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The dark side of open source conferences

The dark side of open source conferences

Posted Dec 2, 2010 21:27 UTC (Thu) by graydon (guest, #5009)
In reply to: The dark side of open source conferences by alankila
Parent article: The dark side of open source conferences

I'm rude because you're derailing. Let's count the ways.

Trivializing the topic as not-so-bad, so ignorable: check.

Conspiracy theory about the ultimate aims of people requesting civility and respect: check.

The supposedly confusing nature of the topic means you can't even google the terms you're supposedly confused about, and need me to read the internet aloud to you: check.

My rude tone in response excuses yours so there's no problem: check.

No, not acceptable. Go read on your own and try again.

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The dark side of open source conferences

Posted Dec 2, 2010 22:44 UTC (Thu) by nye (guest, #51576) [Link] (1 responses)

You should be ashamed of your behaviour.

The dark side of open source conferences

Posted Dec 2, 2010 23:37 UTC (Thu) by graydon (guest, #5009) [Link]

I'm ashamed that a place I associate so commonly produces threads like this.

What do you think I should be ashamed of?

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