As with the iPhone, the just-released Palm Pre can sync up with a Gmail account, but doesn't offer a native Archive button. With a familiar settings work-around, your Pre can start thinking like a real Gmail client.
As with the iPhone tweak we've previously detailed, getting the Pre to make archiving as easy as deleting is a matter of changing its IMAP access to your account. Unlike the iPhone, the Pre lacks a "Move to Folder" action, so getting email into your All Mail folder is even more crucial.
Tech blogger Lisa Brewster points out that by opening your Pre's Mail application, heading to Preferences and Accounts, and then choosing your Gmail account, you can set your Trash folder to [Gmail]/All Mail
, which, in effect, makes deleting an email an archive action instead.
Got another Pre-to-Gmail request or trick to share? Tell us about it in the comments. Thanks for the tip, David!
Palm Pre Gmail archive hack [Lisa Brewster]