In 1904, Bayard Wootten, a divorced single mother in North Carolina, first borrowed a camera. She went on to make more than a million images.Read more »
In 1904, Bayard Wootten, a divorced single mother in North Carolina, first borrowed a camera. She went on to make more than a million images.Read more »
In 1904, Bayard Wootten, a divorced single mother in North Carolina, first borrowed a camera. She went on to make more than a million images.Read more »
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Roy Baizan has been chronicling the rock, punk, rap, trap and hip-hop scene in the Bronx, including shows produced by a new collective, Hydro Punk.Read more »
João Pina’s photographs of Rio de Janeiro show how life remained a struggle for many residents during Brazil’s boom years. His book’s title? “46570,” a reference to the number of murders in the city in the decade leading up to the 2016 Olympic Games.Read more »
A collection of images showcases the intensity of the Gold Rush in the 19th century, around the same time the daguerreotype enjoyed a similar surge in popularity. Some of the images evoke a certain Brooklyn demographic.Read more »
Sebastian Hidalgo documents Pilsen, the old Chicago neighborhood where he grew up, hoping to capture the community before it is altered by rapid gentrification.Read more »
The civil rights leader was stabbed, honored and given a student pastoral assignment. He also led one of his biggest marches, against the war.Read more »
Through interpretive photos, Mara Sanchez Renero explored her conversations and encounters with Afro-Mexicans in various communities in the Costa Chica region of Guerrero and Oaxaca.Read more »
Andras Bankuti’s images of Hungary straddle the country’s complex communist period, showing struggling families, rousing political gatherings and a punk movement. Read more »
Lens is the photojournalism blog of The New York Times, presenting the finest and most interesting visual and multimedia reporting -- photographs, videos and slide shows. A showcase for Times photographers, it also seeks to
highlight the best work of other newspapers, magazines and news and picture agencies; in print, in books, in galleries, in museums and on the Web. And it will draw on The Times's own pictorial archive, numbering in
the millions of images and going back to the early 20th century. E-mail us tips, story suggestions and ideas to [email protected].