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Related to Supplemental: Supplemental Security Income


adj. referring to anything that is added to complete something, particularly a document such as a supplemental declaration, supplemental complaint, supplemental answer, supplemental claim.

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.

SUPPLEMENTAL. That which is added to a thing to complete it as a supplemental affidavit, which is an additional affidavit to make out a case; a supplemental bill. (q.v.)

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
This supplemental cash dividend is in addition to the previously announced regular monthly cash dividends that Main Street declared for the second quarter of 2019 of USD 0.60 per share, or USD 0.20 per share for each of April, May and June 2019.
It has determined that submitted additional information is required to constitute a major amendment to the supplemental NDA, enabling it to extend the PUDFA goal date by three months.
DOH officials told senators the biggest allocation of P945.8 million for medical assistance is expected to stretch up to five years, adding that Dengvaxia ID cards are also being funded from the supplemental budget being earmarked in the supplemental budget will be sturdier than the Dengvaxia cards released by the agency last January.
"We have written the Senate, urging them to also approve their version of the supplemental budget, but the latest information is they are still in the period of interpellation.
The remaining 50% of the purchase price will be paid when Webpro has achieved a specified volume of installed base which generates an increase in the company's future recurring income, according to terms and conditions which have been specified in more detail in the supplemental agreement.
'It's difficult to initiate and pass a supplemental budget, [as it] requires that the executive should identify the source of financing.
By the time the P1.16-billion supplemental budget was presented for sponsorship by Legarda, it was already past two in the morning and there were no longer enough senators to constitute a quorum.
'As of today, we have not yet received the Supplemental Budget for 2018.
The supplemental software update is clocking in at 623.9 megabytes, and it is free to download, as per ( AppleInsider . 
Just over $63 billion of that figure was eligible for either defeasance or for incurring supplemental debt.
At the end of a three-day meeting held in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, the Sudan Call they will propose a supplemental document to the AUHIP, and would reassess their position from the Roadmap Agreement according to its feedback.
It is the straight forward addition of supplemental recreational oxygen that helps the body remove any excess carbon dioxide, replace any lost oxygen, and form carbon dioxide to aid delivery of oxygen to the cells.

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