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Deploy any modern frontend stack, from marketing sites to AI apps. Join millions of developers and teams shipping faster on Netlify.

  • Navan
  • Contentful
  • Unilever
  • Stack Overflow
  • Riot Games
  • Nike
  • Kubernetes

One platform. All your sites, stores, & apps.

A developer experience that just works–optimized builds, collaborative previews, and instant rollbacks on a global edge network. Focus on your users and code while we handle the rest.

Build & integrate Experiment faster

Build any frontend app with your favorite stack and more flexible serverless infrastructure than anywhere else - from edge functions to background jobs.

Deploy & collaborate Iterate together

Turn every Git push into a production-ready release. Get instant deploy previews and keep your team in sync without managing configs, variables, or staging servers.

Run & scale Scale automatically

Deliver sub-second experiences globally with granular cache and routing controls. Go from zero to enterprise-level traffic with built-in security.

Ship your e-commerce site in just a few clicks

Create a new project or connect an existing one to explore features like rollbacks, CI/CD, edge functions, collaborative deploy previews, and more.

export function CartMain({layout, cart}: CartMainProps) {
  const linesCount = Boolean(cart?.lines?.nodes?.length || 0);
  const withDiscount =
    cart &&
    Boolean(cart.discountCodes.filter((code) => code.applicable).length);
  const className = `cart-main ${withDiscount ? 'with-discount' : ''}`;

  return (
    <div className={className}>
      <CartEmpty hidden={linesCount} layout={layout} />
      <CartDetails cart={cart} layout={layout} />
  • 35M+

    Websites deployed on Netlify

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\n );\n}"}},{"title":"AI chatbot","icon":"sparkles","url":"https://app.netlify.com/start/deploy?repository=https://github.com/ascorbic/daneel","code":{"lang":"js","block":"const stream = await getChatStream(\n {\n ...appConfig.apiConfig,\n user: context.ip,\n messages: [{ role: \"system\", content: prompt }, ...messages],\n },\n appConfig.OPENAI_API_KEY ?? \"\"\n);\nreturn new Response(stream, {\n headers: { \"Content-Type\": \"text/plain\" },\n});"}},{"title":"landing page","icon":"browser","url":"https://app.netlify.com/start/deploy?repository=https://github.com/themefisher/pinwheel-astro","code":{"lang":"js","block":"---\nconst homepage = await getEntryBySlug(\"homepage\", \"index\");\nconst { banner, key_features, service, testimonial } = homepage.data;\n---\n\n\n \n \n \n \n \n"}},{"title":"edge function","icon":"lambda","url":"https://app.netlify.com/start/deploy?repository=https://github.com/netlify/edge-functions-examples&utm_campaign=devex&utm_source=edge-functions-examples&utm_medium=web&utm_content=Deploy%20Edge%20Functions%20Examples%20to%20Netlify","code":{"lang":"js","block":"import type { Config, Context } from \"@netlify/edge-functions\";\n\nexport default async (request: Request, context: Context) => {\n return Response.json({ geo: context.geo });\n};\n\nexport const config: Config = {\n path: \"/geolocation\",\n};"}}]; const devPancake = document.getElementById('dev-pancake'); const dynamicText = devPancake.querySelector('.dev-pancake-dynamic-text'); const deployBtn = devPancake.querySelector('.dev-pancake-deploy-btn'); const tabsComponent = devPancake.querySelector('the-tabs'); const tabs = devPancake.querySelectorAll('[role="tab"]'); const tabIcons = devPancake.querySelectorAll('[role="tab"] .icon'); const reduceMotion = window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)').matches; let fps = 20; let interval = Math.floor(1000 / fps); let startTime = performance.now(); let prevTime = startTime; let deltaTime = 0; let currentTime = 0; let currentIndex = -1; let animateTextRAF; let cycleTextTimeout; startCycleText(); tabs.forEach((tab, index) => { tab.addEventListener('tab-change', () => { const { title, url } = templates[index]; if (index === currentIndex) return; animateText(title, dynamicText); deployBtn.setAttribute('href', url); currentIndex = index; }); }); function setIconGlow() { tabIcons.forEach((icon, index) => { icon.classList.toggle('is-active', index === currentIndex); }); } function removeIconGlow() { tabIcons.forEach((icon) => icon.classList.remove('is-active')); } function startCycleText() { if (currentIndex === templates.length - 1) { currentIndex = 0; } else { currentIndex++; } let text = templates[currentIndex].title; animateText(text, dynamicText); setIconGlow(); cycleTextTimeout = setTimeout(startCycleText, 2000); } function stopCycleText() { removeIconGlow(); clearTimeout(cycleTextTimeout); cycleTextTimeout = null; } function animateText(text, container) { if (reduceMotion) { container.innerHTML = text; return; } let i = -1; function animate(timestamp) { if (i < text.length) { currentTime = timestamp; deltaTime = currentTime - prevTime; if (deltaTime > interval) { prevTime = currentTime - (deltaTime % interval); container.innerHTML += text.charAt(i); i++; } animateTextRAF = requestAnimationFrame(animate); } } cancelAnimationFrame(animateTextRAF); container.innerHTML = ''; animate(); } const handleTabsFocus = () => { if (cycleTextTimeout) { stopCycleText(); tabsComponent?.removeEventListener('focus', handleTabsFocus, true); } }; tabsComponent?.addEventListener('focus', handleTabsFocus, true); })();

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Here’s freedom to framework how you want to

  • Increase in developer productivity

  • Increase in site reliability

  • Quality on par with extremely high standards

Customer Story

Mammut means quality - in brand and in technology

Mammut came to Netlify because they needed a performant, interoperable Composable Web Platform that could deliver a best-in-class digital brand experience for their customers. They needed a partner that could keep their site reliable and performant during peak retail season and unexpected traffic spikes.

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