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An attorney or lawyer. The rendition of advice and guidance concerning a legal matter, contemplated form of argument, claim, or action.The terms counsel and advise are frequently employed as synonyms for the term aid and abet to describe a person who, while not actually performing a criminal act, induced its performance or contributed to it.

The term junior counsel refers to the younger member of the team of attorneys retained on the same side of a case, or the one lower in the hierarchy of the firm, or one who is assigned to the preparation or trial of less significant aspects of the case.

The term of counsel refers to the description given to an attorney who is not the principal lawyer in charge of a case but who merely contributes his advice on the way it should be handled.

Where of counsel follows an attorney's name on a letterhead or office sign, this designation indicates that the person is employed by the firm primarily as a consultant on specialized matters, not as a full-time partner or associate.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1) n. a lawyer, attorney, attorney-at-law, counsellor, counsellor-at-law, solicitor, barrister, advocate or proctor (a lawyer in admiralty court), licensed to practice law. In the United States they all mean the same thing. 2) v. to give legal advice. 3) v. in some jurisdictions, to urge someone to commit a crime, which in itself is a crime. (See: attorney)

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.


another name for a BARRISTER or ADVOCATE.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006

COUNSEL. Advice given to another as to what he ought to do or not to do.
     2. To counsel another to do an unlawful act, is to become accessory to it, if it be a felony, or principal, if it be treason, or a misdemeanor. By the term counsel is also understood counsellor at law. Vide To open; Opening.

COUNSEL, an officer of court. One who undertakes to conduct suits and actions in court. The same as counsellor.

COUNSEL, practice, crim. law. In the oath of the grand jurors, there is a provision requiring them to keep secret "the commonwealth's counsel, their fellows, and their own." In this sense this word is synonymous with knowledge; therefore, all the knowledge acquired by grand jurors, in consequence of their office, either from the officers of the commonwealth, from their fellow jurors, or which they have obtained in any manner, in relation to cases which come officially before them, must be kept secret. See Grand Jury.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
The second asset in the triple threat trial counsel portfolio is that of diplomacy.
The Office of Chief Counsel requested comments on the new procedures by taxpayers and practitioners, and accordingly stated that the procedures will not become effective until the annual revenue procedure dealing with such guidance is revised and issued at the end of 2006.
In general, when an insurance company retains defense counsel to represent a policyholder pursuant to the insurer's duty to defend, defense counsel's primary allegiance is to the insured.
The failure to delineate the different parts of the exchange with counsel may jeopardize privilege protection for the entire exchange.
On October 15, 2004, Respondent through counsel filed an answer to the original Notice ("Answer"), along with a timely request for a hearing on the civil money penalty.
The 1836 Prisoners' Counsel Act was an important landmark in the progression of the criminal trial, as it gave the accused access to all depositions and a copy of the indictment sworn against them, recognized the defendant's right to have legal counsel, and perhaps most importantly, permitted that counsel to address the jury on behalf of his client.
As the Tax Court noted, under the ADEA the prevailing plaintiff, not his or her counsel, is entitled to attorneys' fees.
County Bar, denial of the right to counsel occurs "whenever we take clients."
Thus, once a criminal case has been initiated, (5) a defendant has a right to the assistance of counsel at all critical stages (6) of that prosecution.
On this type of issue, local counsel can serve a particularly valuable function in advising foreign creditors on how the local insolvency laws are actually applied in practice.