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This project is a deamon that emulates Microsoft's Internet Connection Service (ICS). It implements the UPnP Internet Gateway Device specification (IGD) and allows UPnP aware clients, such as MSN Messenger to work properly from behind a NAT firewall.



linux-igd 1.0 has been released with a round of small fixes over version 0.95. Development on version 1.x is now planned and in progress and should include some nice highlights such as auto-tooling, IGD reporting improvements and more security updates, as well as compatibility with the Portable UPnP project.

-- Daniel J Blueman


This comes little late now, but as of August 13th we have had a new 0.95 version of linux-igd! This release is based on the new CVS code written with C instead of C++ like the last release, so it doesn't have so much in common with earlier releases. This can also introduce some new bugs of course but hopefully mainly fixes. Linux-igd development is hoped to get back on the track now and 1.0 release is already planned. Very much thanks to Daniel Blueman who pulled this release together. You can get the new version from here, it is very much recommended.

-- Juho


I just cleaned up the website a bit, its tables were a horrible sight and broke with firefox on every second load. Hopefully it will be better now. The linux-igd has been pretty much dead all these years and now me and Magnus and some other people are trying to revive it at least temporarily. The latest release is very outdated and CVS has a new version coded with C that everyone seems to use anyway. So we plan to make a new beta release out of the current CVS and see what needs to be done to possibly get a 1.0 version out. As you can see Dime promised a 1.0 version already before February 2003 but it never happened. Hopefully second we have better luck. I'll try to continue updating these websites and possibly even get them through a validator. Until then, stay tuned.

-- Juho


Just to let everone know what's going on. As of now, I'm the only primary devoloper, and I'm still a college student. Senior year is not too forgiving, so I've been tied up with school. In a few weeks, I get back, then travel to Mexico. In between there we'll get most compile issues worked out.

Just so everyone knows, linux-igd still needs upnpsdk-1.0.4, not the new libupnp-1.2.1. There are issues with it and Messenger that are problems with the way Microsoft is formatting some messages. We have it working, but it doesn't work with Microsoft yet. So when that's cleared up we'll release. Sorry everything's been so slow guys, but I just haven't had any time to myself, much less the project lately.


Ok, added a new release to the site. It's basically just more cleanups and additions, relatively small I guess. But just getting ready for the new release, and I'd rather have it in versions than in CVS so more people will test and use the fixes. Check the changelog for more details. Also, we're looking for someone who can do Autoconf and Automake. If anyone would like to help please email me. Also, we're checking the forums a lot, so everyone report problems. Thanks for the good comments as well. New versions will be coming soon, keep checking back in, or use the monitor project feature of sourceforge. Cheers.

-- Dime


A little christmas present for everyone!!! After doing a lot of restructuring, and getting file transfer working, I wanted to throw a little release together for you guys. Check the changelog, but the main things are File Transfer now works, Uptime is correct in Windows XP icon, you can manually add and delete portmappings in Windows XP going into the properties of the connection, then clicking settings (this doesn't work all the time, like when there are no portmappings, but works once portmappings have been created). The code has undergone a lot of restructuring, and i'm gonna shore everything up and check all memory stuff, get it stable, put some autoconfig stuff in and release version 1.0 hopefully before the end of January. One other important note, I'm now putting my regularly scheduled work into CVS, so check out the CVS if you want bleeding edge stuff (although i seem to break things regularly, I'll try not to now though). Merry christmas too all, and happy new year!

-- Dime


Linux-IGD is now available for BSD! Special thanks to Yen-Ming Lee (http://www.leeym.com/) for porting both the Intel Linux UPnP SDK and Linux-IGD to FreeBSD. Both the SDK and IGD are now available in the FreeBSD's ports collection. Check out this message in the forums for more information. For now, the BSD version is only available from the FreeBSD ports website. Look forward to a new version of linux-igd that includes ipchains, iptables, and ipfilter support. I guess we may have to change the "linux" part of the name someday.

-- Eric


Glad to hear so many reports of the software working for everyone. As always, keep the comments and suggestions coming. I'll be making some changes hopefully in the near future to allow for a couple more edges to be cleaned up. NOTE: People have been asking about this so let me clear this up. UPnP gateway DOES NOT make file transfer work. Microsoft has implemented UPnP support for every feature in MSN and Windows Messenger EXCEPT file transfer. We recently talked to people at Microsoft and they assure us that it will be added in you Messenger clients in the next major version, whether that's 4.7 or 4.8 or whatever. Until then, check out http://reaim.sourceforge.net. I've heard it works for some people, but I have yet to make it work. Join the mailing list for updates. Peace.

-- Dime


Sorry for the late update, but we put a newer version, 0.75, in the downloads section. This gives the program true daemon support and catches the SIGTERM signal to allow you to simply stop the daemon with a killall upnpd, which will shutdown any port forwards cleanly. Also, you'll notice now that there's an icon on your XP machine in Network Connections that represents the IGD. We'll be adding stats and functionality to it soon. Also, we'll have the CVS up in the next day or so. But for now, check out version 0.75. It's just a little cleaner, with less debugging going into /var/log/debug. As always, check the mailing lists for help. Peace.

-- Dime


Hello World! We've just gone live with the site and released the first version of the Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device. Please take a moment to look around the site. Admittedly, there's not much there at the moment, but over the next few days we'll be adding more. You can grab the initial beta release of linux-igd from the downloads page. We need a lot of people to try the software out and let us know how it worked for them. And for those of you a bit more daring, let us know where we can improve with the code. The main thing now is just for us to get this code out and try to get some more people on board willing to help. So far, I'm using the software and it's working!!! Haha. Good Luck.

-- Dime


It will be a day or so before the mailing lists and forums are completely set up, so in the meantime send your questions or comments to me on email at [email protected] Peace.

-- Dime

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