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- Samwise the Brave (soundtrack)
- Saruman the White (soundtrack)
- Shelob the Great
- Shelob's Lair (soundtrack)
- Shieldmaiden of Rohan
- Sons of the Steward
- Soundtracks of The Lord of the Rings film trilogy
- Strider (soundtrack)
- The Banishment of Éomer
- The Battle of the Hornburg (soundtrack)
- The Battle of the Pelennor Fields (soundtrack)
- The Black Gate is Closed (soundtrack)
- The Black Rider (soundtrack)
- The Breach of the Deeping Wall
- The Caverns of Isengard
- The Chalice Passed
- The Council of Elrond Assembles
- The Court of Meduseld
- The Crack of Doom (soundtrack)
- The Dead Marshes
- The Departure of Boromir (soundtrack)
- The Doors of Durin
- The Dreams of Trees
- The Eagles
- The Entmoot Decides
- The Eyes of the White Tower
- The Fellowship Reunited
- The Fighting Uruk-hai
- The Foot of Orthanc
- The Forbidden Pool (soundtrack)
- The Forests of Ithilien
- The Grace of Undómiel
- The Great Eye (soundtrack)
- The Green Dragon
- The Heir of Númenor
- The Hornburg (soundtrack)
- The Host of the Eldar
- The Houses of Healing (soundtrack)
- The Journey to the Grey Havens
- The King of the Golden Hall (soundtrack)
- The King's Decision
- The Land of Shadow (soundtrack)
- The Last Debate (soundtrack)
- The Last March of the Ents
- The Leave Taking (soundtrack)
- The Lighting of the Beacons
- The Mirror of Galadriel (soundtrack)
- The Mouth of Sauron (Complete Recordings)
- The Mûmakil
- The Nazgûl
- The Nazgûl Attack
- The Palantír (soundtrack)
- The Parting of Frodo and Sam
- The Pass of Caradhras
- The Passage of the Marshes (soundtrack)
- The Passing of the Elves
- The Passing of the Grey Company (soundtrack)
- The Passing of Théoden
- The Paths of the Dead
- The Plains of Rohan
- The Prophecy
- The Pyre of Denethor (soundtrack)
- The Return of the King (soundtrack)
- The Riders of Rohan (soundtrack)
- The Road Goes Ever On...
- The Road to Isengard (The Complete Recordings)
- The Sacrifice of Faramir (soundtrack)
- The Shadow of the Past (soundtrack)
- The Shire (The Complete Recordings)
- The Siege of Gondor (soundtrack)
- The Stair of Cirith Ungol
- The Steward of Gondor (soundtrack)
- The Story Foretold
- The Sword that was Broken
- The Tales That Really Matter
- The Taming of Sméagol (soundtrack)
- The Three Hunters (soundtrack)
- The Tomb of the Stewards
- The Tower of Cirith Ungol (soundtrack)
- The Treason of Isengard (soundtrack)
- The Uruk-hai (soundtrack)
- The Voice of Saruman (soundtrack)
- The White Rider (soundtrack)
- The White Tree
- The Wolves of Isengard
- Three is Company (soundtrack)
- Théoden King (soundtrack)
- Théoden Rides Forth
- Treebeard (soundtrack)