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but I want free software compilers to always be in the lead.

but I want free software compilers to always be in the lead.

Posted Jan 27, 2014 9:17 UTC (Mon) by oldtomas (guest, #72579)
In reply to: but I want free software compilers to always be in the lead. by Wol
Parent article: Stallman on GCC, LLVM, and copyleft

(replying to both of your postings above)

> I did not call RMS a fanatic,

No. You talked loosely about "the Free Software Fanatics".

> which you implied in what you said.

No. I just was miffed at this (deliberate or not) tactics of invoking such a nebulous group of people and leaving to each one's phantasy who you are actually talking of (coriordan put that more succintly as "red herring").

> But when "you" tell "me" what licence I have to use for *my* software (which is what a lot of these comments are [...]

I'll assume that this is the "generic you". Would you mind pointing at least to an example of someone telling you what license you have to use on your projects?

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