The dark side of open source conferences
The dark side of open source conferences
Posted Dec 2, 2010 16:33 UTC (Thu) by cjl7 (guest, #26116)In reply to: The dark side of open source conferences by modernjazz
Parent article: The dark side of open source conferences
The point I tried to make about prison and peer pressure is that laws give you the ability to put people in prison, it doesn't change the behaviour. (well it might sometimes I guess)
Saying that, peer pressure is no certain method to actually change peoples attitude either...
And changing the attitude might be the single most difficult thing in history, otherwise this wouldn't be an issue in countries with healthy values (I know, it's very subjective). Obviously I have no simple solution to this problem and didn't mean to suggest that such a thing exists.
Anything and everything that helps is welcomed by me!