s/open source //g;
s/open source //g;
Posted Dec 1, 2010 21:51 UTC (Wed) by pizza (subscriber, #46)Parent article: The dark side of open source conferences
The more (marketing?) money that's involved in a conference, the more of an "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" attitude gets woven into it.
In the end, these conferences, much like the greater "community" they serve, are run by those who participate. (Read whatever you want into that!)
Posted Dec 1, 2010 22:00 UTC (Wed)
by maco (guest, #53641)
(I'm Mackenzie)
Posted Dec 2, 2010 12:10 UTC (Thu)
by tajyrink (subscriber, #2750)
Not just big-money conferences
s/open source //g;