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Stallman on GCC, LLVM, and copyleft

Stallman on GCC, LLVM, and copyleft

Posted Jan 25, 2014 22:08 UTC (Sat) by jwakely (subscriber, #60262)
In reply to: Stallman on GCC, LLVM, and copyleft by Del-
Parent article: Stallman on GCC, LLVM, and copyleft

> Not sure what to make out of google, exactly how much do they contribute and for what usage?

They've implemented loads of C++ front-end support, especially C++11 and C++14 features, and the tsan/asan/ubsan etc. libraries (which are also supported by GCC) and probably tons more I'm not aware of. I think they rely on clang for loads of internal projects, so we'll never know most of what they use it for.

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