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Why I have trouble trusting FSF

Why I have trouble trusting FSF

Posted Aug 11, 2011 14:25 UTC (Thu) by davide.del.vento (guest, #59196)
In reply to: Why I have trouble trusting FSF by gidoca
Parent article: Desktop Summit: Copyright assignments

That's the whole point of AGPL!!

If you use my AGPL source code into your application, even if you do not distribute it in the "traditional" sense (but have users using it "remotely, e.g. as a web application), then you *must* provide the whole source code that it's running. If it's just mine, fine, but if you made any modification, or if you linked anything else that was yours, you have to provide that too.

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Why I have trouble trusting FSF

Posted Aug 11, 2011 15:40 UTC (Thu) by gidoca (subscriber, #62438) [Link]

Ah, it seems like there is a difference between version 1 and 3 of the AGPL. Version 1 only requires that "if, in the version you received, any user interacting with the Program was given the opportunity to request transmission to that user of the Program's complete source code, you must not remove that facility [...]"; this was what I had in mind. However, version 3 does indeed require the code of any derived software to be shared when "offering access from a designated place".

Why I have trouble trusting FSF

Posted Aug 13, 2011 5:02 UTC (Sat) by dberlin (subscriber, #24694) [Link]

Again, this is not correct.
The AGPLv3 *only* requires you distribute source to users interacting over a network if you modify the program.

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