8c8e474fd7"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2184396, 44779, 3838, 122, 203, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3b44f48f-bfd6-4641-9df3-743d56dd4546"], Cell[2188237, 44903, 1934, 47, 77, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0a33f69f-ff58-4fa3-881d-80253f0a3e4b"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2190208, 44955, 3917, 123, 254, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"254ed205-7d26-4c40-912c-5c9c72016684"], Cell[2194128, 45080, 4080, 105, 140, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"24c0f343-be80-474a-917d-6b762149bcb6"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2198245, 45190, 1177, 40, 84, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c27e6f7c-3910-46c5-bebf-f64f731d6b9a"], Cell[2199425, 45232, 1073, 39, 83, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"65bc5d03-c2ee-4e77-b573-5b19506eaafa"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2200535, 45276, 4027, 127, 280, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"068e2938-310c-4dbb-ac5c-7abd8c42776a"], Cell[2204565, 45405, 358, 9, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6737cf7f-d53b-4110-920a-a551c104a8d1"] }, Open ]], Cell[2204938, 45417, 326, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"41f4e5a4-3326-4bed-8e46-1bc14d8bc49d"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2205289, 45429, 3971, 125, 253, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9f7b0633-d7c7-48da-a47d-d6bcfb33533f"], Cell[2209263, 45556, 118, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6c14e09e-e6d5-4ea7-893e-93341b5dbc2b"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2209418, 45563, 3750, 118, 231, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"52fbff18-1bdd-470e-88c0-053fceff4318"], Cell[2213171, 45683, 11975, 283, 120, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ee0e553b-cb7d-4efa-a30f-5ce9b5f9d35e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2225183, 45971, 12700, 288, 69, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"14b7faf2-bfc5-4e87-b6de-ecf6b0c2492b"], Cell[2237886, 46261, 12564, 289, 97, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"c068362a-464e-4454-9dc2-86d29f0cf6f4"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2250487, 46555, 449, 14, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4de6b66f-a087-4e5d-98e3-eebf1c86f266"], Cell[2250939, 46571, 358, 9, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"86f272f5-2902-4b32-b3be-50fad05b85b3"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2251334, 46585, 185, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"24b48e2f-213e-4c63-9424-fbb79b11e866"], Cell[2251522, 46592, 11366, 262, 43, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"22bc0315-b10c-47dc-b665-bd4bf440daa5"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2262925, 46859, 12517, 274, 154, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"bc37ff55-b7ce-42d0-ba38-c71beebce6fa"], Cell[2275445, 47135, 118, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"61327f40-0131-4330-9929-a8bc3393653f"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2275600, 47142, 12409, 270, 126, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6b4546f6-69df-4024-9f3f-64d08b3f7ae2"], Cell[2288012, 47414, 66208, 1404, 192, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"cb379063-04c1-496c-b0cf-ffb8853cc86f"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2354257, 48823, 144, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3b8d99c9-ac73-44a2-b2eb-504ab3864cf0"], Cell[2354404, 48828, 111, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8887832b-9193-476b-98da-6b068febc291"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2354552, 48835, 228, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"cf0978b5-b3d1-4e48-9623-71c442c49f5f"], Cell[2354783, 48843, 881, 24, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"47ea35cf-35d2-48c8-a40c-e0299412c286"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2355701, 48872, 342, 10, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b17828b2-06b9-405d-939c-bee31a6bfb73"], Cell[2356046, 48884, 25403, 476, 42, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0fc3edf8-20ad-45f1-b09a-f26a05bdbede"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2381486, 49365, 140, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3996824c-935e-4e40-a40b-ceb16506b1e2"], Cell[2381629, 49370, 203, 5, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d8590b29-22b8-4fa1-b5ab-68cd4d34196f"] }, Open ]], Cell[2381847, 49378, 12437, 272, 126, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"886f30c2-86fc-4d95-a4bb-f5452424f06c"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2394309, 49654, 228, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4396c039-b119-482a-922b-23132126861c"], Cell[2394540, 49662, 510, 15, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"80fda36e-efd8-4a54-bd00-d266121e3ac0"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2395087, 49682, 327, 10, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"972956ad-1e48-4d63-8245-1f7c90b9e710"], Cell[2395417, 49694, 10327, 199, 42, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"170ead83-c62c-45a6-8704-55963308d474"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2405781, 49898, 37937, 711, 39, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ad18968b-347a-46ad-a7e6-5e62df535007"], Cell[2443721, 50611, 843122, 14903, 236, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"cdb70db9-485a-4b07-baad-ad08673046ee"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3286880, 65519, 137, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6842c3e4-09ff-48b9-8467-92095b72860b"], Cell[3287020, 65524, 327, 10, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d23fd462-c374-4928-9057-ef8ac7777fd8"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3287384, 65539, 418950, 7428, 152, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"062a2a6f-51ef-49a4-9a55-80e8ba62293f"], Cell[3706337, 72969, 418951, 7428, 123, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"332a853b-9618-4ed4-bbe2-12a413efbbc8"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4125325, 80402, 411817, 7365, 182, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3cc0f64e-74d2-432d-b8f3-e1a22f506ae9"], Cell[4537145, 87769, 118, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d2cb65ba-8d9c-4339-bb61-b2739b1ed697"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4537300, 87776, 137, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fe67e0b4-5b26-45e7-a2fe-496d85728169"], Cell[4537440, 87781, 225, 6, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1ed473e9-de7f-488c-a2b1-4a97522a8173"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4537702, 87792, 487, 15, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ba1ee72e-0f2f-4d78-bca8-1ead61561590"], Cell[4538192, 87809, 358, 9, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e83a74fb-ae6d-445d-88b6-a806a98bad46"] }, Open ]], Cell[4538565, 87821, 1455, 47, 97, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"16b43fc7-da2e-43e0-9899-104e47dfd51a"], Cell[4540023, 87870, 22768, 515, 226, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d005a6f3-6db9-42a5-9a61-bf907a7ae841"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4562816, 88389, 385, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"dc992a5d-8b3d-41d7-8eea-38b175abb9a8"], Cell[4563204, 88400, 10443, 209, 367, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f1cd887d-2bf2-46c0-a25a-e0abb2cfa013"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4573684, 88614, 180, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e9f14d96-f156-40f7-8ebd-3e8844195b30"], Cell[4573867, 88620, 769, 14, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e49d4012-a9d2-48f9-bea7-03d4c523c2a4"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4574673, 88639, 282, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3d8812e6-a7ac-4ba2-a2f6-a196cf89c3a1"], Cell[4574958, 88650, 134, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"77d753bc-dbb2-48eb-988c-62f8627e19c5"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[4575129, 88657, 469167, 8240, 296, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"051fd746-f402-42dd-b359-5426a7186c9d"], Cell[5044299, 96899, 223405, 4015, 314, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"93d93b76-31f8-4fa3-a6fa-44534c81fddf"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[5267741, 100919, 137, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4007f90c-7d9a-4d07-9605-628a9960378d"], Cell[5267881, 100924, 2391, 69, 98, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"2035b795-9ef1-497e-ae15-83c692220769"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[5270309, 100998, 385, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3e54ab1b-bae7-419a-88a1-f3c7e9b2be69"], Cell[5270697, 101009, 3328459, 55117, 367, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"552b3d37-5ecc-4b9e-9b66-14e6aaf778c6"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8599205, 156132, 84, 0, 45, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"f6b883e6-2c26-48e5-9e1b-8ccd359f7b72"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8599314, 156136, 4250, 119, 469, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c712a265-fda5-4561-94e2-cc9cb4db0ec7"], Cell[8603567, 156257, 6235, 187, 406, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"4a36d3f6-6a97-4715-9ed3-63b552484d2f"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8609839, 156449, 661, 20, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fdaaa393-22af-4a76-8e6d-9483e931323f"], Cell[8610503, 156471, 1410, 23, 46, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"0c250869-e24d-4dda-883e-a1e745fcec3b"], Cell[8611916, 156496, 1410, 23, 46, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"54dd3ab2-9b25-4854-b429-7e354969c6d9"], Cell[8613329, 156521, 1415, 23, 68, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"dadbe2bd-7c24-4607-b48c-6738c40177cb"], Cell[8614747, 156546, 408, 9, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"ba4bd48e-1777-4b36-ae3b-c733b7467a10"], Cell[8615158, 156557, 2539, 84, 77, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"c5f8d93e-4939-4127-9ee6-280ad62c56ea"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8617734, 156646, 384, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ca82e210-7a1e-4784-81c4-15b065cf9023"], Cell[8618121, 156657, 10902, 226, 367, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ba6f11c4-04ed-4136-ac67-2d66c60e1d84"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8629060, 156888, 151, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"37fe6db0-c3a3-420d-8852-f4b274ddf12e"], Cell[8629214, 156893, 128, 3, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"c9ba7b42-9eaa-43da-9875-6b86c0d61780"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8629379, 156901, 149, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ca8cac7a-ba0a-495a-9f8f-cb53bade24d8"], Cell[8629531, 156906, 347, 7, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f6545ffc-d860-43e2-8c9e-6127d47bda36"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8629915, 156918, 885, 27, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b95a683d-a389-43cf-957c-2a13303d28e8"], Cell[8630803, 156947, 1939, 64, 77, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3e244091-4f99-46c7-a6c3-665f0555404a"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8632779, 157016, 294, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f5482682-7208-4899-bb12-8b6b70eeb205"], Cell[8633076, 157027, 111, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"98c68064-120a-4158-83f2-ebb1b9472f15"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8633224, 157034, 384, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"0f98e7c2-b2df-479a-a736-6662fb052bb4"], Cell[8633611, 157045, 10744, 223, 367, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"78ea2c7b-85fd-4f96-b091-04d0973b0f5b"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8644392, 157273, 173, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4c085f10-e05a-434d-907c-90c5fb628851"], Cell[8644568, 157279, 135, 2, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6de90f61-2952-42fa-a747-f2679d4b7af2"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8644740, 157286, 152, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9b638cca-9062-4cbe-bd66-a2dcf5eb0e3d"], Cell[8644895, 157291, 2958, 55, 287, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3c29ed3b-7d82-45a3-bf87-552bd6fc7bbe"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8647890, 157351, 590, 17, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"cf7ece9b-94e7-4108-88b8-9b35bc2771c1"], Cell[8648483, 157370, 67709, 1984, 2417, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b7b19763-9dea-45ab-a815-8dfcdf8fbd34"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8716229, 159359, 215, 5, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"de9b8c52-714f-4f64-a829-f03e500e8e43"], Cell[8716447, 159366, 292, 7, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"a09edcc4-5e71-43e8-a0bc-611040cc0f34"], Cell[8716742, 159375, 178, 4, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"c71077e1-b961-49c1-b960-dca3073b2bb6"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8716957, 159384, 147, 3, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8c735f44-1fc3-4d9d-9e5b-f3aac69c30e7"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8717129, 159391, 150, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f135ad35-99c8-43b1-9bd9-43cd8cff38b6"], Cell[8717282, 159397, 150, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"61dbc858-b061-46db-b8c2-2b6624abbd11"], Cell[8717435, 159403, 150, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f8f15bd2-1fe4-4ae7-8fdf-eef916296cfd"], Cell[8717588, 159409, 150, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7b52a3e0-e23b-49c1-995c-98406e8945b5"], Cell[8717741, 159415, 150, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"39265c73-8e0d-4a0d-bd8d-c31cf87079b8"], Cell[8717894, 159421, 150, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ac3aca45-0000-4efc-97a4-a258a647275f"], Cell[8718047, 159427, 150, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2c75c398-7564-4ff1-9995-98e1565d6593"], Cell[8718200, 159433, 150, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5dad46c1-fe3c-4d23-816f-f9ec8378dd6a"], Cell[8718353, 159439, 182, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ab4fc304-60b3-4534-b24f-8609b8593cf6"] }, Open ]], Cell[8718550, 159446, 491, 15, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6fa06227-82a1-4acf-8724-4b841e05c160"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8719102, 159468, 89, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"5f20e4f8-29c7-4f98-9430-671089063ea2"], Cell[8719194, 159470, 1389, 46, 132, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"74102536-27d6-47b4-9fd7-537303cb1b2c"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8720608, 159520, 1707, 45, 214, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"f96cfff6-9c85-458f-97cd-75fd29d24b5d"], Cell[8722318, 159567, 7511, 218, 354, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"353fbe1e-9a12-4264-988a-b0c21913cfac"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8729866, 159790, 295, 9, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fa36c9b7-dc8d-4f4f-94b3-8ee0796a574c"], Cell[8730164, 159801, 83, 0, 33, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b427258c-a166-406f-9062-74596d1b01be"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8730284, 159806, 297, 9, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b72a157c-94ff-4acc-8f7d-cb820ebc6060"], Cell[8730584, 159817, 83, 0, 33, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"660816c1-58b0-4c51-9523-52f60ea5781f"], Cell[8730670, 159819, 124, 0, 23, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"fdf5a1c8-e024-45f6-9412-189cb37f1c5f"] }, Open ]], Cell[8730809, 159822, 174, 4, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5254fba3-aa81-45b2-9f8e-b269ee38109f"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8731008, 159830, 571, 17, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c11aa6bc-58a4-43ca-b1f3-f51617d22dd1"], Cell[8731582, 159849, 804, 30, 59, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8203959f-0dad-4608-ace3-51c7d673e4c9"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8732423, 159884, 105, 1, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"dafd4dae-f201-4f5a-8dc5-6cb308822c61"], Cell[8732531, 159887, 165, 3, 33, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a52a426e-6a86-4f0e-9e3a-e7732e817015"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8732733, 159895, 492, 15, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"11338d97-25ec-4842-a6fe-50414beda70a"], Cell[8733228, 159912, 666, 11, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"43dbc7f7-e30a-4481-9ef3-5e9dac1369e5"], Cell[8733897, 159925, 1018, 31, 58, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6b8c6bea-c6fb-486c-8ba7-2503f4498623"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8734952, 159961, 109, 1, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a16df880-f9b7-4958-88e9-ea7cbe033c04"], Cell[8735064, 159964, 275, 7, 33, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"464b162c-dcce-442e-98fb-ada3a6baca77"] }, Open ]], Cell[8735354, 159974, 625, 19, 32, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8f984807-abc3-42df-a364-e8c9e9074c7e"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8736004, 159997, 2192, 58, 255, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"884d0158-a7a9-4906-bf91-0564dd058bb7"], Cell[8738199, 160057, 11257, 309, 362, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6988da54-92df-4b14-826b-26d38eec7068"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8749493, 160371, 399, 12, 50, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"62a061bf-d1ef-4e73-ad67-816439554d9b"], Cell[8749895, 160385, 83, 0, 33, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"89f98185-69a3-4e5c-9dbf-c0247f67ccaa"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8750015, 160390, 122, 1, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"bd57a2af-89cc-4062-a634-a5f3980b00c2"], Cell[8750140, 160393, 350, 7, 23, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"086c0593-7bcb-4d3f-93ed-94416fc8d2ce"], Cell[8750493, 160402, 107, 0, 33, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1447def7-ece0-47f7-86c1-59bd97ea69dc"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8750637, 160407, 328, 10, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1c65a81a-76d0-4acb-b9a8-b05b903408b6"], Cell[8750968, 160419, 473, 14, 35, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"865d7075-b031-4a2f-80e0-da3ad9eb92fb"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8751478, 160438, 2259, 60, 255, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c8fd2aa7-2b50-4a25-bb19-f4669bee1a84"], Cell[8753740, 160500, 11215, 307, 354, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"884425db-68f6-4127-85a7-8bed3b59f82e"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8764992, 160812, 230, 5, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9c41ca90-610d-4e3e-92f7-50c0c0f8eaf0"], Cell[8765225, 160819, 3386, 110, 207, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"28b48b50-2567-444c-bcb6-86409ec37bad"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8768648, 160934, 230, 6, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"afd79d3b-3f6a-4ad4-b835-12587d02188d"], Cell[8768881, 160942, 9013, 347, 352, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"820b9e93-ba8a-45b9-8e96-68c15a135357"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8777931, 161294, 118, 1, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"5580b1e5-4866-4588-ab1c-ba091b29b8ca"], Cell[8778052, 161297, 703, 11, 40, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"91601e04-3d80-4d3e-aa99-098056799160"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8778792, 161313, 431, 12, 29, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a051ba8d-075c-44fd-8ac9-612b6a70789a"], Cell[8779226, 161327, 105, 1, 33, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"afe8b871-3161-496a-aaca-b12236487cea"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8779368, 161333, 422, 11, 50, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d75710fa-6913-4110-b5d3-11d289813fee"], Cell[8779793, 161346, 23487, 774, 1094, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"e11e0f55-c161-4ea1-9cf2-62dfbdaccd5a"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8803341, 162127, 83, 0, 53, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"fdf185ec-6996-4ebc-b834-e09a59240e23"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8803449, 162131, 93, 0, 54, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"be7b8408-b3af-4123-831d-d51a72d40479"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[8803567, 162135, 150, 2, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"73eacaae-f18c-4dfe-af0e-c5d4b3a7e569"], Cell[8803720, 162139, 2438, 35, 539, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8d280a76-c4f9-420b-8da7-15c217afba5e"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, Closed]] }, Open ]] } ] *)