World first

Parental Freedom System

Allow2 provides the easiest and most powerful Free Parental Controls available today. Our patented approach is designed to remove all the hassles and make it simple for the parents to teach responsibility to their children.

Best of all, it is completely free for device manufacturers, app developers and system builders! Support the initiative by buying products powered by Allow2 or ask your suppliers to contact us to find out how it reduces their costs and creates better products.

The result: Parental Freedom!

Parental Controls

For Everything

Allow2 adds incredibly fast, powerful and simple to use parental controls to all your products, TVs, Routers, Web Sites, Apps, Social Platforms, Toasters, and whatever else the industry can dream up!

Removes friction

In the home

What we are aiming to do is:

  • Reduce conflict and improve your life
  • Give you more time to enjoy with the Family
  • Use desire for gaming, videos and messaging to teach responsibility

Teach Responsiblity

Using Gaming

Let your children decide when it’s best for them to use their allowance of time to play games online or on their device.

Set up rewards for chores or homework completion.

Allowing your child to take some responsibility for their ‘tech time’ will teach them to be mindful of how much time they spend in front of the screen.

Sign Up Today

For a FREE account!

No strings attached, a free account is waiting for you and your family including one child, with extremely low cost pricing for full access.

Allow us to help alleviate the stress of managing technology, and hand you back some freedom and control in this technological age.

Already Signed Up?

Download the app!

The app is free to download onto unlimited devices, so allow us to hand you back your freedom! What are you waiting for?

 2018 Allow2. Website powered by WordPress, dj3dw, & AD Marketing

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