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Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

Posted Feb 18, 2010 0:18 UTC (Thu) by drag (guest, #31333)
In reply to: Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com) by jmspeex
Parent article: Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

That being said, I don't see how trying to be a bit more polite *with everyone* would be a bad thing.

Well you just not thinking very deeply then. It's very obvious why it _can_ be a bad thing.

One of the good aspects of being negative is that you tend to weed out the people that have a low drive. There is no time in a top-teir kernel developer's professional life to spend time explaining things and coddling along invididuals. If a contributer can't take insults and drops out the first time it happens then it's very unlikely that they have what it takes to actually put forth the time and work that contributing large patches requires.

There is a huge difference on how somebody should behave in someplace like a educational setting versus working in a professional environment or towards strangers in a service-based environment. Personally I enjoy and feel most comfortable in a more informal setting were you don't have to feel like your walking on thin ice. The sort of 'informal' yet 'professional' environment is superior to a polite-based professional environment in many ways. It tends to makes life much easier and communication much more efficient. After all.. friends are people you can vent your anger on. You can't vent your anger on your enemies since they will combat you and you can't vent your anger on strangers since that is impolite.. but friends are people you can fight with and still be friendly afterwards.

Also if you were from a shame-based background you'd understand the motivation that shaming can bring and the desire to bring honor to your group. Also you'd understand that insults are, more often then not, actually praises. Insults are very often attempts to make sure that you do not get arrogant in the face of your successes. People from typical 'european'-style guilt-based cultures often have a very difficult time with that concept. :) Also one of the nice things about kernel development lists is that you do not need to use your real name or real identity. In shame-based cultures as long as the shame can't be traced back to you then it is not shame. It's us westeners that are more likely to crumble and internalize insults as guilt thus lowering our sense of self worth even if we are using a alias.

Of course, Linus can take things too far (as many people do), but unfortunately we are just victims of our own personality deficiencies and a intellegent person should be able to look past the faults and weaknesses of others. Sometimes it's just best to ignore people when they are being morons or abusive.

Just things like s/you are an idiot/I think you are wrong here/ can help a lot.

What if you _are_ being a idiot though? Not, you, right now. But if we are being stupid often the only way we can stop is when other people point it out. I know I am dumb as shit sometimes. It's very helpful when people call me on it (most of the time).

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Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

Posted Feb 18, 2010 8:51 UTC (Thu) by tdz (subscriber, #58733) [Link] (2 responses)

> If a contributer can't take insults and drops out the first time it happens then it's very unlikely that they have what it takes to actually put forth the time and work that contributing large patches requires.

This conclusion is nonsense.

> [...] Also you'd understand that insults are, more often then not, actually praises. Insults are very often attempts to make sure that you do not get arrogant in the face of your successes. [...]

For the rest of your comment (and some of others) I was amazed by the reasons that people come up with for being rude. But honestly, there is no excuse for impoliteness. I guess, the only reason why it doesn't matter much on LKML is the fact that there are enough people willing to contribute.

Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

Posted Feb 18, 2010 12:03 UTC (Thu) by hummassa (guest, #307) [Link] (1 responses)

Speaking as someone who has a low capacity for commiting impolitenesses
(access my comments page here on lwn or on /. or anywhere else), I still
think drag is right. Sometimes, the only objective way of going forward with
a job is pointing out bluntly that something is braindamaged and should be
changed ASAP.

Besides, people do frequently forget that one cannot expect things from
others. You cannot expect honesty, politeness, respect, and good things from
other hu-mans. It's the road to Sorrow County, including Disappointment and
Despair Townships. And Free Software endeavors are like Soylent Green, and
People go sour most of the time. So, if one can't take the heat, one has no
business in the kitchen.

Open source: dangerous to computing education? (opensource.com)

Posted Feb 18, 2010 15:01 UTC (Thu) by jmspeex (subscriber, #51639) [Link]

I'm not saying you should refrain from giving bad comments, it *how* you put things. "Hey, this piece of code sucks because XYZ" is still far more useful and less insulting than "you are a fucking moron".

being short with people

Posted Feb 18, 2010 15:32 UTC (Thu) by coriordan (guest, #7544) [Link] (3 responses)

> Just things like s/you are an idiot/I think you are wrong here/ can help a lot.

I'm not sure it's that simple. I'm studying. One teacher accepts questions from the class and we often waste time entertaining the way off-topic observations of students. Another teacher said from the start that he's not interested in our opinions - he'll take comments about flaws in his logic or requests for clarifications, but he cuts off people who're just sharing their related thoughts.

The second is abrupt, but I really appreciate that he saves me from having my time wasted.

So, on a list like lkml, do you really think polite replies will be as effective at ending time-wasting threads?

Even put in the nicest way: "Listen, you're idea's not bad, but I've spent a lot of time on this and I've tried similar and I'm convinced that your approach isn't as good as our current approach, or the benefit isn't sufficient to justify taking our time away from other aspects to work on it."

...there's a good chance the developer will reply with a justification. But if you tell them they're an idiot, they'll only reply if they really think they're right and that they can explain their case.

Yes, I see the downsides, I think everyone does, but I don't think the solution is as simple as "let's all be a little politer".

being short with people

Posted Feb 18, 2010 17:29 UTC (Thu) by pboddie (guest, #50784) [Link] (2 responses)

But if you tell them they're an idiot, they'll only reply if they really think they're right and that they can explain their case.

Yes, but a teacher (or community leader) has the final say on the matter, generally. They don't need to insult people to impose their authority on any matter or process - doing so is like telling the guy trying out for some sports team that he doesn't make the cut and then humiliating him anyway, even though the latter makes no difference to who will be on the team and who won't be.

Although I have reservations about the outcomes of decisions in the Python core development community, the BDFL is hardly ever rude to anyone pushing an idea, and I don't recall any incident of name-calling to achieve the goal of rejecting someone's idea. So the "big dog barks loudest" mentality isn't exactly necessary to maintain discipline in a forum or control in a project.

being short with people

Posted Feb 18, 2010 19:22 UTC (Thu) by coriordan (guest, #7544) [Link] (1 responses)

There's another issue I thought of after my post:

Some people like to be seen having a discussion, or an argument, with a respected person.

If I have a silly idea about Alan Cox's part of the kernel, and if I thought he'd entertain a discussion of this idea, I might be very happy to have everyone see me and Alan Cox debating technical details. Few people will spot that my half of the conversation is nonsense :-) Makes me look good.

But, if I knew that I'd get publicly called an idiot, I'd be a lot more careful about the quality of my suggestions.

being short with people

Posted Feb 19, 2010 12:20 UTC (Fri) by pboddie (guest, #50784) [Link]

If I have a silly idea about Alan Cox's part of the kernel, and if I thought he'd entertain a discussion of this idea, I might be very happy to have everyone see me and Alan Cox debating technical details. Few people will spot that my half of the conversation is nonsense :-) Makes me look good.

Yes, but Alan Cox doesn't need to call you an idiot (and in my narrow experience with dealing with him, he wouldn't) in order to stop you looking good. He'd just need to challenge you on the technical aspects of any idea - for the "code is everything" school of thought, that's a decent implementation of such an idea - and leave you struggling to "show him the code" or, without needing to actually say it, "put up or shut up".

People in positions of genuine authority don't need to lash out at others. Doing so is often a sign of insecurity: that someone feels the need to convince others that they have more influence than they may actually have in practice.

best response to idiocy?

Posted Feb 21, 2010 10:06 UTC (Sun) by pjm (guest, #2080) [Link]

> What if you _are_ being a idiot though?

Surely “This is wrong” is all you need to be told? I can conceive of situations where “You're being idiotic” might be better than “This is wrong”. It's much harder to conceive of a situation on a mailing list where “You're an idiot” would be better than “You're being idiotic” or “This is wrong”.

More generally, saying “you're being X” is more likely to result in the person changing behaviour and becoming productive than “you're X”/“you're an X”; and “this idea/statement is X” is usually better still (less likely to result in defensiveness).

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