"Judges have been appointed to settle that matter," said the
Governor. "They will presently come in steamers and hear the witnesses."
Hence it appears that, except as to the concurrent authority of the President in the article of treaties, it would be difficult to determine whether that magistrate would, in the aggregate, possess more or less power than the
Governor of New York.
see here, senor
governor, the shamelessness and boldness of this villain, who in the middle of the town, in the middle of the street, wanted to take from me the purse your worship bade him give me."
governor, at my request, gave the sign for Caesar and Brutus to advance towards us.
"We shall see," said the inspector; then, turning to the
governor, "On my word, the poor devil touches me.
While this cry was at the loudest, the people were surprised by the well-known figure of
Governor Bradstreet himself, a patriarch of nearly ninety, who appeared on the elevated steps of a door, and, with characteristic mildness, besought them to submit to the constituted authorities.
Really, my dear
governor, I begin to think you are acting ceremoniously with me."
The period during which the
governors sat in our chair was not very full of striking incidents.
With many variations, suggested by the nature of his building materials, diversity of climate, and a different mode of social life,
Governor Bellingham had planned his new habitation after the residences of gentlemen of fair estate in his native land.
Governor,' replied Mr Riderhood, mollified and mysterious, 'I know wot it is to be loud, and I know wot it is to be soft.
A few minutes later the
Governor received Alpatych and hurriedly said to him:
"And about the
Governor at tea time," chuckled unrepentant Dan.