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Astulat, or Bony Ridge, was a hill of an uncertain location.[1]


Astulat is a Quenya name that translates to "Bony Ridge", containing the elements astula ("bony") and hahta ("ridge, comb, crest").[1]

Its construction, however, is not consistent with the rules of later versions of Quenya.


The name is mentioned only in some linguistic manuscript notes about Elvish grammar in the 1930s.[1] J.R.R. Tolkien never give any other information about it, but the fact that is a Quenya name could imply that it is located somewhere within the Undying Lands. The inspiration for this place might have been the legendary place of Astolat, mentioned in the lyrical ballad The Lady of Shalot by Alfred Tennyson, which was in turn inspired by the thirteenth-century Italian short story known as La Damigella di Scalot.[2]

Places of Middle-earth and Arda during the Second & Third Age

Middle-earth Locations:


Arnor | Dunland | Ettenmoors | Forochel | Forodwaith | Gondor | Harad | Ithilien | Khand | Lindon | Minhiriath | Mordor | Rhovanion | Rhûn | Rivendell | Rohan | The Shire

Forests & Mountains:

Amon Dîn | Amon Hen | Amon Lhaw | Caradhras | Emyn Muil | Erebor | Fangorn Forest | High Pass | Iron Hills | Lórien | Mirkwood | Mount Doom | Mount Gundabad | Old Forest | Orod-na-Thôn | Tower Hills | Weathertop Hill


Angband | Barad-dûr | Bree | Caras Galadhon | Dol Guldur | Fornost Erain | Hornburg | Isengard | Khazad-dûm (Moria) | Minas Morgul | Minas Tirith | Last Homely House | Tower of Amon Sûl | Tower of Orthanc | Osgiliath | Umbar | Utumno


Argonath | Astulat | Buckland | Cair Andros | Dagorlad | Dead Marshes | Enedwaith | Fords of Isen | Gap of Rohan | Grey Havens

The rest of Arda:

Aman | Burnt Land of the Sun | Dark Land | Empty Lands | Neldoreth | New lands | Númenor | Tol Eressëa


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Parma Eldalamberon XXI, "Qenya Noun Structure", "Declension of Nouns", pgs. 27, 37
  2. Hayley M., "Arthurian Influence in The Lord of the Rings", Elements, 15, pgs. 59-65