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Stallman on GCC, LLVM, and copyleft

Stallman on GCC, LLVM, and copyleft

Posted Jan 28, 2014 8:02 UTC (Tue) by jezuch (subscriber, #52988)
In reply to: Stallman on GCC, LLVM, and copyleft by Del-
Parent article: Stallman on GCC, LLVM, and copyleft

> That said, Octave actually uses LLVM as a JIT library. This is AFAIK the usage scenario where LLVM really shines today, and hence could hardly count as an "internal" API. Are you just guessing in the dark here, or have you actually checked it out? I am glad to be proven wrong, but then I appreciate a bit more content in your post.

Just guessing, sorry. I'll admit mistake and let more knowledgeable people speak :)

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