julia update - june 2017
in this update:
1) New York Times interview & new Medium piece!
2) writings & updates on Patreon
3) Outspoken news & free chapters!
4) upcoming events
Hi folks, I hope y'all have had a wonderful Pride month so far! I have one more Pride event this month (see section #4). Here is what else is new with me...
1) New York Times interview & new Medium piece!
I was recently interviewed about my work in the New York Times as part of their Pride 2017 coverage. The article is called Julia Serano, Transfeminist Thinker, Talks Trans-Misogyny, and it appeared in their Sunday paper (and can also be found online via that link). Some people have told me they cannot access it because of a paywall, so I created a PDF version as well.
One of the topics discussed in the interview is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s comments from earlier this year wherein she claimed that trans women are not women. Since these sorts of claims are constantly recurring, I decided to pen a Medium essay methodically rebutting common arguments made to support that idea. The final result was just published yesterday:
If you like the piece, please click the "heart" icon at the bottom of the article - that way more people on Medium will see it. If it gets enough hearts, it may even appear on their front page!
2) writings & updates on Patreon
As I've mentioned in past updates, I am able to make many of my writings (such as the aforementioned one) free and immediately accessible to the general public thanks to my Patreon supporters. So if you appreciate my work, I encourage you to support me there! For as little as a $1 monthly pledge, you'll get behind-the-scenes updates on what I am working on, access to many of my in-progress & unpublished writings and recordings, plus other goodies. At higher levels, you may qualify for free e-books, signed copies of my other books, and other rewards.
Over the last few months, I've shared several writings and posted the following updates there (the ones that say "public" can be read by anyone):
Patron-requested post: On passing & employment post-transition [public]
At higher pledge levels, supporters can request that I write about a topic of their choosing. This is my first patron-requested post.
update: new writings and talks! [public]
In this update, I announce that I have finished writing my debut novel 99 Erics: a Kat Cataclysm novel. (I'm currently trying to find a home for it - stay tuned!) If you're interested in reading/listening to excerpts from it, I compile five links in this update!
exclusive sneak-peak: a chapter from my novel-in-progress! [Patron-only]
This is one such excerpt from 99 Erics: a Kat Cataclysm novel - the chapter is a humorous send-up of books/movies that involve magical gender transformations!
new blogpost & Twitter essays on the Hypatia backlash [public]
Here, I share a link to my blog post regarding that transracial/transgender Hypatia article & accusations of "witch hunts" (which you can read directly via that link).
my latest book and news about upcoming books! [Patron-only]
This is a patron update wherein I share the subject of my next non-fiction book (which I am working on as we speak).
Anyway, I hope this encourages some of you to support me on Patreon - all the details and rewards are explained here.
3) Outspoken news & free chapters!
In past updates, I've mentioned my latest book Outspoken: A Decade of Transgender Activism and Trans Feminism, which was a Lambda Literary Awards finalist in the category of Transgender Nonfiction. The awards ceremony was earlier this month - while it did not win, it was (as they say) an honor just to be nominated (plus I had a wonderful time at the event!).
Anyway, Part 3 of Outspoken includes six essays that challenge psychological theories and diagnoses that needlessly pathologize trans people and other gender/sexual minorities. Thanks to my Patreon supporters, I have made three of these chapters freely available for download via Academia.edu:
You can click on those links to access those chapters - you will need to join/sign up for Academia.edu to download them, but it's free, and you don't need to be an academic to do it. I am also willing to email these PDFs directly to my Patreon supporters (more details about that here).
If you are interested in the book more generally, my Outspoken webpage includes excerpts, reviews, and links to purchase it. You should also know that:
- I created a free online transgender & activism-themed glossary for Outspoken - you should check it out!
- You can watch videos of me performing some of the transgender-themed slam poems that are included in Outspoken (more will be uploaded soon!).
- If you have read Outspoken and enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review of it on Amazon, Goodreads, and other sites (this really helps with garnering attention for the book).
- If you belong to, or write for, a media outlet (print, webzine, blog, etc.) and you are interested in reviewing or publishing excerpts from the book, please contact me and I can provide you copies.
Outspoken is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes Books, Kobo, Smashwords, and other online retailers. The book is also available to bookstores and libraries via Ingram.
4) upcoming events
On Thursday June 29th, I will be participating in TransAction, a reading and panel discussion on trans activism & writing. The event is organized by Foglifter Press, RADAR Productions, and Bay Area Writers Resist, and the other readers/panel members include Natasha Dennerstein, Sam Dylan Finch, Stacy Nathaniel Jackson, Kay Nilsson, and moderator Shafer Mazow. At Alley Cat Books, 3036 24th St, San Francisco, 7-9pm. The event is free, with suggested donations to benefit Trans* Activists for Justice & Accountability Coalition. More details here.
Since my last email update, I gave two brand new talks at colleges. In April, at Evergreen State College at Tacoma, I presented a talk called "Femininity, Feminism, and Differences of Opinion in Activism." And earlier this month, I gave a keynote talk entitled “Sexuality, Sexualization, and Self-Examining Desire” for CREGS 15th Annual Summer Institute on Sexuality at San Francisco State University.
If these or other talks sound interesting to you, and if you have the ability to bring me out to your college, university, or conference, please consider doing so! You can find out more (including descriptions of some of my most requested talks) via my booking webpage.
That's it for now. And remember, between updates, you can always check out: