Hi! I'm Una, a Java developer and Linux sysadmin since 2009.

I'm primarily known for Minecraft mods, but I do various other things too.

You can find my projects on GitHub and Forgejo
You can support my free work via the Donatatron or Patreon
You can stay posted on Mastodon
I also have a Cohost, but don't really use it, and I used to crosspost to
I sometimes upload videos to YouTube, often about my Minecraft mods
I livestream assorted things to The Apparatus and Twitch
You can email me at [email protected], optionally encrypted using my GPG key
(this is easily the most reliable way to contact me!)

Notable standalone projects
Listed WIP projects are already fairly usable but are incomplete or have rough edges.
Deep WIPs are not listed.



S3-compatible storage pool



Beautiful Minecraft skin renderer



Button appearance database



A solution to SemVer



Bare-minimum mod loader



Pure Java MPEG-1 decoder



Sophisticated CLI NBT editor



Dead-simple modpack updater



An open source block stacker



A self-hosted music release manager
Notable Minecraft projects

Fabric mod


Huge unique content mod

Fabric library


A large library based on Yttr

Fabric mod


Fixes, utilities, and nice-to-haves

Fabric mod


Digital storage with tight UX



More customization plus skin backports

Fabric mod


Gigantic tweaks mod

Forge mod


Fabrication for Forge



Fabric→Forge remapper

Resource pack


A Chicago-inspired font



Modern retro modpacks
Some assorted facts
Some stuff on this site I run a seldom-updated blog, which you can see below.

To Audio & Back Again - Audio codecs as image codecs2023-09-12 01:20 PST
Status: current
226 words, ~2m reading time

If you're anything like me, you've wondered what would happen if you used a compression algorithm for something it was not designed for. A lot of the time, the results are boring — you just get really large output.

However, image and audio codecs are special. Nowadays, psychoacoustic and psychovisual codecs are used — that is, codecs that are tuned specifically for human perception, and throw away information that humans will not notice. A great example of this is that most audio codecs will simply discard all audio frequencies above 20kHz. But the characteristics of the visual system and the auditory system are very different.

To explore this idea, I've created a dedicated page on my site with an interactive demo showing a sample image converted to audio, compressed with a lossy codec, and then back again, with various different codecs and parameters to choose from. I wound up writing an introduction on the page that is very much blog material.

I ported xoshiro256** to Java so you don't have to2020-01-31 08:30 PST
Status: current
998 words, ~5m reading time

Well, technically, I did it a while ago. Around a year ago. But I just posted it as a random Gist, and so hardly anyone knows about it. (Edit: Apparently said "random Gist" is the second result on Google for "xoshiro java". Huh. I use DuckDuckGo so I had no idea.)

My port has zero dependencies, works on Java 8 (theoretically as far back as Java 5), extends Random (making it a drop-in replacement for it, unlike 8's SplittableRandom), and is released under the CC0 just like the original C implementation.

Virtual machines, physical pain2019-08-22 22:51 PST
Status: current
787 words, ~4m reading time

The term "virtual machine" refers to two distinct and quite different concepts. People often confuse one with the other and wrongly assume quite a few things.

Let's break it down: what does "virtual machine" really mean?

The Tragedy of UCS-22019-08-02 23:49 PST
Status: essay
1531 words, ~8m reading time

Apropos of nothing, I'd like to tell you a tale. It's not an original tale, but it's one of my favorites. It's a true tale about standardization, computers, the Unicode consortium, and a few companies.

I'm far from the first person to write about it. However, it's been on my mind lately, and I keep restating it, so I'm formalizing it here in my blog.

Installing Ghost the hard way2019-08-02 18:07 PST
Status: current
2086 words, ~11m reading time

I recently installed Ghost, a real piece of wor- ahem, a piece of blogging software, comparable to WordPress before it turned to garbage, for another website.

Because I am a cranky stubborn old-school sysadmin running on bare metal, I refused to use their overly-simplistic instructions, got my hands dirty, and made quite a few mistakes.

I've figured it all out, so, here it is, laid bare, so you can hopefully avoid my mistakes.

So, here's how FoamFix works2017-10-17 23:05 EDT
Status: dated
3018 words, ~16m reading time

What exactly does FoamFix do?

This is a pretty common question, and I've been reminded of it after having created my unofficial FoamFix downloads page. I'm going to try to answer this question in a reasonable amount of detail. Obviously, I have a bit of a programming background, so these descriptions might end up a bit technical. I'll try to keep them understandable.

There's a lot of ground to cover, so let's get right to it.

Post status

I use a system with my posts similar to other blogs' usage of "epistemics". I believe "epistemics" is an overly complicated and narrow term, and opt for "status" instead. The currently defined statuses are: