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To formally create a corporation pursuant to the requirements prescribed by state statute; to confer a corporate franchise upon certain individuals.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


v. 1) to obtain an official charter or articles of incorporation from the state for an organization, which may be a profit-making business, a professional business such as a law office or medical office, or a non-profit entity which operates for charitable, social, religious, civic or other public service purposes. The process includes having one or more incorporators (most states require a minimum of three for profit-making companies), choose a name not currently used (nor confusingly similar) by any corporation, prepare articles, determine who will be responsible for accepting service of process, decide on the stock structure, adopt a set of by-laws, file the articles with the Secretary of State of the state of incorporation, and hold a first meeting of incorporators to launch the enterprise. Other steps follow such as electing a board of directors, selecting officers, issuing stock according to state laws and, if there is going to be a stock offering to the public, following the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and/or the State Corporations Commissioner. If the corporation is non-profit, it will have to apply for non-profit status with the home state, and may, if desired, also apply to the Internal Revenue Service for federal non-profit recognition, both of which require detailed explanations of the intended operation of the organization. 2) to include into a unit. (See: corporation, stock, incorporation, incorporate by reference)

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
All organizations want world-class quality levels, but achieving those quality levels requires a holistic view of quality that incorporates leadership support, repeatable and measurable quality processes and controls, resource planning, vision, customer support, and service-level management.
The SDLT design incorporates the Magneto Resistive Cluster (MRC) head design into LGMR assembly along with the Pivoting Optical Servo.
Finally, the responses reveal that providers base decisions on whether to incorporate new services on several factors: demand for the service, the providers' commitment to offering comprehensive health care to their clients and economic considerations.
Media are blasted into the blast cabinet using the JWL-401 Jet Wheel that is said to incorporate superior blast wheel design technology.
While there are many assessment forms and tools used by nutrition professionals across the nation, registered dietitians have desperately needed a comprehensive tool that supports the MDS format, incorporates best practices, permits accurate determination of nutritional risk and promotes effective time management for medical record documentation.
Executives decided to incorporate the Balanced Scorecard into Fortis Excellence, the company's own business model for strategic planning.
Sections four and five incorporate the work of Sergey N.
The towers all incorporate a plinth of seven car parking floors with generous covered and naturally ventilated entrance courts, together with retail facilites such as banking halls and restaurants at ground level.
I am asking for a layer in which we can see not only Corbu's white city but Jacobs' functional place, in which we can incorporate our discrepancy just as readily as we demand diversity.
17 May 2019 - Utah, US-based corporate massage and wellness company Incorporate Massage has acquired New York, US-based chair massage services provider Selah Bodyworks, the company said.
Known as "LEED Law" it requires all construction projects incorporate the environmental strategies to meet sustainability goals and principles of the green design to save energy, conserve water, contribute to a safe, healthy indoor environment and protect the natural resources by incorporating use of rapidly renewable environmentally friendly materials integrated in the sustainable design principles.
They need to recognize and incorporate into their thinking--both within and outside the classroom--other key stakeholders in the academic enterprise: parents, communities, and employers.