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Power usage is a hot topic for computer users everywhere. For some, it's a matter of how long a laptop lasts
without being plugged in. For others, it's controlling the temperature of hundreds of systems within a datacenter. For all of us, it's about keeping the electricity bill under control and being kind to the environment.
Getting your computer to use the least amount of power can be problematic. This site provides information on reducing power usage, tips, and tricks for Intel-based computers running Linux*.
As a first step, Intel is releasing PowerTOP, a
tool that helps you find what software is using the most power. By fixing (or closing)
these applications or processes, you can immediately see the power savings
in the tool. You'll also see the estimated time left for battery power if
you are running a laptop. The Tips&Tricks page has fixes for a lot
of the issues that are already found. Join our mailing list to participate in
this effort to get Linux to use less power.
© 2007 Intel Corporation | Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. | * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others