Consumer electronics maker Coby has launched its first Android tablet. The Coby Kyros features a 7 inch resistive touchscreen display, Android 2.1, and an 800MHz ARM-based processor. It can handle 1080p HD video playback and has an HDMI port.
The tablet comes with 4GB of storage and a microSD card slot for expansion.
The Kyros doesn’t ship with the default Google apps installed. Instead if has the AppsLib third party app store.
At launch, the Coby Kyros will be available for $299.99 exclusively from the Home Shopping Network. I suspect if and when the tablet gains wider distribution we might see the price fall. There are actually a number of cheap Chinese tablets available with similar features for well under $300 at this point.
A few months ago Coby showed off an Android tablet that doesn’t look anything like the Kyros.
via Chip Chick
Not great…but Coby jumping in on tablets this fast means something about where the whole industry thinks tablets are going. Think of Coby as the canary in a coal mine.
It seems like everyone wants to jump on tablets a lot faster then they jumped in on netbooks.
Resistive Screen , $299 price point and a crappy Arm11 cpu.
Really Coby? Why wouldn’t someone just get the Archos 70 or Archos 101 for $275 and $299 both the 1ghz A8 Cortex’s.
Guess they are banking on people who walk into bestbuy and doesn’t know about specs.
Coby FAIL.
It’s attack of the resistive screen tablets with no app store. Pass!