[email protected] Mail Archives

Public mailing list of the Web Application Formats Working Group.

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period re-sorted messages
June 2008by threadby authorby subject61
May 2008by threadby authorby subject151
April 2008by threadby authorby subject98
March 2008by threadby authorby subject70
February 2008by threadby authorby subject286
January 2008by threadby authorby subject337
December 2007by threadby authorby subject72
November 2007by threadby authorby subject58
October 2007by threadby authorby subject86
September 2007by threadby authorby subject52
August 2007by threadby authorby subject35
July 2007by threadby authorby subject51
June 2007by threadby authorby subject34
May 2007by threadby authorby subject67
April 2007by threadby authorby subject27
March 2007by threadby authorby subject36
February 2007by threadby authorby subject132
January 2007by threadby authorby subject295
December 2006by threadby authorby subject148
November 2006by threadby authorby subject81
October 2006by threadby authorby subject137
September 2006by threadby authorby subject110
August 2006by threadby authorby subject181
July 2006by threadby authorby subject10
June 2006by threadby authorby subject32
May 2006by threadby authorby subject10
March 2006by threadby authorby subject1
February 2006by threadby authorby subject13
January 2006by threadby authorby subject3
December 2005by threadby authorby subject7
November 2005by threadby authorby subject2